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July 29, 1939 - Image 1

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warmer today.

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


A Lesson
For Education .

No. 29





o Lectures

Remodeling Pan-American Union
Is Requested By Professor Reeves



Lin uists
Visitors Hear Of
Tian Study And
ilms Of Larynx


Remodeling of the Pan-American
Union into a permanent "clearing
house of information" modeled after
the League of Nations Secretariat
was urged as "The Next Step In Pan
Americanism" by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves
of the political science department
yesterday in an address in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Dealing with international confer-
ences, particularly in relation to.
the Western Hemisphere, Profes-
sor Reeves stressed the need for de-
veloping a "technique that will give
concrete results, not mere sentimen-
tal declarations, toward the pro-
posed- solidarity of the western hemi-
sphere." He also advocated the
strengthening and simplificationof
international law as a bulwark
against imperialism.
The Pan American Conferences
have failed in their purpose: "the
establishment oftpeace through jus-
tice in the western hemisphere," be-
School Bands
Give Annual
Joint Concerti

bed by two invitation lec-
vening, the two-day special
ieeting of the Linguistic
America convened yester-
number of language schol-
ng from eastern and middle
>re sessions, besides the
and afternoon tea, are
for 9:15 a.m. and 2 p.m.
the Society's guest speak-
Leonard Bloomfield, chair-
linguistics department at
sity of Chicago, presented
the fourth of his weekly
ectures dealing with the
e study of the Algonkian
erivation in Algonkian,"
loonfield, "involves use of
of suffixes roughly classi-
bstract and concrete. Ab-
ixes function primarily to
the parts of speech, that
un, the particle, and the
ent kinds of verbs.
higonklan Stems
hypothetical parent stem
o- lie or to fall) may be
suffix "hshine" forming
;e intransitive verb, as in
ninee "esehsen" (he lies or

cause of faulty technique, he de-
clared. Never have all of the 21 Pan-
American republics ratified the con-
clusions of the eight conferences
which have been held over a span of
50 years, and many have signed cer-
tain of the agreements only with res-
Even though the conferences them-
selves have not achieved much in the
way of formal conclusions, the use
of documentation and publication
may serve as landmarks to point the
way toward the successs of future
conferences, Professor Reeves empha-
He cited the work of the League of
Nations Secretariat in preparation,
documentation and publication of in-
ternational conferences as a model for
the Pan-American Union. To be suc-
cessful, the work must obviously be
undertaken by # trained, permanent
staff of experts, he pointed out.
In the past, he declared, the only
preparation for Pan-American con-
ferences has been the issuance of an
agenda in handbook form for dele-
gates, while documentation and pub-
lication of discussions and conclusions
was left to the foreign office of the
nation in which the conference was
Professor Reeves minimized, how-
ever, the need for strengthening the
organization of the Pan-American
Union to such an extent that a
"Western League of Nations," mod-
eled after the League Council would
be built up.
Dr. X. J. Mlayo,
'Clinic Founder,
Dies Yesterday

Three Guest C
Lead Bands

I n Final

More than. 3,000 persons braved
threatening weather last night to
hear the combined Summer Session
and High School Clinic Bands pre-
sent their annual twilight concert at
Ferry Field, before rain materialized
during the last number and sent the
crowd scurrying for shelter.
The bands, directed by Prof. Wil-
liam D. Revelli of the music school,
were also conducted by Ralph E.
Rush, of Cleveland Heights, O., guest


-nt Causes
d Healing

Cowan Shows Movies
Second on the evening program,
Prof. J. Milton Cowan of the Univer-
sity of Iowa discused his showing of
the extraordinary moving pictures of
the larnyx recently successfully tak-
en by the Bell Telephone laboratories
and loaned to him for exhibiting in
Ann Arbor. These pictures, taken at
the rate of 4,000 frames a second,
so slow up the rate of observation
that phoneticians have been able to
learn many new impotrtant facts
about the production of human
At the afternoon session, when the
Linguistic Socety was welcomed to
the University by Prof. L. A. Hop-
kins, director of the Summer Ses-
sion, five papers were presented.
Voegelin Speaks
Prof. Charles L. Voegelin of Del
Pauw University summarized the re-
sults of extensive research into the
number and variety of American In-
dian languages still spoken, declar-
ing that there are now 137 mutually
intelligible languages, which may be
roughly placed in six groups'com-
prising apout two dozen families.
In Koasati, a Muskogean Indian
language now spoken in Louisiana,
certain archaic differences between
men's and women's speech are still
preserved, according to Dr. Mary
R. Haas of the Yale University Insti-
(Continued on Page 4)
Women Strive
For Fellowship
Annual AAUW Graduate
The Mau Preston Slosson Fellow-
ship of $500. to be awarded for gradu-
ate study at the University, is now
being offered by the American Asso-
ciation of University Women.
The fellowship is open to all women
students. Applications may be ob-
tained and filed at the office of the
AAUW in the Rackham Building.
The money for this fellowship was
raised two years ago, partly by a
series of lectures on current affairs
given by Prof. Preston W. Slosson,
of the history department, and partly
by a contribution from his mother,
Mrs. Mae Preston Slosson. Mrs.

