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July 12, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-12

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
ichigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published. every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to* the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it. or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Retresentative
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . . Irving Silverman
City Editor ..... . . Robert I. Fitzhenry
Assistant Editors . . . Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino,
Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L.
Business Department
Business Manager . . . Ernest A. Jones
Credit Manager . . . Norman Steinberg
Circulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall
Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
Justiee Cardozo:
Philosophic Liberal . .
IT HAS BEEN the practice lately to
Idesignate the justices of the Supreme
Court as being either liberal or conservative. Yet
to say that Jusict Cardozo was a liberal is not
enough. The word liberal itself is meaningless, a
giereric nothingness when used abstractly.
There have been two kinds of liberalism on the
Supreme Court Bench, as Max Lerner has indi-
cated. Oliver Wendell Holmes was a philosophic
liberal; in the midst of social tensions he could
carry on the judical process as if from Olympus.
t;ouis Brandeis is an economic liberal, the cham-
pion of economic primitivism, of small business,
small competitive units; his liberalism is the em-
bodiment of Jeffersonianism, the essence of the
spirit of reform.
w The liberalism of Cardozo was a unique, inde-
finable substance. It defied easy classification,
dogmatic summation. Like Holmes he could keep
himself above the conflicting doctrines and
theories of the immediate social scene and deliver
sage-like opinions that concerned themselves
with universals. "The great ideals of liberty and
equality," he wrote, "are preserved against the
assaults of opportunism, the expediency of the
passing hour, the erosion of small encroach-
ments, the scorn and derision of those who have
no patience with general principles, by enshrin-
ing them in constitutions."
Yet he was also the white hope of those who
looked to the bench for creative judicial states-
nmanship. He was enough of a pragmatist to see
the value of the Brandeis method of judging
every case in the context of the social conditions
that gave rise to it. "The concept of the general
welfare is not static. Needs that were narrow or
parochial a generation ago may be interwoven
,iour day with the well-being of the nation.
What is critical or urgent changes with the
times." Of the origin and nature of law, he said;
"Life casts the mold of conduct which will some
day become fixed as law. Law preserves the molds
which have taken form and shape from life. Few
rules are so well-established that they shall not
be called upon to justify their existence."
The "master-faculty", then, of this man, the
theme of his twenty-three years in the judiciaries
of New York State and the nation, was this
blending of the philosophic and the practical.
"I have made myself the self-appointed
spokesman and defender of the philosopher in
the field of law. I am not, however, concerned to
vindicate philosophy, either in jurisprudence or
outside of it, as an inquiry of cultural value or
of speculative interest. My concern is with the
relationship of philosophy to life. You may think
perhaps of philosophy as dwelling in the clouds.
1[hope you may see that she is able to descend to
the earth."
Graham Wallas once wrote that in some of
the judges of the Supreme Court there should
be a touch ofthe qualities which make the poet.
~*n the hands of Benjamin Nathan Cardozo
philosopher, scholar, jurist, the inanimate scrip-
tures of the law achieved the rank of vibrant,
living literature; he was an artist in the most
fundamental sense.

