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July 26, 1939 - Image 1

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cloudy and somewhat
warmer today...


Off icial Publication Of The Summer Session




XLIX. No. 26





Vlichaelides, Heller
Will Lecture Today
.t Religious Parley

Michaelides Describes Tragic
Role Of ReligionIn Near East

rofs. Waterman, Worrell
Choose Near East Topics
Of Biblical Interest
Hiscussion Panel
To Follow Rabbi

by Rabbi James Heller,
8 Michaelides and two
culty members are to be
of the program for the
the Fifth Annual Reli-
er, of the Isaac M. Wise
incinnati, will make his
to the Conference when
he 4 p.m. seminar meet"
[emorial Hall. His topic!
'ard Inter-Faith Under-
Members of the discus-
lowing this address will
ry D. Jones, director of!
nunity Center, Detroit;
ry H. Lewis, rector of St.
scopal Church, Ann Ar-
t of the Ann Arbor Min-
:iation and member of
z Committee on Chris-
h, and others.
Wichaelides of the Near
of Theology, Beirut, Sy-
er the 3 p.m. lecture in
orial Hall on the subject,
the Near East."
y L. Waterman, chair-
department of Oriental
id literatures, will de-
iresses. He speaks at 5
to be offered today be-
fth Annual Conference
will be as follows:
n. "The Home of Re-
ligion" by Professor

fore the
on Religi

Reh Russia
Resume Talks
On Trade Pact
Negotiations May Stimulate
British -French -Russian
Talks, Diplomats Say
BERLIN, July 25.-(P)--Nazi Ger-
many and Communist Russia, ideolo-
gical opposites, have embarked at a
time of grave international tension
upon trade negotiations, announcing
to the world that they are desirous of
increasing the commerce between.
Neither side believes it is yielding
in its abhorrence for the political
system of theother by perfecting ma-
chinery' for bartering Russian raw
m'aterials against German industrial1
That trade talks are resumed at
this particular time is significant. It
is evident from utterances and atti-
tudes on both sides that these trade
talks fit into the political maneuvers
of both powers.
Foreign diplomatic quarters in Ber-
lin are convinced that Joseph Stalin
in Moscow welcomes the negotiations
as a means of inducing the British
and French to improve their offers
for a mutual aid pact with Russia.
They point to the fact that among
the prominent persons who attended
the Munich art festival July 16 was
the counsellor of the Russian Em-
bassy, George Astachoff, while rep-
resentatives of the western powers
were abserM3.
As for the Germans, their official
Spokesten never fail to ention the
possibility that Poland may'find hr-
self ground between the German and
Russian millstones.
They do not go so far as to say
that a Germn-Russian alliance may
result, but they do say that "a strong
national Russia with the Jewish in-
fluence eliminated" would "make an
ideal partner for a pact to which
Germany is the other partner.
! One reason for the publicity given
at this time to the negotiations, even
before they are concluded, is seen in
some quarters to lie in the German
desire to allay fears that the Reich
may reach out for the Ukraine next.
It is well known to authorities here
that administration of Bohemia and
Moravia, heart of the late Czecho-
slovakian republic, is causing many
a headache to the Reich's protector.
Responsible Germans are therefore in
no mood to contemplate the addi-
tion of further non-German sections
of Europe such as Russia's Ukraine.
Second Greenfield
a Village Trip Today
For those who missed last week's
Summer Session Excursion to Hen-
ry Ford's Greenfield Village at Dear-
born, a duplicate of that trip will be
held today, leaving from in front of
Angell Hall at 1 p.m.
Members of the Ninth Excursion
will visit the colonial buildings of the
village, including one of the world's
largest museums of transportation and
will also see the original Menlo Park
laboratories in which Thomas A. Edi-
son did most of his research.
The last excursion of the Summer
Session will be to Put-In-Bay.

