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June 27, 1939 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1939-06-27

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Or Sabotage?


Official Publication Of The Summer Session





nts Get

Pollock Sees European Empire
As Goal Of Hitler's Conquests

) Gift
sign Goes
t School;

Public Health
e of gifts totalling $30,-
g the title of one college
'rsity, transfer of depart-
he appointments to sev-
featured the June meet-
Regents held last week.
;alling $25,500 from the
es Public Health Service
bulk of the gifts. The
be used to continue pre-
'ncation and training of
h personnel under the
rity Act.
e John and Mary R.
idation of New York, $2,-
ived to aid Prof. Norman
in his studies of neurotic
gifts included $2,000
iipment for the cyclotron
)etroit Edison Company
smaller donations.
nsfer Department
rtment of landscape de-
ly in the literary college,
rred to the College of
In view of this change,
title of that College was
College of Architecture
The chairman of the de-
'rof. Harlow 0. Whitte-
nade an ex-officio men-
xecutive committee of the
Architecture and Design,
lgets of the department
hat of the Nichols Arbor-
is administered by the
were also transferred to
tural school. The degree
e year course was also
d will now be Bachelor of
architecture. The depart-
e known as the depart-
Landscape Architecture

Racial Unity Only Screen,
Professor Tells Group
At Opening Lecture
Picturing a power-mad Hitler seek-
ing to resurrect the Holy Roman
Empire with the sword, Prof. James
K. Pollock of the political' science
department opened the Summer Ses-
sion lecture series before a near
capacity audience in the Rackham
Auditorium yesterday.
"The Pan-German dream of a cen-
tury to dominate as its 'lebendsraum'
the whole of Eastern Europe appears
to be revived," he declared.
Exploding the Nazi myth of a cru-
sade for the unification of all Ger-
manic peoples in a Great Reich, Pro-
fessor Pollock cited the rajpe of
Czechoslovakia and Hitler's long
record of broken promises in which
he repudiated territorial guarantees
made by speech, interview and treaty.
Hitler's real purpose, he said, is
not "reunion" but to acquire "instru-
ments of power" with which to domi-
nate Europe. He quoted Hitler's
declaration of Germany's need for
territory beyond mere economic wants
to protect her new gains.
Once acquired, he declared, the na-
(tions on which Hitler has designs
will not be admitted to citizenship
in the Reich but will be governedaon
the basis of economic and labor
The secret of Hitler's bloodless
conquests, he said, lay in intimidation
followed by "piecemeal demands."

n'y. ...fl.JJ U... I
Mrs Edward L. Adams of Ann
Arbor was appointed to the Board of
Governors of Betsy Barbour Resi-
dence House for a four-year term'.
Mrs. Shirley W. Smith and Mrs. Clif-
ford Woody were appointed to the1
same position for Adelia Cheever1
House for three years. Mrs. C. E.
Frazer Clark of Detioit and Miss
Sophia Refior of Toledo were ap--
pointed to the Alumni House Board
for three yearst Mrs. J. Griffith Hays
of Ann Arbor was appointed to the
Board of'Helen Newberry House for
five years. And Mrs. Howard Y. Mc-
Clusky and Mrs. William Walz were
(Continued on Page 6)
Peru Tremors.
Kill Eighteen:
Officials Plea For Medical
Aid ForInjured
LIMA, Peru, June 26.-(P)-Re-
ports from the eastern slope of the
Andes told of continuing earthquakes
today, with at least 18 killed and 40
injured in shocks that started Fri-
day night.
Pomacanchis, prosperous little
mountain town, was a heap of ruins
and so was Chuquicahuana.
Apparently the shocks were most
violent in the small region embrac-
ing those places, as no damage was
reported nearby.
The dead and injured were count-
ed at Pomacanchis .;the number of
casualties at Chuquicahuana was not
Authorities in the wrecked area
asked medical aid, and officials of
the department of Cuzco reported
troops, nurses and food were sent.
Governors Are Split Over
Public Works Spending
ALBANY, N.Y., June 26-VP)-New
Deal Federal public works spending
today split 22 governors into strict
party camps as Republican Raymond
E. Baldwin,sConnecticut, scored such
"pump priming" as "Governnent
competition with private industry."
New York's Herbert H. Lehman,
heir to the office abandoned by
President Roosevelt when he moved

