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July 07, 1938 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-07

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wers today. Mostly cloudy
ow, preceded by showers.
,ate temperature.

L r



"Let's Save The World"...
A Glimmer of
Human itarianism 6. .


Official Publication Of The Summer Session




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FDR To Take
Fight To Foes
In Dixieland
Roosevelt Believes South
Is 'Nation's No. One
Economic Problem'
President Pledges
Aid in Next Session
WASHINGTON, July 6.-(A'P) -
President Roosevelt is seeking to
carry the fighting to New Deal foes
in the South, Democratic, or Re-
publican. That was plainly indicat-
ed by his letter opening the ad-
ministration conference on economic
conditions in Dixie.
Mr. Roosevelt said the South was
"The nation's No. 1 economic prob-
lem" and virtually pledged his ad-
ministration to do something about
it in the next Congress.
Read Two-Fold Purpose
Between the lines of that com-
munication, political observers read
a possible two-fold political purpose,
dictating the timing of the confer-
ence if not its inspiration. The meet-
ing was held in the midst of an off-
year election campaign that has al-
ready brought sharply into focus dif-
ferences between the White House
and some southern senators and rep-
resentatives. It also came at a time
when John Hamilton, Republican
National Chairman, is proselyting for
Anti-New Deal Democratic votes. In
the circumstances, the conclusion
that motives of practical politics
played some part in arranging the
study seems inescapable although no
administration spokesman acknowl-
edges it.
In effect, the President's letter con-
tends that Republican management
of national affairs for decades after
the war between the states is respon-
sible for conditions in the South. His
reference to 'the long and ironic
,history of the despoiling" of the I
South has that implication. It is an
administration answer to Hamilton's
appeals in Alabama and Virginia for
Jeffersonian Democratic support of a
Republican ticket in 1940 to oust the
New Deal from power.
SituAltion Significant
Even more significant to political
onlookers, however, is the situation
confronting Anti-New Deal Demo-
;crats in the South as a result of the
President's call for a prompt and far-
reaching program to "rehabilitate
the South." While the southern sur-
vey is presumably only a preliminary
step toward working out a New Deal
formula for that rehabilitation, the
Roosevelt letter is definite notice to
southern voters of his purposes and
objectivesvin trying to perpetuate
New Deal domination of the Demo-
cratic Party. Whatever doubts they
may have as to New Deal methods
to come, no Democratic nomination
seeker in the South could refuse to
endorse the President's stated objec-
' ~Speculation Rifek

Lockwood Says England, U.S.
Must Protect Eastern Interests

Informs Rotarian Parley
Economic Cooperation
Is Needed For Peace
Great Britain and the United States
must bend their efforts toward re-
storing peace in the Far East if their
economic stakes are to be fostered
and maintained, Dr. W. W. Lockwood
of the Institute of Pacific Relations
told 250 Rotarians meeting yesterday
in the Union in conjunction with the
district conference on International
Service Work.
He pointed out that Great Britain,
and the United States have parallel
economic interests in the Far East,
the British Empire in its investments
and the United States in its trade,
and since, he said, the fundamental
prerequisite for economic develop-
ment is a situation of peace, it is
to the advantage of the two powers
to work to secure that situation.
With regard to the United States,
Dr. Lockwood said, the issue is not so
much whether the 'United States
should take a stand against Japan
because it has come to be a competing
industrial power, or for it, in order
to strengthen trade connections, but
rather that the United States would
benefit from a condition of peace
through restored economic relation
with both Japan and China.
There are, however, forces operat-
ing which make peace difficult to se-
cure, for war, Dr. Lockwood said,
plays hob with all economic setups.
The results of preparation for war-a
great armament expansions-lead tol
economic waste and the economy be-
comes dependent upon armament
building for its principle stimulus.
Under such a condition, he pointed
out, it approaches the impossible to
restore a condition of peace becausel
such condition would result in col-
lapse of the country's economy.
Dr. Lockwood envisioned either a
serious defeat or only a partial vic-
tory for Japan in China because of
the straightened economic circum-
stances in which she finds herself to-1
.8 Scholarships
Made Available
By Endowment,
Rackham Fund Extends
$100,000 For Awardst
To Undergraduate Men

