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July 20, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-20

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Publishea every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for repubication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rigts of republication of all other matters herein also
X reserved
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
p4 second class mal matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738
Cells, Publishers Riresentaive
Board of Editors
4anaging Editor . . . . Irving Silverman
#lty editor . . . . Robert I. Ftzhenry
Assistant Editors . . . Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino,
Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L.
Business Department
business Manager . . . . Ernest A. Jones
redit Manager . . . . Nornan Steinberg
Circulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall
Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens
The editorials published In The Michigan'
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is Important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief ae educational nsttu-
'tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
The Naion's
,N.1 Problem ...
R EPRESENTATIVE Southern econo-
-.mists, meeting in Atlanta last week-
end, expressed their agreement with President
Roosevelt's assertion that the South is the "na-
tion's number one problem," and advanced a
series of concrete economic and social measures
'itended to alleviate the distress of the section.
The proposals of the economists were advan-
ced merely as suggestions, but the fact that these
men met and seriously discussed the problems
confronting the southern section of the United
Mtates is an important and far-reaching step
forward. There are first of all, some hard and
inescapable facts to be noted. Cotton is still the
South's money crop, and the results of this one-
crop tyranny have been inscribed on the death-
scrolls of soil erosion, human degradation and
economic submergence. Sixty-one pecent of the
nation's eroded land is in the'South; five million
moie acres of fertile bottom land have been lost
through stream-choking and floods. Cotton far-
mers have thus been caught in a deathly vicious
circle; they are forced to grow cotton in order to
buy fertilizer with which to grow cotton. Further-
more the goods the Southerner buys must jump
the price scale jacked up by a high tariff wall.
These ' simple economic facts alone would be
enough, as Representative Maverick of Texas
has indicated, to explain the unenviable record
of the South in American agriculture.
Other aspects of the modern South are equally
distressing. Under the blighting influence of the
one-party system, Southern politics have re-
mained provincial and demagogic. In the reli-
gius realm the South has been afflicted with a
larger percentage of Fundamentalist zealots and
anti-Catholic fanatics than any other section.
But merely to state these facts is not enough.
Too many critics have attempted to apply short-
cut methods of alleviation without any cogni-
zance of the historical and psychological fac-
tors involved in the making of the modern South.
The Civil War and Reconstruction left the Old

South broken. All the policies that the ante-
bellum South had steadfastly opposed were writ-
ten into the scheme of the national system by
1877-the opening of the Western lands, pro-
tective tariffs, federal support of the railroads
and a governmentally-sustained banking system.
Granted, however, that the South has had an
unfortunate history, that it was the victim of the
protectionists and the industrialists, that it is
caught in the meshes of a one-crop agriculture,
the pioblem still remains: how is the South going
to overcome its overwhelming handicaps?
It is in regard to this questfon that the decision
of the Southern economists to meet and discuss
the problems derives its importance. Previously
the Southern mind has too often turned into an
escape mechanism-to the past, to the South
that was, to rose-rimmed Dixie. Jonathan Daniels
in his interesting book, A Southerner Looks At
The South sounds the keynote of a newer South-
ern philosophy. Southerners must reverse the
procedure of looking at the past, he says, and
work ouit a program of construction instead of