Albin Johnson, formerly a solo cor-
netist with the United States Army
Band, was presented in the role of
soloist and composer when he played
his composition, "King Sport," ac-
companied by the Summer Session
"Mardi Gras," from Ferdi Grofe's
"Mississippi Suite," was a featured
number by the Clinic Band, which
acquitted itsef very well. It was dif-
ficult to note any difference in pre-
cision between this group, made up of
high school students from nearby
states and Michigan, and the Sum-
mer Session Band, which is com-
posed of directors, teachers and band
members from all over the country
and which has had the entire term
to work together. The Summer Ses-
sion Chorus and soloists Mildred Ol-
son and Donn Chown were featured
with a medley from "Good News."
Some numbers had to be omitted
from the program because of the in-
creasing darkness. Lohar's "Merry
Widow," played as a concert march,
and "Niobe," by De Robertis, were
played by the combined bands be-
fore the finale, Sousa's "Stars and
Stripes Forever."

ROCHESTER, Minn., July 28.-(P)
-Dr. William James Mayo, world re-
nowned surgeon and last of Roches-
Je's two famous brothers, died at 4,
a.m. today from a serious stomach.
ailment for which he underwent an
operation April 22. He was 78 years
Son of a country doctor who trained
him to become one of medical his-
tory's greatest surgeons, Dr. "Will,"
as he was known to thousands of
patients, died in his sleep.
At the bedside were two daugh-
ters and their husbands, Drs. D. C.
Balfour, and Dr. Waltman Walters,
both members of - the Mayor Clinic
staff and H. J. Harwick, business
manager of the clinic.
Stricken shortly after he returned
from a winter vacation at Tucson,
Ariz., last spring, Dr. Will under-
went an extensive stomach operation
for a very serious condition at the
famed clinic here founded by his
father, his late brother, Dr. Charles
H. Mayo and himself more than half
a century ago.
Death of Dr. Will brought to a
close a medical career that paralleled
that of his equally famous brother,
who died in Chicago May 27 from
His illness prevented Dr..Will from
attending the funeral of his brother

Britain Warns
Japan She May
Break Treaty
England Pessimistic Abouta
Chance For Permanent
Accord WithNipponese
Hitler, Ribbentrop
Return To Berlin
(By The Associated Press)
Britain dropped a hint to Japan
yesterday that she might follow the
lead of the United States and abro-
gate her trade treaty with Tokyo if
current negotiations on British-
Japanese differences fail.'
An authoritative source said the
two main points to be taken up Mon-
day would be Japan's demands that
Britain cooperate. in suppression of
Chinese government currency in
North China and that silver stocks
belonging to the Chinese govern-
ment held in banks in the blockaded
British concession in Tientsin be
turned over to the Japanese-dom-
inated Peiping renime.
Britain was understood to be pes-
simistic about the chance of any
permanent settlement coming out of
the conversations, and informed
London quarters regarded it high-
ly probable-in view of the United
States action-that the Tokyo talks
would be broken off soon.
Japanese still were asking why the
Washington, move came so suddenly
and right in the tniddle of the Brit-
ish-Japanese negotiations.
Adolf Hitler anlhis foreign minis-
ter, Joachim Von Ribbentrop, re-
turned to Berlin unexpectedly from
holiday trips for a conference on
what officials called "current affairs."
Political observers believed they
talked mainly aboit what Germany
would do if England, France and
Soviet Russia finally agreed on a
mutual help program.
Geran and Japan initialed a new
economic agreement which Berlin
sources said would provide for in-
creased trade through credits ad-
vanced to" Japan.
Extensive changes in personnel of
the Russian foreign office since Pre-
mier-Foreign Commissar Vyaches-
laff Molotoff displaced Maxim Litvin-
off led Moscow observers to wonder
whether important shifts in the So-
viet diplomatic service were impend-
ing. Several Russian ambassadors
are absent from key posts.
The French cabinet approved a de-
cree extending the present parlia-
ment two years beyond the normal
election time next year, but Premier
Daadier was reported to have told
coleagues he would invoke it only if
the international situation took a
serious turn. In effect it would pro-
long his present dictatorial powers
two years.
Durf ee To End
Services Here
Will Direct Health Service
At Teachers' College
Terminating three years of service
as a staff member of the University
Health Service, Dr. Max L. Durfee
will assume the duties of the Director
of the health service at the Iowa
State Teachers' College, Cedar Rap-
ids, on Sept. 1, according to an an-
nouncement today by Dr. Warren E.
Forsythe, director of the University
Health Service.

