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July 25, 1939 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1939-07-25

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Increasing cloudiness today,
followed by showers


Official Publication Of The Summer Session

KIai l

Another Minority
Struggle In Tyrol

I I I A I I I . " I p

DL. XLIX. No. 25





ritain Denies
ie Plans New
acates Japs

Life And Experiences In Arabia
Described By Dr. Paul Harrison


Promises To Avoid Japs'
Armies In China War
As Result Of Parleys
Japanese jubilant
Over British Act
LONDON July 24.-(IP)-Britain
promised today to stay out of the way
of the Japan army in China and dis-
avowed any plans to "buy peace" by
charting a new appeasement nourse
through a loan to Germany."
Prime Minister Chamberlain made
the two statements in the House of
Commons amid openly-voiced fears
of opposition members that he was
swinging again to the appeasement
policy he pursued until the German
army marched into Prague March 15.
As an outgrowth of the bitter anti-
British campaign in Japan ad Ja-
panese-occupied sections of China,
the Prime Minister announced terms
of a preliminary agreement under
which britain recognized that "Ja-
panese forces in China have special
requirements for the purpose of safe-
gutrding their own security and
maintaining public order in the re-
gions under their control.
"They have to suppress or remove
any acts or causes as will obstruct
them or benefit their enemy."
Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax in
the House of Lords declared that as a
result of the agreement it was expect-
ed Japanese anti-British agitation
would cease.
The agreement, announced simul-
taneously by Britain and Japan, was
freached in Tokyo talks by between
British Ambassador Sir Robert Les-
lie Craigie and Foreign Minister
Hachiro Arita as a preliminary to a
broader British-Japanese conference
on -their dispute in Tentsin which
has been intensified by the Japanese
blockade since June 14 of the B ritish
and French concessions.
Hailing the agreement as a "sweep-
ing diplomatic victory," Japanese in-
sisted it granted them virtual bellig-
erent rights in their undeclared war
against China.
Chamberlain denied, however, that
the agreement involved any change
of British policy toward the Chinese-
Japanese war or that his government
"has now definitely taken the side
of Japan.''
Land Tenures
To Be Subjeet
Of onference
Latin - American Institute
Sponsors Symposiums;
Two Sessions Are Listed
What to do about land tenures and
agricultural systems in Latin Ameri-
ca will be probed and sifted by a
group of experts 'today in the second
and final session of a conference
sponsored by the Institute of Latin
American Studies.
Under the guidance of Prof. Carl
0 Sauer of the University of Cali-
fornia, formerly associated with the
University geography department,
the conference has for its purpose
not so. much the drawing of specific
conclusions but rather the broader
topic of considering the possibility of
an associative and interdisciplinary
approach to the problems involved.
Today's session will begin at 10 a.m.
in the Rackham auditorium with land
tenure in the areas of the highland
Indian culture ranging from Mexico
to Peru as the subject of discussion.
A luncheon will be held at noon in
the Union.
The evening session to be held at

8 p.m. in the Rackham amphitheatre
will be devoted to consideration of
the forms of land tenure on the hu-
mid Pampa of the Argentine. Com-
parisons will be drawn between the
tenures of that region and those of
the grasslands of North America.
Music Faculty Hold
Concert Here Today