Frele Dancing r
After Reception
League And Union Open
Ballrooms To Students ;t
To Serve Refreshments;
Both League and Union ballroomse
will be open for free dancing follow-
ing the faculty reception for stu-
dents Friday in the Rackham Build-
ing, according to an announcement
yesterday by Miss Ethel McCor-
mick, social director of the League.
The reception will begin at 8:30.
p.m. In the receiving line will be
President Ruthven, the Regents and
All students, both men and <
women, interested in working on
the social committee of the League
are asked to meet Betty Kepler,
'41, social chairman, between t
3:30 and 4:30 p.m. today in
the League undergraduate of--
fice. Duties of the social com-
rnittee include introducing people 1
and getting everyone acquainted
at the League dances. No experi-
ence is necessary.
the Deans of the University. Dif-
ferent sections of the Rackham
Building will be devoted to the va-
rious departments and colleges in
the University.
Dancing will begin at the League
and Union at 9 p.m. Earl Stevensj
and his 10-piece orchestra will play
at the League and Bill Boyd and his
orchestra at the Union. In addition
to dancing , bridge and other games
will be played. Refreshments will
be served. The reception and dance
are informal.
Prison Employees
Off Civil Service
LANSING, June 26. -('),- The
State Corrections Commission voted
today, 3 to 2, to request the Civil
Service Commission to remove from
the Merist System approximately 140
employes including prison wardens,
deputies and administrative staff of-
This covers wardens at the State
Prison of Southern Michigan, the
Marquette Branch, and Ionia Re-
formatory, and their deputies and
secretaries, as well as chaplains, doc-
tors, stewards, psychiatrists, educa-
tional directors, farm superintend-
ents, and probation and parole offi-
Labor Accuses Lewis
Of Stopping Labor Peace
WASHINGTON, June 2.-(P)-The
American Federation of Labor accused
John L. Lewis today of being "unwill-

Once a nation has capitulated before
the threat of violence, he quoted
from Mein Kampf, it considers these
piecemeal demands "not worth re-
Labeling such methods "uncivil-
ized," Professor Pollock blamed them
for the 'enormous armaments" and
state of confusion in the world today.
"Th'us it is left to one man," he
said, "to determine whether we shal
have peace or war."
Forecasting der Feuhrer's most like-
ly moves in the near future, Professor
Pollock mentioned Danzig as a pow-
der keg likely to set off a general
conflagration. Poland's days as the
fastest growing power in Europe
would be numbered without Danzig,
he pointed out. Thus emasculation of
Poland by annexing Danzig, already
thoroughly Germanized, might well
be the next blow in Hitler's cam-
(continued on Page 4)
Jap Blockade
Of French And
British Holds
Negotiations May Settle
Dispute Over Tientsin
Concession Rights
TIENTSIN, June 27 -()- The
Japanese blockade of the British, and
French concessions here went into
its 14th day amid a sudden rush of
rumors that negotiations were under
way to settle the British-Japanese
According to the reports, which
could'not be confirmed, Wang Keh-
Min, head of the Japanese-fostered
government at Peiping, has arrived
here to attempt to negotiate a settle-
ment through Wen Shih-Tseng, the
Chinese mayor of the Japanese-con-
trolled portion of Tientsin.
They asserted the Japanese, grow-
Lng tired of the two-weeks-old dead-
ock, were seeking a way out of the
crisis and turned to their Peiping
puppet regime to save face for the
local Japanese army authorities.
(A ports circulated in London
Monday that Britain and Japan had
agreed to open negotiations in Tokyo
within 48 hours, but the Foreign
Office would neither confirm nor
deny them. These reports said the
Japanese had agreed to lift the Tient-
sin blockade soon after the beginning
of the negotiations.)
T h e British-Japanese quarrel,
which began with a Japanese de-
mand that the British turn over to
them four alleged terrorists who were
in the British concession, since has
widened into a test of Britain's en-
tire Far Eastern policy. When the
British declined to turn over the
accused men without a hearing by a
neutral board, the Japanese imposed
(Continued on Page 2) {
Gudakunst Asks
Merit Selection
Health Post Should Not Be
Political,_He Says
LANSING, June 26.-(P)-Dr. Don
W. Gudakunst, who will step down
from the office of State Health Com-
missioner July 1 to be succeeded by
Governor Dickinson's personal physi-
cian, Dr. H. A. Moyer of Charlotte,
issued a public plea tonight for the
removal of the post from politics.
"The appointment by the Governor
of a new state health commissioner
has brought out one most important
point that is a fundamental fault
in the present method of appointing
the Michigan health commissioner,"
Dr. Gudakunst-said.
"There is urgent need for a change

