The marriage of Dorothy Ellen
Slatcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. Slatcher, and Maurice Drei-
fuss, Jr., son of Judge and Mrs.
Maurice Dreifuss of Huntington
Woods, took place Sunday at high
Both Mr. and Mrs. Dreifuss are
University graduates. The bride re-
ceived her degree in education in
1937 and is affiliated with Alpha Xi
Delta sorority. Mr. Dreifuss is attend-
ing the Detroit College of Law.
Prof. and Mrs. Carl J. Coe of Hill
Street have announced the engage-
ment of their daughter; Margery Jen-
ness, to James Richard Kendrick,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Ken-
drick of Saginaw. No date has been
set for the wedding.
Miss Coe graduated from the Uni-
versity in 1938, and took graduate
work last year. She is affiliated with
Delta Delta Delta sorority. Mr. Ken-
drick also graduated from the literary
college in 1938. He will be a senior
in the law school next fall. He is a
member of Sigma Phi fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. W. Mc-
Causey of Highland Park have an-
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Miriam Irene, to Dr. Robert
Garfield Rickert, son of Mr~s. U. Gar-
field Rickert of S. State Street and
the late Dr. Rickert. The wedding will
take place on 4ug. 22.
Both are graduates of, the Univer-
sity literary college in 1936. Miss
McCausey is affiliated with Kappa
Kappa /Gamma sorority. Dr. Rickert
received his degree from the college
of medicine last June and is a mem-
ber of Phi Chi fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H Finkelston of
Detroit have announced the engage-
ment of their daughter, Virginia, to
Dr. Bernard Lynn, son of Mr. and
Mrs S.aron Lynn of Detroit. The date
has not yet been set for the wedding.
Both are graduates of the Univer-
sity literary college, and Dr. Lynn re-
ceived his'doctor's degree from Uni-
versity of Detroit. Miss Finkelston
was graduated from Liggett School in
(Continued from Page 2)
gram of magic tricks and illusions.
Professor James K. Pollock of the
Political Science Department will lec-
ture at 8 p.m. today in the North
Lounge, Michigan Union on "Educa-
tion under Fascism."
Organ Recital. Frieda Op't Holt, or-
ganist, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, will
give a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Master
of Music degre, this evening at 8:15
o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The
general public is invited to attend.
Androcles and The Lion by George
Bernard Shaw will be presented by
the Michigan Repertory Players at
8:30 this evening in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The Textbook Exhibition of the
American Institute of Graphic Arts
is on display in the library, Room
1502, University Elementary School
from Wednesday, July 26 to Friday,
August 4. Sixty textbooks for ele-
mentary and high schools, and col-
lege have been chosen to illustrate ex-
cellence in design and workmanship
of typography, illustration, and bind-
ing and their fitness to present ideas
successfully. The books may be ex-
amined from 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
fro Monday through Friday and from
8:00-12:00 Saturday morning.
Golf: All those women students who
are interested in playing in the match
game against Miss Hilda Burr's team
should hand in a score card of nine
holes by this evening.
The game is to be played on
Sunday, July 30 at 11:30 a.m. at the
University Golf Course.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts:
Students whose records carry re-
ports of I or X either from last se-
mester or (if they have not been in
residence since that time) from any
former session, will receive grades of
E unless the work is completed by
Petitions for extensions of .time,
with the writen approval of the in-
structors concerner, should be ad-
dressed to the Administrative Board"
of the College, and presented in
Room 4 University Hall, before July
School of Education Students (Un-
ergraduate) who receive marks of
incomplete or X at the close of their.
last term of attendance must com-
plete work in such courses by to-
Billowy Clouds And Tufted Lanes Frame Harvest Scene On Wind-Swept Plains
Missionaries, Oil Interests Seen
Competing Influences In Arabia
Free Medical Help Termed
Strong Factor In Gaining
Confidence Of Bedouins
Continuing his talks on life as a
medical missionary in Arabia, Dr.
Paul Harrison told an interested
audience of some 400 people in
Memorial Hall yesterday afternoon-
that Arabia is at present the seat of
two conflicting influences-the com-
mercial companies, especially the oil
interests who wish to exploit her re-
sources, and the missionaries who are
her real and disinterested fri'ends.
In providing medical aid, the mis-
sionarigs slowly gain the confidence
of the people and can exert a lasting
influence on spiritual as well as physi-
cal progress thereby. The need in
Arabia today is for a better concept
of the family and of community
'standards, Dr. Harrison stated. To
this end, the church which he has
established at his new home in Mus-
cat, although only two years old, has
already gained members among some
of the Arab families and is leading
in introducing a more spiritual ideal
of human relations.
The medical missionary, however,
meets with some unusual and un-
scientific situations in conducting his
profession in Arabia, according to Dr.
Harrison. In one case following a
serious abdominal operation, the
patient was cautioned over and over
not to eatasolid food for several days.