The Iowa institution is the only
teacher's college in the state and has
a maximum enrollment of approxi-
mately 3,000. Associated with Dr.
Durfee at his new post will be a staff
of three physicians and four nurses.
Previous to his joining the Univer-
sity Health Service in July, 1936, Dr.
Durfee maintained a general prac-
tice in Dexter.
Dr. Durfee was graduated from the
Ann Arbor High -School in 1923. He
attended the literary college of the
University and was graduated from
the Medical Schoolsin 1930.
Art Exhibit Starts
Here Tomorrow
Oil paintings, prints, easel paint-
ings and works of sculpture gathered
from all parts of Michigan will be
shown at a WPA Arts Projects exhi-
f bition to be held for two weeks be-
ginning Sunday in the Rackham

Vocal-Chord-Less Talk
To Be Demonstrated
Choir singing, sub-bass and ultra
soprano singing and avocal-cord-
less speech will be presented by Prof.
Floyd A. Firestone of the physics de-
partment at 1:15 p.m. today in the
Lecture Hall, of the R~ackham Build-
Scheduled under the unique title
"A Demonstration of How One Per-
son Can Give A Public Speech or Sing
a Quartet Without Using His Vocal
Cords," the demonstration will pre-
sent an unusual one-man show.
The operation of the "vocal cord
substitute" is relatively simple. The
vibrations are lead into the mouth
through a tube from a small loud
speaker. This speaker, in turn, is ex-
cited by either an oscillator for speech,
or an electric organ for musical pre-
Lewis' Attacks

Against Garner
Cause Reaction
Lending Bill Amendnent
Proposed By Tydings
To Ban Unspecified Gifts
WASHINGTON, July 28. -(A)--
Repercussions from John L. Lewis'
denunciation of Vice-President Gar-
ner as a "labor-baiting, poker-play-
ing, whisky-drinking, evil old man"
sounded all around the Capitol to-
Senator Tydings (Dem.-Md.) pro-
posed to amend the Administration's
lending bill to prohibit any organi-
zation from making a political con-
tribution of any money not col-
lected specifically for that purpose.
He said it would "cover the case
where the Democratic party borrowed
a half million dollars," apparently
referring tothe loan of $470,000 made
to the Party by Lewis' United Mine
Workers for the 1936 campaign.
Senator McCarran (Dem.-Nev.),
sponsoring an amendment to restore
prevailing wage rates on WPA pro-
jects, said his cause had been "great-
ly impaired" and expressed regret
"that a .certain expression was.madel
yesterday by an outstanding man
who has been in the past apparently
a great champion of labor." The Sen-
ate subsequently rejected his amend-
On the House floor Representative
Gross (Rep.-Pa.) criticized Chairman
Norton (Dem.-N.J.) of the Labor
Committee, before which Lewis was
testifying at the time he attacked
the Vice-President, for thanking the
CIO chief "for his fine contribution to
the Committee after he had made
his vicious and uncalled-for assault
on that courageous American, Jack
Graduate Club Will
Visit Saline Farms
The Graduate Outing Club will
have its weekly picnic at Saline Val-
ley Cooperative Farms on Sunday.
The party will leave from the front
of the Rackham Building at 2:30
p.m. There will be swimming, hik-
ing, volley ball and baseball. There
will be a camp fire and a treasure
hunt after supper.
Bob and Gerry McMaster are in
charge of the affair. There will be
a charge of 35c which will include
supper and transportation.

