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July 29, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1939-07-29

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Movie Star Puts On The Dog

Second English Diplomatic Tomato
Department Tea
Is Wtell Attended

Movie Star Gary Cooper and his socially prominent wife, Sandra
Shaw, are seen attending the Southampton Kennel Club show at
Southampton. The Coopers are spending the summer season on Long
Island, N.Y.

.s C. McMath, Honorary Curator of nickel, platinum, carbon, iridium.
ie Observatory and a member of Metallurgists have become interested
ae staff of the McMath-Hulbert Ob- in the combination of iron and nickel
trvatory at Lake Angelus. found in meteorites because of its
Meter Crater is located in Northern durability.
rizona. The crater is 3,800 feet in Although this is the first time this
ameter, its walls are 600 feet deep, summer that, the Observatory has
ad the floor of the crater is below held an official open house, the Ob-
he level of the surrounding country. servatory is open to visitors from 3:30
[any believe that this crater is due p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through
the impact of a great meteorite or Friday.
swarm of meteorites.A
This specimen was found on the Among those present at the open
irface of the ground about 31 /2house were: Dorothy Arms, Gordon'
iiles southeast of the crater. It is Hoyt, Betty Euller, Robert Feamster,
stimated to be several thousands of Grace Richmond, Mable Herkner,
ears old. It weighs 210 pounds and Martha Hanf, Louise Horner and Mir-
onsists of several metals as: iron, iam Farwell.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday.

Miss Bowling
Wins Golf Title'
Defeats Elsie Michalke In
Last-Minute Rally
Maurine Bowling won the women's
open singles golf championship yes-
terday when she defeated Elsie Mi-
chalke by a score of 60 to 62 on the
University Course.
The match was close all the way,
and Miss Michalke led by one stroke
when the two teed off on the ninth
hole. However, Miss Bowling, a
summer school student from the
University of Oklahoma, finished up
on the ninth green with a two-
stroke advantage over her opponent.
Miss Bowling had previously de-
feated Miss Jean Johnson in the
semi-finals after defeating Elizabeth
This tournament was one in the
series of All-Campus Women's Sport
Tournaments sponsored by the Wom-
en's Physical Education Department
under the direction of Miss Hilda V.
Dental Slogan Proposed
BERKELEY, Calif., July 28.-(P)-!
A new dental slogan-"An Unsweet-
ened Tooth Cannot Decay"-was
proposed to the Pacific Science Con-
gress today by Dr. L. M. Waugh of
the Columbia University School of
Dental and Oral Surgery.

Prof. Warner Rice Talks;
Teaching Of English In
High School Discussed
More than 100 persons attended
the weekly discussion and tea for
students of the English department
held at 3:15 p.m. yesterday in the
Assembly Hall of the Rackham Build-
"We teachers have the responsi-
bility of doing something about the
betrayal of education when it be-
comes social service," Prof. Warner
G. Rice of the English department
warned those present.
One of the main problems facing
high 'school English teachers today is
the question of dealing with those
who are preparing for college and
those who are not, Professor Rice
said. There is a real division between
the two groups, and the teacher must
decide whether or not he considers'
a good education an education for a,
higher education, Professor Rice con-
Speaking about the use of literary
material, he warned high school
English teachers against letting lists
of books furnished by college pro-
fessors become mere amulets behind
which the real idea is lost. Teachers
should be more thorough in their
use of texts, according to Professor
An open discussion, led by Miss
Angelina McPhail, followed Profes-
sor Rice's talk. The main topic was.
the goals to be achieved in the teach-
ing of English in the secondary
school. The importance of literature
as vicarious experience and its value
in the .enrichment of the individual
was brought out by members of the
group. The question of the division
between students preparing for col-
lege and those who are not was also
This was the second in a .series of
teas and discussions sponsored by
the English Department. Miss An-
gelina McPhail is chairman of the
series, and is assisted by the follow-
ing committee: Miss Grace Ander-
son, Miss Jane Hicks, F. W. Whit-
man, Earl W. Smith and Francis
Reed. Faculty members include Prof.
Louis I. Bredvold, Prof. Warner G.
Rice, Dean Erich A. Walter, Prof.
Mentor L. Williams and Prof. Ben-
nett Weaver.
Velma West Suffers
Heart Attack In Dallas
DALLAS, July 28. --()- Velma
West, Ohio's hammer murderess, suf-
fered a heart seizure in her jail cell
here today.
Dr. Horace Duncan, county health
officer, said however, her condition
was not serious enough to prevent
her leaving on the return trip to the
Ohio reformatory at Marysville late
this afternoon.

