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July 22, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-07-22

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I eeiztslo Me
Heywood Broun
STAMFORD, Conn., July 21-Every once and
so often somebody gets up in a pulpit or on a
platform and declares that the American home
is being destroyed. Some blame the termites and
some accuse the jitterbugs.
And sometimes it is the com-
ic supplemeits in the news-
papers. I mean particularly
those pictures which end up
"Wham" or "Ouc or
"Glug!" "Glug!" The moral-
ists assert that if volence is
made comic, tiny tots may
be induced to mow each oth-.
er down. But, confound it,
nothing of the sort has happened.
And if you tell any commuter that the Ameri-
can home is disappearing he is apt to laugh
a little ruefully in your face. Along this ridge
we realize that we are kin to our friend the
turtle. Any one of us may stick his head out
at times or even snap upon occassions, but there
is no getting away from the home. It grows up-
on us. Indeed, we carry it upon our backs. There
is no escape. At least, not after the first 10 years.
* * *
Veterans Of The home Brigade
Silver weddings in Connecticut are almost as
common as cocktail parties. I do not grudge the
veterans of the home brigade the pride they
show in asserting that they have stuck it out for
25 years. But at times I am tempted to play
the role of skeleton at the feast and inquire
rudely, "But, my friend, did you ever have a
chance to get away?" In most cases an honest
answer would be, "Well, come to think of it, I
never did."
Each morning of the week, except on Sunday,
the good providers of the ridge depart for the
metropolis. To the unthinking observer these
are free men upon their own. But look into
the soul of the commuter or into hispants'
pocket and you will see that he carries with him
a return trip ticket. He is but a fish upon a
silken line, and he will be hauled back upon
the 6:03 train to be gaffed as usual.
Distinctly I want to proclaim that the home is
a great institution and that for my own part I
love each little radish in its bed. I am glad the
moralists err in asserting that swing music may
make gypsies of us all. Indeed, the newer forms
of dancing strengthen home ties and do not
loosen them. The wild abandon of the modern
manner moves the average man of middle age
to say quite early in the evening, "Come on,
mamma, let's get -the hell out of here. I want to
take my shoes off and relax."
As I have already said several times, I love my
home, and I am sure that you have an equally
fervent affection for your own. But in the dead
of night, and evn at high noon, I sometimes
sneak a wish that there were just a little weight
in the grave fears of those who feel that at any
moient we may all scatter on a reckless binge.
Would I destroy the home? Don't be silly.
But I wonder whether some arrangement might
not be made to lift it just a little from the back
of the neck where it pinches like a collar button.
Please keep my secret sacred, for I have no de-
sire to have the breath thumped out of me by
one who is both near and dear. However, in
strictest confidence, I will impart the fact that
that about once a year I have a deep desire to
miss the 6:03 train and racket around the town
until the 9:10 leaves the Pennsylvania station.
An Exceptional Family Man
Only one man of my acquaintance has ever at-
tained the perfect goal of having a home and
unimpaired freedom at the same time. In his
younger days he was an officer of the United
States Marines, and when somebody asked him
at a party if he had not been lonely during his
wanderings he was indignant.
"I'm more of a family man than any one of
you," he explained. "In every land where I was
ordered my first objective was to start a home.
In fact, I have had seven homes and three fam-
ilies. Unlike the rest of you, I may say that I
have lived." 4

And at this point his eyes grew misty. and he
remarked tearfully, "And may I add that, as the
poet has said, 'It takes a heap of living to make
a house a home'!"
it is fully satisfied, after careful inquiry, as to the
authenticity of the document. A few significant
extracts may be quoted to illustrate the military
acuity and plausibility of the lecture.
With ,regard to the crucial Mediterranean
problem General von Reichenau was reported
to have said, "True, England still holds stra-
tegically important points at the extremes of
the Mediterranean and along its course. But
Italy alone already surpasses England in the
number of her naval and aerial bases in the
And with regard to the African coast: "An in-
stance-of progress may be reckoned in our sup-
port of General Franco in putting up long range
batteries in the vicinity of the Algeciras, and
on the African Coast opposite Gibraltar near
Ceuta; these ought to render good service when
it comes to cutting the Anglo-French vital line."
Concerning the position of France. "France's
ties with the Mediterranean Basin have as-
sumed importance. Her communications with
Africa can be endangered in the first place by
Sardinia and from the Balearic Islands which
are in the enemy's hands. France may be forced,
in case of war, to fall back upon the Atlantic
route for her troops transport from Africa.
That route, which takes about 100 hours to
cover, is from four to five times longer than
the Algeciras-Marseilles route (20 hours). That
delay may mean a lot to us in time of war. If
a quick German offensive at the outset of the
war could coincide with a considerable delay in
thens..P aof rsnsr, im.nt ,.c,,,,c

The ]Editor
Gets Told.



