Congressional T VA Committee Inspects N
Of Ryan And Watson...
It seems that no matter how good
Bill Watson is, he just can't seem to
beat Frank Ryan of Columbia in the
shot put.
Sunday, in the Hibernian track
and field meet at Randalls
Island, Watson set a new record
for the 8-pound shot when -he
tossed the thing 70 feet one-
fourth inch.'But even this heave
was not good enough to down
Ryan in the medley shot put
event. The husky Columbia ace
beat Watson by two feet in the
combined 8, 12 and 16 pound
event and it's been that way for
quite a while.
Watson has done 52' 1112," better
than Ryan can do, but it seems that
when the two tie up it's always the
Easterner who comes out on top. It
happened that way at the National
Intercollegiates in Minneapolis, at
the A.A.U. Meet in Buffalo and it
happened again Sunday. Isay Illbay
Business Manager Corbett of
the Syracuse Chiefs has placed
a $250,000 price tag on Johnny
Gee, former Varsity hurler. In
case you haven't been reading
the papers lately, a quarter of a
million dollars is a lot of money.
But when Gee is a lot of pitcher
-6 foot 9 inches of one.
At present, Gee has won 10 and lost
5 for .667. He is second in "the
league in strikeouts with 79, two, be-
hind. Ted Kleinhans. It appears that
Gee is following in the footsteps of
other Michigan hurlers-Bill McAfee,
Pete Appleton (nee Jablonowski) and
George Sisler, a pitcher when he was
* * *
Some golfer shot a hole-in-one
on the 180-yard eighth at the
University golf course Sunday
but probably will never brag
about it to his friends.' His wife
didn't know he was golfing today
and he wanted to make sure she
didn't hear about it. And so he
refused to divulge his name. This
bears out the thory of many
people that womeh should stay
out of golf-to say nothing of
baseball, horses and poker.
* * *
Miss Helen Jacobs returned from
England Sunday and, like the grand
sportswoman she is, refused to criti-
cize Mrs. Moody in any way-much
to the dsigust of headline hunting
reporters. Said the gallant Miss Ja-
cobs: "When it (the Moody match)
was all over I congratulated her and
said I was sorry I wasn't in condition
to give her a better match. I didn't
want a rest becauseI wanted to get
the match over with. I was satisfied
with my game but I just couldn't go
on, and why hold up ,a match? She
was playing very well, I thought."
When asked if she'd like "another
crack" at Mrs. Moody, she tactfully
replied, "I'll be very happy to get
back playing tennis." Our hat's off to
a grand and game sportswoman who
refuses knock another great tennis
r of North
ge daim wi
Far East's Art
Objects Shown
In Exhibit Here
Museum Arranges Show
In Cooperation With
Far Eastern Institute
Because of the presence on the
campus this summer of the Institute
of Far Eastern Studies, a special ex-
hibit of materials used by the peo-
ples of southeastern Asia and Ma-
laysia has been installed in the
fourth floor corridor of the Univer-
sity Museums Building, Carl E. Guthe,
director of the Museum, announced
One case contains a series of ob-
jects associated with certain religious
customs of the Dravidian peoples of
southern India, and of the Tibetans
of Central Asia. An excellent example
of Indian weaving is used as the
background for this display. Two
other cases are devoted to materials
from Tibet and from the Philippine
Islands. The first shows implements
of the chase, ornaments, and writing
naterials used by those who live on
the high table-lands of Central Asia.
The second contains objects of adorn-
Dnent, examples of textiles and needle-
work, and a representative group of
knives secured from various Filipino
The articles on display illustrate
vividly a number of interesting as-
pects of Far Eastern culture.
Throughout the exhibit there are'
many evidences of the results of pa-
tient, careful craftmanship. Aes-
thetic values are recorded in the
various forms of decoration and in
the designs used uponrdifferent ma-
terials. The exhibits in the Univer-
sity Museums Building, including
this special one,' are open to students
and the general public from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. on week days, and from 2
to 5 p.m. on Sundays.
