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July 25, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-07-25

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TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1939



A Realistic Sketch Of Queen Elizabeth
An Ambigous Queen In Perilous Times' Is Professor Tucker Brooke's
Characterization Of Famous English Sovereign



"11Y4 "M or -~ - -
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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ember, Associated Collegiate
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t M. Swinton . . . .
iel Q. Norberg .
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ri G. Kessler ..
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try L. Sonneborn .

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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Another Minority
Struggle In Ty o1. ..
1W HILE NAZIS clamor over their mis-
treated minorties in Danzig, while
headlines scream of new demands, new incidents,
a far more stirring, though very much hushed-
up minority drama is transpiring in former Aus-
trian Tyol of Northern Italy.
By one of the many post-war treaties, the
treaty of St. Germain of 1919, the section of
Austria then known as South Tyrol was sliced
from war-humbled Austria and consigned to
Italy as her share of the rewards of victory. With
this strip of land south of the Brenner Pass came
about 200,000 German-speaking Austrians.
Italy promised faithfully to respect the racial
and cultural integrity of its new subjects. Mus-
solini, however, had different ideas on how his
children in the north should be treated. A vigor-
ous Italianization campaign was inaugurated.
Use of the German language was outlawed, even
to the extent of Latinizing names on tombstones,
and the Tyrolians have been generally recognized
as one of the worst treated minorities in the
hodge-podge of post war Europe.
But a new German leader has risen upon the
horizon. A great protector and defender of Ger-
man rights and an exponent of Teutonic self-
determination has actively launched a program
of Germanic unity. Austria was soon annexed to
the empire. -Here was hope of freedom for the
oppressed Tyrolians.
Until last week, however, no mention of this
minority was made by Hitler. Had he betrayed
his faith to his rightful subjects in favor of
Mussolini's friendship? Ah, but a "peaceful"
settlement of the problem has now been an-
Will Tyrol become German? Hardly, but Mus-
solini has graciously "allowed" his Teutonic sub-
Jects to leave the country. A decree has already
evicted all foreigners in the province of Bolzano,
Germans must get out within threemonths, Tt-
rolians without property must be out within a
year, and those with property are given two
years to liquidate.
These "released" Tyrolians will undoubtedly,
make very faithful Nazi subjects.
-Karl Kessler
Although courses in pharmacy were taught in
1868, the College of Pharmacy was not organized
until 1876.

Characterizing her as an ambiguous queen in
perilous times, Prof. Tucker Brooke of Yale Uni-
versity yesterday sketched the uncertain picture
of Queen Elizabeth as, we know her today.
Quoting chiefly from Thomas Heywood's vivid
play, "The Troubles of Queen Elizabeth, or If You
Know Not Me, You Know Nobody," he attempted
a stirring reconstruction of her troubles and mis-
treatment during her youth.
Her first handicap, Booke pointed out, was her
sex. Henry VIII wanted a boy, in fact he assumed
that it would be no other, and had already pre-
pared the press announcement to that effect. She
was given a gorgeous christening, but her father's
wrath and disappointment she soon came to feel.
An almost destitute existence was this illegitimate
and motherless princess' fate.
Upon the accession of her sister Mary to the
throne and the restoration of Catholicism in
England, Elizabeth became the center of Pro-
testant hopes and Catholic fears.
Heywood's play here describes Elizabeth's
trial, humiliation and her confinement to the
Tower, through all of which she successfully held
the sympathy of the people. It was here that she
showed her characteristic weapon of defense:
playing for time. After a few month's confine-
ment she is sent into the country upon King
Philip's intervention.
In Heywood's play her troubles ended with her
accession to the throne, but Waldman more
accurately describes her prize as "the unhappiest
legacy that ever fell to an English soveign." The
country was destitute and overrun with famine
and plague within and threatened by the mighty
arm of Spain from without.
Brooke then skipped over the busy years of
the middle part of her life to the magnificence of
her later years.
. From Francesco Gradenigo's preserved impres-
sions upon visiting the island empire, we are
given a picture of the great changes wrought
since her accesion to the throne. Struck by the
wealth and general well-being, he has naught
but praise for the aging Queen's domain.
This account is further born out by the
journal of the French King's ambassador, M.
de Maisse. From him, also, we have a vivid im-
Anniversary Of
sino-Japanese War
July 8, 1939
On July 7th, 1937, Japan staged an incident
at the Marco Polo Bridge near Peiping, hoping to
be able to detach the five Northern Provinces of
China with as little trouble as she had seized
Manchuria six years before. Ten days later at
Kuling Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek an-
nounced that China had "reached the limits of
endurance" and would this time resist Japanese
Today Japan's forces are involved along the
entire Chinese coast and far into the interior;
she has won many battles and taken all the
great cities of the coastal plains, but she has not
even conquered the parts of China she has
occupied. Chinese unity has held to a degree
which has astonished even her friends; Chinese
soldiers have stood up against Japan's superior
armaments with amazing courage, and Japan
has failed in each successive campaign to sur-
round and annihilate the Chinese army. Behind
the Japanese points of advance large Chinese
forces employing guerrilla tactics prevent Japan
getting a profit out of the large territory she
claims to have occupied. The war, in the Chinese
view, has now entered upon the second of the
three stages of the strategical plan envisaged by
Chiang Kai-shek.
First, a stage of positional defensive warfare
by Iarge concentrations of troops making the
capture of important cities as costly to Japan
as possible, with the main Chinese army always
withdrawing in good order when further defense
became impracticable. This strategy was de-
signed to lure the Japanese further and further
into the interior.
Second, a period of mobile warfare by small
Chinese forces operating behind the Japanese
points of advance, with the Japanese army held
from further rapid advance by the mountainous
nature of the terrain and by the resistance of
about a third of the Chinese army. Meanwhile