Life and experiences among the
Arabs were described to an apprecia-
tive audience of Ipre than 1,000 per-
sons in the Rackham Auditorium last
night by Dr. PaulmHarrison, famed
medical missionary to Arabia.
Declaring that "what we under-
stand we come to sympathize with and
have an admiration for," Dr. Harrison
explained the peculiarities of climate
and soil that cause the primitive liv-
ing habits of the Arab peoples. The
main factors are terrific heat during
most of the year and a total average
rainfall of only one inch annually.
Thus the Arab lives in a country
marked for its great aridity and for
desert wastes except for the moun-
tains. The one inch of rain falls onto
a gravelly soil for the most part and
is carried to springs which create
oases in which date groves flourish.
The people who live in this land
are mainly nomad bedouins, Dr. Har-
Openng Night
Of Androcdes
Is Tomorrow
Ten-Piece Choir, Orchestra
Will Accompany Satire
By George Bernard Shaw
"Androcles and the Lion," a satire
by George Bernard Shaw and accom-
panied by a 10-piece choir and or-
chestra, opens tomorrow night in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Lead members of the cast as an-
nounced yesterday are Ray Peder-
sen as Androcles, James Moll as the
Lion, Edward Jurist as the Captain,
Sarah Pierce as Lavinia, Karl Klau-
ser as Lentulus and Nancy Bowman
as Megaera.
Other members include Robert
Reeves as Centurion, Roy Rector as
Metellus, George Shapiro as Spintho,
Arthur Klein as Ferrovius,' John
Schwarzwalder as the Menagerie
Keeper, Anderson Ashburn as the
Call Boy, Harry Gojdstein as the Edi-
tor, Richard Hadley as Caesar, Rob-
ert Reeves as Secutor, and Charles
Hampton as Retiarius.
Soldiers will be William Adler,
Robert Corrigan, B. Odom Day, Wil-
liam MacIntosh Wand Conway Sams.
William Grove, Westley Rowland,
Lawrence Rudick and David Speng-
ler will play Etruscan Slaves. Gladi-
ators include William Adler, Paul
Cairns, Robert Corrigan, B. Odom
Day, William MacIntosh, Conway
Sams and Kenneth Wax, while ladies
of the court will be Marguerite Mink
and Norma Vint.
The following will be Christians:
Wentz Alspaugh, William Applegate,
Anderson Ashburn, George Batka,
Virginia Batka, Clotile Bernard, Betty
Brinkman, Paul Cairns, Bernice Con-
ley, Jeanne Cortright, Arthur Forbes,
,Edith Fountain, Howard Hill, Joseph
Holloway, Atwood Hudson, Leah
Lichtenwalter, June McKee, John
Miihous, Mary Muldoon, Inez Mus-
son, Muriel Oberling, Evelyn Smith,
Chester Webb, Galen Wenger, Ruth
Wilson and Lee Delevin.
The play is under the direction of
Prof. Valentine B. Windt assisted by
Whitford Kane. Miss Lucy Barton
is in charge of costumes with Oren
Parker as art director. Music is un-
der direction of Charles McNeill.
Trytten Rites

rison said. They are shepherds with
a few camels and goats, and both
man and animal is almost the sole
and fundamental support of the oth-
er. The nomad subsists on camel's
milk and butter and on dates which
he obtains from the oasis dwellers
in exchange for his milk products.
This exchange of products is the
fundamental economic transaction in
Arabia, Dr. Harrison declared, and
the meagerness of this diet explains
the thin, boney build and features of
the Arab people.
Dr. Harrison, then took his listen-
ers on two trips through Arabia, one
across the lowland desert region, one
across the mountain region. On the
desert journey, he said, travelling is
done between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m. Short-
ly after sun-down, the riders dis-
mount from their camels at the near-
est place where a twig or other frag-
ment of fuel can be found. Here the
cook takes down his camel-skin sad-
dle and proceeds to use the inner side
as a holder in which to mix a little
water and some flour. A hard bis-
cuit is made which is pushed into the
ashes to bake.
One of the Arab delicacies, Dr.
Harrison described, is baked locust.
This is enjoyed in the seasons when
great locust hordes swarm over the
earth in a mass from six to eight
inches deep. The insects are gathered
in handfuls and then put in the oven.
When eaten, the wings and hind legs
are pulled off before they are put
into the mouth, Dr. Harrison ex-
Although protesting against the
extreme heat of the day-time on the
desert, Dr. Harrison said that the
most striking and beautiful view in
the world was to be had in the early
(Continued on Page 4)
Janke, Seigel,
Heikkinen Sure
Of All-Star Play
Balloting Over, Returns
Show Michigan Men
Will PlayIn Classic
Ralph Heikkinen, Fred Janke and
Don Seigel, mainstays of Michigan's
powerful line last year, are assured
of playing in the All-Star football
CHICAGO, July 24.-(A)-No
changes were made in the order
of the All-Star voting for any
position as the final results were
tabulated tonight in the country-
wide poll to select a team to op-
pose the New York Giants, na-
tional professional champions
Aug. 30 at Soldiers Field.
Ralph Heikkinen of Michigan
Will be in the starting line-up-
with a total vote of 846,617 to
781,682 for his running mate,
Francis Twedell of Minnesota.
Davey O'Brien of Texas Chris-
tian received the most votes of
any player, 1,204,516.

