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July 28, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1939-07-28

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National Meet
Opened Today
By Linguists
American Linguistic Group
Drawn To Ann Arbor
By Summer Institute
(Continued rrom rage 1)
be -by Prof. Leonard Bloomfield of
the University of Chicago, who will
then present the fourth of his series
of weekly discussions of the Algonki-
an Indian languages. "Algonkian
Word Formation" is the special topic.
The second lecture, which is to be
illustrated with moving pictures, will
be by Prof. J. Milton Cowan of the
State University of Iowa, who will
discuss "The Mode of Vibration of
the Vocal Cords."
At 9:15 a.m. Saturday, in the Rack-
ham amphitheatre, the third session,
headed by Prof. Franklin Edgerton of
Yale University, will begin. Papers
will be presented on the following
subjects: "Is the Word a Phonetic
Entity in French?" by Prof. Pierre C.
Delattre of Wayne University; "Dis-
tinctive Dialectal Values of the Noun
and Verb Endings Liz,' '-ez,' and '-id,'
'-ed,'" by Prof. J. S. Kenyon of Hi-
ram College; "The' Survey of Folk
Speech in Michigan and Indiana, by
Prof. A. H. Marckwardt of the Uni-
versity of Michigan; "The Pronun-
ciation of Latin 'cu,"' by Prof. A. H.
Sturtevant of Yale University; "The
Sequence of Tenses in Hittite," by
Prof. E. Adelaide Hahn of Hunter
College; and "The Avestan Instru-
mental in '-is,"' by Prof. R. G. Kent
of the University of Pennsylvania.
At 12:15.p.m. the Society will hold
a luncheon at the Michigan Union,
at which time Prof. Floyd A. Fire-
stone of the department of physics
of the University will demonstrate the
artificial larynx.
Except for the tea to be served at
4 p.m. in the Assembly room of the
Rackham building, the Society's pro-
gram will conclude with the fourth
session, which will convene at-2 p.m.
in the amphitheatre, with Prof. R. G.
Kent presiding.I
At this session papers will be pre-
sented as follows: "The Morpho-pho-
nemic Technique applied to Kolami,
a Dravidian Language," by Dr. Mur-
ray B. Emeneau of Yale University;
"Tone-Patterns in a Chekiang Dia-
lect," by Prof. George A. Kennedy of
Yale; "Pali 'middha,' a Ghorst-word
Materialized," by Prof. Franklin Ed-
gerton of Yale; "Problems of Baltic
Phonemics," by Dr. George L. Trager
of Yale; and "The Theory of a Pho-
netic Alphabet," by Dr. Bernard Bloch
of the Linguistic Atlas and of Brown

Wifely Kiss For Golfing Victor


I, -


Mrs. Chick Harbert, wife of the Battle Creek dog kennel operator who
won the Trans-Mississippi golf championship over the Broadmoor course
at Colorado Springs, Colo., is shown rewarding him for the victory. Har-
bert.defeated Ed Kingsley, of Salt Lake City, two and one in the
final round.

Dance Tonight
To Be Shifted
To Men's Union
Social dancing will be conducted
in the Union ballroom from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. today instead of in the
League as has been customary during
previous weeks.
The change of location is due to re-
pairs being made to the League ball-
room floor, according to Miss Ethel
McCormick, social director of the
Music will be furnished by Earl
Stevens and his 10-piece orchestra.
Stevens has played for all the Sum-
mer Session dances including the
former tea dances and special week-
end events.
Chairman of the dance tonight is
Betty Kepler, social chairman of the
League Council, replacing Betty Bald-
win who is ill in the Health Service.
Hostesses will circulate throughout
the dance floor to introduce men and
women students.
The Union offers better facilities
for dancing than the League due to
its larger floor space and superior
setting. The ballroom is semi-dark-
ened with a constantly changing
panorama of diffused colored lights
playing upon the dancers.
Refreshments may be obtained in
the taproom in the Union basement.
Blue Key Society
Meets Here Today
Members of Blue Key, national
honorary leadership fraernity, who
are attending the, Summer Session
will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. today
at the Michigan Union.
Blue Key is a national fraternity,
begun at the University of Florida
in 1925. Since that time it has grown
to include 75 chapters located in 34
Membership is based on outstand-
ing leadership, and approximately
three per cent of each graduating
class in colleges and universities
which haye chapters, are elected to
membership. The University of
Michigan does, not have a chapter,
but there are several chapters in the
state of Michigan, among them, one
at Hope College.
Mr. Washington A. Clark is in
charge of arrangements for the meet-
ing tonight, and inquiries may be ad-
dressed to him.
English Group To Hold
Second Discussion Tea
The second discussion meeting and
tea for students in the English De-
partment will be held at 3:15 p.m.
today in the Assembly Hall of the
Rackham Building.
The discussion of the first meeting
will be continued, with special refer-
ence to the following questions: (1)
What goals do we wish to achieve
through the teaching of literature in
the secondary school? (2) What lit-
erary material is both worthwhile as
literary art and teachable on the
secondary school level?