intensive training for new recruits and officer
and rapid development of communications and
resources in the hinterland of China.
The third and final stage of the war, as the

pression of the Queen herself as an eccentric
and conceited woman.
Describing her love of compliments, he con-
tinues, "she is very glad to speak slightingly of
her intelligence and sway of mind, so that she
may give occasion to commend her."
"Her teeth are very yellow and unequal," he
adds, "her figure is fair and tall and graceful in
whatever she does; so far as may be she keeps
her dignity, yet humbly and graciously withal."
In conclusion, Brooke matched Elizabeth with
her contemporary of whom we also know so
little. "Shakespeare, too," he proposed, "stands
garbed in dubiety, fretted and pursued by modern
Guildensterns, who would fain uncrown him."
Pressure Groups
The existence of, pressure groups is an out-
growth of our democratic philosophy, and the
very existence of so many pressure groups with
conflicting aims is a partial guarantee of democ-
racy, Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School of Edu-.
cation said yesterday in a talk in the University
High School Auditorium.
Speaking on "Pressure Groups and Education,"
Dean Edmonson pointed out that, although edu-
cators would like to ignore the existence of these
groups, it would be utter folly to attempt to do
Pressure groups, Dean Edmonson claimed, "be-
cause of the desire of many citizens to modify
political, social, economic and educational poli-
cies in terms of their particular views, because
of the desire of many individuals to increase their
influence in community affairs through group
organizations, are necessary if inadequacies, de-
ficiencies and weaknesses in our society are to
be removed."
Chinese see it, is to be a counter-offensive to
start when Japan is morally and economically
exhausted, and when new officers shall have
been trained for the Chinese army, and a new
Chinese air force created. This last stage is not
expected to begin for a year or two, by which
time China hopes to secure real aid from the
Western Powe's and to have built roads and rail-
ways to enable arms to be imported in large
quantities by her back door.
In the present, second, stage of the war far
more attention has to be paid by China to what
is termed mobilization of the people. American
correspondents, and at least one American offi-
cer, have testified to the excellent administra-
tions established by the large partisan forces
operating within 50 miles of Peiping and in
other parts of North China, and are witness to
the fact that the Chinese guerrillas control more
territory than the Japanese army. There is alsol
evidence that these local administrations have
won the wholehearted support not only of the
peasants, whose rents they have reduced, but
even of the remaining landowners and gentry
who consider lower rents and interest rates a
lesser evil than the massacre and looting of the
Japanese soldiers.
Chinese unity, and the supplies of the mobile
forces in occupied territory, owe much to the
maintenance of the Chinese currency as the
medium 'of exchange all over China. It is in
this sphere that Britain and the United State.
have given real aid to China.
The war has now entered on a stage where
economic staying power is likely to decide its
issue, and when the currency war in China
assumes paramount importance. The time has
come when Britain in particular cannot continue
to be "neutral" and still preserve her trade and
investments. If we betray China in the present
negotiations in Tokio we shall also betray our
own interests in China, not to mention the dis-
astrous consequences of such a betrayal on our
European position, and its repercussions in India.
As Chiang Kai-shek foresaw, in this second stage
of the war, foreign interests must bear the brunt
of Japan's attacks. China can no doubt maintain
the independence of most of the territory she still
holds, but she cannot without substantial aid
drive the Japanese armies out of the coastal
provinces where foreign interests are at stake. We
must either exert economic pressure on Japan and
give real help to China or withdraw from China.
During the first two years of the war, Japan
was able to cover her unfavourable trade balance
by the export of her gold reserves, and to some
extent by the proceeds of looting the cities of
China. Her gold reserves are now almost depleted
and loot is not a recurring source of income.