By MARTY GRAHAM final analysis, you alone can be the
In mid-summer, as in the coldest judge, but if you feel that you know
1toltle about what is becomingan
days of December. all young girls'too little and hathasb'tomhn tn
thoughts dwell on clothes. But it to a critical girl friend. Men do a
isn't, or rather shouldn't be, so much lot of talking about clothes, and they
whether or not exclamations over a know if you're making the most of
new frock will arise from Tom, Dick what you've got, but very few of them
or Harry (as the case may be. and can really tell you how to attain this
we won't press the issue). It's does end result.
this dress do something for you. If If your girl friends are the type who
not don't buy it. will rave over anything you put on,
Or, if you already have sunk your knowing deep down in their hearts
savings in a new little gown because that it either turns you mouse grey
it's red and that's his favorite color, or makes you look ridiculous then it's
tuck it away in the darkest corner your turn to settle down and learn
of your closet and forget about it. In what type of clothes you should wear
all probability unless you're a bru- depending upon your individual fig-
nette with vivid coloring, red makes ure, face, coloring and personality.
you look like a young lobster out on First of all you should adopt a basic
a tear, so don't wear it. color for your wardrobe and stick to
Again, maybe someone told you It. The most popular hue, of course,
that you look well in brown, green, it.nThymothplarenofndorse,
pink or any of a number of other is navy, with black, green and brown
colors, but if you yourself don't feel following closely on its heels. Remem-
that the color of each and every dress ber, a compromise won't do. You must
in your wardrobe highlights your choose one good solid color and build
good features and shades your poorthe rest of your outfits around it.
ones, don't wear it. Naturally, in the The outcome will be, a wardrobe of

Saucy Judith Wright, 18, of El-
wood, Ind., new national tomato
queen, shows diplomacy worthy of
a queen. Shy won't say which to
say: tomay-to or tomah-to!

Dotted Swiss In Pastel Shades
Proves Hot Weather Favorite

Enough has been said concerning
the intensity of the summer's heat,
so let it suffice to comment that, as
the day's get hotter and hotter, the
problem of "what shall I wear" gets
more and more acute. With the many
summer sales now going on, it is an
easy matter to find a cool and crisp
looking cotton that will defy the
wilting rays of the sun.
Dotted Swiss will ever remain a
favorite and in pastel shades makes
a very attractive dress. One such
has a shirred bodice and a full skirt.
Lace trims the collar and the cuffs
of the short puffed sleeves. Small
white buttons fasten from neck-line
to hem.
Indian prints are gay and color-
ful, have very full dirndl skirts and
plain neck-lines, and are insured
against fading. Spun-rayon is strik-
ing an emphatic fashion note these
days, and campus shops are featur-
ing these in all colors. An especially
smart one is rose. It has white pearl
buttons about the size of the pro-
verbial 50-cent piece down the front.
The neck is square. A bolero white
pique jacket completes the costume.
Worn with a white picque hat it
makes a cool appearing summer out-
Stripes are being featured, in every
imaginable shade. Either striped
tops with plain skirts or vice versa
have seemed to find favor with many
a college miss. And then, there is
seer-sucker-a blessing in itself, as
it requires no ironing and never-
wrinkles. This material is being used
for golf and tennis dresses. One

seer-sucker dress, both practical and
smart, is a backless blue sports dress
until a navy-blue fitted jacket is add-
ed, and then it becomes appropritae
for classes or dates.
Blouses are cool always, and make
many different outfits, when worn
with linen, shark-skin and spun-ray-
on skirts. White voile blouses with
tucks and darts are very feminine.
Then there are the everfaithful beer-
jackets, not too cool perhaps but very
collegiate. These serve double duty
as they can be worn with skirts for
campus or with slacks for beach wear.
Many quips and pictures are their
decorations, and even the World's
Fair comes through with its many
odd modernistic shapes providing viv-
id patterns.
These are only a few suggestions
for your summer wardrobe. There
are many more hot days in the future
so you will make no mistake in pur-
chasing many more heat defying gar-
Indict Typewriter Firms
NEW YORK, July 28. --(P)- Six
typewriter manufacturing firms and
their presidents were indicted by a
Federal grand jury today for con-
spiracy to fix, prices and operate a
monopoly in he $50,000,000-a-year

School, visiting professor of Psychol-
ogy in the Summer Session, will give
a talk on "Visual and Auditory Aids
in Language Instruction" Tuesday
evening, Aug. 1, at 7:30 p.m. at the
Deutches Haus, 1315 Hill Street. All
students of German, teachers, and
others interested are invited to at-
tend. Otto G. Graf.
Symphony Orchestra Concert: The
Summer Session Symphony Orches-
tra will feature the Faculty Concert,
to be given Tuesday night, Aug. 1,
at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium.
The program will be conducted by
Thor Johnson, Conductor and Ernst
Krenek, Guest Conductor, with Mary
Fishburne, pianist. The general pub-
lic, with the exception of small chil-
dren, is invited without admission
charge, but is respectfully requested
to be seated on time.
Speech Students: A Symposium on
Graduate Studies in the field of
Speech Science will be held Wednes-
day afternoon, Aug. 2, at 4 p.m. in
Room 1025 Angell Hall. All under-
graduate students contemplating ad-
vanced degrees in Speech Science and
all graduate students studying for
advanced degrees in this field, should
be present.
G. E. Densmore.
Organ Recital. Edward Broadhead,
organist, of Durham, North Carolina,
will give a recital in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree, Wednesday
evening, Aug. 2, at 8:15 o'clock, in
Hill Auditorium. The general public
is invited to attend.
The Textbook Exhibition of the
American Institute of Graphic Arts
is on display in the library, Room
1502, University Elementary School
from Wednesday, July 26 to Friday,
August 4. Sixty textbooks for ele-
mentary and high schools, and col-
lege have been chosen to illustrate ex-
cellence in design and workmanship
of typography, illustration, and bind-
ing and their fitness to present ideas
successfully. The books may be ex-
amined from 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
from Monday through Friday and
from 8-12 Saturday morning:
The Fellowship Committee of the
Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Branch of the
American Association of University
Women will accept applications for a'
five hundred dollar ($500) gift fel-.
lowship for a woman for graduate
study at the University of Michigan
for 1939-1940. Application blanks
are to be obtained at the Graduate
School offices and are to be returned
there, complete with two letters of
recommendation from professors with
whom the student has taken work,
by Friday, Aug. 4.
Candidates for the Master's Degree
in Hisorv: Stndents taking the lan-