The Housing Situation
To The Editor:
Since the beginning of the year, two students
of the University have lost their lives through
fire. In both cases, there was not adequate means
of egress and the well seasoned wood flared up
so quickly that the firemen could not possibly
have arrived before the 'real damage was done.
Owing to the housing problem on the campus,
students are made to live in "rooms"' which bare-
ly make a good sized closet. Any corner in an
attic or basement is filled with a bed and a desk
and here the student lives. At one time the Uni-
versity investigated the living conditions of the
students and came to the conclusion that there
was inadequate lighting facilities. Good lighting
is of no use to the two dead students now. Their
trouble was that they lived in firetraps, in cubby
holes in old houses. But in spite of such tragedies,
students are stilr in danger, victims of criminal
negligence and greed.
The obvious solution is to build dormitories to
house all the students. But until that is possible,
there are remedies which can and must be used.
All rooming houses should be carefully inspected
by the University and the Fire Marshall. Old
houses should be fire-proofed with asbestos and
fireproof paint and be provided with adequate
fire exists. No students should be compelled to
live in attics and basements while a tribute in the
form of exorbitant rent is exacted for the elemen-
tal human needs of safe and healthful- living. In
other words, students should be provided with
safe, decent living quarters. This should be taken
care of at once! There is no need to wait until
more of us die.
-N. M.
The Movie Problem
To The Editor :
Noting the article by a Michigan Repertory
member against the root of all evil, the movies,
I am asking that you also inform your readers of
one or more pertinent facts.
First, the reference to the Payne Foundation
reports. Granting that every word of the report
is an understatement, that the movies are a mil-
lion fold worse than what is claimed against
them; the fact must be stated that the report
still has no meaning whatsoever. The Payne re-
ports covered motion pictures of the silent era,
and included a few with added sound effects. The
report does not cover movies as we know them
today. And even a person biased against them
must admit, if he has seen a talking picture, that
at least it is considerably different than the old
silent ones. A treatise on transportation that
completely left out the automobile would hardly
cover the subject, would it?
More than 90 per cent of all current stage
shows, including such attractions as "Idiot's De-
light" must be censored before being made into
Your readers may be interested to know that
movies this year alone that cover such items as
"small town and rural areas"; "causes and cures
of crime"; "life of the middle strata" etc, are not
even in the minority. Many of them, such as
"Crime School", "Dead End" and the like, cer-
tainly treat the social goals quite thoroughly,
Of course the movies have faults; and I am
proud to state that the industry itself realizes
many of them, and is earnestly attempting to
correct them. It is an assured fact that they will
not reach perfection, or even a state where they
will not be open to constant attacks. But im-
prove they will, naturally enough, dependent
largely on economic conditions, for they are a
commercial product.
In Ann Arbor, incidently, 8 per cent of the
audience are children under 12. The rest are
"adult children" probably, but they include
nearly every resident in the town. And many of
our most intelligent folks and social workers are
good patrons, coming with regularity. We try to
please them, and often we do. And often we do
not. But nearly all of our villains are Americans
-we don't dare have any other nationality any-
more. Although occasionally in real life we do
arrest a foreigner in these United States for some
criminal act.
-Gerald Hoag
A Southern Approach
To The Editor:
Anent Mr. Maraniss' discussion of the South

in The Daily's Wednesday morning editorial,
"The Nation's No. 1 Problem":
In this instructive and well written editorial
there is not so much to which a dyed-in-the-wool
Southerner should like to object. The facts of the
region, gained seemingly by Mr. Maraniss from
the literature and reports of the South-facts
such as, unfair tariff rates, eroded soil, and ab-
sentee ownership-are truly reported and per-
tinent to the discussion. It is concerning only a
few of the conclusions of Mr. Maraniss that a
native of the South may justly raise his hand to
be heard.
"... so long as the southern portion of the
United States remains in economic distress, cul-
tural stagnation, and social' backwardness. .."
This concluding statement of the editorial has
inferences that are very misleading, to say the
least, to many persons who live above the Mason-
Dixon Line. This mistake is due to two grievous
faults; (1) The author has not had much first
hand knowledge of the South. He really ought
to come down to see us sometime. One poor Yan-
kee (notice I did not say "damn") last summer
asked me if Southern towns had paved streets
and electric lights, not realizing that Montgom-
ery, Alabama, it is said, was the first American
city to install electric streetcars. Futhermore,