ever open a series of chain-stores or cotton mills.
And if the South has given us Gastonia and
Harlan, lynchings and peonage, it is well to re-
member that human rights have been in some
disrepute lately in California, Jersey City and
elsewhere. In the larger sense then, the problem
of the South is not sectional but national. It is
one to which future-minded citizens in all sec-
tions of the country must devote earnest thought,
for so long as the southern portion of the United
States remains in economic distress, cultural
stagnation, and social backwardness, so long will
the advance of civilization in the nation be re-
tarded. --Elliott Maraniss
Two Years Of
The War In Spai.. ..
Spanish Civil War finds Loyal Spain
still resisting, but pressed to the wall. Three
quarters of the territory of the Republic is in the
hands of General Franco. At least half, and pro-
badly somewhat more, of the population remains
behind the Government lines, but the Loyalist
army, fighting a desperate and purely defensive
campaign, will probably not be able to stave off
the capture of the great cities of Madrid, Valen-
cia and Barcelona for more than a few weeks or
The story of the military conspiracy against
the Republic by the Sanjurjo cabal, supported by
the great industrialists and the Catholic Church,
of the intervention, at first secret, then frank
and open, of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy,
is sufficiently well known. Apologists for the re-
bellion have maintained that it was necessary
to save Spain from the Communists, to protect
her institutions, her church and her national
integrity. Such assertions deny the principle of
democracy, that if the people want communism,
socialism, anarchism, atheism or fascism, they
should be free to have it. The Franco rebellion is
a substitution of force for democratic procedure.
The institutions, church and national integrity
of Spain are being safeguarded, meanwhile, 'by
Mohammedan Moors, by the arms and soldiers
of foreign dictators and by a leader and subor-
dinates who have taken oaths of allegiance to the
government they are waging was against.
But the strangest thing about the war in Spain
is the attitudte the great democracies nave taken
throughout its course. While German and
Italian aviators rain destruction on the open
cities of Loyalist Spain 'and 100,000 Italian
troops move against Valencia, the governments
of Great Britain and France assist in the main-
tenance of so-called non-intervention. This
policy patently permits the most flagrant viola-
tion of international law by the fascist coun-
tries, but has the saving grace, in the eyes of a
"realistic" prime minister, of never officially
recognizing such violation, thus avoiding the
necessity of dealing with it.
Mr. Chamberlain has thus far oeen able to
overlook the activities of Hitler and Mussolini
in Spain and even taken no notice of the sinking
of°British ships by Mussolini's airplanes, while
trying manfully to complete his realistic policy
by putting into operation his treaty of friendship
with Italy. Protected by an overwhelming, and
so far amazingly well-disciplined Conservative
majority in the House of Commons, Mr. Cham-
berlain has succeeded in wethering the criticism
of Mr. Eden and his adherents and will prob-
ably last out the summer, till Parliament ad-
journs, without mishap.
He will not, however, have as easy a time ex-
plaining his policy to the British electorate,
who placed his government in office on a plat-
form of cooperation with the League of Nations,
when the next general election comes around.
But by that time another world war may well
have begun, the fruit of realism with both eyes
closed. -Joseph Gies.
the Daily Mini
Views With Alarm...
T HE WORD "Democracy," has long
been used by all political creeds
and denominations to substantiate their beliefs,
and as a result has become meaningless to criti-
cal observers.

One of our collegiate colleagues, The Daily
Illini, seems to have employed this rhetorical
ruse, giving "democracy" a perverted meaning,
in order to bear out its argument.
In the editorial reprinted on this page under
"As Others See It," the Illini claims that the
publishing of a "purge" list by Labor's Non-
partisan League "is going too far," that it is
not a good policy "in a democratic government."
To be facetious, and correct, we can say that we
do not live in a political, social, or economic de-
mocracy. We can further state, without fearing
contradiction, that one of the reasons why we
have not had democracy in politics or economics
is that there has been no Nonpartisan League
to represent the labor forces in political cam-
paigns and economic issues.
The action of the Nonpartisan League in pub-
lishing its list of approved and nonapproved can-
didates for Congress, irrespective of the political
parties to which they 'belong, is actually serving
as a true democratic instrument: it brings before
the people personalities who represent certain
political, social and economic viewpoints for the
education of the voters. When only business
groups, and in the 1920's the Prohibition League,
were giving to the people the names of the
"statesmen" who represented their viewpoints,
the democratic process was non-existent. De-
mocracy, it seems to us, depends for its life's
current upon the constant flowing stream of
interplaying forces representing as many vary-
ing philosophies as possible.
It is naive to expect, as the Daily Illini would
wish, that the Nonpartisan League would recom-
mend candidates without primary reference to
their labor records. The Daily Illini might
equally expect those "economic royalists" who
have been hardest hit by some of Roosevelt's poli-

