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July 07, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-07

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Publishea every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatchescredited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter .
Sbscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00 by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
Collese Publishers R resetauvo
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . . Irving Silverman
City Editor....... Robert I. Fitzhenry
Assistant Editors.. . . . . .Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino,
Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L.
Business Department
$usiness Manager . . . . Ernest A. Jones
Credit Manager . . . Norman Steinberg
Circulation Maager . . . J. Cameron Hall
Assistants . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
fr it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
det on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaiing of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
A Glimmer Of
HOWEVER DIVIDED popular opinion
may be in regard to the foreign
policy pursued by President Roosevelt and his
administration, there is certain to be universal
gratification over the fact that the President,
and through him, of course, the nation, has pro-
vided the inspiration and impetus for the inter-
national conference on refugees which convened
yesterday at Evian on Lake Geneva.
Representatives of thirty countries will con-
ider the problem of carin for 1,000,000 poten-
tial refugees from Germany and Austria, of
whom about two-thirds are Jews and the rest
mainly Catholics. In contrast to the Draconian
measures instituted by Nazi leaders this generous
manifestation of humanitarianism is heartening
to all who still manage to retain their faith in
freedom and democracy. It is a further strength-
ening of the bonds of sentiment that bind all in-
telligent and free-thinking men together.
Yet one cannot help but echo the wish ex-
pressed by Senator William I. King of Utah that
these governments also submitted protests to the
Nazi government against the indefensible treat-
ment of the potential and actual refugees. It
seems only consistent that a situation so terrible
that it leads to an international conference
should be accompanied by a condemnation of the
government that is responsible.
-Elliot Maraniss

(of the English department)
'Brother Rat'
What can happen in the best regulated military
academies is currently being explained at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. When last evening's
enthusiastically responsive audience tells its
friends that they had better go and find out what
does happen, there will presently be an emphatic
S.R.. sign displayed in the lobby, proclaiming
its sad message to all who apply for information
too late. Conceived as an unashamed farce-
comedy by Messers Monks and Finkelhoffe,
highly geared and highly keyed by Co-Directors
Windt and Baird, mounted in most appropriate
and effective settings by Mr. Wyckoff, and per-
formed by an exceptionally well-balanced Michi-
gan Repertory cast, Brother Rat is easily the
season's best entertainment-in a year, incident-
ally, which has pretended to offer much in the
way of comedy. Brother Rat is ideal Summer
fare because it is light; but it would not be out
of season in the Ides or March, for it is made
of pleasant and amusing theatrical stuff.
Having recently (and with considerable pa-
tience) watched some high-priced actors and
actresses stumble aimlessly through some fair-
ly complex stumnbling material-one piece of
which had to do with why we can't be liberals,
another piece of which concerned the efforts of
a rugged individualist to save capitalism and his
young brother, and neither of which had much
to do with the theatre,-this reviewer was over-
joyed last night to sit back in his chair in row
eleven and join six hundred other customers in
laughing very loudly at life and love among the
Rats. It is gratifying to hear those old boards
flapping in response to the light tread of a nimble
muse instead of creaking and groaning to the
heavy burden of doctrine. It may here be re-
peated that the length and loudness of the
laughter produced by this unsophisticated effort
to entertain with the drama instead of to inform
with it is a pretty fair indication that whether
the members of the audience came to be edified
or not, they remained to be amused. These none
too subtle remarks (for the benefit of those who
may think that this reviewer is suffering from
heat-prostration) are not intended to imply that
the drama cannot be doctrinal; they are intended
rather to suggest that a group of young unknown
and enthusiastic players have done a better job
with a workable, unphilosophical piece of theatri-
cal material than some famous and rather bored
people recently did with two pieces of downright
unworkable, ideological, untheatrical material.
While the whole cast of Brother Rat might
well be praised for its collective competence, cer-
tain individuals upon whom carrying the action
and tempo rested may be singled out for special
deserviny of execution. Mussolini bravely takes
upon Italy's shoulders the white man's burden
and civilipes Ethiopia in spite of itself. Even
Japan views with mingled sorrow and astonish-
ment the resistance of the Chinese to the Jap-
anese campaign against communism and ban-
ditry which any right-thinking, pro-Japanese
could see ruining China.
The enlightened, inspired elite throughout the
world seem to be doing all in their power to save
the poor, benighted brethren, and their only re-
ward is a fierce resentment from the objects of
their ministrations. The most tragic aspect of
the situation is that this is the interpretation
sincerely held by so many of the world's leaders.
It is unnecessary to impugn the motives of
these leaders. It is not even necessary to ques-
tion the principle of saving people in spite of
themselves. But does a man "hate you for your
desire of doing him good"? Or is it the manner
(varying from arrogance to faint condescension)
in which you approach the good deed?
Man is a rational being, in spite of authoritar-
ian assertions to the contrary. He has shown,
times without number, that he is open to reason-
able persuasion. But such persuasion must re-
spect personal integrity, as all the world recog-