Congress Plans
By Next Week
Administration Lending
Bill Only Remaining Bar;
Makes Slow Progress
Senate Schedules
Evening Sessions
WASHINGTON, July 24.-(/)-
Officially and finally, Congress set-
tled into its annual adjournment
drive today, with the hope of end-
ing the session about the middle of
next week.
Night sessions for the Senate were
scheduled beginning Wednesday, and
Senator Barkley (Dem., Ky.), the ma-
jority leader, appealed to his col-
leagues to stick by their seats so time
might not be unnecessarily lost in
quorum calls.
Lending Bill Jammed
This situation developed after a
day which found the Administration's
$2,490,000,000 lending bill made little
progress in either House or Senate.
This measure is the one piece of leg-
islation upon which adjournment
most depends.
Late in the day, Barkley arose in
the Senate to say that the leadership
was anxious to adjourn on "the earl-
iest date consistent with the orderly
disposition of necessary legislation."
"We hope," he said, "that this may
be the middle of next week."
Plan Night Sessions
Not only were night sessions sched-
uled, Barkley continued, but it was
planned that the Senate meet at 11
a.m., each day, an hour earlier than
"It is important," he said, "that we
come early and stay late."
In the Senate, the lending bill was
reported by the Banking Committee,
with an accompanying statement
that it would put 500,000 men to work,
would raise the level of business ac-
tivity, and reduce Federal relief. out-
The measure, the committee as-
serted, was intended "to bring to-
gether idle men, idle equipment and
unused savings for the purpose of in-
creasing employment and the nation-
al income.

'Attitudes' For Job Interviews
To Be Sifted By Purdom Tonight

How to avoid alienating prospective
employers by wrong- attitudes and
how to win them over through the
correct approach will be demonstrat-
ed' today by Dr. T. Luther Purdom,
Director of the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
Speaking at 7:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Auditorium, Dr. Purdom will
put his "troupe" of six trained stu-
dents through their paces to demon-
strate graphically just where people
slip-up in fumbling the interviews for
the jobs they "might have had."
Brilliance and training alone are
not guarantees of good jobs, Dr. Pur-
dom has pointed out. The impression
an employer gains at the moment of
the interview, or in the introductory
letter, can offset the most outstand-
ing record if the impression is not
a favorable one. He cited case after
case from the Bureau's files to illus-
trate how often precisely that has
Frequently, he said, the people who
are most capable are the worst of-
fenders. They adopt an over-confi-
dent or "don't care" attitude which

usually proves fatal to their hopes
in the end.
As in last week's demonstration,
when he emphasized the vital role
which appearance plays in landing
a job, Dr. Purdom will comment on
the attitudes of the demonstrators
and summarize the proceedings, illus-
trating his points with material from
a wealth of experience in the field
of guidance and personnel.
The program is the second in a
series of three devoted to the broad
topic of securing available employ-
ment. The third and last topic will
be discussed next Tuesday when Dr.
Purdom approaches the job prpb em
from a totally different angle entitled
"Whom Do You Know?"


