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July 13, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-07-13

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The Weather'
Local showers or thunder- G'
d a r myW d e s a y o W d n s KI o
day night; partly Cloudy Thurs-4 f M
day and slightly cooler.
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

vernor Landon
3n The Air.

Traces Dutch
Japanese Penetration, Rise
In Export Trade Called
Chief Economic Trends
Natives Engage In
Rubber Cultivation

Pen And Spade Combination

Held Essential For Bible Study

Phenomenal increase in the quan-
tity of exports and the penetration of
Japan into the East Indian import
market were designated as the chief
characteristics of the economic and
commercial development of the Dutch
Indies, by Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, of
the University of Kentucky, in the
second of a series of lectures being
given here.'
Speaking yesterday under the aus-
pices of the Far Eastern Institute, Dr.
Vandenbosch stressed that most of
the economic and commercial pro-
blems of the Indies arise from the
fact that they are essentially "ec-
onomic colonies," depending for their
prosperity upon the value of their ex-
ports and therefore are extremely
sensitive to changes in world-wide
economic conditions.
The Indies have become a very im-
portant source for quinine, copper,
pepper, rubber, copra, tin, sugar, cof-
fee and, palm oil, Dr. Vandenbosch
said, adding, however, that the bulk
of the exports were largely concentra-
ted in rubber and petroleum. The na-
tives produce about 35 per cent of the
exportable materials, Dr. Vanden-
bosch declared, and their share has
been steadily increasing, mainly be-
cause they have gone in for rubber
culture and have been doing exceed-
ingly well.
The problem of Japanese infiltra-
tion into the Indies import trade has
been complicated, in the opinion of
Dr. Vandenbosch, by the traditional
Dutch policy of the "Open Door" and
the tenacious refusal of the Dutch to
abandon the gold standard, even
while the Japanese were devaluating
their currency with bold strokes. A
commercial conference was finally
held in Batavia, capital of the Dutch
East Indies in 1934 and, although it
lasted for over six months, it failed,
according to Dr. Vandenbosch, be-
cause of conflicting Japanese and
Dutch attitudes upon the problems of
shipping, import quotas, and the
Dutch demand that Japan assume a
greater proportion of Indies expots.
Pairings For
Tennis Simles
Tourney Made'
First Round Of Play-Offs
Scheduled For Today;
To Name 2nd By Mail
Randolph W. Webster, director of
Summer Session men's athletic ac-
tivity, yesterday announced the
pairings for the tennis singles tour-
nament. First round matches will be
run off on the University courts at
4:15 p.m. today. Winners of today's
matches were urged to contact oppon-
ents and arrange to play off the sec-
ond round as soon as it is conven-
ient for both contestants.
The I.M. will mail cards to play-
ers announcing the opponent and the
date of play, but contestants may
run off their matches at an earlier
date if they so desire.
The complete first round, which
is to be held at 4:15 p.m./today is as
J. F. Thompson (6390) vs. M. F.
Chauner (4929); F. Charlton (4519)
vs. E. Richardson (8519); M. Wi-
good (21029) vs. M. A. Panzarella
(23478); Thomas Simpson (6209),
bye; C. Bernstein (8534) vs. J. Owen
(4738); A. Orden (24401), bye; J.
Lawson (6683), byte; J. Moran
(23645) vs. S. Busch; I. Walker
(8961) vs. R. Windsor (4295); R. Sur-
saw (6746), bye; A. Ponds (24401) vs.
AK. Burdick (6367); G. Mahon
(9724), bye; J. Watkins (21032). bye;
H. Cooper vs. C. Tompkins (22491);
A. Brandt III. (22280) vs. J. Harris
(8230); B. Strehlman (6817), bye; A.

Sherman (5156), bye; T. Carroll
(3807) vs, R. Barnett (23957): C.
Posada (24401) vs. K. Carroll
(3807); W. Duke vs. H. Fishback
(68817); P. Samper (7658), bye; C.
Bos (24401) vs. E. Tooker (35211);
T. la.rs OA I I -c V. nnanjnci

The combination of pen and spade
is indispensable to the progress of his-
torians, explorers and scholars of the
past, according to Prof. Leroy Water-
man, head of the Oriental Languaged
and Literature department.
Especially is this true in the field
of translating and revising the Bible,
he said. All good sense which can be
read into mysterious or confusing
passages in the old'book assumes clar-
ity only through the light shed by the
discovery of utensils and tools used
long ago.
Professor Waterman said that the
formal translation of the words of
one language into the words of
another is not unusually difficult.
However, the good sense is usually
lost in a word for word translation
until objects and implements -men-
tioned can be identified and placed
as to usage and circumstance.
As an example of this Professor
Waterman mentioned the case of us.
5:6, the story of the Fall of Jerusalem
to the army of David, in which the
word "gutter" was a stickler until
archaeological exploration came to
the aid. "Gutter" had no relation
whatsoever to the story of a battle
as a gutter is a common rainspout.