Japan is already reduced to a house-to-house
inquisition of her citizens in which they are
forced to declare all the gold in their possession
down to the rims of spectacles and lipstick cases.
In her desperate search for new sources of foreign
exchange she casts longing eyes on the silver
stored for the Chinese Government in the Tient-
sin Concessions, and must seek to monopolize
North China trade at any risk.
As regards China's ability to stand a long war,
in comparison with Japan's there is the primary
fact that the backward state of China's social.
and economic organization has its compensa-
tions. She can live without foreign trade, even
without inter-provincial trade; provided only she
can get arms from abroad. Her harvests for the
past two years have been exceptionally good
and the dispersed Chinese forces can live off
the countryside without any danger of serious
peasant discontent, so long as the Chinese dollars
supplied to them by the Central Government re-
tain the confidence of th population. Japan, on
the other hand, must trade with the outside
world or collapse. China depends for survival on
the morale of her soldiers and her people. Japan's
hopes of victory depend upon her being able to
import sufficient metal to give her an over-
whelming military superiority.
In China the war is releasing social energy for
constructive work to a degree inconceivable in

TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1939
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Leo Avedis Aroian will be held todayi
at 1:30 p.m. in the East Councili
Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Aroi-
an's field of specialization is Mathe-
matics. The title of his thesis is "A
Study of R. A. Fisher's z Distribution
and the Related F Distribution."
Professor C. C. Craig, as chairman
of the committee, will conduct the
examination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to atend the examination and
to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Hervey C. Parke will be held at 3
p.m., today, in Room 309, Chemistry
Building. Mr. Parke's field of spe-
cialization is Pharmaceutical Chem-
istry. The title of his thesis is "Alky-
laminoalkyl Esters of Aminonaph-
thoic Acids as Local Anesthetics."
Professor F. F. Blicks, as chairman
of athe committee, will conduc the
examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examina-
tion and to grant permission to oth-
ers who might wish to be present.
Lecture, "Steps Toward Improving
Instruction in Rural Schools" by
Harvery L. Turner, Professor of Rur-
al Education, Michigan State Normal
College at 4:05 p.m., this afternoon,
in the University High School Audi-
Lecture, "Ultracentrifugation" by
Dr. Adre Gratia, Laboratorie de Bac-
teriologie, Liege, Belgium, at 4:15
p.m., today, in Room 1528 of the East
Medical Building.
. The Graduate Commercial Club
meeting will be postponed to Tues-
day, Aug. 1, at 4:15 p.m. The meet-
ing will be in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School
of Education will speak on Occupa-
tional Paterns. Following his talk
there will be refreshments and danc-
ing in the Assembly Room.
Lecture, "Religious Movements of
the Near East" by Professor George
P. Michaelides, American University,
Beirut, Syria, who will speak at 5
p.m., today, in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building.
Lecture, "Attitudes That Hurt" by
Dr. T. Luther Purdom, Director of
the Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information. Dr. Pur-
dom will speak at 7 p.m. this evening
in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Beginners' Class in Social Dancing
this evening at 7:30 o'clock in the
Michigan Union Ballroom.