Lockwood Sifts
S iio - Japanese
Conflict Today
'Revolution And National
Resistance I n China'
To Be Lecture Theme
Factors arising from the present
conflict in the Far East between Chi-
na and. Japan will be discussed by
William W. Lockwood, Jr., of the re-
search staff of the' American Council
of the Institute of Pacific Relations
in a lecture at 4ep.m. today in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Mr. Lockwood's subJect will be "Na-
tional Resistance and Revolution in
China." The talk is sponsored by
the Institute of Far Eastern Studies.
Today's lecture is one of three that
Mr. Lockwood will give during the
next three days. Tomorrow he will'
speak at 4 p.m. in the Amphitheatre
of the Rackham School on "The Real
Economic Problem in Japan." Thurs-
day he will tell of "Japan in North
China: ATwo-YearaBalace Sheet,"
also to take place at 4 p.m. in the
Rackham School Amphitheatre.
On Education
Political Science Authority
Speaks Tomorrow
Prof. James K. Pollock of the poli-
tical science department will give
the first speech in a series dealing
with "Democracy and Education"
when he speaks on "Education Under
Fascism" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
north lounge of the Union.
The series, which will also include
speeches by Arthur Elder, national
vice-president of the American Fed-
eration of Teachers and executive
secretary of the Michigan Federation
of Teachers, and Prof. Mentor L.
Williams of the English department,'
is sponsored by the American Student
Union and the Ann Arbor Branch of
the American Federation of Teachers.

Father Risks His Life
Trying To Rescue Son
A drama of stark tragedy mixed
with heroism unfolded on Cavanaugh
Lake near Chelsea last night when
a father who couldn't swim risked
his life in a futile attempt to save
his drowning son.
It occurred in the calm of the late
afternoon when Casmer P. Head of
5536 Yorkshire Drive, Detroit, took
his five year old boy,'Richard, for a
motor boat ride.
Richard had found an oar in the
bottom of the boat and was playing
with it as boys will when suddenly he
thrust it into the water and the im-
pact hurled him out of the boat into
the lake.
His father, although he had never
swum a stroke, plunged in after him
but couldn't reach the boy and was
forced to cling to the boat while his
son drowned before his eyes.
He was finally picked up by an-
other boat. Mr. Head is a member of
the law firm of Walter and Head,

Special eeting
imaxes Week
For Linguists
With the lecture Wednesday eve-J
ning by Dr. Roland G. Kent, profes-a
sor of comparative philology .at the
University of Pennsylvania and secre-{
tary-treasurer of the Linguistic Soci-v
ety of America, the Linguistic Insti-b
tute begins a r strenuous four-day c
period culminating in the crowded i
weekend program occasioned by its
playing host to the second special
summer meeting of the Linguistic
Society in Ann Arbor.
Professor Kent's topic is announced
as "Deciphering the Old Persian In-
scriptions." He will speak at 7:30 p.m.
in the third floor amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building.
Thursday noon the regular Insti-
tute luncheon conference at the
Michigan Union, will hear Mr. Ken-
neth L. Pike, who is associated with
the University of Mexico in Mexican
Indian language research, speak on
the subject, "Linguistic Aspects of
Bible Translation."
Friday at 2:00 pm. the first session
of 'the Linguistic Society's meeting
will begin, with several papers sched-
uled for the afternoon. An informal
dinner will be held at the Michigan
Union at 6:00 p.m., with two invita-
tion speakers appearing on the eve- 1
ning program at the Rackham Build-{
ing. Both Saturday morning anda
afternoon will be filled with the read-
ing of papers. There will be a lun-
cheon at noon and a tea served latet
in the afternoon.
Local arrangements for entertain-
ing the many visiting linguistic schol-
ars who are expected here for the
meeting are in charge of Prof. Charles
C. Fries, director of the Linguistic
Institute, who at the society's winter1
meeting in New York was elected
president of the organization for 1939.
This is the second year the Lin-
guistic Society is having a special
summer meeting in Ann Arbor, theF
first one, held last year in conjunc-
tion with the Linguistic Institute,
having proved so successful that
members of the society voted to hold
another program hre this summer.i
Funeral Rites
For Deceased
Librarian Held
Miss Mabel Randall Served
University For Sixteen
Years Before Death
Services for Miss Mabel Randall, a
member of the library staff for 16
years and head librarian at the Archi-
tectural College, were held at 9 a.m.
yesterday in the St. Andrews Episco-
pal Church. Committal services were
held at 1 p.m. in Coldwater.
A graduate of the University, Miss
Randall joined the library staff in
1923 and became the first full-time
librarian in architecture when the
new building was completed in 1927.
During her years of service the library
expanded to its present size from the
first five-foot shelf of books on
architecture. She had recently com-
pleted a reclassifaction of the library.
"Miss Randall's death is a shock
to the staff in architecture and de-
sign," Dean Wells I. Bennett of the
College of Architecture said yester-
day. "She had been in charge of the
library of the College of Architecture
for some eleven years and had taken