2 p.m. "Old Testament Proph-
ets" by Professor Waterman.h
3 p.m. "Moslems in the Near
East" by Professor Michaelides.
4 p.m. "Toward Inter-Faith Un-
derstanding" by Rabbi Heller.
5 p.m. "Archaeology of Biblicali
Lands" by Professor Waterman.i
p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall on
"Archaeology of Bible Lands." This
is one of the regular series of Sum-
mer School lectures. Professor Wa-
terman will also speak at the 2 p.m.
seminar in Room 2029, Angell Hall,
on "Old Testament Prophets."
Prof. William H. Worrell of, the
Oriental languages department 'will
speak at the luncheon meeting at
12:15 p.m. in the Union on the topic
"The Home of Revealed Religion."
The classes in religion are held
daily at 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10 a.m. and
11 a.m. Permission to audit these
classes may be obtained from the
office of the Counselor in Religious
Education, Room 9, University Hall.
. The Conference, the fifth held by
the University, is directed by Dr. Ed-
ward W. Blakeman, counselor in Re-
ligious Education, and is entitled
"The Near East, Where Religions
Meet." All speech topics, seminars
and classes are planned around this
central theme.
Dr. Lockwood
To Talk Today
Jap's Financial Condition.
Is TopicOf Address
Japan's financial condition and its1
bearing on the present Sino-Japanese
conflict 'in China will be discussed at
4 p.m. today in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham School by Dr. William
W. Lockwood, Jr., of the research
staff of the American Council of the
Institute of Pacific Relations and vis-
iting member of the faculty of the
Institute of Far Eastern Studies.
Dr. Lockwood's talk, sponsored by
the Institute, will be titled "The Real
Economic Problem in Japan."
Speaking yesterday on "National
Resistance and Revolution in China,"
Dr. Lockwood will lecture again to-
morrow, this time on "Japan in North
China: A Two-Year Balance Sheet."
This lecture will also take place at 4
p.m. in the Rackham School Amphi-
All interested, whether enrolled in

Decries Desolation Spread
In Nationalistic Strife
By Christian Beliefs
The tragic role played by Christian-
ity and Mohammedanism in the na-
tionistic conflicts of the Near East
was described yesterday by Prof.
George P. Michaelides of the Ameri-
can Jniversity. Beirut. Syria, in the
R aokham Lecture Hall.
Just what the relation between
religion and nationalism should be
poses a difficult question, Professor
Michaelides said. But it is is tragic,
he declared, that Christianity, a reli-
gion of love, peace and fellowship,
should play such an unenviable part
in spreading the desolation which
marked nationalistic strife in Greece,
Turkey and Syria.
Of the great "religious" movements
which swept out of the Near. East,
Zionism was neither a religious nor a
political movement akone but a mix-
ture of both, he said! If it were purely
political, colonization of the Jews
would'be simple, he said. But all the
suggested spots for colonization "lack
Fi ht Expected
On Wage-Hour
Law In House

Unexpected Struggle Seen
Looming Over Charges
In Administration Plan
WASHINGTON, July 24.-(P)-The
House faced tonight - the possi-
bility of an unscheduled fight
over modification of the wage-hour
law, despite Administration opposi-
tion to any drastic changes in the
act this session.J
An informed member said after a
two-hour meeting that the Rules
Committee probably would vote to-
morrow to give legislative right-of-
way to two divergent sets of amend-
ments-those sponsored by Chair-
man Norton (Dem.-N.J.) of the Labor
Committee and Rep. Barden (Dem.-
Amendments Sent Back
Earlier this year, the Norton
amendments reached the House floor
but were sent back to the Labor Com-
mittee after their author had at-
tempted to obtain consideration un-
der special procedure which she said
would have prevened foes of the act
from "cutting the heart" from it.
These amendments would have ex-
empted white collar workers earning
$200 a month or more and would
have permitted some workers engaged
in operations related to agriculture
to work longer hours during certain
periods of the year.
Exemptions Ineluded
The 1hore drastic Barden amend-
ments' would exempt white-collar
workers with salaries of $150 a month
and numbers of workers engaged in
processing agricultural products.
At today's meeting of the Rules
Committee, Chairman Sabath (Dem.-
Ill,) obtained from Mrs. Norton, Bar-
den and wage-hour administrator
Elmer F. Andrews an agreement to
confer in an effort to get together
upon amendments. There was no time
set for the meeting, however, and
nothing in the testimony before the
Committee to indicate a disposition
of the three to change their views.
Andrews, defending the act on the
Committee's witness stand, testified
under close questioning by Rep. Cox
(Dem.-Ga.) that he had not adopted
a policy of being "governed" by or-
ganized labor.