Bible Changes
Not Piofound,
Group Reveals
Wiegel Declares Revision
Will Not Produce Any
'Modernized Version'
Changes to be effected in the Amer-
ican standard Bible by the revision
committee of Biblical scholars which
has met here for the past week will
not produce a "modernized version"
in the accepted sense of the word, ac-
cording to Dean Luther B. Weigel of
Yale university. The changes will be
directed at specific words and phrases
in the light of discoveries within the
past 40 years rather than at the lofty
style and simple diction. The word
"Jehovah", for example, will be re-
placed by "Lord" throughout the text,
it was announced.
"We're just window-cleaning," ex-
plained Prof. James Moffat of the
Union Theological Seminary, who is
a noted English Biblical translator
and a member of the revision com-
mittee. Professor Moffat asked for
public, sympathy toward the project
in view of its ultiinate aim-the clari-
fication of the meaning and true
significance of the Bible. At least
four years of intensive work lie ahead
of the scholars.
The last revision of the Bible oc-
curred in 1901.
(Continued from Page 2)
for reservation before Thursday noon.
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the club will take
place Thursday, July 21, at 8 p.m. at
"Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washte-
nlaw. Mr. Abraham Herman of the
French department will speak. The
subject of his talk will be "L'Ameri-
que vue par quelques ecrivains fran-
cais." Songs, games, refreshments.
Graduate Students in Education:
The Advisory Inventory Test for
Graduate Students in Educations will
be given on Thursday, July 21 at 2
p.m. and on Saturday, July 23 at 9
o'clock in the University High School
Auditorium. Students may take the
test on either date. Complete print-
ed information regarding the purpose
of the test is availble in the office
of the Dean, 1435 U.E.S.
Graduate Students: All graduate
students interested in securing posi-
tions or promotions are requested to
meet at the Michigan Union, Thurs-
day, July 21 at 7 p.m. in Room 316.
Dr. T. Luther Purdom will discuss the
topic: "Why People Do Not Get Jobs."
The Bureau has received notice of
the following United States Civil
Service Examinations:
Social Worker (Psychiatric), $2,-
000 a year; Veterans' Administration.
Senior Attorney, $4,600 a year; At-
torney, $3,800 a year; Bureau of Mo-
tor Carriers, Interstate Commerce
Words and water flowed as seven members of Congressional TVA inves
and newspaper men inspected Hiwassee dam (above), in southwestern corne
experts give figures on $20,000,000 project. To be finish ed in 1940, the storag
foundation and will form a 6,300-acre reservoir.
President Gets First Fish, Leagi
7Wed d ings A 38-Pound Yellowtail For 1
ROUTE TO PANAMA, July 18-(/P)- The girl
Preident Roosevelt tried out his luck as regular
as the nation's first fisherman today as official
'ILt em e is and was rewarded with a 38-pound Cormik o
- Yellowtail. nesday no
Davis-Maclntyre The big fish nipped at the presi- If they
dential bait in Magdalena Bay, near they must
The engagement of Elizabeth B. the tip of Lower California, where League be
Davis to Dr. Dugald S. Maclntyre has teHutndopdaeo hs
been announced by the former's the Houston dropped anchor this
mother, Mrs. R. W. Davis of Jewett forenoon. Camp
Ave. The ceremony will take place BATTL:
Aug. 8 in Negaunee and will be a Nurserymen Hold Ieetl(/)--Majo
small church service. scribing
Both Miss Davis and Dr. Macin- DETROIT, July 18 - (P) - The completed
tyre are graduates of the University. American Association of Nursery- today and
Dr. MacIntyre re eived his degree men will open a three day convention to inspect
from the medical school here, and here tomorrow with 800 horticultur- General r
is employed at the University hospital ists from all sections of the country Military7
at present. While on campus he participating. Camp Cus
was affiliated with Nu Sigma Nu
Bird-Hartung Classified Di
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bird of Ann
Arbor announce the marriage of
their daughter Carole Edith, to SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and TYPING -
Leonard Paul Hartung. Mr. Hartung rates. PI
s the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Har- deliver. Bundles individually done,
tung of Bristol, Conn. and is taking
special work in the engineering col- no markings. All work guaranteed. VIOLA S
lege. The ceremony took place on Reasona
June 1 in Angola, Indiana. Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x Phone 6
Haight-McDonald LAUNDRY - -1044. Sox darned. FOR SA'
Careul orkat ow ric 5x typewrit
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacDonald of Careful work at low price.P5x phone 3
Flint announce the engagement of DRESS MAKING and Alterations. TYPING -
their daughter, Ruth Adele, to Elbert
EdgarH hMrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine. 1216 'S.