Rabies' Causes
Are Discussed,
By Emerson
Disease, Caused By Virus
Not Yet Discovered, Is
Curable, He Declares
The causes, effects, symptoms and
methods of propagation of rabies
were described yesterday by Dr. Her-
bert W. Emerson, director' of the
Pasteur Institute, in an illustrated
lecture in the Graduate School au-
ditorium. ..
To a large degree, Dr. Emerson in-
dicated, rabies, caused by a virus
of unknown origin, is passed on only
through inoculation by an infected
animal. Of these animals 90 per
cent are dogs, five per cent, cats and
five per cent, other animasl. It is
possible for infected humans to pass
on the disease by inoculating, Dr.
Emerson said.
Although the virus which causes
rabies has an unknown origin, Dr.
Emerson pointed out, it is compara-
tively easily killed by germicides and
oxidizing agents. It can however re-
main alive within the body on an ani-
mal dead of the disease from one to
two months.
In dogs the disease takes two forms,
Dr. Emerson said. The one, which
accounts for about 80 per cent of all
cases is designated as "furious," the
other as "paralytic" or "dumb" rabies.
Dr. Goodier To Lecture
On Thermal Stresses
Dr. J. N. Goodier of the Ontario Re-
search Foundation, Toronto, Ont.,
Canada, will give a special lecture on
thermal stresses at 3 p.m. Friday in
Room 311 in the West Engineering
Dr. Goodier's speech will be in con-
aection with the applied mechanics
Symposium on the properties of me-
tals which is being held here this
summer under the direction of Prof.
University. It will be followed by the
usual weekly meeting

Nevertheless, exploration found that
in the ancient city of Jerusalem, a
gutter, or waterspout, was used to
conduct the water supply to the in-
habitants through an underground
tunnel. It was through the tunnel
that the ( -,diers of David entered the
city and capturd it.
Therefore, Professor Waterman,
pointed out the future interpretations
of the Bible will depend upon the ad-
ventures and discoveries of archaeol-
ogists as well as the work of th trans-
Health Study\
Trend Discussed
By Dr. Sundwall
Importance Of Continuity
Stressed In His Lecture
On Schools' Problems
Trends today in school health edu-
cation lie in continuity as well as in
unity, Dr. John Sundwall of the de-
partment of hygiene and public
health said in his lecture on "ModernI
Trends in School Health Problems"
yesterday in the University High
School auditorium.
Health education, Dr. Sundwall ex-
plained, begins with maternal and
infant care and then proceeds to the
school age of 5 to 16 or 18. "However,f
the time is not far distant when for-
mal education will begin at the age
of two years, if the present nursery-X
school movement is any indication,"
he added.
Dr. Sundwall compared the healthE
life of the individual to a highway,c
and demonstrated in this way how
the continuity of health education
was important. He showed that2
health education, like repairs and up-E
keep on an automobile, had to be
kept up continuously to be of any
Another trend in school health
problems, Dr. Sundwall stated, is the
trend away from health educators of
varying types of training. He out-
lined a training method for such edu-
cators which he believes will help
form a suitable foundation for that
type of work, including study of the
sciences directly concerned with
health, such as psychology, anatomy,
and physical exercise, training in
educational methods and theories,
and study of special problems which
might confropt the health educator.
Deutsclier Verein
Hears Nordiieyer
More than 60 persons attended thet
first Deutscher Verein activity of the
year at a reception for all students
and faculty interested in Germant
held Monday night in the League.
Prof. Henry W. Nordmeyer, chair-r
man of the German department, Dr.t
Otto G. Graf of the German de-
partment and Dr. Richard A. Broek-t
er, Grad. gave readings from Goethe'st
Vernor B. Kellett, Grad., sang two
groups of 19th century and modern
German "lieder." He was accom-
panied at the piano by Dr. Graf.
Next activity of the group will beI
a trip to Cranbrook under the lead-I
ership of Kellett, who is an instruc-t
tor of German there.i

