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July 13, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-13

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Hicks Likes America
I LIKE AMERICA, By Granville Hicks.
Age Books, 50 cents.


These are days of reconsideration for our
American middle class. In an era of war, depres-
sion, and attacks on democracy, we ponder,
"Where to and what next?" The economic crises
have reduced our numbers, and threatened our
security. In other countries, fascist dictator-
ships are crushing and regimenting the middle
class, carrying on predatory wars in our name,
and characterizing workers and middle classes
of the victimized nations as "Reds." In America
a powerful Big Business movement is afoot to
have us carry the torch for an American variety
of fascism. Those who ridiculed us in the 1920's
-the Menckens and Lewises-are now trying to
lure us into a gaudy, uniformed and regimented
hell. It is good that a member of our own
class should offer a sober and workable program,
by which we can effectively attack these press-
ing problems,and get allies ahong workers and
other economic groups for a united effort in
stopping fascism and securing peace, democracy,
and security. This is the burden of Prof. Gran-
ville Hicks' new book, I Like America.
Mr. Hicks is one of the Mayflower Americans,
and a distinguished student of American litera-
ture. He has built himself a snug and cozy home
in Grafton Hills, New York. With his work, his
family, and his friends he is content. But living
in moderate comfort, he is concerned with two
things that are disturbing and menacing him-
self a'nd his country. Can he maintain his own
security? Can he afford to ignore the poverty
and insecurity of millions of his fellow citizens?
His own income has been cut down. His ill
father, formerly a factory superintendent and
paymaster is without a job-a typical dispos-
sessed member of the middle class. And each
night his radio, a mechanical demon, tells him
of bombing in Barcelona and Shanghai, strike
outrages in Chicago, Dearborn and Jersey City.
In a simple and readable style, he traces th
connection between his own insecurity and that
of his more straitened fellow-Americans. He
demonstrates that both morally and economical-
ly they have a community of interest.
In his search for an answer to these questions,
Hicks examines the economic base of his own
'middle middle class.' Sixty per cent of those
gainfully employed are wage-workers, 14 per
cent are farmers, 20 per cent salaried workers,
and six per cent independent business and pro-
fessional men. "All these workers, whatever the
differences in collars have the same fundamental
interest, not only in protecting our jobs and our
wages through the formation of unions but also
the same interest in doing away with want and
insecurity. Economically the middle class may
be vanishing, but its ideals are not lost. We can
fight for them still, and fight for them better
because we have become part of the working
From his own experience and from the sig-
nificant economic facts and statistics of our
time, Mr.Hicks is calling for a vast democratic
front to unite on an effective social program to
guarantee, security for all, to work for the re-
establishment of peace, and to fight inroads up-
on democratic rights by reactionaries and tories
He is a scholar who can talk in the language of
the people, and the experiences from which he
draws conclusions are common to most of us.
For this reason I earnestly recommend that I
Like America be read and passed on. Not only
can it afford a few hours of enjoyable reading,
which will seem like a reunion with an absent
friend, but also it can put system and direction
The Editor
Gets Told
Check. Cashing
To The Editor:
In Re: The Check Situation:
It could only happen to a teacher from Podunk
Center. I wonder if he ever heard of Travelers
Checks or maybe though of supplying himself
with a little real identification before facing these
tough Ann Arbor merchants.
We have been in business here for several
years; and have, in our time, cashed thousands
of checks for students-with the average run of

With all due respects to Dillinger and Brady,
he may not look like them; but neither did the
two hombres that got to us last year.
R. L. Chubb
O.K. Carp Lake
To The Editor:
Well there have been many suggestions con-
cerning the proposition: How to get "The Michi-
gan Daily". You see it seems to be this way. For-
ty "Michigan Men and Women" live in the heart
of Nature's playground; it really is great; we
work, we tramp the fields and swamps, mapping;
we play baseball and study soils; we go to town
Saturday nights; we paid a tuition fee and get
perfectly good hours of credit and honor points
in the process. But do we get "The Michigan
Daily"? No we don't. Did we pay for it? Yes. Do
we want it? Of course we do. That is the story.
Some have suggested wfiting to friends (a Mr.
Jones?); some have suggested that we threaten
to ask for refunds; some have wanted each of the
forty odd to send a card. You get the idea; the
problem before us. After all the great and grand
institution, "The Daily", need not be discon-
tinued merely because the address of forty odd
"1irhivaon n1d timere" change n t tavn T~aire