day. At the outset of the war, hc
pointed out, Japan was enjoying a
great measure of economic stability,
due to four factors: first, she had
abundant raw materials; second, she
possessed a comfortable gold reserve;
third, her export and import trade
was enjoying a boom period and fin-
ally, her credit rating among the
countries of the world was high.
Today, after one year of warfare,
which sees Japan's army straggled
out over a huge piece of China, that
economic stability, if not wholly dis-
sipated, has at least deteriorated to a
great degree. Furthermore, Dr.
Lockwood said, it is impossible to con-
ceive that Japan can possibly estab-
lish, in the event of a victory in the
current conflict, a peaceful regime in
China without the cooperation of the
Chinese. But, he said, the Japanese
through their rthless tactics in war,
have irrevocably alienated the Chi-
nese and can never secure their co-
operation in establishing any kind of
a regime there.
Kent Explains
Of Latin Verse
Linguistics Institute Hears
Pennsylvania U. Faculty
Man In First Lecture
How the classical Latin poets,
handicapped by the rigid metrical
patterns of Latin verse, adopted from
a variety of sources certain arbitrary
conventions which enabled them to
use certain kinds of words and
phrases, was explained l'ast night by
Prof. Roland G. Kent of the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, visiting faculty
member of the Linguistic Institute, in
the first formal lecture of the In-
stitute's summer program.
The Institute program continues
today with the regular informal lun-
cheon conference at 12:10 p.m. in
the Rackham building, with Prof.
Morri Swadesh of the University of
Wisco in speaking on "Complemen-
tive ar d Elliptic Sentences in Mod-
ern Edglish."
Basi g his conclusions upon a de-
tailed syllabic analysis of the major
works'of Vergil and Horace, Profes-
sor Kelit last night pointed specifical-
ly to the kinds of poetic license which
developed and sought to explain their
Onecommon device, he said, was
liaisor by which the sound of one
syllabe was transferred to another
syllabee, as in modern English "no-
ta-tall," the spoken equivalent of
"not-t-all." Similar phonetic phe-
nomna of colloquial Latin, according
to Dr. Kent, must have been utilized
by the poets in their efforts to keep
their diction within the circumscribed
for ial patterns. Another device was
eli on, or the merging of one vowel
wilh another; and still another was
hiatus, or the absence of an expected
Basic in Professor Kent's sum-
n,ary was the contention that in Lat-
in poetry it must be recognized that
syllabic division does not rest upon
tie word as a unit but upon the
phrase, as in ordinary speech. It is
this recognition of the use of the
phrasal pattern of speech that en-
Sbles the modern scholar to interpret
on a purely linguistic basis the pe-
culiar metrical phenomena of the
final syllables of Latin verse.
Prof. Kramers
At Symposium

Leiden Physicist Speaks'
On Quantum Theory
Prof. H. A. Kramers of the Uni-
versity of Leiden, Netherlands, spoke
yesterday morning in the small
amphitheatre inthe Horace Rack
ham Building before the members of
the Symposium on theoretical physics
being held June 27 to August 19 by
the department of Physics.
Prof. Kramers, who is here discuss-
ing 'the quantum theory of electro-
magnetic radiation and the relativity
theory of particles as interpreted by
the method ow spinors, is one of the
two lecturers speaking this week be-
fore the Symposium.
Prof. H. A. Bethe of Cornell Uni-
versity, the other guest lecturer this
week, will speak at 7:30 p. m. today
nl f..n rnrbai nnf Pn nrr,.n in ta a,

