3 Committees
For Ice Cream.
Social Named
Service Group To Meet
At 7:30 P.M. Thursday;
Affair Will Be Friday
Committee members for the ice
cream social for Chinese relief to be
given from 8 p.m. to midnight Friday
on the League Mall were announced
yesterday by Elizabeth Notley, '39,
general chairman of the affair.
The list of women on the service
committee includes Betty Jane Berg-
stresser, '40; Elizabeth Judson, '40;
Jean Judson, '40; Margaret Gelenius,
'39; Genevieve Johnson, '39; Esther
Gross, '40; Suzanne Gordon, '41;
Merida Hobart, '38; Ruth Menefee,
'39; Mary Jean O'Donnell, '41; Jeanne
Marie Norris, '41; Ida Mae Stitt, '41;
Ila Waggoner, '39; Mary Margaret
Meloche, '40; Verna Holtman, '41;
Lee Deborn, '41; Barbara Moore, '41;
Juanita Pardon, '41; Adelaide Boehm,
and Mary Katherine Johnson.
A general meeting of this commit-
tee will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thurs-
day in the League. The room will be
announced on the bulletin board, and
all women who plan to serve must at-
'40, service chairman, announced. In-
tend this meeting, Elizabeth Wurster,
structions to Chinese students who
will assist with service will be given
to them by Mathew Yang, Grad., and
Tuh Wei Chang, Grad., co-chairmen
of the Chinese service group.
Juanita Pardon, '41, and Ruth
Greiner, '40, will assist Jean Jessop,
'40, chairman of the ticket commit-
tee. Utah Tsao, Grad., is working
with Miss Jessop as chairman of tick-
ets for- the Chinese students.
Members of the publicity commit-
tee, of which Ellen Cuthbert, '39, is
chairman, include Suzanne Gordon,
'41; Mary Jean O'Donnell, '41; Bar-
bara Moore, '40 and Genevieve John-
son, '39.
Insull Funeral Uncertain
PARIS, July 18-(JP)-Funeral plans
for the body of Samuel Insull, for-,
mer American utilities magnate, re-.,
mained undetermined today
'Normandie' Completes Her Hundredth Crossing of Atlantic
Frantic Leftists
Fortify Road
Near Valencia
Loyalists Confess Their
Defense Cracked Under
An 'Unequalled' Attack
HENDAYE, French-Spanish Fron-
tier, July 18-(1P)-Spanish Govern-
ment militiamen labored today on
hasty fortifications before Viver in
an effort to stem the Insurgent tide
rolling toward Valencia in the third
year of the civil war.
Viver, 34 miles north northwest of
Valencia, is on the Teruel-Mediter-
ranean highway approximately 25
miles northwest of Sagunto.
Gen. Jose Miaja, Government com-
mander, ordered new defenses on
Ragudo Hill, less than two miles
northwest of Viver, following the
smashing of Government lines dur-
ing the week end.
Government reports said the de-
fense troops gave way then under a;
concentration of Insurgent power
"never equalled" in the first two
years of ;the civil conflict.
Insurgent reports asserted 150
square miles were occupied during
the week end northwest of Viver.
Miaja decided to make a stand at
Viver against the Insurgent offen-
sive aimed at Segorbe, ancient Ro-
man town spanning a valley between
two castle-crowned hills.
Segorbe is' about 20 miles from
Sagunto, where the Teruel-Mediter-
ranean highway joins the main coas-
tal road leading to Valencia, ultimate
Insurgent objective.
(Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy
in a telegram to Franco on the wars'
second anniversary predicted the In-
surgents "will be crowned with vic-
tory" in the third year of the con--
School of
Social Dancing
Taught daily, 10 to 10.
f~l Terrace Garden Studio
2d Floor. Wuerth The-
ater Bldg. Phone 9695.
Predicts W1"ar's End
The Sino-Japanese undeclared
war will end within a year, pre-
dicted Y. Tsurmi, Japanese Diet
member now in U.S. to improve
relations with this country.
Probe Forest Fire
SEATTLE, July 18-(/P)-The trails
of incendiarists Were sought tonight
in forests of western Washington,
center of the Pacific northwest fire
siege that has blackened thousands
of acres of timber land.
Whistles shrilled and pennants flew when French line flagship Normandie sailed from New York on her
100th crossing of the Atlantic. Congratulations from Mayor LaGuardia and the last minute arrival of ship's,
commander, Capt. Pierre Thoreux, marked the gay departure. The ship carried 1,240 passengers.
The Forestry Camp's
Bear Story - '38 Version
An abrupt about-face was the order of
of the day at Camp Filibert Roth, Tou
the Forestry Camp in the Upper Pen- July
insula the Fourth of July when the by
campers discovered a black bear per
quietly minding his own business in A
the middle of the camp. ma
Tennis Entries Close Saturday
ntries for the Ann Arbor Districts furnished by The Detroit News, the
the State-Wide Novice Tennis sponsors and the winner of the Dis-
rnament will close Saturday, trict will be sent to Detroit to com-
y 23, it was announced yesterday pete in the finals which begin Aug. 6.
Clinton Mahlke, tournament su-
visor. Plans Mexican Visit
l1 players who have not won a
or tennis title, been ranked in MEXICO CITY, July 18-(A)-
first 10 anywhere, received a col- Authoritative quarters connected with
ate letter in tennis, or won a pre- the Mexican government said today
is novice award, and who reside President Roosevelt plans a visit to
any Michigan community, are el- Mexico next year.
SThesesources said the President.
le. "announced in an informal manner
'he matches will be played on any that he has the intention of visiting
the courts in the city that are Mexico next year" when Capt. Ro-
eed upon by the players. There berto Gomez Maqueo of the Mexican
be no entry fee and the players gunboat 6-29 called upon him aboard
furnish the balls. the U.S.S. Houston off Lower Cali-
rizes for the tournament will be fornia Sunday.
Now Showing!
MGM Dramatic Triumph!
Shouts of "bear, bear" brought for-
esters pouring from bunkhouses to
give chase. The pursuit lasted until
Brother Bruin tired of being the ob-
ject of the chase and decided to do
a 1itle chasing himself. So the whole
procedure reversed itself and the for-
esters fled in all directions while the
bewildered bruin made good his es-
cape. No casualties on either side in
the encounter were reported.
Oirectd by RAY ENRIGHT
Musical NumbersCreated&
Directed byBusbyBer*ely
Also Popular Science and News
Read Daily Classified Ad s
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Charlie Mccarthy
Edgar Bergen
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To a service my room-mate sug-
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2 Suits of Underwear
3 Shirts
6 Handkerchiefs
3 Pairs of Socks
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1 Pair Pajamas
Minimum Bundle - 50c
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White Swan Laundry
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(Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price),
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0 4c
Service to Families is one of our
specialties. Phone for our repre-
sentative today for complete in-
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