Jfeenz lo Me
*Heywood Broun
From 16 years ago a little boy came into supper
from the sidewalks of New York and announced
piously, "I cannot play with David any more be-
cause he's a Jew and the Jews killed Jesus." His
father said with irritation,
"What's that to you? And,
anyhow, if you weren't a
chump you'd know it was the
He then proceeded to bawl
out the neighborhood Sun-
day school and clout the
child over the head. I am
in a position to testify that
the formula worked out well,
and I wish it were possible for some one to apply
it to Mussolini.
The Duce has just discovered that the Italians
are Aryans, and by this belated finding he seems
to be laying the groundwork for anti-semitic ac-
tivities. The telltale symptoms of decay and dis-
integration in any land are war and pogroms.
These are the dice with which dictators make
the final throw.
Nazi culture is built upon a perversion of
Germanic tradition. But it will require an even
more outlandish upheaval if Mussolini seriously
intends to put into effect the philosophy and
practices which invariably go with the Aryan
* * *
The Origind kielting Pot
Once he marched on Rome, but now he will
have to sack its entire history if the new dogma
is to stick. Rome was the original melting pot.
The far-flung legions of the Caesars brought
many captives to Rome, and some they killed
and some they married officially or just in the
sight of Jupiter.
It is a little late in the day for Mussolini to
tell the Sabine women and others to go back
where they came from. The soldiers of Rome,
engaged in adventures far from home, were
sometimes lonely, nor were all their evenings
devoted to fighting. The members of a phalanx
were known to break and go about their several
services after sundown.
Roads are not the only evidence of occupation
which Caesar's men left in ancient Britain. The
map of Rome and, indeed, the countenance of
the modern Italian form a sort of composite
photograph of the known world and its national
and racial strains in the days of the rampant
The Eternal City was both the master and the
mistress of the world. It conquered Greece, but
yielded without much struggle to the culture
of the Athenians. One has but to look at the
very stones set against each other on the seven
hills to realize that here was a metropolis to
which all the ends of the earch were fused into
an imperial architecture.
* * y,
Triumphs Of The Romans
And so it was with the Roman people. Their
triumphs were not won through the practice of
inbreeding., Romulus and Remus were lacteally
eclectic, and I doubt that Mussolini will arouse
any great wave of popular enthusiasm if he
now declares that the symbolic founding fathers
were actually nurtured by milk condensed from
contented cows.
If you want to be technical about it, the
Duce has not announced the Aryanism of Italy
as a bit of personal research on his own part.
He has had the findings from "the professors"-
names not given on request. But in a Fascist
land the educators who are kept by the state are
short-order chefs who will cook up any hypo-
thesis the dictator may find convenient for his
I trust the shades of Pompey, Julius and
Augustus shudder at the sight of the modern
Caesar puffing behind the chariot wheel of Adolf
Hitler. And in an outlaw grave Marc Antony
shakes like any aspen in his passion as he cries
out, "What interloper dares to say that we of
ancient Rome were pure?"

Indeed, if Mussolini is to make Aryans of Italy
he must recross the Rubicon of recorded history.
Ge.ts Told
For A Better Understanding
To The Editor:
Those who attended the forum last week know
that my talk was concerned with the problem
"What can Christians do to overcome anti-
Semitism?" It is regrettable that anyone was
able to misconstrue the intent or content of my
remarks, since I am most anxious to bring about
a better understanding between all religious
-Kenneth W. Morgan
Director, Student Religious Association
Just Ask Us
To The Editor:
Being a newcomer to these parts I am seek-
ing the aid of The Michigan Daily in obtaining
some information about the location of State
Parks and recreational centers in Michigan.
Would you please publish some information on
this subject?

Lewis And His 'Purge'
CIO Chieftain John L. Lewis and
his nonpartisan Labor league yester-
day put 40-odd members of Congress
on its own particularly designed
"blacklist" basing its designations
chiefly on each congressman's stand
on the wage-hour bill during the last
session of Congress.
The Nonpartisan league was organ-
ized in 1936 to rally labor support to
President Roosevelt for re-election.
Now the league has taken upon it-
self the task of rating congressmen in
accordance with their degree of sup-
port rendered to labor in the last ses-
sion of congress, and has avowed to
"purge" out of office "foes" of labor.
In yesterday's rating about 40 con-
gressmen were placed in classification.
"D", indicating that the league was
unalterably opposed to their re-elec-
E. L. Oliver, executive vice-president
of the league, announced that the rat-
ings were "A", those whom the leaguel
favored very highly; "B", those in
favor but not as active in supporting
labor legislation; "C", those who had
a "poor progressive record and
would in general be opposed by the
league"; and "D", those who so active-
ly opposed to labor that nobody could
be worse than they."
Senators receiving "A" and "B"
ratings were Thomas, Barkley, Mc-
Adoo, and Bulkley, all highly endorsed
and recommended for re-election by
President Roosevelt in his present
nation-wide campaign tour.
Rating of "D" went to Represen-
tatives Cox, Driver, Smith, Clark,
Dies, and Lewis, Democrats, and Mar-
tin, Mapes, Taylor, and McLean, Re-
publicans, Senators Tydings and
George were also placed on the lea-
gue's "purge" list.
Lewis and his league have undoubt-
edly gone too far in judging the capa-
bilities and fitness of congressmen to
hold office solely on their record in
connection with labor legislation.
Other pressure groups have been do-
ing the same thing for years, but this
fact does not mean that the policy is
a good one in a democratic govern-
A "blacklist" in completely disguised
form is not the best way to build up
prestige or secure results. An impar-
tial record of the activities of each
man involved might lead to as quick
results as a "blacklist", with less of an
implication that those at the top are
merely trying to tell those at the
bottom how to yvote.
-Daily Illini