A short time later Dr. Harrison re-
turned to the room to see 'how he was
progressing, he was horrified to find
that the patient had consumed two
hard loaves of Arabian bread and
was eating a third. Contrary to all
concepts of modern medicine, the
patient recovered with no visible ill
effects from his unusual diet.
When on medical tour, Dr. Harri-
son says that the hospital consists of
one sick man under a roof-usually
a tent. A hole is scooped out in the
sand and does for a bed mat, and
the patient usually returns to his
oasis the first opportunity he gets
following the operation, regardless
of the doctor's orders. With a twinkle
in his eye, Dr. Harrison adds that he
usually gets well. He further illus-
trated this point with several inter-
esting stories of cases from his own
Dr. Harrison also remarks that
the rooms are only used by patients
of the introvert type of personality of
whom there are few in Arabia. Those
With extrovert tendencies take up
their convalescence on the open ver-
Try A DAILY Classified
Hearts are lighter in northern Colorado when the grairf is out, safe from drought. Here a farmer completes his task nea Longmont, on a farn that
produces crops without benefit of irrigation.
Tour To State'
Parks Planned
Landscape Design Group
To Leave For North
Classes in landscape design will
leave Friday for a field trip through
northern Michigan and Macinaw
Island to be gone until Sunday eve-
The group plans to visit many scen-
ic points along the way as: Burt Lake
State Park, Wenona Park at Bay
City, St. Ignace State Park and Castle
Rock and the recently completed
highway along Lake Michigan aps well
as many picturesque estates on Maci-.
naw Island.
The trip is not limited to members
of the landscaping classes. Persons
interested and friends of the class
may go on the excursion. The cost
will be about $12. This should in-
clude all expenses. Those interested
should see Prof. Harlow 0. Whitte-
more, Chairman of the Department
of Landscape besign.
day. Petitions for extension of time,
with the approval of the instructor
concerned, should be directed to the
Administrative Committee of the
School of Education and presented
at 1537 U.E.S. before today. In
cases where no supplementary grade
or petition for extension of time has
been filed, these marks shall be con-
sidered as having lapsed into E
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr."
Julius' Schultz will be held at 2:30
p.m. on Thursday, July 27 in Room;
317 West Medical Building. Mr.
Schultz' field of specialization is Bio-
logical Chemistry. The title of his
thesis is "A Study of the Factors In-1
fluencing the Detoxication of Seleni-
um in the Animal Body." .
Professor H. B. Lewis, as chair-,
man of the committee, will conduct
the examination.. By direction of
the Executive Board, the chairman
has the privilege of inviting members
of the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
Stalker Hall: Swimming party and
picnic leaving Stalker. Hall at 5 p.m.
Thursday. Call 6881 for reservation.
Violin Recital. Ruth Nelson, violin-
Nickels Arcade
'Grave-Digging For 23 Hamlets' Frieda Holt To Give
To Be Described By Kane Today Organ Recital Today
I bf r 1
At noon today the Rotary Club
will hear acting reminiscences-
"grave digging done for twenty-
three Hamlets," as Mr. Whitford
Kane expressed it.
In Ireland born, Mr. Kane made
his stage debut at the Theatre Royal
in Belfast. Having played extensive-
ly in Shakespearean roles, his more
recent successes include "Elizabeth
The Queen," "Yellow Jack," "The.
Pigeon," "Parnell,". "St. Helena,"
"Hamlet," and "The Shoemaker's
Afterythis summer's guest directing
the Michigan Repertory Players,
Whitford Kane will leave the week
after next to go into his famed canon
role in "White Steed" at Newport,
N.Y. This fall season then he will
continue with it on tour of the key
dramacenters. It wasthis "White
ist, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, will
give a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Master
of Music degree Thursday evening,
July 27, at 8:15 o'clock, in the.School
of Muhich Auditorium on Maynard
Street. The public is invited to at-
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Leonard Fellows Dean will be held at
9:00 a.m. on Friday, July 28 in Room
3217 Angell Hall. Mr. Dean's field of
specialization is English Language
and Literature. The title of his thesis
is "The Theory and Background of
Tudor History-Writing."
Professor W. G. Rice, as chair-
man of the committe, will conduct
the examination. By direction of
the Executive Board, the chairman
has the privilege of inviting members
of the faculty and advanced doctoral
A Grand Girl to Know!
You must meet
Maisie, the ex-{
plosive blonde I
She's romantic
T. . T. I
Steed," so memorably shown here last
May, that the New York Drama Crit-
ics Circle unanimously judged best of
the 1939 foreign written plays. The
work of Paul Vincent Carroll, of like-
wise laureled "Shadow and Sub-
stance" fame, it played 136 New
York performances and two weeks in
Critics declared that if Mr. Kane
had kept "White Steed" in New York.
it would still be running. He went on
with Maurice Evans in "Hamlet,"
however, with the grave digging the
Rotary Club will hear of this noon.
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
Candidates for the Master's De-
gree in History. The language exam-
ination will be held at 4 p.m., Fri-
day, Aug. 4, in Room B, Haven Hall.