Church Strife
Is Seen Caused
Kenneth W. Morgan Heads
Week's Second Forum
On Religion Problems
Inter-Faith Problem
Discussion Toi
Wherever countries adopt strict
nationalism as the basis for their re-
ligions, certain cultural, political and
economic ramafications will present
themselves, as the Arab-Jew, the
German-Jaw and the Oriental-Chris-
tian conflict, Kenneth W. Morgan,
director of the Student Religious As-
sociation told the second afternoon
religious forum yesterday.
Jews are as harsh and feel as
strongly in their anti-Arab senti-
ment, said Mr. Morgan, as the Nazis
in Germany do toward Jews. So
much feeling is shown that the Arabs
are winning the support of some
Christians, people who in their time
have suffered at the Arabs' hands.
"Interfaith Problems" was the
topic of the discussion, and the con-
flicts discussed were those which
cut across the lines of denomination-
alism and creed.
Pointing to the Far East, Mi'. Mor-
gan claimed that the problem creat-
ed by the influx of Christian mis-
sionaries into a land where the pre-
vailing religion is an older one and a
proud one, provincialism of mind has
prevented Occidentals from acquiring
many lessons of religious technique
and morality which are found in
Buddism, Hinduism and other Eastern
The ruthlessness, force and coer-
cive methods employed by mission-
aries in the East have succeeded in
establishing in the Oriental mind, he
pointed out, a suspicion and distrust
for the Westerners who "lived by
(Continued on Page 4)
Deat hDiseusses
Church Co u1ncl
Prof. Weigel Lectures At
Bible Seminar
Prof. Luther A. Weigel, dean of the
Yale Divinity School, presented the
main features of the World Council
of Churches constitution before the
second American Standard Bible
Committee luncheon seminar yester-
day in the Michigan Union. Prof. Wei-
gel was the representative of the
World's Sunday School Association
to the Conference.
The Council was, he explained,
formed by 58 representatives of Chris-
tian churches which met May 9 to 13
in Utrecht, Holland. Almost all the
current creeds were represented but
the Roman Catholic Church, he said,
and a constitution drafted which was
transmitted to all the other churches
by the Archbishop of York.
The constitution defined the Coun-
cil as a "fellowship of churches which
accept our Lord Jesus Christ as God
and Saviour." It was further, he
pointed out, specifically provided that
the Council was not to legislate for
the churches and should not act for
them except as the churches provided
in the document.

'Shoemakers' Holiday' To Enliven
Mendelssohn lBoards' Tonight,
This picture
shows part of the
action in the first
scene in Act two
of "Shoemakers'
Holiday" to open
tonight at the
Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
Whitford Kane,
6 as Simon Eyre, is
shown i n the
center, surround-
ed by Hiram
Sherman as Flrk
and the other
shoemaker ap-
Whitford Kane And Hiram Sherman Reenact Roles
Of Simon Eyre And Firk, Original Parts
In Rollicking Medieval Comedy

"The Shoemakers' Holiday," Thom-
as Dekker's medieval comedy of a
cobbler who becomes Lord Mayor of
London, will open at 8:30 p.m. to-
day for a fournight run in the Lydia1
Whitford Kane, director of the
Reportory Players, will take the lead
role of Simon Eyre which he played
in Orson Welles' recent New York
revival of the old drama. Hiram'
Sherman, acclaimed by New YorkJ
theatre critics as the greatest Shake-
sperian comic in years, will play the
part of Firk, Simon's rollicking com-
panion throughout the Elizabethanl

comedy. Full of color, music and
comedy, the Repertory Players' pro-
duction captures much of the joy-
ous spirit which the play was meant
to impart.
Members of the cast are Simon
Eyre, Whitford Kane; Firk, Hiram
Sherman; Roland Lacy, Ted Grace;
Marjory Eyre, Nancy Bowman; Sir
Hammon, Edward Jurist; Hodge,
Truman Smith; Jane, Mary Pray;
Earl of Lincoln, William Rice; Ralph,
Morlye Baer. Other members of the
cast are Henry Austin, Jim Bop
Stephenson, Leah Sawyer, Ruth Le-
Roux and William Halstead.