Hu Shih Calls
Chinese Unity
Natural Force
Is Not Result Of External
Aggression, But Of 21
Centuries As A Nation
Says Empire Most
Important Force
Chinese national unity is not, as
recent events would tend to indicate,
a new force brought on by war and
forceful external aggression, but is
the natural product of 21 centuries
of national life under one empire, one
law and one culture, Dr. Hu Shih de-
clared yesterday in the second of a
series of lectures being given in con-
junction with the Far Eastern In-
Dr. Hu advanced the thesis that
the two fundamental developments of
Medieval Chinese civilization, the
problems of building a stable Empire
and a national culture, are of ulti-
mate importance for any intelligent
understanding of the present resur-
gence of Chinese natioifalism.
Empire Great Force
The most important single force
in Chinese history was the Empire,
Dr. Hu maintained, for not only did
it shape and mold national politios
for over twenty centuries, but it also
gave birth to the notion of unified
Chinese people which has always re-
tained its identity despite internal
vicissitudes and the threats of exter-
nal barbarism.
The first Empire was founded in
221 B. C., but Dr. Hu indicated that
long before that there had been' a
desire for some form of unity. Al-
though the first Empire brought
fedualism to a formal end, it was in
essence a despotic government which
r epr es s ed the flowering of the
thought of the previous period of in-
tellectual maturity. It was not until
the second Empire was formulated
fifteen years later that both political
and cultural stabilization could be
achieved. The founder of this dynas-
ty was a genius, Dr. Hu said, a man
with a profound respect for learning
and books, a "rough rider Emperor"
who was converted to education and
intellectual endeavor by a famous
Confucian scholar.
Practice Lao-tse Teaching
It was in this dynasty, Dr. Hu
maintained, that a succession of rul-
ers who consciously and deliberately
practiced the Lao-tse teachiig of
non-interference and inaction on the
part of the government, arose and
placed the Empire on a new solid
foundation by making the people re-
alize that a unified nation meant
peace, properity and the spread of an
indigenous culture.
Federal Policies
On Schools Tld

Mexico May
Sell Half Of
Oil To Reich
Expropriated Companies
May Attempt To Block
Sale By Proceedings
American Concern
Named As Buyer
MEXICO CITY, July 6.-u)-The
Mexico Government has contracted
to sell $10,000,000 worth of oil to
Davis and Company of New York in
a deal described tonight as a broad
step toward solution of the nation's
problem of disposing of her vast
stores of black gold.
About 50 per cent of the oil will go
to Germany and the remainder to
general European markets, principal-
ly those of Scandinavian countries,
reliable official and unofficial sources
discolsed tonight.
The deal was reported by these
sources to have been consummated
yesterday. It was approved by Presi-
dent Lazaro Cardenas some weeks
The oil will be obtained from wells
expropriated on March 18 from 17
British and American companies and
from wells owned by the Government
prior to taking over the foreign-
owned companies.
A possible hitch in the deal was
seen in a statement by ousted of-
ficials of the expropriated companies
that they would start attachment
proceedings against any tanker
carrying oil from the expropriated
It was pointed out they could file
such claims against the carriers,
claiming the cargoes as their proper-
ty when they show up in foreign
On the other hand, some sources
said the oil might be kept in the
Mexican Government's name until it
is discharged, thus averting litigation
since governments can not be sued
without their consent.
Unless legal complicatioes develop,
a tremendous increase in imports
from Germany and a possible drop in
like shipments from the United Sta es
was seen as t possible result.
Adamis to Address
Luncheon Today