New Deal candidates, in the current primaries
and the fall elections. We have received a letter
from a local WPA official pointing out that
Harry L. Hopkins, head of WPA, has released a
signed statement to "all project workers, fore-
men, supervisors, and the administrative staff
of Work Progress Administration," in which the
following notification is given:
"It has been my desire that everyone con-
nected with WPA should know and under-
stand the rules under which we work. This is
especially true of any question involving per-
sonal rights.
"For this reason, I want to repeat once more
our rules about elections so that there can be
absolutely no misunderstanding. Every person
who works for the WPA, whatever his job, has
the right to vote in any election for any candi-
date he chooses. Moreover, no WPA worker is
required to contribute to any political party or
any campaign fund in order to hold his job. No
supervisor or administrative person may at-
tempt to influence the vote of any worker or
§olicit contributions to campaign funds from the
people who work under him. Anyone who uses
his position with the WPA in any way to in-
fluence the vote of others by threat or intimida-
tion will be dismissed.
"No one will lose his WPA job because of his
vote in any election or his failure to contribute to
any campaign fund. This has always been an
absolute rule of the WPA, and it is my responsi-
bility and yours to see that there are no excep-
tions. What is more, I want you to let me know
if anyone tries to tell you anything different."
We accept Mr. Hopkins' statement in com-
plete faith, and consider that his honesty and
energy in dealing wtih electioneering and cor-
ruption in the WPA have been proven by his
convincing rebuttal of the recent "investigation"
of the WPA in Kentucky conducted by a feature
writer of the anti-Administration Scripps-How-
ard newspapers. Mr. Hopkins' administration
of the WPA for the past several years has been
admirable, in fact, as demonstrated by the in-
ability of a hostile and active press to discredit
But at the same time we do not consider the
sin of Mr. Williams a very grave one. Men on
the public relief rolls should be conscious of
the significance of national political life. And,
exactly like all other citizens, they should vote
in accordance with intelligent self-interest. That
is one of the first principles of democracy.
-Joseph Gies
The 'Onesidedness'
Of The NLRB ...
J. WARREN MADDEN, chairman of
the National Labor Relations Board,
has reopened discussion on the alleged onesided-
ness of the Board in an article in "The Demo-
cratic Digest" published by the Democratic Na-
tional Committee.
In the Congress before adjournment Senators
Burke, Byrd, and Vandenberg were leading a
militant attack against the NLRB. With an al-
most planetary regularity these battling bul-
warks of babbling babbitry have been oppos-
ing labor at every turn. Principally their barrage
of criticism has harped on two strings; first the
NLRB has been grossly "unfair" to employers;
second, the National Labor Relations Act, since
its inception in 1935, has increased the numbers
of labor disputes instead of decreasing them. The
effectiveness of this attack, greatly encouraged
by 85% of the newspapers of the country, which
are Anti-New Deal, is indicated by two important
events: (1) The Little Business Convention meet-
ing at Washington earlier this year advocated
wholesale modification if not the entire scrap-
ping of the Act. (2) President Roosevelt recently
appointed a commission to study the labor sit-
uation in England with the implicit objective of
securing recommendation for the alteration of
the Wagner Act.
Yet what are the facts? Has the National La-
bor Relations Board been unfair and has it in-
creased the number of labor disputes? Before the
Act or the Board can be denounced as unfair, its
purpose must first be ascertained. Section 7 of
the act reads "Employees shall have the right to
self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor
organizations, to bargain collectively, through
representatives of their own choosing, and to en-
gage in concerted activities, for the purpose of
collective bargaining, or for mutual aid or pro-
tection." Then the act proceeds to define unfair

labor practices. "It shall be an unfair labor prac-
tice for an employer (1) to interfere with, re-
strain, or coerce employees in the exercise of
their rights (rights as quoted above in Sec. 7);
(2) to dominate or interfere with the formation
or administration of any labor organization or
contribute financial or other support; (3) to dis-
criminate in regard to hiring or tenure of em-
ployment or any term or condition of employ-
ment, to encourage or discourage membership in
any labor organization; (4) to discharge or other-
wise discriminate against an employee because
he has given testimony under this act; (5) to re-
fuse to bargain collectively with the representa-
tives of his employee." Hence, since "The Board
is empowered to prevent any person .from engag-
ing in any unfair labor practice," is it no wonder
that certain interests have been yelping "unfair."
Those who oppose the Board oppose the enforce-
ment of the rights guaranteed in the act, rights
sanctioned by the Supreme Court. To those who
say that the purpose of the act is all right but
the procedure of the Board is unfair, Chairman
Madden's statement might be quoted: "The
board's procedure in twelve cases has been passed
upon favorably by the Supreme Court."
Not only has this "unfair" argument been
founded on a profound misconception of the
purpose of the Act but it has been maintained
that the Board has encouraged labor disputes,
an argument that ill considers the facts. On May
1, 1938, the New York Times published the fi-
gures announced in a yearly report by the NLRB.
Out of the 13,381 cases docketed since the Board's
inception 9,856 have been closed. Of these 9,856
closed, in 55 per cent of the cases affecting 1,200.
000 workers, the disputes ended in voluntary

