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July 20, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-07-20

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The Weathe r
Partly cloudy today, preceded
by rain in the south, cooler and
partly cloudy tomorrow.

Yl r e

t3Ir ja


The Two Years Of
War In Spain ...
The Nation's No. 1
Problem .

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


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Finland Gets
At Helsinki
Work Started On Stadium
In Finn Capital; Kuopio
Site Fo; Winter Games
GamesWill Probably
Be Held In Suimmer
HELSINKI, July 19.-() -The
1940 Olympic Games, relinquished by
Japan last week, were awarded of-
ficially to Finland today. Helsinki
was named host city.
The invitation was. issued by
Count Henri De Baillet-Latour of
Belgium, president of the Interna-
tional Olympic Committee, after he
received an official notification from
the Japanese ambassador at Brussels
of Japan's decision not to stage the

world Acclaim, Vaudeville Tour.
Offered Corrigan As His Reward

To Entertain Athletes
Two committees representing th
government and civil authorities mad
plans to entertain the, world's great
est athletes. The Finnish govern
ment has dgreed to finance the games
Work has started on plans for a sta
dium while the deputy of Helsingl
has suggested ocean liners be brough
into port and used as floating hotel
as a solution of the housing prob
Kuopio, in the middle of Finland
has offered to arrange for the winte
games. While no dates for the sum
mer games have been announced i
is believed they will be moved bac
to July or August, dates more suitabl
to the United States and Europea
No Pomp At Games
Had Tokyo staged the games, they
would have been held in Septembe
and ctober
Finland, which originally bid fo
the games against Japan, will stag
the competition without the pom;
and ceremony that surrounded the
1932 and 19 games at Los Angeles
and Berlin, respectively. Officials
plan to model the games more afte
the 1912 competition at Stockholm.
Meanwhile, spokesman for the
Italian Olympic comrhittee said Italy
would oppose any attempt of Japan
to hold the 1944 games in Tokyo
Italy has indicated she would 'ike
them in Rome.
Idiot's Delight'
To Open Here
At 8:30_Today
Season's Fourth Offering
To Be Anti-War Play
By Robert Sherwood-
"Idiot's Delight," Robert Sher-
wood's vastly amusing anti-war fan-
dango will have its Michigan pre-
mier at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre when the Re-
pertory Players present it as the
fourth offering of the Summer' Ses-
Near one of the corners of Europe
at the start of the next war Sherwood
has gathered a handful of people in a
hotel lounge. It is Italian territory,
and the principal guests are civilians
who represent various points of view.
When war does break every one re-
verts to nationalistic hatred except a
courtesan and an American hoofer.
As the bombs fall around the hotel
they make small talk and conclude
the play with "Onward Christian Sol-
diers." As Mr. Sherwood says, they
are the little people for whom the
deadliest weapns are the most merci-
Principal members of the cast are:
Charles Harrell as Harry Van; Vir-
ginia Frink Harrell as Irene; Edward
Jurist as Quillery; Stephen Filipiak
as Captain Locicero; Ivan Cole as
Achilel Weber and S. J Bernhard as
Donald Navadel
Breit Talk Analyzes
Proton Attractions
The work done in the attempt to
analyze the forces which cause pro-
tons to attract each other when ex-
tremely close together was the topic
featured in the talk on "The. Scat-
tering of Protons by Protons" given
last night by Dr. Gregory Breit of

This is the first picture of Douglas Corrigan to be received in the
United States after the young California airplane mechanic arrived at
Baldonnel Airport, near Dublin, Ireland.