nizes outside the atavistic revolt against reason
by the authoritarians.
If you desire to do good among free men, you
,must first grasp the elementary principle of hu-
man psychology that individuals are self-cen-
tered, desire personal respect, and resent impli-
cations that they may be inferior. If you must
save people in spite of themselves, at least give
them credit for some intelligence and let them
think they are doing the saving.
The strongest impulse in any man worthy of
the name is the desire to have a voice in his own
-Donal Burns

Jifeemr lMe
H-eywood Broun
President Roosevelt's speech before the Nation-
al Education Assn. brought out to the full his
great capacity as the articulate spokesman of
American democracy. I have
in mind the closing portion
of his address in which he
p spoke of the burning of the
Of course, I am stating an
there will be almost univer-
sal approbation for what he
opinion. It may be that
said, but generally when the
President touches on foreign
affairs the criticism is made that our Chief Exec-
utive should make no comment whatsoever on
events in foreign lands. It is said that the inter-
nal affairs of other countries are none of our
business. It seems to me that the President was
eminently successful in pointing out the fact
that there are trends across the water which do
vitally concern us here at home.
He spoke of the burning of libraries, the exiling
of scientists, writers and other artists and of the
censoring of literature, painting and news. And
what he said, I believe, was said deservedly and
magnificiently. But if he had stopped there
some critics might have objected, "Even though
it is true, why run the risk of stirring up bad
blood with Germany? It still isn't our business."
* * *
Bringing The Lesson Home
But I think the next paragraph ought to be
graven in bronze and kept before our eyes. "If
the fires of freedom and civil liberties burn low
in other lands," said Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
"they must be made brighter in our own."
Sincere people differ enormously as to what
the details and general shape of our foreign
policy should be. Yet I believe and hope there
can be a broad base of solidarity in the state-
ment of those things for which free men strive.
There is no smugness in the paragraph which I
have quoted. It is not a holier-than-thou atti-
tude. On the contrary, it is a call for self-
examination. Before poking at the beam in any
brother's eye we should; of course, remove the
mote from our own.
Obviously American practices have not al-
ways lived up to the finest American precepts.
We have known and still know of censorship and
suppression of civil liberties within our own bor-
ders. That's our fault and our problem. But
it is undeniable that recent developments abroad
have had their repercussions here.
Nazi followers have boldly stated that they
hope to promote anti-Semitism in America. Of-
ficial journals in both Italy and Germany have
hailed Hague as a hero on account of his efforts
to curtail free speech. But even if there were
no direct propaganda of that sort at the life of
things we hold dear, the echoes and the shadows
of Fascism would reach our shores.
* * *
Fulfilling Our Pledges
And our answer must be to augment and devel-
op the liberties to which America is pledged. It
will not suffice simply to say that our press is
freer than that in other lands. We must strive
to make it still more free.
We must root out anti-Semitism, even when
it manifests itself in small and subtle ways.
We have no such censorship as Germany
knows, but that is too modest a boast for com-
fort. Once at a dinner I heard a speaker assail
what he felt were limitations upon free speech
in our radio practices. A broadcaster who fol-
lowed him said that he thought the criticisms
were too severe.
"After all," he remarked, "in America radio
is almost free."
That gave the critic an opening. "Take the
phrase 'land of the free,' " he suggested, "and
transpose it into 'land of the almost free.' How
does that sound? It won't do. It isn't good