in. the law in respect'tothis impor-
tant appointment. The health of
the public canhbe safeguarded in
proportion to the skill, ability and
training of the director of the state
health program."
Dr. Gudakunst endorse dthe rec-
ommendation of the American Pub-
lic Health Association, in a recent
survey of Michigan public health
work, that the state council of health
be made responsible for the appoint-
ment; subject to the Governor's ap-
proval and with regard to qualifica-
tions established by the association
The association recommended a five-
year term, with removal only for

Sen. Thomas
Views Orient
In Talk Today
Asia's Plan In Curricula
To Be Topic Of Speech
In Rackham Building
Speaks Tomorrow
And Thursday Also
First in a series of three lectures on
the Far East by Sen. Elbert D. Thom-
as of Utah will be "The Place of
Asia in Our University Curricula" at
8 p.m. today in the lecture hall of
the Rackham Building.
Senator Thomas is chairman of

the Senate Labor!
Committee, and a
Foreign Relations C
Unitied States Sena
many years as a mi,
dent of the Far East
a number of books i
tical problems.
With Ins

and Education
member of the
ommittee of the
e. He has'spent
sionary and stu-
and has written
n Oriental poli-

Appearing as par of the Institute
of Far Eastern udies Senator
Thomas will discu the problems
and various aspects of the Asia's place
in the curricula of a University. Two
further lectures will be given by
Senator Thomas. At IIpm. tomorrow
he will speak on "Te Far East and
the World" and Thurday on "Amer-
ca and the Far East."
Senator Thomas Views
Far Eastern Situation
Labor, education, te Far East and
football are primary interests of Sen.
Elbert D. Thomas of Utah, he ex-
plained to a Daily interviewer yes-
terday. Senator Thomas, a Demo-
cratic member of the Senate since
1933, will speak here today, tomorrow
and' Thursday on Far Eastern prob-
Two of the world's most unpredict-
able questions, he saidr are the pres-
ent Far Eastern crisis and the possi-.
bility of a third term for President
To Control Convention
There can be no doubt that Presi-
dent Roosevelt will retain control of
his party convention, Senator Thom-
as stated, citing similar situations
as evidence. But the question of whe-
ther the country would react favor-
ably can only be answered at the
polls, he said, and he added that only
President Roosevelt can answer the
question of whether dr not he in-
tends to be'come a candidate. Sena-
tor Thomas preferred not to specu-
late on whom another Democratic
candidate might be.
While nations a generation ago
might have jumped into war under
conditions paralleling those at Tient-
sin today, the modern tendency to
count costs and avoid armed conflict
when possible makes it even more
difficult to forecast results, Senator
Thomas stated. esides being chair-
man of the Senate Labor and Educa-
tion Committee, he is a member of
the Foreign Relations Committee,
has spent many years as a mission-
ary and student of the Far East and
has written a number of books on
oriental political problems, one of
them in Japanese.
Treaties Forgotten
Treaty rights in China dating from
1858, held by England, France and
the United States, should under in-
ternational law be upheld by Japan
as a "protector," Senator Thomas
said, but he added that in a world
where international law was largely
ignored, these treaty rights might
better be forgotten.
China was attempting to gradually
push the one-sided treaties out of
force, however, he explained, and if
Japan can be made to uphold them,
the three Western nations will be
better off. It remains to be seen, he
said, whether. Japan will go on in
Shanghai and the other great cities
of China as she has in Tientsin, with
regard to the rights of other nations
and whether she will set up a puppet
state as in Manchukuo, or leave gar-
risons to enforce the long-awaitec
unification of China.
President Roosevelt
Goes Fishing For Troul
HYDE PARK, N.Y., June 26.-(jP)-
President Roosevelt went fishing to-
From mid-afternoon until dinne
f-4..,. ha. Qn-,.nn a cQhAM hankrnat