Californian .Busies Himself
With Plans For Return;
By Boat, He Declares
DUBLIN, July 19.-(P)-Douglas G.
Corrigan who momentarily revived
that era of aviation when devil-may-
care young men flew "by the seat of
their pants," today received world ap-
plause and a vaudeville offer for his
transatlantic flight.
The grinning 31-year-old Califor-
nia mechanic, insisting that the flight
in his $900, out-moded "crate" of a
plane, "wasn't much," busied himself
over plans to return to the United
States-by boat.
The vaudeville contract, one of

rFriction Grows
T"n Russo-Jap
Border Crisis
Chiianig Kai-Shek Predicts{
Battles' In Manchuria;,
Japan's 'Push' Begins
TOKYO, July 19-(A1')-Japan sent
a new protest to Soviet Russia today
in mounting tension over a Manch-
oukuo border incident.
*At the same time, Japan permitted
rthe Manchoukuo protectorate to de-
mand directly of Russian border for-
ces that they withdraw from territory
Manchoukuo declares they invaded
July 11.
The new Japanese protest-second
since the incident occrred-was de-
cided upon at a meeting of Lieut.-
General Seishiro Itakaki, .Japanese
'war minister, and General Kazushige
Ukaki, foreign minister.
Protest To Litvinoff,
The foreign office~ directed Mamoru
Shigemitsu, ambassador to Moscow,
to carry the protest direct to Maxim'
Litvinoff, Soviet foreign commissar.
(Russia has contended the troops
were on !territory belonging to Rus-3
sia, hence there was no invasion.) l
Domei (Japanese news agency) re-
ported in a dispatch from Hsinking
that Manchoukuo had told the Rus-
sian commander of the troops in
question that if they were not with-
drawn immediately Manchoukuo
would' "take necessary, steps with
firm determination."
In Tokyo handbills demanding war
were distributed and 25 Japanese
demonstrated before. the Soviet em-
bassy, yelling: "get out of Manchou-
kuo or we will throw you out."
SHANGHAI. July 20-(Wednes-4
day)---W)-Japan's long-awaitedi "bigt
push" up the Yangtze River againstt
Hankow apparently was under way1
Terrific aerial bombardment yes-
terday of Hankow and nearby cities,
intensified naval operations, and air
raids on Chinese strongholds defend-
ing approaches to the provisionaly
capital indicated the campaign had
started a new phase. r s
Dispatches from Hankow quotedE
neral eimn hi.o - Itk Jaanes

many offers to capitalize on the flight,
went unsigned.
"As soon as I can get steamer pas-
sage fixed up I am going home," he
said. "I am trying to get a boat where
my plane won't have to be dis-
Prime Minister Eamon De Valera
congratulated Corrigan on the 3,150-
mile flight from New York-a jour-
ney which the amateur airman in-
sisted, with twinkling eyes, resulted
from erroneous setting of his compass.
De Valera patted the visitor on the
back and heard details of the little
"mistake" in direction which landed
Corrigan yesterday at Dublin's Bal-
donnel airdrome instead of Long
Beach, Calif.
(The United States Department of
Commerce today suspended the ex-
perimental certificate for Corrigan's
plane and asked the State Depart-
ment to deliver the order to Corrigan
at Dublin.
(Colonel J. Monroe Johnson, acting
secretary of commerce, explained that
Corrigan by making the unauthorized
flight, violated terms of the certifi-
cate which had authorized a non-
stop flight from Los Angeles to New
York and return).
Ford Excursion
To Leave Today
Sightseers To Pay Second
Visit To Rouge Plant
Special buses will convey the sev-
enth University Excursion party to
the Ford Motor Company River Rouge
plant near Detroit at 12:45 p.m. to-
This will be the second trip made
to the Ford headquarters this summer
because of the popularity of this par-,
ticular excursion. The members of
the party will visit the 1000 acre-tract
of land on which are located the roll-
ing mill, the blast furnaes, the glass
plant, the ore loading docks, the mo-
tor assembly plant and the final- as-
sembly line.
The eighth excursion of the pres-
ent series will be held Saturday, in-
spection of General Motor's provingi