President Deeds Land For Library

Ini t iat e s


Phi Delta Kappa Addressed
By Wild At Ceremony
And Banquet In Union
Forty-five new members were ini-
tiated into the Omega chapter of Phi
Delta Kappa, men's honorary educa-
tion fraternity, at the summer initia-
tion held at 4 p.m. yesterday at the
Union. Following the initiation, at
6:30 p.m. the initiation banquet was
At the banquet Mr. J. Park intro-
duced the toastmaster for the eve-
ning, Dr. Harlen C. Koch. Dean J. B.
Edmonson welcomed the new mem-
bers and the response for the new
members was given by Dr. Mentor
L. Williams of the English Depart-
ment. The program continued with
two vocal solos sung by Sidney
The main speaker of the evening
was Dr. Elmer H. Wilds, professor of
education at Western State Teachers
College Kalamazoo. Dr. Wilds, who
has just returned from a five-month
trip abroad, spoke on "Education In
The list of new initiates includes:
Edmund W. Blank, Edwin A. Bowers,
Charles C. Cline, James V. Cobb, Wal-
ter W. Colby, Henry W. Cunningham,
Homer F. Cunningham, Frank A.
Duvendack, Otis W. Douglas, Jr.,
Thomas G. Draper, Maurice H. Four-
acre, Harry C. Frey, Morris Gleicher,
Wayne E. Grimm, Carl A. Hakenen,
Edward B. Hall, Benjamin V. Han-
thorne, Eugene F. Heeter, and Merle
A. Henry.
Others in the list are: Freburn W
James, Robert L. Kahn, J. Lawrence
Keller, Erwin J. Kleinert, James M
Kos, Roy F. LeValley, James D. Mac-
Connell, Lloyd E. McLaughlin, Wil-
liam H. Miller, Stanley H. Moffet,
Stuart L. Openlander, Jay James
Rens, Robert E. Rettig, Harry H
Rice, Roland W. Sayre, Michael W
Shillinger, Chauncey P. Shively
Wayne P. Smith, Everett J. Soop
Wiliam J. Thomas, Eldred G. Town-
send, L. K. Ueberhorst, J. Larser
Wagner, Frederick IH. Weeks, Charles
E. Wesley and Mentor L. Williams.
The Initiation Committee was com-
posed of Kenneth Bordine, H. O
Johnson, George Matteson and Cleve-
land Roe.

Men's Honorar
Education Clu

President and Mrs. Roosevelt are shown at their home at Hyde Park,
N.Y., as they signed a deed transferring to the Federal Government 12
acres of the family estate as the site for a library to house the Chief
Executive's documents and manuscripts.

Homemaker Course Inaugurated


A course of study of interest to
homemakers which may be elected in
addition to the student's particular
field of specialization has been in-
augurated at the University of Mich-
Included on the .program of study,
which was selected by a committee
consisting of three members of the
faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, are courses in
decorative design, hygiene, music,
physiology, nutrition, and pediatrics.
The classes in design, taught in
the College of Architecture, include
a study of most of the important
types of applied art in such materials
as wood, pottery, glass, metals, and
textiles, as well as the arts of paint-
ing, stained glass, and mosaic. Land-

scape design, also taught in the Col-
lege of Architecture, is recommend-
ed as an aid in home beautification.
A course in economics dealing with
the spending and use of consumers'
income is offered by the Schoolr
Business Administration on the home
management program of study.
Classes in the psychology of child de-
velopment, the mental hygiene of
adolescence, and the evolution of
human behavior are also recommend-
ed to parents and homemakers of
the future.
General courses in the fundamen-
tal principles of human physiology,
hygiene, and the study of heredity
are included in the list as well as
studies in city planning and im-
provement, a study of modern social
and community problems.

Smythe To Give
Recital Monday
Harry Gil-Smythe, pianist, of Bal-
timore, Maryland, will give a recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music degree,
at 8:15 p.m. Monday in the School
of, Music Auditorium. Gil-Smythe is
a student of Prof. Joseph Brinkman
of the School of Music faculty.
He will present the following pro-
Praludium, Fuge, Allegro in E-flat
maor .............. Bach-Busoni
Toccata and Fugue in D
minor .............Bach-Busoni
Sonatine ................... Ravel
Movement de Menuet
Sonata in F minor, Op. 5, No. 3..
............. Brahms
Allegro maestoso
Scherzo-: Allegro energico
Intermezzo: Andante moloto .
Finale: Allegro moderato ma rubato
Badminton Finals Monday
The finals in the Women's Inter-
mediate Badminton Tournament will
be played off Monday evening at Bar-
bour gymnasium when Marie Pauli
meets Mary Doidge. Pauli reached
the finals by defeating S. Keepiiy,
her opponent in the semi-finals, aid
Doidge eliminated V. Fletty.