Curtis To Sho~w
Movies Of Sun
TodayIn Talk,
Astronomy Head To Speak
At 5 P.M. In Second
Lecture Of Summer
"Recent Studies of the Sun" will
be the topic of the second Summer
Session lecture to be delivered by
Prof. Heber D. Curtis, director of the
University's McMath-Hulbert Ob-
servatory, at 5 p.m. today in the
Rackham auditorium.
Professor Curtis, head of the De-
partment of Astronomy and prom-
inent in the field of research, will
build his talk around actual motion
pictures of solar phenomena on the
surface of the sun.
These motion pictures are unique
in the field of astronomy. No other
observatory has instrumentation for
similar motion pictures of solar phe-
nomena. Developed at the Univer-
sity in 1936, the process of record-
ing actual movements of solar bodies
is considered one of the outstanding
contributions to the scientific study
of astronomy in recent years.
The pictures are considered espe-
cially valuable from an educational
standpoint for they enable audiences
to see condensed into a few second
movements and scenes extending
over long periods and present gra-
phically phenomena otherwise diffi-
cult to visualize.
The films, when projected under
proper conditions, exhibit scenes of
grandeur and radically change pre-
conceived notions of the surface of a
star as shown by "still" photographs.
The Day
In Washington ..-.
(By Associated Press)
The Senate passed monetary
legislation already approved by the
House, but eliminated the Presi-
dent's authority to devalue the
dollar further, fixed 77.57 cents
an ounce as the price for newly
mined domestic silver and ended
Ireasury purchases of foreign sil-
A Senate appropriations sub-
committee approved the $1,735,-
000,000 relief bill passed by the
House, but deleted provisions ear-
marking $125,000,000 for Works
projects and -substituting a three-
man board for the present single
A joint Senate-House confer-
ence on TVA legislation failed to
adjust differences in bills passed
by the Chambers, and Senator
Norris (Ind.-Neb.) said there was
"no possibility of agreement."

Speaks Today

* * *

Scandals Rock
BATON ROUGE, La., June 26-
(A)-Earl K. Long was sworn in as
Governor of Louisiana at 7:15 p.m.
tonight after Gov. Richard W. Leche
stepped down as a climax to a day of
swiftly moving developments ob-
scured by mystery, scandal and em-
bezzlement charges..
Leche, as chief executive, accepted
his own resignation by proclamation
effective at, 7 p.m. and Long was,
sworn in immediately in hastily ar-
ranged ceremonies at the Governor's
Long, who served as Lieutenant
Governor under Leche, took over the
chief executive's post in an atmos-
phere of confusion and uncertaint3
which shook the old strongly en-
trenched political dynasty of his bro-
ther, Huey P. Long to its very foun-
Long Impatient
Scandal and mystery rocked Huey
Long's strongly-entrenched Louisi-
ana political dynasty today while
his brother impatiently waited to
become governor..
State police late today reported to
Gov. Richard W. Leche they= were
without clues to whereabouts of Dr.
James Monroe Smith, president of
Louisiana State University, who van
fished at dusk last night just before
Leche announced "financial irregu-
larities which may reach, a total of
several hundred thousand dollars"
in university affairs..
Smith disappeared immediately af-
ter turning in his resignation to
Governor Leche, thus creating a new
sensation in the swift-moving po-
litical drama here as Leche called off,
his announced resignation and said
he would retainIcontrol pending in-
Board Meets With Leche
Late today the University Board of
Supervisors met with Leche to go
over auditors' reports which. informed
persons said showed unauthorized is-
sue of University bonds that might

total up to $750,000.
-TheLL myy f Smith 'sdisappear
ance, apparently with his wife and
another couple, was heightened by
the cryptic remark of one official
here today that despite the asserted
"irregularities" the university "might
not lose - a single cent."
Smith handled the expenditure oft
more than $13,500,000 in building up.
the university from enrollment of
less than 2;000 to more than 8,000t
since he was put in as president by.
Huey Long in 1930.
Police Watch
Police throughout the state1
watched highways and trains for
Smith. The man who py his owna
statement made it his creed to "get
along with the politicians" appar-1
ently 'began to slip in Adminisra-
tion grace last week when he said
university sale of material for pri-
vate purposes was not its policy and
would be stopped.
This statement was in disagree-
ment with a previous explanation by
Governor Leche defending use of
university trucks in delivery of.
university-fabricated material to a
building site near New Orleans,
owned by a close friend of the gov-
Anxious politicians streamed into,
the governor's mansion today for
conferences with the chief executive,
who several days ago said he would,
quit today because of ailing health
and a desire to travel.
Dean Mayer Dies
AUSTIN, Tex., June 26.-(P)-Will
H. Mayes, 78 years old, dean of the
University of Texas School of Jour-
nalism, died today. He was lieuten-
ant governor of Texas from 1912 to
1914. He also was a former president
of the National Editorial Association.