"If the fires of freedom and civil liberties burn
low in other lands, they must be made brighter
in our own.
We cannot preserve our liberties by standing
still. Freedom cannot be frozen like a football
in the closing minutes of a game. In order to
hold what we have we must go foward. Our
founders were sufficiently practical to know that
in building for the future they must dream
dreams. Our Declaration of Independence was
a brave dream. Part of it has come true. Now
is the time to make it good to the utmost limit
of that vision.
churchman's statement Franco officially boasted
of the deeds.
In my opinion the heroism of the Michigan
men with the Lincoln Battalion is a very gen-
uine one. With the true patriots of Spain they
have put up as glorious a defense of Madrid as
the French did at Verdun or the old Greeks did
at Thermopylae.
Fascism, Communism, Religious Absolutism-
who can say which is the least evil? J.M.R.
is as effectively inhibited from a fair judg-
ment of the situation in Spain as the loyal Fas-
cist or Nazi. All three accept obediently the
smoked glasses imposed upon their mental vision
by the autocrats they give allegiance to.
"German press calls Mayor Hague a hero."-
News Item.
Say he's a bigot, threat and plague, say the
Bull of Rights has failed him; but add one boast
for Mayor Hague-Hitler hailed him.
Gabriel, take your pen in hand. Write the
words so all can read 'em! Hitler hails him for

Students, College Of Literature
Science, And The Arts.
No course may be elected for credit
after. the end of the second week.
Saturday, July 9th, is therefore the
last date on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of an
individual instructor to admit a stu-
dent later would not affect the oper-
ation of this rule.
School of Education, Changes of
Elections: (Undergraduate).
No course may be elected f'.r credit
after Saturday, July 9; no course
may be dropped without penalty af-
ter Saturday, July 23. Any changes
of elections of students enrolled in
this school must be reported at the
Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer-
sity Hall.
Membership in class does not cease
nor begin until all changes have been
thus officially registered. Arrange-
ments made with instructors are not
official changes.
Applicants for the Doctorate in Ed-
ucation. Those who are planning to
make application for the Doctor of
Education Degree (Ed.D) in Educa-
tion will leave their names in Profes-
sor Woody's office, 4002 U.H.S. this
Teacher's Certificate Candidates
who expect to be recommended by
the Faculty of the School of Ecduca-
tion at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion are requested to call immediately
at the office of the Recorder of the
School of Education, 1437 U.E.S., to
fill out application blanks for the
Certificate. (This notice does not
include School of Music students).
Public Health, Nursing Certificate:
Students expecting to receive the Cer-
tificate in Public Health Nursing at
the close of the Summer Session must
make application at the office of the
School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
The luncheon for persons Interested
in the Graduate Conference on Ren-
aissance Studies will take place at
12:15 o'clock on Thursday at the
Union (not at 1:15, as previously an-
nounced in the D.O.B.) Dr. Randolph
G. Adams, Director of the Clements
Library of American History will
speak on The Debt of Culture to the
Book Collector. The luncheon will
be followed by a visit to the Clements
Library under Dr. Adams' direction.
Make reservations at the English
Office, 3221 Angell Hall.

night at 8:30. "Brother Rat." Michi-
gan Repertory Players. Box Office,
phone 6300. Tenth Anniversary Sea-
Dr. Hu Shih of Peking University
will lecture on "The Chinese Renais-
sance in Literature," in the Main
Auditorium of the Rackham Building
this afternoon at 4:30 p.m.
"The 1938 Resolutions of the Na-
tional Education Association" is the
topic of Dr. William G. Carr's lecture
this afternoon at 4:05 p.m. in the
University High School Auditorium.
Orientation Seminar in Mathema -
tics." Preliminary meeting for the ar-
rangement of hours, Thursday, July
7. at 4 o'clock, in Room 3201 Angell
Hall. This seminar is intended for
graduate students who are entering
on their work for the doctor's degree
and would desire some introduction
to the beginnings of research in
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the Club will take
place Thursday, July 7, at 8:00 p.m.
at "Le Foyer Francais", 1414 Wash-
Mr. James O'Neill of the Romance
Language Department will speak.
The subject of his talk will be "Le
theatre libre". Songs, games, refresh-
Membership in the Club is stil