Please sign for the examination be-
fore July 28 in the History Depart-
ment Office, 119 Haven Hall.
All members of Blue Key, national
Leadership Fraternity, attending the
Summer Session are asked to meet
in Room 302, Michigan Union, Fri-
day, July 28 at 7:30 p.m.
Ed. D. degree in Education. The
qualifying examination for educa-
tion students looking forward to the
degree of Doctor of Education will
be held on Saturday morning, July
29, at 8:00 in 1022 University High
Miss Frieda Op't Holt, organist, of
Kalamazoo, will give a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music at
8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Miss Op't Holt, a pupil of Palmer
Christian, will offer the following
Concerto No. 2 in B flat -major....
.... . ................... Handel
Three Choral Preludes ........Bach
Prelude in Fugue in B minor .. .Bach
Prologous Tragicus ......Kark-Elert
Le Tumulte au Pretoire . Maleingreau
Clair de Lune.............Vierne
Fantasy and Fugue on B-A-C-Hiene
School. Those expecting to take this
examination are requested to leave
their names in the office of Profes-
sore Woody, 4002 UHS at their earl-
iest convenience.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate to be recommended by the
Faculty of the School of Education
at the close of the Summer Session:
The Comprehensive Examination in
Education will be given on Saturday,
Aug. 5, at 9 o'clock in 1430 U.E.S.
Printed information regarding the
examination may be secured at the
School of Education office.
Householders: Will persons having
ooms to rent during week of July
3-30 for persons attending the Con-
ference on Religion please phone
Jniversity 303.
WEDNESDAY ... the first day.
Goodyear s
After- I nventory
SHOP EARLY to have the fullest advantage of this semi-
annual event. Drastic reductions in the price of'Summer
and Spring merchandise now that our inventory is com-
pleted. Save on Women's and Children's Apparel, Shoes
and Accessories. Fil in and rejuvenate jaded Summer
wardrobes with this Summer's styles. Buy things for the
home at great savings in Goodyear's After-Inventory
All Sales Final - No Approvals, Exchanges or Phone Orders
and No Sale Merchandise Sent C.O.D.
Were 29.50
Clearance at .
Y TY Y..T _T .T.v,.Y,
li w---. __ _ _ _ . _..__
Were 39.50 and 4.50
Clearance at .....each
The remainder of our Spring and early Summer coat stock.
Dress, travel and sports types. Novelty and plain weave wools,
twills, tweeds. Many are imported fabrics. All are silk-lined
throughout, beautifully finished and detailed. Black, navy
and colors. Women's and misses' sizes.
Coats - Third Floor
Daytime and Evening Dresses
for Women and Misses
lBrilliant Young Styles for Juniors 9-17
for misses and women 12-46
See this fascinating group:
Mostly cottons, there are plaids, voiles,
dotted Swiss, chambrays and spun ray-
ons and a few washable rayon silks.-
Dressy and sportsy styles. Prints and
plain colors. White and pastels, a few
dark colors.
One- and two-piece styles for dress and
sports. Some with jackets. White crepes
and silks, pastel silks, a few cottons in
softly tailored styles.
Stage-struck kids
looking for a break,
'til they're broke!
Then a job as hostess
with "Lucky" -- - and
death to any who talk!'
If vet'
We says" 4er 1've
M fe'cr°s oome.
r lot,
dO t is f lce0-sebrcL
I'd loo Maisie says :
"Look! The rules
I play by say. if you .
love someone ... you
gotfa #rust_'eml
e IStr _o # P+ Sie
111'1e - be fore " ces bac
down bou
al' ,aYs
. ' .,
. .
" Lawns
* Swi sses
" Laces
" Ginghamns
" Piques
Two groups of Evening Dresses
and Evening Wraps
10.98 and 14.98
Summer evening dresses for dancing and dinner in
wide-skirted and slim silhouettes. Taffetas, organzas,
mousselines, laces, piques, voiles and dotted Swiss. A
few jacket dresses. Prints and plain colors. White
pastel and bright shades, a few dark colors. Wraps
in finger-tip or floor lengths. Pastel hopsacking, taf-
feta, bengaline and wool. All silk lined. White and
pastel colors.
5 Wraps, 4.98 each ... Jackets in purple velveteen
or nubby wool, blue billiard cloth, black bengaline and
white wool with gold kid trim.
Rendy-to-Wear - Third Floor
- 5.00
: .
1 a .,
former values 5.95 to 10.95
and Portable mlod- e m
In the Basement
309 Pairs
2.98 a pair
Broken sizes in Spring and
Summer shoes. Styles for
street, dress and sportswear.
Kid and calfskins, gabardines,;
In the Shoe Salon
Second Floor
103 Pairs
3.98 a pair
Pumps and oxfords in tan and
japonica kid and calfskins.
Walking shoes and dressy
... Shop in Air-Cooled Comfort.. .
111'1 i l " I iI:i1 J) ' 1
U l[