Religion Meet
Starts Second
Day Of Annual
Parleys Here
Sacred Music And Special
Lectures Will Feature
The ProgramFor Today
Dr. Paul Harrison
To Give Lecture
Five special lectures, a concert of
sacred music and the daily classes
in religion will highlight the pro-
gram of the second day of the Fifth
Annual Conference on Religion here
Speakers will be Dr. Paul Harrison
who will deliver two lectures, Profes-
sor George Michaelides, Prof. Leroy
L. Waterman, head of the department
of Oriental Languages, Dr. Lowell
J. Carr, of the Michigan Child Guid-
ance Institute, and E. L. Hughes,
director of Social Science, Detroit
Council of Churches.
Also included on today's program
will be a concert of sacred music to
be played by the faculty of the School
of Music, to be given at 8:30 p.m.
in Hil Auditorium.
Daily classes are being conducted
Lectures to be offered today be-
fore the Fifth Annual Conference
on Religion will be as follows:
12:15 p.m. "Mohammedans in a
Modern World," by Dr. Harrison
2 p.m. "The Book Of Ruth" by
Prof. L. L. Waterman (Alumni Me-
inorial Hall).
3 p.m. "Problems of the Medi-
cal Missionary" by Dr. Harrison
(Alumni Memorial Hall). r
4 p.m. "The Possible Functions
of the Church in Delinquency Pre-
vention" by Dr. Carr, Mr. Hughes
and others (Alumni Memorial
' 5 p m. "Nationalism and Re-
ligion" by Professor Michaelides
(Rackhaxn Lecture Hall).
by faculty of the University for mem-
bers of the Religious Conference.
Classes meet at 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10 a.m.
and 11 a.m.
Subjects of the 8 o'clock classes are
The History of Religion to be giv''
by Professor Waterman; Character
Education by Prof. W. Clark Trow
of the School of Education!1 and Com-
cmunity Problems by Prof. Arthur E.
Wood of the sociology department.
At 9 o'clock, topics are Religious
Education to be given by Dr. Edward
W. Blakeman, University Counselor
in Religious Education; The Phil-
osophy of Religion by Prof. Roy W.
Sellars of the philosophy department;
and The Psychology of Personality
by Prof. Henry F. Adams of the psy-
chology department.
Classes Scheduled
Classes at 10 o'clock are The His-
tory of Western Europe by Prof. Al-
bert Hyma of the history department
and Milton by Prof. W. R. Hum-
phreys of the English department.
Subjects of the classes at 11 o'clock
are Aesthetics to be given by Prof.
DeWitt Parker of the philosophyde-
partment; and The Psychology of
Child Development given by Willard
Olson, of the School of Education
and Director of University Elemen-
tary School.
Professor George P. Michaelides of
the Near East School of Theology,
Beirut, Syria, gave the chief address
yesterday on "Orthodox In The Near