Students. College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Except under ex-
traordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after Saturday, July 23, will
be recorded with a grade of E.
Students, School of Education (un-
dergraduate) : Courses dropped after
Saturday, July 23, will be recorded
with the grade of "E" except un-
der extraordinary circumstances. No
course is considered officially dropped
unless it has been reported in the
office of the Registrar, Room 4,
University Hall.

(Wednesday, July 20). The dance
will be sponsored by the Southern
Club. Come and bring all your
friends. Time 4 to 6 p.m.
"Discipline through the Tea Cere-
mony" is the subject of Dr. Shio
Sakanishi's lecture at 4:30 p.m. this
afternoon in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building.
Graduation Recital. Eugene Nord-
gren, organist, Wausau, Wis.,,will give
a graduation recital in partial fulf ill-
ment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree, Wednesday
evening, July 20, 8:30 o'clock, in Hill
Auditorium. The general public is
invited to attend.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday,



School of Education: Students (un-
dergraduate) who received marks of Pi Lambda Theta initiation and
Incomplete or X at the close of their banquet at League tonight at 6:30.

last term of attendance, must com-
plete work in such courses by July 27.
Petitions for extension of time, with
the approval of the instructor con-
cerned, should be directed to the Ad-
ministrative Committee of the School
of Education and presented at 1437
U.E.S. before July 27. In cases where,
no supplementary grade or petition
for extension of time has been filed,
these marks shall be considered as
having lapsed into E grades.
Excursion to the Ford Plant, Wed-
nesday, July 20. Inspection of the
various Ford industries at River
Rouge. Round trip by special bus.
Reservations may be made in the of-
fice of the Summer Session, 1213 An-
gell Hall. Excursion begins at 1 p.m.,
ends at 5:30 p.m.
Rabbi Sidney Tedesche of the Union
Temple, Brooklyn, will speak upon
"The Jews in World Affairs" at 7:30
p.m. today in the Rackham Auditor-
Engineering Mechanics Demonstra-
tion. Professor R. A. Dodge" will ex-
hibit apparatus used for demonstra-'
tions in Fluid Mechanics today at 3
p.m. in Room 101 West Engineering
Dr. Henry Beumont will speak this
afternoon on "Adjusting Education to
the Individual" in the University
High School Auditorium at 4:05 p.m.

Dues for members of the Summer
Session are payable to Connie Jones.
Chemistry Lecture. The fourth in
the series of Chemistry lectures will
be given by Professor C. S. ,choepfle
on Wednesday, July 20 at 4:13 p.m.
in the amphitheatre of the Horace
H. Rackham School of Graduate Stu-
dies. Subject: Discovery and De-
velopment of Synthetic Dyes. All in-
terested are invited.
Lectures in Protein Chemistry: Dr.
Vincent du Vigneaud, Professor of
Biochemistry in the Medical School
at George Washington University,
will lecture at 2 p.m., July 18-21 in-
clusive in Room 303 Chemistry Bldg.
The subjects of the four lectures are
as follows:
July 18, Homocystine and Its Re-
lation to the Intermediary Metabol-
ism of Methionine and Cystine in the
July 19, Excursions into the Field
of Stereo-Biochemistry.
July 20, Studies on the Sulfur of
Crystalline Insulin and on Certain
Aspects of the Chemistry of the
Blood-Pressure-raising and the Uter-
ine-contracting Hormones of the
Posterior Lobe of the Pituitary
July 21, Carnosine and Anserine.
Education F213. Institute in Physi-
cal Education. Dr. Arthur B. Moehl-
man's lecture will be given tonight at


Wives of students and internes are the Women's Athletic Building at 7
invited to the bridge party being o'clock instead of at 8, as previously
sponsored by the Michigan Dames announced.
this afternoon at 2 p.m. in the Michi-
gan League. Those who did not bring Linguistic Institute Lecture, 7:30
10 cents last Wednesday are remind- p.m. Wednesday, in the small amphi-
ed to bring it today. theatre of the Rackham building.
Professor E. H. Sturtevant of Yale
Southerners: Do not forget the tea University will speak on "The Pho-
dance at. the League this afternoon (Continued on Page 3)


Only A Few Left .
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