Jifeem lo e
Heywood Broun
It looks as if America had finally joined a
league. The league of which I speak is limited
in its scope, but the problem has wide ramifica-
tions. Here is the beginning of international co-
operation, and I believe and
have always believed that
world peace and world sanity
can never be obtained un-
less the nations meet in con-
The Refugee Committee
meeting in Evian, France,
has just elected Myron C.
Taylor as its president, and
the suggestion has been
made that the body should establish itself upon
a permanent basis in order to deal not only with
future questions which may arise concerning
The final vote has not been taken upon the
latter part of the suggestion at the moment of
writing. I hope it goes through, but I think that
there should be no attempt to railroad such a
settlement. It will have strength only if the
people of America go into the arrangement with
a clear-eyed realization of the fact that it does
involve a definite international responsibility.
* * *
Proud Part Of American Tradition
I do not see how anybody can reasonably pro-
test that our participation in any way threatens
to involve us in foreign war. However, it does
mean that certain decisions of the committee
may clearly constitute a moral rebuke by the
representatives of free peoples against those
countries officially fostering racial and religious
In the broadest sense this is not an innova-
tion in American policy. On the contrary, it is
a return to the basic spirit upon which our na-
tion was founded. Once again we shall assume
our traditional role as the asylum for the op-
pressed of the world. Time and again down
through the years America has welcomed those
who fled their homes to seek escape from ty-
ranny. Indeed, I think it is the proudest part
of our national tradition. Here at least there
can be no debate as to the position which Thom-
as Jefferson would have taken. The very core of
the Declaration of Independence constitutes a
call for fraternity among all free men.,
And our active leadership rests not only upon
a brave ideal but upon the substantiation of ex-
perience. We are back upon the solid founda-
tion of Plymouth Rock itself. I think it readily
can be demonstrated that in the making of
America a very vital part has been played by
those who came to us with the high hope that
free indeed was the land of liberty.
All Children Of The Melting Pot
There have been times when we grew slack
in upholding the obligation upon us by our emi-
grant forefathers. The cry of "Why don't you go
back where you came from?" has been raised by
many of us who were only a couple of jumps or
generations away from the boat landing our-
selves. Even those whose ancestors caught the
first ship are in all truth children of the melting
pot. Later there were many ships, and they
came from many ports. But a common phi-
losophy in the belief in the high hope of demo-
cratic freedom binds us all in one.
I suppose every boy and girl was taught in
school to revere the Pilgrims because they had
the courage to cross, an angry sea and face an
unknown wilderness in their determination to
worship according to the dictates of their own
conscience. There is stuff in such folk.
And the rule has not changed. No nation can
long endure unless it keeps alive and fervent the
strain of fortitude. Those who have refused to
bow the knee to Nazi oppression are the men and
women capable of giving indispensable aid in
making the American dream come true. We do
not grant a boon or confer a favor when we wel-
come men of courage. In fact, we do more than
perform a duty. We add cubits to our spiritual

stature. 'And we open our eyes to the reality
that we are of the world and in it. The League
is dead. Long live the League!
geographers is basic. What of the problems of
tax delinquent lands, relief, the social signifi-
cante of the use of the land. Some good stuff is
here if anybody wants to go after it. But it is
being overlooked, and so are our Dailies.
Someday the papers we pay for will come al-
most the first week, but that is just the writers'
personal private hope. But now that you are re-
minded-how's about being on the old toes down
there and sending up our Daily. Might even send
up a few back numbers; we can wrap things up
in 'em when we get through reading them. O. K.?
--The Forty Odd
Illinois' Marriage Law
Reports show that marriages have fallen off as
much as 60 to 70 per cent in many Illinois coun-
ties from 1936-37 figures since passage of the
medical tests requirements last year. In New
York, last week, a similiar law was responsible for
the same rush to the marriage license bureau be-
fore the rules went into effect that characterized
the Illinois legislation.
The inconvenience and expense caused by the
laws are responsible for the falling off in marri-
ages in Illinois, while at the same time Illnois
couples have crossed the line to Iowa, Missouri,
and other states which have no marriage legisla-
tion. Wisconsin has a law similiar to that of Illi-
nois, and Indiana has resurrected one which may
serve the purpose, so that marriage figures are
now fallin nff in thne tis

WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1938 Rackham School of Graduate Studies
VOL. XLVIII. No. 14 (not the Chemistry Building as pre-
viously stated). Subject: "Fluoresc-
Students, College of Engineering: ence and its application to analytical,
Saturday, July 16, will be the final chemistry." This lecture will be ac-
day for dropping a course in the companied by experiments and all
Summer Session without record. interested are invited.
Courses may be dropped only with the
permission of the classifier after con- Lecture, "Trends in the Organiza-
ference with the instructor in the tion of Social Units of School Ad-
course. ministration," by Mr. Henry F. Alves
inUthe Universitv High School Audi-

Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Open-
ing tonight at 8:30, "The Shoemak-
ers' Holiday" with Whitford Kane and
Hiram Sherman from the original
Mercury Theatre production. Box of-
fice open all day, phone 6300.
Excursion No. 5: The Ford Plant.1
Inspection of the various Ford indus-
tries at River Rouge. Round trip by
special bus. Trip starts at 12:45 p.m.,
Wednesday, July 13; ends at 5:30 p.m.
Reservations may be made in the
Summer Session Office.
Tea for Faculty Wives and Women
Faculty Members: Faculty wives and
women faculty members are invited
by the Summer Session and Faculty
Womens' Club to a tea on Wednesday
afternoon, July 13 from 4 to 6 p.m.
in the garden of the Michigan
League, honoring wives of visiting
staff members.
Pi Lambda Theta will have a tea