EgrHaight, Jr., '38 E. Mr. Haight is Phn47.34 446
the son of Mrs. E. E. Haight and the Phone 4726. 34x 4436
late Mr. Haight of Manitowoc, Wis- TYPING - Neatly and accurately FOR SAL
The wedding ceremony is to be done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Very re
performedAugust 31 in St. Paul's Dial 5244. 2x 7 p. m.
Episcopal Church in Flint. After a -_ -
wedding trip through the north the
couple will live here in Ann Arbor.
Miss MacDonald will be graduated }kn,
from the University in August and
is affiliated with Tri-Delt sorority.
'Has Beens' Hand Daily Ref resi
Initial Defeat Of Year
The first day's play in the newly-
formed International League in the Then FLAUTZ's is just the place fo
Intramural softball competition yes- a refreshing glass of beer and a tast
terday saw the 500 Club defeat the
Mudhens, 13 to 9, and the Has Beens sandwich. It's also not a bad idea t
defeat the Daily, 10-4. quell the heat of the afternoon with
Wednesday, The Daily will meet
the 500 Club and the Has Beens will cool, smooth glass of draught beer.
meet the Mudhens. All games will be
played at 4 p.m. at South Ferry Field. As for DINNERS -- Flautz's goo
be filled as a result of this examina- wholesome food cooked to order at pop
f r m , e ular prices has kept customers comm
For further information, please call
at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office back for years. Come down and have on
hours: 9-12 and 2-4. of our special dinners of tender, juic
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor- meat, french fried potatoes, fresh vegeta
mation. biles; beverage, and dessert and you, tor
will be sure to come back.
1Ai OrrnI eBottled & J
_,arolina Dam
committee, TVA off icals ~
Car olin i, and heard dam C
11 be 310%4 feet a-bove rock '
ue Issues Call a
aince Hlostesses F
Is who have not signed up
hostesses and want to act
Ls this Friday or Saturday
t in touch with Miss Mc-
r Jean Holland before Wed-
cannot come to the dance
get a substitute or call the
)fore Wednesday noon.
C°h ster Inspected
E CREEK, Mich, July 18--
r General Hugh Drum, de-
himself as "well pleased,
inspection of Camp Custer
went on to Camp Grayling
national guard troops. The
eviewed the 1,139 Citizens
Training Corps troops at
'E CKMcruy 1I
-- Experienced. Reasonable
hone 8344. L. M. Heywood
TEIN-Experienced typist.
ble rates. 706 Oakland,
327. 17x
LE--Underwood noiseless
er, cost $135. Like new. $40.
917. 44x
- Barthell's Book Store
University Call 3712 or
E-Packard Electric Razor.
asonable. Phone 4932 after
Frnent ?
d, 9
Another spirited weekend in the wilds of Ann Arbor has just been
eathered, with its main features the Watermelon Cut for 200 members of.
he Old South, and the weekend dances at the Union.
The Summer Session dance has switched to the
Union Friday and Saturday, but plenty of people
seemed to have found their way over there. Virginia
2,fZaiser and Bob Lane were there Friday night, as
f were Dorothy Timm and Harry Clemen. Bob May,
Bob Mitchell and John McYote were rushing around
like mad and being smooth, too. Dave Cushing,
Stan Birleson, Dick Stanton, Helen Jean Buckley
and Helen McRae also took the dance in.