the land of promise," the "Holy City"
which they believe to be their herit-
"Mohammedanism has been im-
perialistic and totalitarian from the
start," Professor Michalides de-
clared. 'For the first five centuries, it
was purely a religious movement. All
Moslems were united-Turks, Arabs,
Spanish, Syrians-without discrim-
ination between nations.
But eventually it gave birth to a;
"new kind of nationalism,"-the ad-
herence of the "believer" to his faith.
And as the Moslems expanded, con-
quering peoples of other religions,
the problem arose 'of what to do
with non-Moslems within the Mo-
hammedan fold.
Separate System For Christians
The unwillingness of Christians to
live under the alien Moslem law in-
duced the Mohammedans to grant a
separate system of courts and law for
Christians, he declared, and out of
this finally grew the concept of na-
tionalism of the identification of a
group with state independence. And
"he who belonged to the same race'
belonged ipso facto to the same
religion." Conversion from one reli-
gion to another meant conversion
from one nationality to that profess-
ing the new faith.
Religious Nationalism Wanes
With the advent and growth of
modern nationalism," however, "re-
ligious nationalism began to wane,"
Professor Michaelides declared. The
current coalition between Moslems
and Christians to shake off British
rule in Jerusalem and Syria, and the
outbreaks between Arabs and Turks
are manifestations of this trend, he
pointed: out.
However religion is still one of the
strongest forces in Nationalism, he
observed, and lies at the root of the
discontent along the Mediterranean
coast where Moslem is pitted against
Prof. R. G.Kent
Speaks Tonight
On Linguistics
Noted Scholar To Lecture
On 'DicipheringThe Old
Persian Inscriptions'
Prof. Roland G. Kent, who will
deliver a Linguistic Institute lecture
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Rackham
building no "Deciphering the Old In-
scriptions," has long been outstand-
ing in the field of linguistic scholar-
ship; said the Institute's director,
Prof. Charles C. Fries, this morning.
Research in his original subject of
study, Latin, and in his later specialty,
Old Persian, has resulted in a variety
of publications adding to the cumu-
lative body of facts in the world of
linguistics. In the meantime Profes-
sor Kent has carried on his teaching
as professor of comparative philology
at the University of Pennsylvania.
For American scholars Professor
Kent's best-known contribution has
been, however, his shouldering the
responsibility of the secretary-treas-
urership of the Linguistic Society of
America, which will hold its second
summer meeting in Ann Arbor Fri-
day and Saturday. As an interested
member of the Philological Associa-
tion, Professor Kent was one of the
small group drawn from that body
and from the Modern Language As-
sociation who 15 yearsago sent out
the call for the formation of a new
organization which would specialize
in the furthering of studies in the
various inter-related fields of lan-
guage study. This call resulted in
the formation of the Linguistic So-
ciety of America.
To the Linguistic Society Professor
Kent has been foster-father and
guardian angel, for, as Prof.- T. A.

Kent of the English department has
said of him, he has for years given
unstintingly of his time and energy
so that the society might grow and
become more significant in promoting
linguistic research in America.