at the close of the Summer Session:
The Comprehensive Examination in
Education will be given on Saturday,
Aug. 5, at 9 o'clock in 1430 U.E.S.
Printed information regarding the
examination may be secured at theE
School of Education office.
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry and Music:
Each student who has changed his
address since June registration '
should file a change of address ini
Room 4 U.H., so that the report of
his summer work will not be mis-
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry and Music:
Summer Session students wishing a
transcript of this summer's work only
should file a request in Room 4, U.H.,
several days before leaving Ann Ar-
bor. Failure to file this request will
result in a needless delay of several
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service examinations. Last date
for filing application noted in each
United States Civil Service:
Tobacco Inspector, salary: $3,800,
Aug. 21.
Associate Tobacco Inspector, sal-
ary: $3,200, Aug. 21.
Assistant Tobacco Inspector, sal-
ary: $2,600, Aug. 21.
Principal Seed Technologist, sal-
ary: $5,600, Aug. 21.
Senior Seed Technologist, salary:
$4,600, Aug. 21.
Seed Technologist, salary: $3,800,
Aug. 21.
Associate Seed Technologist, sal-
ary: $3,200, Aug. 21.
Assistant Seed 'Technologist, sal-
ary: $3,200, Aug. 21.
Assistant Seed Technologist, sal-
ary: $2,600, Aug. 21.
Michigan Civil Service:
Hearings Stenographer I, salary
range: $150-190, July 31.
Instituion. Psychologist A, salary
range: $130-150, Aug. 1.
Institution Psychologist I, salary
range: $150-190, Aug. 1.
Prison Psychologist II, salary
range: $200-240, Aug. -1.
Account Clerk B, salary range:
$105-125, July 31.
Account Clerk A, salary range:
$130-150, July , 31.
Photographic Laboratory Technician
A, salary range: $130-150, Aug. 1.
Institution Maintenance Black-
smith A2, salary range: $115-135,
Aug. 7.
Dietitian A2, salary range: $115-
135, Aug. 1.
Dietitian Al, salary range: $140-
160, Aug. 1.
Dining Room Supervisor Cl, salary
__ _ - A . 1Y. ...1.. 01

t .



y 0


- C

Florida Fruit Coupe Fr
Cream of Fresh Mushroom Soup
Chicken Broth Au Rice

Branch Celery

409 South Division
Sunday 10:30
Sunday School 11:45
Free Public Reading Room, 206 E. Liberty
11:30 to 5 daily except Sunday
Until 9 P.M. on Saturdays.
1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dial 2-4466
William P. Lemon, D.D. Minister,
Hardin Van Deursen, Choir Director.
William Barnard, Organist.
Palmer Christian, Director of Music on
10:45 A. M. Morning Worship Service. Sermon
by Dr. John W. Dunning, President of
Alma College. "Divine Restoratives." Spec-
ial Music.
10:45 A. M. Nursery for those desiring to leave
their small children during the Morning
Worship Service.
10:45 A. M. Junior Church Service for all
children up to Senior High School age.
5:30 P. M. The Summer Session student
group will meet at the Council Circle for
a cost supper. The Vesper Service which
follows at 6:15 will be held in the Lewis-
Vance parlors. Miss Edith Thomas, Spec-
ial Lecturer in Library Science, will speak

Theodore Schmale, Pastor
423 South Fourth Avenue. Dial 8498

9:00 A. M. Early Service -
9:30 A. M. Church School
10:30 A. M. Morning Worship.-
"Hopes and Chains."

Conducted in

Sermon topic

State and Washington Streets
Charles W. Brashares, Minister
J. Edward Lantz


9:45 A.M. Class at Stalker Hall for Univer-
sity students led by Dr. E. W. Blakemean.
The topic is "The Crdss-First Tragedy,
then Doctrine."
10:40 A.M. Morning Worship. Dr. Brashares'
ubsject is "Totalitarian Loyalty." Mr.
Arthur Hackett is singing a solo, "The
Prayer Perfect" by Oley Speaks.
R-nn WM or Wevan Guilrl meeting at, the




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