Over $850,000,00(
Slashed By Senat
From Lending Bil

Biology Camp
Science Center
For Weekend
The eyes of the world of science
are on the University Biological Sta-
tion for two days this weekend, as the
Douglas Lake Academy plays host to
the first perennial meeting of the
Disassociation for the Retardment of
More than 100 persons, all students
at the Station who have no other
place within 10 miles to eat, atended
the opening banquet at 6:15 p.m. last
night. Guests $f honor included Dr.
W. W. Cort, Dr. 0. S. Pettengill, Dr.
C. Gates, Dr. C. D. LaRue and Dr.
F. K. Sparrow. No verbal contri-
butions were asked from these guests.
The general meeting of the learned
gathering will be held at 8 p.m. to-
dgy in the Douglas Lake Academy
Auditorium. Speakers will be Dr.
Bjornstjerne Bporgoffson (C1 i f f
Berg), professor of systematic botany
from Oslo University, noted for his
ability to collect plants from solid
rock; Dr. S. K. Bubble (Kate Beh-
rens), professor demeritus of iethy-
ology, of the Beach View Institute.
Miss Duna Sands (Ruth Schorling),
l assistant associate professor of ecol-
ogy at the Hat Island School for Su-
perprivileged Scientists; and A. Tae-
nia Saginata, Curator of the par-
sitology museum of the University of
the State of Collapse.
Ample sleeping accommodations
are available, it has been announced.
Lake. Superior


Level, Is Rising

(By The Associated Press)
With two spectacular victories, the
Senate economy bloc tonight ripped
$850,000,000 from the Administration
lending program.
First it slashed out $500,000,000 for
public road building and improve-
ments, and then second it spurned
a project, close to the hearts of inner
circle New Dealers, which would have
had the government devote $350,000,-
000 for buying railroad equipment to
be leased to the carriers. The vote
on the latter was 45-32.
The economy bloc, a jubilant group
of Republicans and anti-Administra-
tion Democrats, gleeful at what they
considered their first real victories
since the Roosevelt Administration
begin, were nevertheless wary of ef-
forts by the Administration to reverse
the decision on roads. Administra-
tion leaders said they were planning
to resubmit the proposition in a dif-
ferent form and, if so, a filibuster
was threatened.
Amendment Rejected
In an exciting session the Senate
also rejected an amendment to the
bill sponsored by Senator McCarran
(Dem., Nev.) which would restore the
prevailing wage rates on WPA proj-
ects. The vote was 40-38. Members
of the economy bloc were laying
plans for an effort to kill the bill in
its entirety by a motion to relegate
it to a banking committee pigeon-
In the House, hard-pressed Admin-
Jatration supporters, dismayed- by the
debacle in the Senate, were drawing
their lines far an effort to stern what
all now consider an anti-New Deal
revolt in both branches of Congress.
At a caucus of Democrats last night
a resolution was adopted expressing
"support of and devotion to" the
Roosevelt economic program but only
after a pledge to support specific
legislation had been eliminated.
Road Loan Slashed
The vote in the Senate to slash the
loan for road building reversed a de-
cision made by the Senate Thursday.
Senator Byrd, (Dem., Va.), however,
scanning the voting list, quickly not-
ed several absentees who would favor
the reduction. Working with Senator
Garry (Dem., R.I.), they persuaded
Senator Van Nuys . (Dem., Ind.) to
offer a motion for reconsideration. It
carried, and then the Senate im-
mediately adopted the reduction pro-
posal, 42-38.
Night Session

Economy Bloc Is Ju
After What Is T4
Session's Major V
Rider To Rest<
WPA Rate Reje

Threatens Grain Elevators
Located At Lake Head
(I)-The water level of Laice Superior
is still rising, despite the fact that
almost every available sluice-way
and water dam here has been opened
to permit the water to spill down
the St. Marys River and into Lake
Isaac Deyoung, General Superin-
tendent of St. Marys Falls Canal,
said today 126,000 cubic feet or more
of Lake Superior water was. being
discharged each second through the
various water outlets here.
Today the level is 603.4 feet above
sea level, a level which threatens to
cause trouble at the. grain loading
elevators at the head of the lakes.
Nearly as much water was being:
discharged a year ago but now there
is no letup in the rise of the lake level.
All 16 gates of the compensating-
dam at the head of the rapids are
now open. They have been since early
in the season. The Edison Sault
Power Company's -plants sluice gates
are now open.