Weddin, Betrothal
Are Revealed Here
The marriage of Alice Louise Mal-
comson, daughter of Mrs. Vonnie M.
Malcomson of Detroit and Dr. Jo-
seph E. Malcomson of the United
States Navy, to James Morgan Scott,
son of Prof. and Mrs. Irving D. Scott
of Olivia Ave., took place Saturday
evening at the home of Prof. and
Mrs. Scott.
Mr. Scott received his degree from
the University in June and is a mem-
ber of Zeta Psi fraternity. His bride
transferred from Michigan State
Normal College to study at Michigan
last year.
The announcement has been made
by Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hall of
Detroit of the engagement of their
daughter, Jean, of Saginaw, to Man-
ley Osgood, Jr.; of Saginaw, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Manley Osgood of Wall-
ingford Rd. No date has been set for
the wedding.
Mr. Osgood received his Bachelor of
Science degree from the University
in 1937 and is a member of Phi Kap-
pa Sigma fraternity.

rimes iii i i i wi i i iii r u ri nuu i i i a i i ri i it i inn i i ni i i i Y e ww ww i i



(Continued from Page 2)

Drivers will be repaid for their
penses. All graduate students
faculty members are cordially
vited. There will be a meeting
gardless of the weather.


High School Athletic Accident or
Benefit Plan Conference. Athletic Act4
cident Benefit or Protection Plans in
effect in several states will be dis-
cussed by C. E. Forsythe, State Di-
rector of High School Athletics,
Michigan High School Athletic As-
sociation, in Room 318 of the Michi-
gan Union, Monday, July 31, 7:30
p.m. Michigan school administrators,
physical education instructors, and
athletic directors and coaches espe-
cially are urged to be present in order
that problems involved in the pos-
sible establishment of an Athletic
Accident Benefit Plan in Michigan
may be considered.
Speech Students: A Symposium on
Graduate Studies in the field of
Speech Science will be held Wednes-
day afternoon, Aug. 2, at 4 p.m. in
Room 1025 Angell Hall. All under-
graduate students contemplating ad-
vanced degrees in Speech Science and
all graduate students studying for
advanced degrees in this field, should
be present.
G.. E. Densmore.
Organ Recital. Edward Broadhead,
organist, of Durham, North Carolina,
will give a recital in partial fulfill-
ment of .the requirements for the
Master of Music degree, Wednesday
evening, Aug. 2, at 8:15 o'clock, in
Hill Auditorium. The general public
is invited to attend.
The Fellowship Committee of the
Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Branch of the
American Association of University
Women will accept applications for a
five hundred dollar ($500) gift fel-
lowship for a woman for graduate
study at the University of Michigan
for 1939-1940. Application blanks
are to be obtained at the Graduate
School offices and are to be returned

there, complete with two letters of
recommendation from professors with.
whom the student has taken work,
by Friday, Aug. 4.
The Textbook Exhibition of the
American Institute of Graphic Arts
is on display in the library, Room
1502, University Elementary School
from Wednesday, July 26 to Friday,
August 4. Sixty textbooks for ele-
mentary and high schools, and col-
lege have been chosen to illustrate ex-
cellence in design and workmanship
of typography, illustration, and bind-
ing and their fitness to present ideas
successfully. The books may be ex-
amined from 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
from Monday through Friday and
from 8-12 Saturday morning.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate to be recommended by the
Faculty of the School of Education
at the close of the Summer Session,:
The Comprehensive Examination in
Education will be given on Saturday,
Aug. 5, at 9 o'clock in 1430 U.E.S.
Printed information regarding the
examination may be secured at the
School of Education office.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service examinations. Last date
for filing application noted in each
United States Civil Service:
Tobacco Inspector, salary: $3,800,
Aug. 21.
Associate Tobacco Inspector, sal-
ary: $3,200, Aug. 21.
Assistant Tobacco Inspector, sal-
ary: $2,600, Aug. 21.
Principal Seed Technologist, sal-

Aug. 21.
ary: $3,200,'
ary: $3,200,
ary: $2,600,

Seed Technologist,
Aug. 21.
Seed Technologist,
Aug. 21.
Seed Technologist,


ary: $5,600, Aug. 21.
Senior Seed Technologist, salary:
$4,600, Aug. 21.
Seed Technologist, salary: $3,800,

Aug. 21.
Civil Service:


. Phone Orders Filled


range: $150-190, July 31.
Instituion Psychologist A,
range: $130-150, Aug. 1.
Institution Psychologist I,
range: $150-190, Aug. 1.
Prison Psychologist II,
range: $200-240, Aug. 1.
Account Clerk B, salary
$105-125, July 31.
Account Clerk A, salary
$130-150, July 31.




for Everything photographic
Nickels Arcade



Photographic Laboratory Technician
A, salary range: $130-150, Aug. 1.
Institution Maintenance Black-
smith A2, salary range: $115-135,
Aug. 7.
Dietitian A2, salary range: $115-
135, Aug. 1.
Dietitian Al, salary range: $140-
160, Aug. 1.
Dining Room Supervisor Cl, salary
range: $95-110, July 31.
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational In-




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One group of pastel Doeskin
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