750 KC - C~BS 92 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 100K - utual
Tuesday Afternoon
12:00 Goldbergs Political Science Noonday News News
12:15 Life Beautiful Foot Health Farm Almanac Turf reporter
12:30 Road of Life Bradcast Golden Store Xavier Cugat
12:45 Day Is Ours Women's Clubs Fan on the Strcet
1:00 Shopping Guide Federal Housing Betty and Bob Concert Orchestra
1:15 Life Dr. Susan Tyson Interview Grimm's Daughter Organist
1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene valiant Lady Melody Time
1:45 Girl Marries Medical Talk Hymns Mich. W.C.T.U.
2:00 Linda's Love Wash. at Detroit Army Band Soprano
2:15 Editor's Daughter " Musicale
2:30 Dr. Malone " Rhythm and Song Mel and June
2:45 Three Aces" News
3:00 Police Field Day Club Matinee Voice of Justice
3:15 U. of M. Program
3:30 ~ "" " Two Keyboards
3:45 Duncan Moore News Red Norvo
4:00 Musical Album Feature Erskin Hawkins Jamboree
4:15 Peaceful Valleyoft
4:30 " Affairs of Anthony
4:45 Alice Blair Spotlight Rollini Trio
5,-00 Miss Julia Eugene Conley Hollywood Highlts. Organist
5:15 River Boys Malcolm Claire To Be Announced Turf reporter
5:30 Overtones Dance Music Day in Review Baseball scores
5:45 Tomy Talks Lowell Thomas Baseball Final News
Tuesday Evening
6:00 News Tyson. Review Easy Aces Stop and Go
6:15 Musical Bradcast Mr. Keen, tracer a
6:30 Helen Mencken Midstream The Green Hornet Sportlight
6:45 George Krehbiel Jimmie Allen
7:00 Human Adven. Johnny Presents Inside Story Voice of Justice
7:15 ""t"
7:30 Feature Information, please Washington News
7:45 to" Benno Rabinoff
8:00 We, the People Battle of Sexes Melody & Madness Jamboree
8:15 "o"f"
8:30 Bob Crosby Alec Templeton True Stories Success Session
9:00 Hal Kemp District Attorney Yukon Drama Musical Varieties
9:15 'to. To 'be announced t
9:30 Number Please Doghouse Interviews n Ted Fio Rito
9:45 " Police Field Day
10:00 Amos 'n' Andy Sports Parade Noble Sissle Freddy Martin
10:15 Jimmy Fidler Vic and Sade ..
10:30 Sports Fred Waring Richard Himber Doc Sunshine
10:45 Cab Calloway Dance Music " Dick Jurgen
11:00 News News Jan Savitt Reporter
11:15 Ben Bernie Dance Music t ui
11:30 To be announced Eastwood Johnny Messner
!1:45 "
.2:00 Sign off westwood Sign Off Freddy Martin

7:30 p.m. in

Bridge this evening at
the Michigan League.

Fellowship of Reconciliation. Mem-
bers on campus for the summer and
anyone interested in Pacifism are in-
vited to regular meetings of the local
F.O.R. group, Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m.,
at Lane Hall. Further information
is available at the Hall.
This week's meeting will be a dis-
%Gown &own
In the interests of an extremely
interesting reprint from the New
Statesman and Nation we're confined
to a few short inches today. So we
(1) Publish the following poem
which was penned by an anonymous
contributor. Mind you, we don't agree
with what it says and we'll wear our
bright green coat until -death or the
repossession company do us part. But,
just to show we're broadminded, here
it is :
Men are funny creatures,
On matters concerning clothes,
Where they get their ideas,
The Daily and Alice only knows.
(Editorial note: This is not only
ungrammatical but it doesn't scan.
Just goes to show you what kind of
people read Alice's column.)
Alice has written you plainly,
Advising you what to wear,
At tea dances, on dates, etc.
So why get up in the air.
Some of you do look terrific,
You'll have to admit she's right
I sometimes sit and wonder,
How you can sleep at night
Michigan is a man's school,
We women will have to admit,
But gosh! do consider the women
(2) We announce with a moderate
amount of cheer that this whole ques-
tion of dress is beginning to bore us.
So we've established a minimum set
of rules. Meh should shave at least