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Senate Group
To PegDollar
East-West Coalition Kills
Two Other Provisions
Of Administration's Bill
Purchase Of Foreign
Silver Is Forbidden
WASHINGTON, June 26.-(A)-
Hard-money Republicans from the
east and silverites and currency ex-
pansionists from the west merged
into a strange Senate alliance to-
day to riddle the Administration's -
Monetary Bill with amendments
highly unpopular at the White House
and Treasury.
When the confusion of a hectic
day's session had subsided and Sen-
ator Barkley (Dem., Ky.), the Dem-
ocratic leader, had wiped the last
drop of perspiration from his brow
after three merciless \defeats, this
unusual coalition had:
Stripped -the Monetary Bill of all
authorization for a further devalua-
tion of the dollar by President -
Amendment Added
Added, an amendment to require
that the Treasury pay 77.57 cents an
ounce for the product of the western
silver, mines, giving the silver bloc -
a stunning: victory in its fight for
an increase over the present rate of
64.64, cents.
Written in a provision forbidding
any continuation of the Administra-
tion's policy of buying foreign silver..
About all that remained of the
original bill was its authority for
the Treasury to - continue for two
years- the life of the $2,000,000,000 -
International Exchange Stabilization
It was not a "deal" that brought

Senators Delighted
The silver-state Senators were, of
course, delighted. For a week they
had been filibustering, threatening
the enactment of bills urgently want-
ed by the administration. Tljeir aim
was to force the Treasury to in-
crease the silver figure.
With today's developments, the
filibuster halted-but possibly only
temporarily. As passed by the House,
the Monetary Bill contained no pro-
vision for the silver price, and no
prohibition upon a continuation of
the foreign silver purchasing pro-
gram. It did authorize continuance
of the devaluation powers.
Compromise Needed
Consequently, agents of the House
and Senate must now try to strike a
compromise on the changes made
by the Senate. Realizing that the
silver price amendment could be
thrown out in that process, the sil-
verites spoke words of ominous warn-
Senator Pittman (Dem., Nev.), an-
other silver leader, was even more
specific. If the conferees threw out
the silver price, he said, a "serious
(Continued on Page 23
League Classes
Are Held Tonight

Four State Teachers Colleges
To Offer New Graduate Work

Dancing lessons and duplicate
bridge will -be held tonight at the
League. Miss Ethel McCormick, so-
cial director of the League, will teach
classes in dancing for beginners at
7:30 p.m., tonight and every Tues-
day. Lessons for intermediates will be
given at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays. The
classes are to be held at the League
Ballroom at a charge of $1.50 for
the entire Summer Session.
Duplicate bridge under the direc-
tion of Conway Magee, research
assistant in physiology, will be held
at 8 p.m. Tuesdays in the Ethel Foun-
tain Hussey room of the League.
Bridge lessons will be given at 8 p.m.
Thursdays, also in the League.
Ferry Service At Straits
Adjusted To July Traffic
LANSING, June 26. -(P)- The
State Highway Department said to-
day that ferry service at the Straits
would be restored to normal for the
July south rush of resort traffic.
George F. Loughlin, acting super-
intendent of ferries, telegraphed G.

A unique experiment in graduate
work in the four Michigan State
Teachers Colleges is being inaugur-
ated beginning with the Summer Ses-
sion, according to Prof. Clifford
Woody of the School of Education
who has been appointed Graduate
Adviser to Teachers Colleges.
The University Regents, in July,
1938, passed a resolution approving
a formal request from the State
Board of Education that the Uni-

and is interchangeable with work
taken here on campus. Degrees for
this work are granted by the Uni-
versity. They are Master of Arts or
Master of Science.
Determination of the need for
graduate courses to be offered at the
four colleges, ascertainment of the
adequacy of library facilities for
graduate research work and the selec-
tion of staff members to give the
proposed courses were made by the
Council and the Adviser. Outlines of

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