Dick Knowe, in town from an Army camp
somewhere or other and presented his fat self at
the Union. Frances Carney and Ed Olson, Tom
Gies and Sonja Grimstad, Mary Gies and Bob Allen,
nd Hank Homes and Janice Jackson were milling around the huge crowd
p there, too.
Detroit Lures Students
Dick Goodell and Marie McElroy made the arduous trip to Detroit Fri-
ay night to see and hear Ben Bernie, currently holding forth at Eastwood.
ohn Wilkie, Jim Palms, Nancy Gossard,
laire Ford, Walton Rodgers and Bob
arnett were in another group of Ann
rborites who spent part of the weekend / . /o
n Detroit.
Al Conrath and Bart Myers spent
uesday evening canoeing on the mighty
3uron, of all things, and Sis Staebleraand
ack Brennan, the B. and G. whiz, were
een at a downtown hot spot.
The Life Of A Duffer
Golf too, whiles away many a dreary hour for the summer sports fiends.
3ernard Shields, Kay Steiner, Fee Menefee, Bob Wurster, Howard Burr and
ugene Kurtz were all perceived thrashing around a couple of the city's more
tupendous courses. A Sunday morning threesome that carried on through-
ut the rain and various hazards along the lines of creeks and things, was
George McCain (What-a-game McCain,
they used to call him), John McLean and
Packy Wagner.
Bob Fryer and Marguerite McQuillan
were being devilish the other night at a
downtown restaurant. Swimming at Por-
.___ tage Lake Friday were Tom Nunn, Louisa
Roberts, Pierce Barker, Laura Kinsley,
Dick Weatherston, Kay Moore, Die Culver
and.Flo Young.
Lloyd Bertman, "Pug" Heald, "D.J" Caughey, Bill White, Doug Morgan,
harlie Bates and Tommy Sparks were eating dinner at the Tavern Sunday,
nd enjoying a snappy "auto-ride" the other day were Jack Welty, "Firk"
Wilkins, "Kit" Carstens and Jeanne Willets.
Give Tea For Graduates
At a tea for Phi Kappa Tau graduates Saturday at which Rollie Clem-
ents poured, were Wilfred Rayner, Paula Pinkerton,
Richard Snell, Lorie Parliament, Ruth Roberts, Wilhel-
hina Barr, Neil Young and Clarisse Person.
Back to the Union Friday to find Dick Snelsk,
"Tibby" Tibbets, Ruth Steinke, Art Woods, Mary Myster,
bou Roberts, Walt Scholes, Edith Miller, Leone Bacon
and Kay Reynolds.
* \ "Shoemakers' Holiday" played to full houses. all
© week, and in the audience at one time or another ap-
peared "Wimpy" Marin, Chalmer Kenns, Arlene Lupe,
o Pat Hughes and Caroline Ross.
Fountain Pens
302 South State Street
Quality and Service"
Student Supplies
- Leather Goods
'14 1
t AAA , ; 1
Name Meader
To Alumni Post
Ann Arbor Attorney ToI
One Of Directors
Election of George Meader, local
attorney and retiring president of
the Ann Arbor University of Michi-
gan Club, to membership on the board
of directors of the University Alumni
association has been announced by
alumni officials. Mr. Meader, as
representative of the ninth district
comprising southeastern Michigan,
will be the fifth Ann Arbor resident
now serving on the board.
The 32-member board of directors'
at present includes the following'
local alumni: Mrs. Albert C. Fursten-
berg, H. Bruce Palmer, Harry D. Nutt
and Emory J. Hyde.'
At a meeting Saturday of the ninth
district, Elmer P. Grierson, Detroit,
was elected district president, and
Milo E. Oliphant, Ann Arbor, was;
re-elected secretary-treasurer.
Quake Rips Piedmont
Dresses for
Street and Afternoon
sheers, chiffons,
plain colors, prints
polka dots
MILAN, Italy, July 19-(Tuesday)
--(A)-The Italian Riveriera and
Piedmont mountain section were
Sizes'11 to 44
161/2 to 261/1