Three Billion
19 3 8 Def icit
Is Estimated
By Presi dent
Additional Relief Costs,
Result Of Recession,
Caused Rise Of Budget
Expenditures Will
Set All-Time Mark
WASHINGTON, July 12.-(/P)-
President Roosevelt estimated today
that the Administration's spending
program and other government ac-
tivities would cost $8,985,157,600 in
this fiscal year and pile up a $3,984,-
887,600 deficit.
The President made public a revi-
sion of his January budget estimates
for the year which began July 1, 1938.
Saying the January figures were

Linguists Hear
Dr. Finch Talk.
On Metathesis
Dr. Emeneau Will Discuss'
'Dravidian Echo Words'
At 7:30 This Evening
Opening the week's program for the
Linguistic Institute, Dr. Chauncey
Finch, instructor in classics at St.
Louis University, put forth a tentative
luncheon conference yesterday in
order to raise questions as to .the
causes of metathesis.
The second lecture of the week will
be that by Dr. Murray B. Emeneau,:
fellow of the American Council of
Learned Societies for research in
Dravidian languages, who will speak
in the small amphitheater of the
Rackham building at 7:30 p.m. to-'
day on the topic, "Dravidian Echo
"Metathesis." explained Dr. Finch,
yeserday, "may be categoried as
either quantitative or phonemic. The
first occurs when a short - long syll-
able combination becomes a long -
short combination, as in Greek. The
other is more common, and consists of
the changing of the order of phone,
mes, or sounds, of a word. Greek syll-
abic r appears, for instance, in one
form in 'kardia' but metathesized in
another spelling of the same word,
'kradie'. Latin 'arcesso', 'I summon',
appears also as 'accerso.' Old ,English
'waesp' and 'acsian' have become Mo-
dern English 'wasp' and 'ask.'
After presenting several possible
explanations of this peculiar shift of
(Continued on Page 4)
Ford Excursion
Is HeldToday
Fifth Of Tours Will Be
To RiverRouge Plant
Private buses will conduct the fifth
Jniversity excursion party to and from
the Ford Motor Company River
Rouge plant today.
The River Rouge plant is the cen-
ter of the huge automobile manufac-
turing enterprise of Henry Ford and
is located a few miles west of De-
troit on the River Rouge. It extends
over an area of 1,000 acres and in-
cludes units in every field of industry
connected with making automobiles.
The sight-seers will inspect the
open hearth and blast furnaces, the
rolling mill, the glass plant, the foun-
dry, the ore-loading docks, the as-
sembly line, the motor assembly
plant, and numerous other units.
The party will view at first hand
the extreme specialization of labor,
Prof. Louis Rouse of the mathematics
department and tour director, said,
and also the continuous conveyor-belt
system, and typical phases of Ford
induistrial techniaue.


Three Newcomers I
Join 2nd Leg Of
GRAND CANYON, Ariz., July 12-
(I)-Norman D. Nevills, leader of a c
boat expedition down the dangerous [
Colorado river, said today Buzz Holm-E
strom, who once made the journeyf
alone, probably would join the party
on the second leg of the trip frome
Lee's Ferry, Ariz., through the Grand
Canyon to Lake Mead.
Preparations were rushed for a1
takeoff tomorrow or Thursday. Loren
Bell, 24, Tuba City, Ariz., and Delt
Reid, 44, Mexican Hat, Utah, have
joined the expedition as boatmen.
The two women members of the
party, Dr. Elzada Clover, University
of Michigan botanist, and Miss Loiss
will continue the trip, Nevills said.
Two members of the expedition quit
at Lee's Ferry.I
The twb women, Nevills and three£
other men, riding in three boats,
started June 20 at Green River, Utah.
Nevills indicated he hoped to reach
Kaibab Bridge, below Grand Canyon
village, between July 21 and July 25.
Michigan ASU a
Begins Activity
Gov. Murphy And DeKruit
To Be Asked Here
A tentative list of nine speakers
headed by Paul De Kruif and Gov.
Frank Murphy was drawn up last
night at the second membership
meeting of the American Student
Each of these men, who will be in-
vited to speak at a public meeting of
the organization this summer will be
contacted by the executive cmmit-
tee. Letters have already been sent
to Richard Frankensteen, Judge
Patrick O'Brien of Detroit and Hey-
wood Broun. A definite schedule of
speakers will be announced at the
next meeting of the club.
Petitionary telegrams to Secretary
of State Cordell Hull requesting the
lifting of the arms embargo on the
Spanish government, and a campaign
to raise funds for medical aid to the
Loyalists, are the two cardinal points
of a Spanish aid program also drawn
up at the meeting last night. The
Union's efforts in behalf of China
will take the form of active promo-
tion of the Anti-Japanese boycott.
Qualifying Score Cards
In Golf Due Tomorrow
Qualifying rounds in the all-cam-
pus golf round will be carried on this
week, with regular play starting on
Mnndav. Julv 1R Atteted nscrecards