Linguists Aid
Fight Agoainst
Hayakawa Says Popular
Linguistic Naivete Can Be
Dispelled By Scholars
Definition Of Term
Is Essential Need
With the assertion that language
scholars lend their aid in the com-
batting of propaganda, Dr. S. I. Hay-
akawa of the University of Wisconsin
yesterday addressed the Linguistic
Institute regular luncheon conference
on the topic, "Propaganda and the
"Linguists," he declared, "need to
work out an easily comprehensible
process or method by which laymen
may learn just how their language
functions. They can do a great deal
of good by helping to dispel the
popular linguistic naivete which is the
prime aid of the propagandist."
Dr. Hayakawa prefaced his dis-
cussion by relating briefly the story
of the founding of the recently-or-
ganized Institute for Propaganda An-
alysis, the only organized effort in this
direction. This institution, he charged
makes the fundamental mistake of
assuming that there is always a sharp
distinction between emotion and ob-
jective "scientific" fact, and assumes
further that every enotional appeal is
(Continued on Page 3)
Arranging Of
Flowers Topic
Of Sakanishi
Flower Arrangenent Is Art
That Has Wide Effects,
Lecturer Says Here
The art of Japanese flower ar-
rangements and its many ramifica-
tions affecting both physical and
spiritual life were discussed by Dr.
Shio Sakanishi of the Division of
Orientalia of the Library of Congress
in an illustrated lecture in conjunc-
tion with the Institue of Far Eastern
Studies yesterday.
The art of flower arrangement, Dr.
Sakanishi said, quoting Sen No Rik-
Dr. Sakanishi will speak over
WJR at 3:45 p.m. today on Bud-
dhism and its effect upon Japan-j
ese life.
yen, the foremost tea-master of the
16th century is no mere dilettante's
plaything but it is:
1. Ethics, for it defines man's re-
lation to man and nature.
2. Economics for it shows comfort
and beauty in simplicity.
3. Hygienic for it enforces clean-
liness and peace of mind and spirit.
4. Democratic for peasants, arti-
sans and nobles join in its apprecia-
Dr. Sakanishi traced the rise of the
art from the time of its inception by
Prince Shitoken, founder of Bud-
dihis, who so appreciated the beauty
of flowers that he arranged them
in seven vases corresponding to the
sun, moon, stars, earth, dawn and
man. Soon, however, Buddhist teach-

ings made people averse to cutting
flowers except for religious purposes.

Dr. Lockwood
Says Chinese
Will Triunmph
Morale Of Chinese People
Seen Deciding Factor
In Far Eastern Conflict
Disunion In Japan
Weakens Invaders
Strengthening of the forces of re-
action and disunion in Japan as a
result of the present Sino-Japanese
War will eventually lead to victory
for the Chinese people, Dr. William
W. Lockwood said at a luncheon at
the Union yesterday sponsored by
the Institute of Far Eastern Studies.
Dr. Lockwood, who is connected
with the Institute of Pacific Rela-
tions, declared that the morale of the
Chinese will be the deciding factor
in the war. The will to resist the
Japanese had been growing in China
for over a decade, but Dr. Lockwood
indicated that the policy of Chiang-
Kai-Shek had been one of conserva-
tism at home and compromise with
Japan. The sweep of popular senti-
ment, however, culminating in the
Sian coup a few years ago, made clear
to the Chinese leader the depth of the
feeling against Japan. The war it-
self has dissolved all regional, per-
sonal and class rivalries in China
and fused all into a unified national
front, Dr. Lockwood said.
In Japan, on the other hand, these
trends have been reversed. Japan
entered the war with a large gold
reserve, a flourishing export trade,
excelelnt credit rating and ample
supplies of all raw materials. Today
her gold reserves have been more
than halved, Dr. lockwood said, her
credit is nil, her supply of raw mater-
ials has almost been exhausted, and
her export trade has fallen off by
more than 20 per cent. Not only
are dissentions apparent between the
civilian and military forces at home
and between the army and the navy
in the field, but within the army it-
self, Dr. Lockwood said, such elements
as the Kwantung garrison, the North
China army and Central China army
are reported to be at variance with
each other.
Dr. Lockwood saw the war passing
through three stages. First is partial
Japanese military success in the field;
next will follow a shifting stalemate;
and ultimately, as Japan finds her-
self unable to pacify the districts
under her occupation while the Chi-
nese continue unified warfare else-
where, Japan will be forced to with-
draw her troops from Chinese soil.
Although, Dr. Lockwood saw the de-
vastation in China as unequalled
since the Tai Ping Rebellion, he said
that the war marked the beginning
of a new era in the Far East and
constituted one of the major turning
points of its entire history.
Organ Program
Scheduled Heie
Eugene Nordgren Presents
Eugene Nordgren, Grad., will pre-
sent a program of organ selections at
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium as
part of the fulfillment of require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music in the School of Music.
During his studies here, Mr. Nord-
gren has been a student of Prof. Pal-
mer Christian and Prof. Bidwell. His