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

torium at 4:05 p.m. today.
Linguistic Institute Lecture, Wed-,
nesday, 7:30 p.m. in the small am-
phitheatre of the Horace H. Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies. Dr.
Murray B. Emeneau will discuss
"Dravidian Echo Words."
Dr. Richard H. Freyberg will give
an illustrated lecture on "Arthritis"
today at 4:30 pn. in the Lecture
Hall of the Rackham Building.
Conference on Religion, 3 p.m.,
Michigan Union. Today Dr. John
M. Dorsey of the Neuropsychiatric In-
stitute will lead a panel discussion
upon "Religion and Mental Hygiene"
Seminar on the Bible, 12:15, Michi-
gan Union. Today Professor William
A. Irwin, of the University of Chi-
cago will speak upon "Problems of
Old Testament Revision."

naw, on the occasion of the French
National Holiday.
Mr. Charles E. Koella of the French
department will speak. The subject of
his talk will be "La France dans le
Monde." Special French music,
games, songs, refreshments.
Membership in the Club is still
open. Those interested please see
Mr. Koella, Room 200, Romance Lan-
guage Building.
Graduate Students in Education. A
tea for students who have completed
at least one term of study as graduate
students enrolled in Education will
be held Thursday afternoon from 5 to
6 p.m. in the Assembly Room on the
third floor of the Rackham building.
Stalker Hall. There will be a group
leaving from Stalker Hall, Thursday
at 5 o'clock f^, a swimming party and
picnic. Small ,iarge for swimming
and food. All Mk ..hodist students and
their friencls are ( -"dially invited.
Call 6881 for reset, tions before
Thursday noon.
Physical Education Luncheon: Dr.
Jesse Steiner, author of "Americans
at Play," "Research Memorandum on
Recreation in the Depression," et al,
will address the luncheon meeting of
the physical education group Thurs-
day, July 14, at 12:10 p.m. in the
Michigan Union. Make reservations
by calling 2-1939 between 8 a.m. and
9:30 p.m. Price 75 cents.
An opportunity will be offered at

Wednesday, July 13 at
University Elementary

4:301 at the Kermit Eby of the Chicago Fed-
School Li- eration of Teachers will speak on "the

teachers' union as a constructive force the luncheon to purchase tickets for

Wives of Students and Internes. The
Michigan Dames will hold the first
of a series of bridge parties, Wednes-
day, July 13, at 2 p.m. at the Michi-
gan League. All student wives are
invited. Prizes will be awarded. Mrs.
Gardner Ackley and Mrs. Werner
Striedieck, the co-chairmen, request
that each person bring 10 cents to de-
fray expenses.
"Netherlands India in World Poli-
tics" is. the topic of Dr. Amry Van-
denbosch's lecture today at 3:15 p.m.
in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Chemistry Lecture. The third in the
series of chemistry lectures will be
given by Professor H. H. Willard on
Wednesday, July 13 at 4:15 p.m. in
the amphitheatre of the Horace H.
FOR RENT-Furnished apartment
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8632 X35x
TYPING - Barthell's Book Store
1216 S. University Call 3712 or
4436 36x
SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no markings. All work guaranteed.

in education" at 8 p.m. Thursday,
July 14, in the Natural Science Audi-
Commercial Education Students'
Picnic at Loch Alpine Thursday,
July 14. Tickets are available in
Room 2002 U.H.S.
Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con-
ference, Thursday, 12:10 p.m. in room
318 of the Michigan Union (not at the
Rackham School of Graduate Stu-
dies). Kenneth L. Pike of the Univer-
sity of Mexico will discuss "The prob-
lem of tones in Mexican Indian lan-
Summer Education Conference, Re-
vision of Program: Professor A. B.
Moehlman will discuss the report of
President Roosevelt's Advisory Com-
mittee on Education, on Thursday,
July 14, at 1:15 p.m., University High
School auditorium.
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the club will take
place Thursday, July 14, at 8 p.m., at
"Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washte-

the dinner honoring Dr. C. H. McCloy,
past president of the American Asso-
ciation for Health, Physical Educa-
tion and Recreation, to be held Mon-
day, July 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the Michi-
gan Union. Dr. McCoy will discuss
the topic "Progress in Physical Edu-
cation." Tickets may also be pur-
chased for 85 cents of Miss Bell in
Room 4016, University High, at the
Department of Physical Education
for Women in Barbour Gymnasium,
or the Intramural Sports Depart-
ment, Ferry Field.
The Southern Club annual water-
melon cut will be held Friday, July 15
at 7 p.m. in the garden of the League.
All Southern students and their wives
are invited.
The committee for the affair in-
cludes J. T. Morris, President of the
(continued on Page 3)

o . ..




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STUDENTS or family laundry.
Shirts 12 cents. Call for and de-
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LOST-A lady's wrist watch between
Hill Auditorium and Kresge's store,
Monday noon. Reward of five dol-
lars if returned to Schiriver exhibit,
first floor Burton Memorial Tower,
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TYPING - Neatly and accurately
done. Reasonable rates. Barbara
Grill 719 Tappan. Dial 3025 37x

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