based on a hope for a decided im-
provement in business, he added:
"Business conditions not only did
not improve but gradually grew worse.
This made it necessary to request
additional appropriations to provide
work relief for the unemployed and
to lay out a program of Federal public
works which would not only aid the
unemployed but would at ' the same
time provide a needed stimulus to
business. The business recession will
likewise affect our revenues (for the
present fiscal year) and they will be
materially lower and our expendi-
tures much greater than were expect-
ed seven months ago."
The expenditures for this fiscal year
will set a peace-time record. The
President estimated the Works Pro-
gress Administration and National
Youth Administration alone would
cost $2,135,000,000 in the 12 months
ending June 30, 1939. This means, he
explained, Congress probably will
have to appropriate $500,000,000 more
for WPA because funds already made
available will finance relief only for
eight months.
The estimated spending total is'$2,-
200,000,000 more than was expended
last year. While the net deficit was
set at $3,984,887,600, it was indicated
the gross deficit would be $4,084,887,-
000, the second largest since the
World War. Last year revenues fell
short of expenditures by only $1,524,-
713;050, the smallest deficit in seven

Howard Hughes Speeding Around World
In Craft MichiganMen Helped Des ign
_ _ _ _ _ _

The President said the recession
would make inroads on every im-
portant branch of the treasury's rev-
enue. Total revenues, he said, prob-
ably will fall from $6,241,661,227 last
year to $5,000,270,000 this year.
Increased spending was shown all
along the line in a table attached
to the President's brief statement.
The President, as commander !in
chief of the army and navy, calculat-
ed that national defense costs would
rise $76,000,000 to a new post-war
record of $1,050,000,000, including
$600,000,000 for the navy and $450,-
000,000 for military activities of the
War Department. The new farm
program, he said, will increase ag-
ricultural adjustment expenditures
$240,000,000 bringing them to $700,-
The President said the spending
program would push the treasury's
gross debt to the unsurpassed total
of $40,650,000,000. At present 'the
debt is $37,208,532,856.
His revenue estimates indicated a
decline of,$600,000,000 in the yield
of- the income tax, as compared with
last year, a drop of $370,000,000 in
miscellaneous taxes, and a decrease
of $80,000,000 in customs receipts.
Eby To Discuss
Former Local Teacher
To Speak Tomorrow
Kermit Eby, former Ann Arbor
teacher and at present executive se-
cretary of the Chicago Teacher's
Union, will return here tomorrow
night to speak on "The Teachers'
Union As A Constructive Force In
Remembered here as a popular
teacher of social studies and an active
advocate of the cooperative move-
ment, Mr. Eby has lately devoted most
of his time to the organization of
teachers. His speech tomorrow night
in the Natural Science Auditorium is
open to all who are interested in the
movement. In addition to his organ-
izatinnal rtivitie. Mr. hy has tra-

Clarence L. Johnson, '32,
Sperry Award Winner,
Aid Motor Research
If Howard Hughes reaches New
York City tomorrow, as he, himself,
has predicted. he will have on Michi-
gan engineer if not more to thank for
some of his success, according to
Prof. Milton J. Thompson of the
aeronautical engineering department
in the College of Engineering...
Clarence L. Johnson, who received
his B.S. in aeronautical engineering
from the University in 1932 and his
M.S. in 1933, and is now aero-dy-
namics engineer at the Lockheed Air-
craft Corp. in Burbanks, Calif., did
a great deal of research and work
on the building of the type of plane
L-.-"^vna h T nnr.wi 14. which is

the use of a double rudder on a plane,
an idea that had been talked of be-
fore, but never actually tried. He al-
so did some work when he was stu-
dent here on an earlier Lockheed
plane, "the Electro," in the Engineer-
ing wind tunnel in the aeronautical
engineering department in the East
Engineering Buildig. n
Several other Michiga engineers
figured prominently in the develop-
ment of the plane. Edward D. Palm-
er, who received his B.S. in both
aeronautical and mechanical en-
gineering in 1932 and his M.S. in
1933, was the project engineer on
the Lockheed model 14.
Others who are working at the
Lockheed plant now and may have
had direct influences on the design
or work of the plane include R. L.
Thoren, in charge of flight testing at
the Tnckheed nlant. uhn eceived his


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