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

open. Those interested please see
Mr. Charles E. Koella, Room 200,
Romance Language Building.
Physical Education Luncheon: The
second weekly luncheon of all persons
interested in physical education,
health education and athletics will
be held in the Michigan Union,
'Thursday, July 7 at 12:15 p.m. Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, Director of the
University Health Service, will pre-
sent the topic, "The 'Bunk' in Hy-
giene." All interested are cordially
invited to attend. Kindly make res-
ervations early by calling 21939 be-
tween 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Registration Blanks for enrolling
with the Bureau may be obtained this
week, Wednesday through Friday, at
the office, 201 Mason Hall; office
hours 9-12 and 2-4. Only one regis-
tration will be held during the Sum-
mer Session.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
Tap Dancing for Men and Women:
A class in tap dancing open to men
and women students is held on Tues-
day and Thui.day evenings at 7:30
in Barbour Gymnaium.
Intermediate Dancing Class will
meet Thursday night, July 7, at 7:30
p.m., instead of Wednesday, July 6,
as originally scheduled. This change
is for this week only. Contract
bridge will begin tonight at the Mich-
igan League. Six lessons, $1.50.
Students in Commercial Education:
There will be a get-acquainted meet-
ing of students interested in teach-
(Continued on Page 3)

lassified Directory

TYPING neatly and accurately done.
Reasonable rates. Barbara Grill.
719 Tappan. Dial 3025. 32x
SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no markings. All work guaranteed.

Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover.


DRESS MAKING and Alterations.
Mrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine.
Phone 4726.
WANTED: Second-hand girl's bicycle.
Cash. Call 3059 after 6 p. m.
WANTED-Student to work one hour
daily to apply on board. 523
Packard. 31x
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist,
Reasonable rates. 706 Oakland,
Phone 6327. 17x.

done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St.
Dial 5244. 2x
LAUNDRY: 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 5x
LOST: Brown, leather notebook, text-
book, "World Since 1914" and foun-
tain pen at bus station. Phone
7117. 29x
COMPLETELY furnished apartment
with private bath and shower. Al-
so large double room. Garage avail-
able. Phone 8544. 422 E Washington.
LOST: Woman's purse, black, in the
vicinity of the East Physics Bldg.
Contains driver's license, etc. Re-
ward. Sall 8985. 27x
)STUDENTS or family laundry.
Shirts 12 cents. Call for and de-
liver. Phone 4863 for other prices.
'SILVER LAUNDRY': We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no markings. All work guaranteed.
Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover 3x

Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.


Neatiy and accurately


"Let's Save
The World"...

about the messianic spirit ("saving
the world in spite of itself") which prevents the
zealous crusader from ever comprehending why
the intractable object of the crusade finds the
process of salvation so distasteful. The dogmatic
missionary of the redeeming doctrine is so certain
of the rightness and goodness of his means of
salvation that only perversity and a wicked
hatred of righteousness on the part of his sub-
jects can explain their refusal to "be saved."
An apologist for the Spanish clergy, writing in
the May issue of the CATHOLIC WORLD, quotes
Edmund Burke in support of the contention that
there is a campaign of hate against the very holi-
ness of the clergy in Spain.
"I never knew a good man without enemies
many and implacable, because unprovoked," the
writer quotes Mr. Burke. "For a man that is
provoked may be appeased, but what remedy
can you use to cure a man who hates you for your
desire of doing him good?"
This explains the Spanish situation, concludes
the writer. The priests and nuns are maligned
and bitter hatred is directed against them simply
because they have tried to do good for their
fellow men.t
Such an explanation cannot be lightly dis-
missed as just another attempted "whitewash,"
for it represents a state of mind altogether too
prevalent in this intolerant age. Henry Ford and
other prominent industrialists cannot understand
why workers rebel against paternalistic plans for
their relfare. Brain-trusters nae mazedr at

The Edltor
Gets Told .


To the Editor:
May I, in contrast to J.M.R., offer Mr. Gies my
heariest praise on his editorial, "Arms Embargo
on Spain?"
The minute J.M.R. quotes "America" to Mr.
Gies we realize what we have to deal with.
Arguments and evidence are as vain with the
enslaved mind as they were with the priests
of the Roman Catholic Church in Flint earlier
this week, who refused to permit their parish-
ioners to see the film "Blockade"-(not because
thev had senn the film themenvec and fomn



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