cussion of "Tactics IfWar Comes" to
be held at Saline Valley Farm. Cars
will leave Lane Hall at 7:15 p.m. to-
Faculty Concert. The following
members of the faculty of the School
of Music will join in providing a pro-
gram of musical numbers in Hill Au-
ditorium this evening, July 25,'
at 8:30 o'clock: Arthur Hackett, ten-
or; Maud Okkelberg and Joseph
Brinkman, pianists; and Hanns Pick,
violoncellist. They will be assisted!
by an instrumental quartet composed
of Adelbert Purga and Kelvin Mas-
son, violinists, Rorhine Hamilton, vi-
olist and Asher Gordon, violon-cellist.
Phi Delta Kappa will have its week-
ly luncheon at the Michigan Union
today. Music will be the theme of
the luncheon.
The initiation will te held on
Thursday, July 27 at 4 o'clock, to be
followed at 6 p.m. by the banquet.
Michigan Dames: Wives of all Uni-
versity students are invited to attend
the Michigan League at 2:00, Wed-
nesday, July 26.
Speech Students: A Symposium on
1raduate Studies in Rhetoric and
)ratory and the History of the The-
atre will be held in the Men's Lounge
of the Rackham Building at 4 o'clock
on Wednesday, July 26. All candi-
dates for the Master's degree and all
applicants and candidates for the
Doctor's degree, whose work lies
within these fields should attend this
G. E. Densmore.
All Men in Education are urged to
attend the picnic sponsored by the
Men's Edoation Club at Portage
Lake, Wednesday, July 26. There
will be a program of sports for every
one followed by a chicken dinner.
Tickets are 75 cents each.
Deutscher Verein: The Deutscher
Verein will hold a Zauberabend at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday night,July 26.
Mr. Walter Biberich, grad., amateur
magician and artist of leger-de-main
will entertain the residents of the
German House, students of German,
and all those interested, with a pro-
gram of magic tricks and illusions.
Organ Recital. Frieda Op't Holt, or-
ganist, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, will
give a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Master
Last Day
I Stating Wednesday

of Music degree, Wednesday eve-
ning, July 26, at 8:15 o'clock, in Hill
Auditorium. The general public is
invited to atend.
Golf: All those women students who
are interested in playing in the match
game against Miss Hilda Burr's team
should hand in a score card of nine
holes by Wednesday evening, July
26. The game is to be played on
Sunday, July 30 at 11:30 a.m. at the
University Golf Course.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts:
Students whose records carry re-
ports of I or, X either from last se-
mester or (if they have not been in
residence since that time) from any
former session, will receive grades of
E unless the work is completed by
July 26.
Petitions for extensions of time,
with the writen approval of the in-
structors concerner, should be ad-
dressed to the Administrative Board
of the College, and presented in
Room 4 University Hall, before July
School of Education Students (Un-
dergraduate) who receive marks of
incomplete or X at the close of their
last term of attendance must com-
plete work in such courses by July
26. Petitions for extension of time,
with the approval of the instructor
(Continued on Page 3)



- I


._ _

10:00 a.m.
12:10 p.m.
12:15 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.

Toys Eents
Physics Symposium, Prof. John A. Wheeler of Princeton University
(Amphitheatre, Rackham Building).
Pht Delta Kappa luncheon (Union).
"Mohammedans in a ModerA World," luncheon talk by Dr. Paul
W. Harrison, medical missionary.in Arabia (Union).
"Old Testament Prophets," Religious Conference seminar, Prof.
Leroy Waterman, Department of Oriental Languages (Room 2029
Angell Hall)."
"Medical Missionary Problems," by Dr. Paul W. Harrison, medical
missionary in Arabia (Alumni Memorial Hall).
"National Resistance and Revolution in China," by Dr. William
W. Lockwood, jr., of the American Council of the Institute of
Pacific Relations (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building).
"The Possible Functions of the Church in Delinquecy Prevention,"
Religious Conference Seminar (Alumni Memorial Hall).
"Steps Toward Improving Instruction in Rural Schools" by Prof.
Harvey L. Turner of the Michigan State Normal (University High
School Auditorium).
"Ultracentrifugation" by Prof. Andre Gratia, University of Liege,


4:05 pm.
4:15 p.m.


cvol n-




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