Telephone Official To Speak On
'Cargoes Of Speech And Music'


Conference On Landed Tenure,
Lauded As ALong-Felt Need

Using a loud speaker weighing a
quarter of a ton in the form of a
cube five feet square, Dr. J. 0.GPer-
rine, assistant vice-president of the
American Telephone and Telegraphl
Company of New York, will present'
a lecture-demonstration on "Cargoes
of Speech and Music" at 8:15 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 9, in the Lecture
Hall of the Rackham School.
Dr. Perrine's talk is to be spon-
sored by the Men's Education Club
of the School of Education.
Using a stage full of equipment,
Dr. Perrine willy explain and show
how the human voice and music are
converted into electrical energy
which, over wires and through the
air, can be sent all over the world.
The talk, although concerned with
complex scientific subjects, will be
given in interesting .and understand-
able language not requiring tech-
nical knowledge for enjoyment, ac-
cording to Prof. George E. Carroth-
ers of the School of Education, facul-
ty adviser of the Men's Education

recognized as an outstanding author-
ity on scientific fields related to com-
Included in Dr. Perrine's demon-
stration equipment will be the giant
high fidelity loud speaker, having
four separate "throats" especially
constructed for his use by the Bell
Telephone Laboratories in New York.
This speaker will reproduce sounds
in the range from 50 cycles per sec-
ond to 14,000 cycles per second. An-
other of his demonstrations involves
two telephone circuits of 2,000 miles
each, extending from Ann Arbor
through the mid-west and east. Us-
ing these circuits, Dr. Perrine will
demonstrate electrical "echo" and
will send a snap of his finger around
and around the 2,000 mile circuit un-
til it dies out, the snap being audible
in the auditorium each time it com-
pletes the circuit.
Other features of the lecture-dem-
onstration, according to Professor
Carrothers, will be the actual use of
a working model of Alexander Gra-
ham Bell's first telephone, the con-'

Lauding the progress made at thet
Conferences on Land Tenure and
Research Materials sponsored earlier
in the week by the Institute of Lat-
in American Studies, Prof. Preston
E. James of the geography depart-
ment, director of the Institute, de-+
clared the conferences fulfilled a+
long-felt need broadening and co-
ordinating the knowledge of special-
ists in the field.+
Due to the interchange of infor-
mation between geographers, =cono-
mists, historians, anthropologists,
lawyers and other specialists, the
delegates to the Conference on Land{
Tenure departed with a new en-
lightenment and broader outlook on
the subject of tenures, he said.
In discussing the hacienda, for in-
stance, the historian told the story
of its origin and importation from
Spain, the anthropologist traced it
in terms of the relations of man to
his environment and the economist

on Economic Relations with Latin-
America. -
This Conference on Economic Re-
lations with Latin America is de-
signed to bring before the advancedI
students attending theInstitute aI
number of outstanding points of view
on economic and financial inter-
course between this country and its'
neighbors to the south, thus promot-
ing understanding and appreciation
of comon problems.
The first day of the Conference
will be devoted to discussions of the
future of foreign investments in Lat-
in America. The general chairman
of the Conference and leader for the.
first day's sessions will be William S.
Culbertson, formerly a member of the
United States Tariff Commission,
Minister to Rumania, Ambassador to
Chile, and author of numerous pub-
lications on international economic
Measures for facilitating trade be-
tween the Americas will be the main

In a nerve-racking night session,
Senator Wheeler (Dem., Mont.) was
the leader of the fight to slash the
additional $350,000,000 for buying
railroad equipment. The Montanan
thundered his denunciation of a pro-
vision under which the Reconstruc-
tion Finance Corporation could buy
equipment and lease it to the rail-
roads for 40 years.
"At the end of that time the equip-
ment would be absolutely worthless,"
he said. "The government would nev-
er get its money back." He shouted
that the RFC had already lost mil-
lions of dollars.
Earlier the Senate had stampeded
to the support of an amendment by
Senator Wheeler and Senator La-
Follette (Prog., Wis.) to liberalize
the terms under which the govern-
ment does not come to the aid of
mortgage-harassed farmers.
Pollock T'o Talk
On Radio Sunday
Prof. James K. Pollock of the poli-
tical science department will be feat-
ured on the University of Chicago
Round Table broadcast over the Col-
umbia broadcasting system tomorrow
Appearing with Professor Pollock
will be Drew Pearson, Washington
columnist. The topic to be discussed
is "1940 Lines Up."
The program, which starts at 1:30
p,m., will not be broadcast over any
Detroit station but will be carried by
WBBM, Chicago.

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