undergraduate training was received
at Augustana College, RockAIsland,
Ill., where he received the A.B. de-
gree in 1923. His organ study was con-
tinued in Chicago under Stanley Mar-
Mr. Nordgren has been organist and
choirmaster in various cities in the
middle west, and at present is direc-
tor of music at the First Presbyterianj
Church in Wausau, Wis.
The program he will present is
"Prelude and Fugue in B Minor,"j
Bach; "Chorales and Chorale Pre-
ludes", Bach; "Fantasie in A",
Franck; "Scherzetto," Vierne; "An-
dante Cantabile," James; "Landscape
in Mist (Seven Pastels) by Karg-
Elert; and "Toccata" (Fifth Sym-
phony) by Widor.
9 Pickets Are Injured
NORTH CHICAGO, Ill., July 19-
(R)-A government conciliator strove
to restore peace at the Chicago Hard-

George VI Le Brun
Solemnly Sanction
Defensive Alliance



* *.*
Dr. Sidney S. Ted sche, rabbi at
Union Temple, Brooklyn, N. Y., will.
talk on "The Jew In World Affairs"
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Rackham
Dr. Tedesche, who will also deliver
an address on "The Bible and Tal-
mud" tomorrow night, attended the
University of Cincinnati 'and Hebrew
Union College and received his doc-
trate at Yale University.
Author of several studies of the-
Bible and Jewish Liturgy, Dr. Te-
desche is now President of the Asso-
ciation of Reformed Rabbis of New
York. He has served as Rabbi in
Springfield, Illinois, Providence, R. I.,
San Antonio, Tecas, New Haven,
Connecticut, and in Brooklyn.
Social Changed
From Mall To
Palmer Ffield
League Band To Play For
Dance On Tennis Court;
Cancel Regular Affair
In order that dancing may be held
on the tennis courts at Palmer Field,
the location of the ice cream social
for Chinese student relief held Fri-
day and Saturday has been changed
to. the Women's Athletic Field from
the League Mall, as was previously
planned, it was announced yesterday.
The usual Friday social evening at
the League will be cancelled, and'
Charlie Zwick's orchestra will play for
the dancing, which will include sev-
eral square dances as well as pop-
ular numbers, Miss Ethel McCormick,
social director of the League, stated.
Tables for ice cream will be set up
on the lawn between the courts and
the Women's Athletic Building, and
lights will be strung around the
court, Miss McCormick said.
Tickets for ice-cream and dancing
will be available at the Field. Cake,
sundaes and ginger ale will be sold
at separate counters. Ivan Parker,
Grad., will call the square dances.
Members of the publicity com-
mittee were asked to report to Miss
McCormick's office 'at any time af-
ter 9 a.m. today.
In case of rain, the affair will be
given Saturday at the same time,
Miss McCormick said.
Education Purpose
Discussed By Carr
Opening the second day of a two-
week physical education conference,
Dr. William G. Carr, director of re-
search for the. National Education
association ,told an audience at Uni-
versity High school yesterday morn-
ing that "in America and in 1938
an increasingly closer approach to
the democratic ideal is the control-