Arabs Free,
Ohio Pastor;
Paid $2,500
Son Greets Joyful Father
With Cry, 'Gee Pops, I'm
Glad To SeeYou, Pops'
Swore Friendship
To His Abductors
JERUSALEM, July 25.-(P)--Ex-
hausted and ill as a result of eating
tribal food, the Rev. Gerould Goldner,
29, kidnaped Ohio minister, was,re-
turned to the Holy City and the arms
of his father today, just a week after
he had been taken captive by a wan-
dering Arab band in the Moab Hills.
Describing the experience, which
ended in a friendship feast with his
captors, the young pastor declared
it was an adventure "I'll never forget
nor want to do over again."
No Mention Of Ransom
The overjoyed father, Dr. Jacob
Goldner, also an Ohio minister, and
the son made no mention of a ran-
som payment, but it was learned that
the Bedouin emissary who conducted
the final negotiations, carried $2,500
on his trip into the hills-half the
amount that was originally de-
District Commissioner Keith Roach,
driving his automobile between Beth-
lehem and Hebron, saw Goldern rid-
ing a donkey toward Jerusalem, as-
certained his identity and rushed him
to his waiting father at the Jerusa-
lem Y.M.C.A.
Father and son embraced with
tears of joy.
Glad To See Father
"Gee pops, I'm glad to 'see you,
pops," cried the young minister.
The son was immediately taken to
a private room and given warm food
in an effort to ease his stomach
He ripped offf grimy clothing, sup-
plied by his Arab captors, took a
shower and shaved, all the while
talking animatedly to his father and
his friend, Rev. Clifford Moore of
Akron, 0., of being hidden in a dry
well in the desert.
While Goldner talked, Dr. Kalbian,
a Jerusalem physician, completed his
medical examination and announced
his condition was good except for ex-
haustion, diarrhea, and bites from
sheepticks while in captivity.
Tells Of Departure
Goldne related that he left the
gang's latest hiding place near He-
bron shortly after noon, after he and
his captors had kissed each other on
both cheeks and had sworn "eternal
Goldner's story was that the cap-
tors "treated me fine, but there was
once or twice when things came to a
close shave, and I thought the end
was near."
Densmore To Lead
Symposium Today
Another in a series of Symposia
on Graduate Studies will be held at
4 p.m. today in the Men's Lounge of
the Rackham Building, under the
leadership of Dr. G. E. Densmore,
chairman of the speech department.
Dr. L. M. Eich will lead the discus-
sion on Rhetoric and Oratory and
the History of the Theatre. The
group will discuss research possibili-
ties in these respective fields and go
over the possibilities of master's
theses and doctorial disertations.
The object of these symposia is to

bring together students who are mu-
tually interested in the same sub-

Pollock Views
Fascist System
Of Education
Talk To Be Given At 8 P.M.
Today In North Lounge
Of Michigan Union
Prof. James K. Pollock of the poli-
tical science department will describe
"Education Under Fascism" at 8 p.m.
today in the north lounge of the
Author of a number of books on
German government and an author-
ity on international affairs, Professor
Pollock was one. of the Judges in the
Saar plebescite. His talk will be
based on extensive travels in Nazi
Germany. A discussion period will
follow the lecture.
The American Student Union and
the Ann Arbor branch of the Ameri-
can Federation of Teachers is spon-
soring the talk. Educators in Sum-
mer School have been especially in-
vited to attend.
Professor Pollock's speech will be
the first in a series of three dealing
with the general topic "Democracy
and Education." Arthur Elder, na-
tional vice-president of the American
Federation of Teachers and executive
secretary of the Michigan Federaion
of Teachers will speak at 8 p.m. in
the Union, a week from today on
"Retrenchment and Its Effects Upon
American Education."
Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the
English department will discuss "Edu-
cation for Democracy" at 8 p.m.
Aug. 9 in the Union.
Dr. Michaelides To Talk
At Methodist Luncheon
Dr. George P. Michaelides of Bei-
rut, Syria will address a luncheon
group at' the First Methodist Church
at 12:15 p.m. today.
Dr. Michaelides is here as one of
the lecturers during the Conference
on Religion. He is also the Martin
Loud lecturer for this summer and is
sponsored by the Wesleyan Guild
Corporation of the First Methodist
Church. The' luncheon is open to
students of the Summer -Session and
to ministers and others who are at-
tending the Conference. Reserva-
tions should be made by calling 6881.