tunately, the two do not mix very
much. But for one to speak of the
South's "cultural stagnation" is like
saying that ancient Greece was not
cultured because the preponderance
of its people lacked a cultural train-
--M. P. Gray
An Editorial Objector
To The Editor:
Judging by the editorials and lettersE
to the Editor submitted to The Michi-I
gan Daily, an off-campus reader
would think the student body a bunchI
of radical malcontents who think that
capitalism is all that is preventing1
the New Deal and Senator Wagner'sI
National Labor Relations Board from
ushering us into Utopia.,
Your latest gyration is a tirade
against Henry Ford in this morning'st
paper, even condemning his broad-4
cast of the Detroit Symphony Orches-1
tra (that proves I read it, probably
being intrigued by your clever title).
I Perhaps because Ford operates on
such a big scale the issue is beclouded.
Let's suppose Mr. Ossepow owns a car
(to avoid embarrassment it needn't
be a Ford). He wants a man to drive
it for him and his family when they
wish to use it. Can he insist on his
right of determining who shall have
the responsibility of driving his car,
of deciding when and where it shall
be driven, what the maximum speed
shall be and how often the oil shall
be changed? Ah no! for according
to Mr. Ossepow's editorial that would
make him a Facist. He must ,all up
the boss of local number 14326 and
take whoever he gets who will do what
ever the boss tells him to do with that
car-or he'll sic the NLRB on Mr.
Ossep ow.0
Why discriminate against Mr. Ford
just because he invested in a factory
instead of a private car, and happens
to employ thousands of men instead
of one? He is still interested in that
investment and has a right to say
how it shall be operated. No one, not
even Mr. Martin, has to work for Ford
and those who do work. for him were
receiving high wages and had good
working conditions long before Mr.
Martin preached his first sermon.
-H. E. Winters, Grad.
A Doubting Soul
To The Editor :
An austere council of four grad
students has concentrated all its rea-
soning powers developed in Michi-
gan's mental gymnasium and yet we
are still appalled to think that the
average age of the summer school stu-
dents could possibly be only 22.
Where are all the undergrads (for
it must be they) who bring the aver-
age down to such a low mark? Is there
a Fountain of Youth4on or near the
campus? Or is there a Pierian Spring
where more of us may quickly satisfy
our thirst for knowledge? l
-A Quartet
not too antiquated
to be hopeful.

FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1938
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Students whose
records carry reports of I or X eith-
er from last semester or (if they
have not been in residence since)
from any former session, will receive
grades of E unless the work i~s com-
pleted by July 27.
Petitions for extensions of time,
with the written approval of the in-
structors concerned, should be ad-
dressed to the Administrative Board
of the College, and presented in
Room 4, Uziversity-Hall, before July
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Except under ex-
traordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after Saturday, July 23, will
be recorded with a grade of E.
Mr. James Brown Scott of the Car-
negie Endowment for International
Peace will lecture this afternoon on
"Francisco de Vitoria and the Span-
ish Origin of International Law" in
the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Building at 4:30 p.m.
Visitor's Night, Students' Observa-
tory, 8 to 10 p.m. tonight. Take ele-
vator to 5th floor of Angell Hall.
Only students may attend.
Graduation Recital: Lester McCoy,
tenor, Hartland, Mich., will give a re-
cital in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Master of Music

degree, Friday evening, July 22, at
8:15, in the School of Music Audi-
torium. The general public is cor-
dially invited to attend.
Education F213, Institute in Physi-
cal Education. Dr. Delbert Oberteuff-
er, professor of physical education,
Ohio State University, will speak on
"What Results Are We Trying to
Achieve in Health Education? How
May Results Be Rated." The meet-
ing is to be held at 10 a.m. today in
the University High School Audi-
Approved Houses for Women: All
women students who were recog-
nized as seniors when enrolling for
the Summer Session are granted 1:30
permission on Saturday nights. Those
who will not be seniors until the end
of the Sumwr:.r Session are not en-
titled to this p^:ivilege.
Biological Chemist: 120: Lectures
begin on Saturday, July 23 at 7 a.m.
Excuision to General Mo&"s Prov-
ing Ground, Saturday, July 23. A
limited number of tickets are r:till
available in the Summer Session
Office. Trip begins at 9:00 a.m.; ends
)t 3:00 p.m.
Hillel' Summer Session Group will
hold its second informal dance at the
Hillel Foundation, Oakland and East
University, on Saturday, July 23, at
9 p.m. All Jewish students are in-
The Graduate Outing Club will
(Continued on Page 3)

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Classifi ed Directory

NURSERY SCHOOL-Have place for
several more children in well esta-
blished day and' boarding school.
315 E. William Phone 8293 45x
SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no markings. All work guaranteed.
Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x
LAUNDRY-- 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 5x
DRESS MAKING and Alterations.
Mrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine.
Phone 4726. 34x
TYPING - Neatly and Docurately
done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St.
Dial 5244. 2x
TYPING - Experienced. Reasonable

rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood
PHIC SERVICE--General Steno-
graphic work, Theses, Reports,
Mimeographing, Letter Service.
Expert work. Reasonable Rates.
Office, 400 Wolverine Bldg. Ph. 7181
TYPING - Barthell's Book Store
1216 S. University Call 3712 or
4436 36x
FOR SALE-Packard Electric Razor.
Very reasonable. Phone 4932 after
7 p. m. 41x
Regular $3.50 value. End perman-
ents $1.50. Shampoo and finger-
wave with rinse, 50c. Open eve. Ph.
2-2813. College Beauty Shop 48x






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