"The Eastern Orthodox Church is
democratically organized. Originally
there were four independent eastern
patriarchates, equal in power and dig-
rAity but eventually the Patriarch of
Constantinople acquired greater im-
portance in administrative matters
and so was placed first on the list,
but never was he allowed the pre-
rogative of telling the . other patri-
archs what to do," Professor Michael-
ides said.
Independent Church
As states became independent, a
general policy was adopted of recog-
nizing an independent church with-
in the free state. So came into being
the independent and self-governing
churches in Russia, Greece, Rouman-
ia, and the other eastern countries,
each with their own head supreme
in her own territory. But there is no
central authority in the Eastern Or-
thodox Church as there is in the
Roman Catholic Church.
From the beginning. the interests

game on Aug. 30

as final returns areI

Auto Crash Victim's Burial
To Be At 2:30 P.M.
Funeral services will be held at
2:30 p.m. today at the Trinity Luther-
an Church for Mrs. Anne Trytten,
wife of Mr. John. M. Trytten, actingl
principal of the University High
School and instructor in the School
of Education.
Mrs. Trytten was killed Sunday in
an automobile accident at the inter-
section of US-23 and Packard Road.
Her husband, driving at the time,
escaped with minor abrasions.
Born 47 years ago in St. Paul,
Minn., Mrs. Trytten spent her child-
hood in Decorah, Ia., where her father
was editor of the Decorah Posten, a
Norwegian newspaper. She was edu-
cated at the University of Wisconsin.
The Trytten family moved here in

being counted in the balloting which
ended Saturday.'
Janke, popular captain of the team
for whom a country-wide drive was
organized by friends and alumni,
climbed rapidly in the last few days'
voting and had 344,279 votes for one
of the tackle positions in the latest
tabulation. He was sixth in the vot-
cng, with Seigel ninth, receiving 318,-
497 votes. Beinor of Notre Dame and
Haak of Indiana will start the game
by virtue of winning the greatest
number of ballots.
Heikkinen, All-American guard,
led all balloting for that position and
will start the game with Francis
Twedell of Minnesota. Heikkinen
received 508,276 votes, and Twedell,
Other Michigan players in the bal-
loting include Wally Hook, fullback,
and Norm Purucker, "the Michigan
madcap," at half. Hook received 82,
176 votes for his position, while
Purucker had 64,107 tallies. Neither
will be on the squad.
FourrMichiganrStatesplayers were
in the running for the squad. John-
ny Pingel received 541,766 votes to
clinch a half-back berth, and Diehl,
Kovacich and Diebold were among
the leading contenders for places in
the end, fullback and quarter posi-
tions. Bray of Western State was
tenth in the balloting for the guard
"^n -- :.cairn- 227n9Q tn fpq

Virus Investigation To Be Topic
Of Belgian Bacteriologist Today
Classifications and investigation of actions of bacteria in the presence of

bacteria and especially of viruses will
be discussed in a series of four lec-
tures beginning at 4:15 p.m. today
in Room 1528, East Medical Build-'
ing, by Prof. Andre Gratia of the
Laboratorie de Bacteriologie of the
University of Liege, Belgium.
Dr. Gratia has been especially in-
terested in investigating methods of
classification employed in bacteriol-
ogy and in devisig new methods of
investigation, chiefly through the use
of the new ultracentrifuge developed
by Henriot-Huguenard, which is ap-
plicable to the study of viruses.
Classification of bacteria, accord-
ing to Dr. Malcolm H. Soule of the
department of bacteriology, has pre-
viously been arranged according to
.....,.t Ion a T ca n -t-it

anti-sera and upon their ability to
produce diseases on animal tissue.
Due to variousinconsistencies in
behavior, and since the viruses can
be observed only through the new
electronic microscope, they do not
readily lend themselves to these sys-
tems of classification. Dr. Gratia's
problem, therefore, has been to de-
vise a new order of investigation es-
pecially adapted to the study of vi-
Ordinary bacteria can readily be
separated by the use of fine filters.
Viruses, however, pass readily through
even the finest filters available, thus
making it difficult to obtain virus
culture of high concentrations.
It is here that the ultracentrifuge
becomes indispensible. This new
f -a4.n.n. o a tinn al

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