Hits Lending Bill

Fight On Lending
Bill Commences
On Selnate Floor


Barkley Scouts Opponents'
Charge That Measure
Leads ToBankruptcy
Vandenberg Attacks
White House Stand
WASHINGTON, July 25.-(IP)-
The climactic struggle of this Cop-
gressional session opened on the Sen-
ate floor today when Senator Bark-
ley (Dem., Ky.) arose to begin de-
bate on the $2,490,000,000 lending
bill and to scout opponents' charges
that the big measure was another
step toward bankruptcy.
There was "nothing to give alarm"
in the fiscal picture, said the ma-
jority leader, adding that there was
a large amount of unused capital in
the country and that because it was
not being put to work, the govern-
ment had to step in and take steps
to promote recovery.
Condemned Bill
Earlier, a special committee on na-
tional debt policy, composed of House
Republicans and headed by Repre-
sentative Reed (Rep., N.Y.) issued a
report condemning thelending bill
as a "device for imcreasing the public
debt by subterfuge." It called the
measure 'spending by deception"
and "state socialism by stealth."
Under the bill, the money would
be raised by the RFC through the
sale of securities to the public. It
would then be loaned on projects
which, sponsors of t-hemeasure con-
tend; would pay for themselves and
permit repayment to the-government.
Thus the program would be apart
from the federal budget, and would
not be reflected in the deficit or pub-
lic debt as stated by the treasury.
Attacks Measure
Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.)
also attacked the bill in a statement
today calling it "a device for cheat-
ing the debt limit, for socializing
business, and for another tug at
bootstrap lifting."
Prospects of further delay for the
legislation arose when Senator Mur-
ray (Dem., Mont.) announced he
would try to attach a rider on it re-
storing the prevailing wage rates for
WPA workers. It was the abolition
of such rates for skilled workers that
led to the recent protest strikes. Sen-
ator Russell (Dem., Ga.) said many
southern Senators were opposed to
the Murray proposal as now drafted.
Roosevelt In Accord
Meanwhile, at a press conference,
President Roosevelt said he would
have no objection if bonds issued by
the RFC in connection with the lend-
ing program were subjected to state
and local taxation. The President
has asked that tax exemption on all
future issues of public securities be
abolished, but legislation to do this
has not yet passed Congress.
In the House today, 51 House Demo-
crats signed a petition forcing a party
caucus designed to bind majority
members to push through a program
of "muit" legislation before the ses-
sion ends.

Purdom Advises Job Seekers
To Reveal What They Can Do

eAndrocles And The Lion' Opening
Features Modern Musical Score,

i AlarmBritish
R.A.F. Keeps Sharp Watch
For Reported Planes
LONDON, July 25.-(A)-The Royal
Air Force was reported today to be
keeping a "keen watch" on England's
east coast following the appearance
in recent weeks of German military
aircraft which may have actually
crossed the English coast line.
The report was made .by Capt.
Norman MacMillan, the Daily Mail's
air correspondent.
The German machines apparently
have been engaged either on "specific
exercises or normal routine training
flights," Capt. MacMillan wrote.
He added that they had been noted
particularly in the vicinity of the
Thames and Humber River estuaries
"on a number of occasions in the
past few weeks."
It was pointed out that there was
nothing in international law to pre-
vent foreign military aircraft from
carrying out exercises up to the 'three

Service- -what you can do for the
employer. not what the employer can
do for you-is the keynote of the suc-
cessful job-seeker today, Dr. Luther
T. Purdom, Director of the Universi-
ty Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information, told an audi-
ence estimated at 800 last night in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The people who keep this in mind
are the ones who get the jobs and
promotions, he said. Declaring that
few people were fired because "they

which kills job applicants is the
exact opposite, Dr. Purdom declared.
Marked by a vague and indefinite
air, such job-seekers give the im-
pression of having nothing to offer
the employer, he pointed out.
Concrete illustrations of these
points were offered in the form of
demonstrations by a trained group
of students.
The ideal approach, Dr. Purdom
said, is honest, straightforward, yet



y l K

"Music in the modern style, yet
always fitting" is the characteriza-
tion of the orchestral accompaniment
to "Androcles and the Lion" as de-
scribed by Charles McNiell, director
of the 15 piece orchestra which will
accompany the production.
George Bernard Shaw's well known
satire on the early Christian who was
befriended by the lion will open at
8:30 p.m. tonight in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
The overture is written for orches-

the stage crew for this production
were also made by Professor Windt
yesterday. They include John Crnko-
vich,_ stagemanager; Vincent Jukes,
assistant stage;- director; Fanny
Aaronson, dance director; Miss Wil-
son, McNeill and Leah Lichtenwalter,
music directors. Kenneth Wax and
Albert Wilkinson, flymen. Elizabeth
Brinkman, Charles Hampton, How-
ard Hill, Helen McComb, Helen Ma-
loney, Vivian Mowat, Theresa Rosen-
thal and Charlotte Strauss, grips.
Others are Norma Vint and Leslie


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