Jfeems to Me
Heywood Broun
Lucius Beebe relates in high glee some recent
goings-on at Groton. Mr. Beebe sponsors a col-
umn called "This New York," but he can best be
identified as practically the only male society
reporter who does not turn
out to be pen name for
Cholly Knickerbocker. I also
understand that Mr. Beebe
coined right out of his own
head the phrase "cafe so-
He recounts that at Gro-
ton, "the lads in the upper
forms have their own debat-
ing teams, pick their own
subjects and conduct their oratorial tournaments
without let or hinderance from their instructors."
Mr, Beebe adds that this year the head master,
the Rev. Endicott Peabody, "descended with out-
raged screams and howls upon the entire pro-
gram, called everything off and retired to his
study mopping his clerical brow over the narrow-
est call of his career." It seems the manly ittle
lads had chosen as their subject:-"Which of its
graduates, Richard Whitney or Franklin D.
Roosevelt, has brought more discredit to Gro-
* * ,*
It's Not Funny
Now that is not funny. It shows to what a
great extent the swanky schools of America are
inculcating class consciousness and teaching class
consciousness and teaching class hatred. In
fashionable academies the I. Q., quite possibly
lags behind that which obtains in more demo-
cratic dormitories, but, after all, these were the
Juniors and Seniors of Groton, many of whom
had attained a mental age of 10 or 11. Of course,
some Grotonians go on beyond this. I know a
dear old alumnus who reached his 17th birthday
day and his majority simultaneously.
It may be held that Dr. Peabody was at fault
in merely stopping the debate and not correcting
the conditions in the school which made such an
attitude possible. In all fairness to the reputa-
tion of the educator it should be pointed out that
he has to handle a pretty solid phalanx of prob-
lem children. The home influence is very bad
in the case of many Groton boys. The lads are
largely overnourished, overclad and burdened
with the handicap of both town and country
During the vacation periods when they mingle
with their' elders the little fellows a'e thrown in-
to the company of sub-debs and Wall Street
weepers. The average Groton undergraduate
was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and
moreover the spoon was filled with mush. There
is little in the social life or the curriculum of the
school calculated to remove either. Indeed, Gro-
ton is just a cog in a select chain of factories
dedicated to the preservation and production of
snobs. - . .X
In a democratic country it is the privilege of
little groups to gather under a high hat and to
entertain each 'other with tournaments designed
to pick out the one who can raise his or her eye-
brows in the most regal fashion. Huteur in the
court is tradional. But these people should know
their place.' They are off the reservation when
they invade public forums to weep like crocodiles
about liberty and freedom. That's not sporting.
The schools which the members of the upper
crust delight to support and honor are exclusive
which means that they apply social, religious and
,racial tests. People who deny the usages of de-
mocracy at the very source are in no position
to write passionate letters to the papers protest-
ing their devotion to American institutions.
That's not cricket. They should stay home and
play it on the hearth.
And the pity of it is that many of the boys who
are put through the mill could be useful citizens
if only given half a chance. It isn't their fault,
but the fault of a system if they are doomed to
be snobs. The parents, themselves, ought to be
sufficiently wise in their generation to call a
halt to the turning out of tumbril fodder.

The Library Lift
To The Editor:
Would you be so kind as to wield your pen
adroitly and say a few words apropos the repair
of the lift in the library. For several weeks now
the words "Out of Order" have greeted all pro-
spective passengers. I know that more than one
student is ruining his heart by going up and
down the stairs. As a graduate student I have
to go here and there in the building. One book
that I want is in Graduate Reading Room No. 2;
then I find that I need a book that is in the base-
ment study hall; a few minutes later I have to
go to the reference room. My heart pounds pretty
hard ere I get to the mesne of some of the stair-
cases; I have seen others stopping to pant as they
climb between study halls. I am no weakling. I
went out for track in high school. I can endure
almost anything but the strenuous task of going
from floor to floor unassisted by the lift. Can't
you say something that will inspire the Univer-
sity repairmen to put the lift in running order?
I might start you off with this information; the
lift saves one about eighty steps between the first
and second stories.
-Graduate Student
Editor's Note: You have competently weilded
the pen for us. Reports from the Library are that
all of the parts necessary for the reassembling of
the elevator have arrived and the elevator will be
put into use as soon as the assembling can be
completed. No more definite information was
and 556 threatened strikes involving 141,238