'The Jew In World
A ffairs', Rabbi's

Anglo - French Friendship
Is Not Directed Against
Any Power, Ruler Says
Move Interpreted
As Reply To Fascists
PARIS, July 19-(")-The king of
England and the president of France
solemnly consecrated the defensive
military alliance between the two
great empire democracies at a state
Replying to a welcome by President
Albert Le Brun, King George VI de-
lared "It would now be impossible to
recall a period in which our relations
were more intimate."
Attired in the uniform of a field
marshall, symbolic itself of the close
military ties between Britanand
France, the monarch declared that
the two nations had seen their des-
tinies "inevitably drawn together
with the passage of centuries."
The king spoke in French.
"Long and close collaboration has
succeeded in proving that we are in-
spired by the same ideal," he said.
'Similar Democratic Ideals'
"Our people have the same attach-
ment to democratic principles which
are best suited to their natural gen-
ius, and we have the same belief in
benefits of individual liberty.
"We are proud of this political
faith which we share with other
great nations. In the period in which
we live it demands from us all, to a
high degree, qualities of courage
wisdom and determination.
"At the same time there is nothing
exclusive in the understandng be-
tween us: our friendphip is directed
against no other -power.
"On the contrary, it is the ardent
desire of our governments to find, by
means 'of international agreements,
solution of those political problems
which threaten the peace of the world
and of those economic difficulties
which' restrict human well being."
The understanding was reached
near the end of April on a vist of
French ministers to London.
This was accepted by diplomats as
an obvious answer to German and
Italian efforts to separate Britain
from France. George's expression of
pride in democracy as a political
faith appeared virtually a reply to
Nazi and Fascist derision of demo-
Le Brun, in his welcome speech,
stressed the point that the presence
of the British monarch "constitutes
the highest and most precious testi-
mony of the common will which forti-
fies each day the confident sympathy
of the two nations and the close col-
laboration of their representatives."
The president added:
"I am persuaded that your majesty
and your government will make every
effort, as I and the government of the
Republic have, to give this living
reality a brilliance, always more ac-
tive and more fruitful."
Both Le Brun and his royal visitor
were careful to state that the Franco-
British entente was directed at no
other nation.
Le Brun called the relationship a
"perfect entente between our two peo-
ples-an essential element of 'secur-
ity and peace for the greatest profit
of civilization and peace."
Catholic Priest
TO Speak Here
Father O'Flanagan ^Will
Defend Loyalist Cause
Father Micheal J. O'Flanagan, not-
ed Catholic priest and Irish Republi-
can leader, will speak here at 4 p.m.
tomorrow in the Natural Science

Auditorium in behalf of Loyalist
Spain, under the auspices of the
Michigan chapter of the American
Student Union.
Father O'Flanagan, who arrived in
New York this week, making his sec-
ond tour of the United States in
defense of the Spanish Republic, is
well-known to American audiences
because of his 10 previous trips here
to defend the cause of Irish inde-
nendence Tn 109 when VI Rmnn TV


West Will Support Roosevelt
Third Term Bid, Martin Says

The enthusiastic reception accord-
ed President Roosevelt on his recent
swing through the West indicates, in
the opinion of Prof. Charles E. Mar-
tin, head of the political science de-
partment of the University of Wash-
ington that should the President try
for a third term, the West will be
solidly behind him.
In regard to Westerners, Professor
Martin, here in conjunction with the
International Law Conference said,

recent action of the Westerners in-
dicates a substantial endorsement of
his policies.
"Being a Roosevelt, his future 1o-
litical conduct is unpredictable," Pro-
fessor Martin said. "One can expect
from him the breaking of any prece-
dent. It is my real belief, however,
that if he can retain control of the
Democratic party, and if he can select
the next standard bearer, he will be
satisfied to step aside because he will
have had eight years of stormy sea,

"If they're for a man,
If they're against him

they say so. Jand that ought to be enough for any
they say so. man."

After this tour, nothing could prevent

Professor Martin emphasized his

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