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy- received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1938
Faculty Concert. The second faculty
concert in the summer series will be
given Tuesday evening. July 12. 8:30
o'clock in Hill Auditorium, wtih the
following faculty members partici-
pating: Wassily Besekirsky, violinist;
Marshall Bidwell. organist: Joseph
Brinkman, pianist; Hanns Pick, vio-
loncellist; and Hardin Van Deursen,
baritone; Ava Comin Case, accom-'
panist, and also an accompaniment
by the Chamber Orchestra under the
direction of Thor Johnson.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. "The
Shoemakers' Holiday," opening on
Wednesday at 8:30, with Whitford
Kane and Hiram Sherman in their
original roles. Box office open from
10 to; 6, phone 6300.
American Student Union: The
American Student Union will hold its
second summer membership meeting
on Tuesday, July 12, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Michigan League. All those in-,
terested are invited to attend.
Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con-
ference, 12:10 p.m. today, in the
third-floor assembly room of The
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies. Dr. Chauncey Finch
of St. Louis University will discuss
the topic, "What are the causes of
metathesis?" Persons unable to at-
tend the luncheon may come for the
discussion only, beginning at 1 p.m.
Wives of Students and Internes.
On Tuesday, July 12, from 3:30 to
5:30 the Michigan Dames, an or-
ganization of student wives and wives
of internes, will hold a tea at the
League. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended to all student wives of the
University to be present. Please re-
member the time as no individual
invitations will be given.
Summer School Chorus: A recrea-
tional hour open to all summer
school students without fee. 7 to 8
p.m. Morris Hall (Broadcasting Sta-
tion), State Street, every Tuesday
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch will speak
on "Dutch Economic and Commercial
Policy in the East Indies" at 3 :15 p.m.
today in the Main Auditorium of the
Rackham Building.
Lectures in Protein Chemistry: Dr.
Wm. C. Rose, Professor of Biochem-
istry at the University of Illinois, will
lecture at 2 p.m., July 11-14 inclusive,
in the Amphitheatre of the Horace
H. Rackham School of Graduate Stu-
dies. The subject of his lectures is
"The Nutritive Significance of the

Amino Acids. The Essential Natures
of Certain Amino Acids."t
Professor John Sundwall will speak
at 4:05 today in the University Highs
School Auditorium. His subject is
"Modern Trends in the School Health
Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon: Michi-
gan Union. 12:15 p.m. Dr. Verne C.
Fryklund, Supervisor of Vocational[
Education, Wayne University will bel
the speaker.
Dr. Herbert W. Emerson, Director
of the Pasteur Institute, will ive an
illustrated lecture on "Rabies" todayl
at 4:30 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of
the Rackham Building.
Excursion No. 5: The Ford Plant.
Inspection of the various Ford indus-
tries at River Rouge. Round trip by
special bus. Trip starts at 12:45 p.m..
Wednesday, July 13; ends at 5:30 p.m.
Reservation's may be made in the
Summer Session Office.
Tea for Faculty Wives and Women
Faculty Members: Faculty wives and
women faculty members are invited
by the Summer Session and Faculty
Womens' Club to a tea on Wednesday
afternoon, July 13 from 4 to 6 p.m.
in the garden of the Michigan
League, honoring wives of visiting
staff members.
Pi Lambda Theta will have a tea
Wednesday, July 13 at 4:30 at the
University Elementary School Li-
Wives of Students and Internes. The
Michigan Dames will hold the first
of a series of bridge parties, Wednes-
day, July 13, at 2 p.m. at the Michi-
gan League. All student wives are
invited. Prizes will be awarded. Mrs.

Gardner Ackley and Mrs. Werner
Striedieck. the co-chairmen, request
Lhat each person bring 10 cents to de-
fray expenses.
Seminar on the Bible, 12:15, Michi-
gan Union. Tuesday, July 12, Dean
Luther Weigel of Yale University
speaking upon "This New Transla-
tion of the Bible."
Wednesday, July 13. Prof. William
A. Irwin. University of Chicago will
speak upon "The Influence of Tran-
sitional Usage on Modern Versions."
Thursday, July 14, Prof. Henry A.
Sanders, University of Michigan "Re-
cent Studies in the Sinotic Manu-
Friday, July 15, Prof. James Moffat,
Union Theological Seminary "Eng-
lish Translation of the Bible."
Conference on Religion 3 p.m. For-
ums, July 12-15.
Tuesday, "Inter-Faith Problems."
Mr. Kenneth W. Morgan and others.
Wednesday, "Religion and Mental
Hygiene," Dr. John M. Dorsey and
Thursday, "When is Behavior Re-
ligious?" Prof. David Trout and oth-
Friday, "The Church as a Com-
munity Agent," The Rev. Edwin Wil-
son and others.
Chemistry Lecturc. The thir-1 in the
series of chemistry lectures vAl be
given by Professor H. H. Willard on
Wednesday, July 13 at 4:15 p.m. in
the amphitheatre of the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies
(not the Chemistry Building as pre-
viously stated). Subject: "Fluoresc-
ence and its application to analytical
chemistry." This lecture will be ac-
companied by experiments and all
interested are invited.
Summer Education Conference, Re-
vision of Program: Professor A. B.
Moehlman will discuss the report of
President Roosevelt's Advisory Com-
mittee' on Education, on Thursday,
July 14, at 1:15 p.m., University High
School auditorium.
Summer Session French Club: The
(Continued on Page 3)


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