Ti rd War Veteran
Dies Before Bivouac
GETTYSBURG, Pa., July 6.- P)-
A third veteran of the war between
the states- one who did not see the
"Last Reunion" of the Blue and Gray
he had traveled hundreds of miles to
attend-died tonight as former com-
rades and foes neared their homes.
John W. Weaver, 95, of Maldrow,
Okla., succumbed to a'heart condi-
tion in a Gettysburg Hospital. A
similar cause was ascribed for the
deaths, earlier in the day, of John
W. Cooper, 91, of Largo, Fla., also a
former Confederate soldier, and Dan-
iel T. Price, 91, of Marion, Ind., a
member of the Grand Army of the
Planes, Boats
Offered In Hunt
For Expedition.
Two University Women In,
Party, Now Two Days
Overdue On Colorado
LEE'S FERRY, ARIZ., July 6.-
(I)-Offers to search by plane and
boat for the four men and two women
daring the Colorado River were made
today as the expedition, two days
overdue, failed to appear at this nor-
thern Arizona outpost.
The expedition, headed by Norman
D. Nevills of Mexican Hat, Utah, and
including two women, Elzada Clover,
40, University of Michigan botanist
and her assistant, Lois Jotter, 25, left
Green River, Utah, June 20. It was
due here July 4.
While government men here said
they might ask that a plane be sent
in search if the party failed to arrive
Friday, Liet. P. S. Lyons, U. S. Coast
Guard bier stationed at Biggs Field,
El Paso, Tex., said "We are stationed
here to engage in work of this sort.
If there is any real fear that the party
is in peril we'll start a search at
Group To Make
CranbrooK T.rip
Prof. Rouse To Lead Party
On Excursion Saturday

x . . .

Settlement As
Bombs And Bullets Mark
Anniversary Of China's
First Armed Resistance
3 Bombs Thrown
At JapSentry Post
SHANGHAI, July 7.-( Thursday)-
(P-Exploding bombs and assassins'
bullets today ushered in the first an-
niversary of China's armed resistance
to Japanese invaders and threw the
.internatinal settlement into turmoil.
Two Japanese and two Chinese
were killed.
' A British Colonial soldier and four
Chinese were wounded in the sudden
surge of violence.
Three bombs were thrown simul-
taneously at a Japanese sentry post
on Garden Bridge, a flating restau-
rant off the Bund-now used as
Japanese Gendarme headquarters-
and the Yokohama Specie Bank
Branch also on the Bund.
One Chinese was killed and another
Police reserves and foreign defense
units were immediately called out to
guard against more serious outbreaks
of terrorism in China's commercial
A cordon quickly was thrown\
around the foreign area blocking
all traffic between the International
Settlement and Japanese-occupied
An unidentified Japanese riding a
bicycle in the International Sector
guarded by United States Marines
was shot and killed. His assassin
In Japanese-occupied West Hong-
kew, a part of Changhai, a Japanese
sentry was shot and killed by three
Chinese who threw a hand grenade
at a Japanese sentry post on the
Yuyaching Road.'Bridge, -linking the
Settlement with Hongkew.
Three bombs were tossed against
a Japanese cotton mill on the Settle-
ment outskirts and a few moments
later three more bombs exploded in
the mill's living quarters. One Brit-
dish Sikh, Colonial Soldier,.'as wound-
Dr. Lapp Says
Thinking Aim
Of Education
Ability To Think Controls
Public Opinion, Should
Be Goal,_Speaker Holds
"Thinking controls public opinion,
and therefore educating to think
should be the principle purpose of
the teacher," Dr. John A. Lapp told
approximately 100 persons in a lec-
ture concerning "The Relation of the
Teacher to the Contemporary Social
Scene, yesterday, sponsored by the
Michigan Federation of Teachers.
Dr. Lap, who is chairman of the
Bituminous Labor Board, said that
it is very difficult for teachers to do
anything about their own teaching
programs, because such things are
controlled too rigidly by school
boards which usually, are composed
of men who are not educators.
"Teachers must have protection so
that they may develop their own pro-

grams and hold to them," he pointed
out, "Of course, the teachers them-
selves must be competent."
He said that he believed tenure
laws should be the first step to guar-
antee the teachers this protection,
so that they would have no fear of
losing their jobs for statements they
might make in classes.


Outbreak Stirs

The schools of the Cranbrook Foun-
dation in Bloomfield Hills will be the

There is speculation, .also, as tok
whether New Deal sponsors of thej
southern economic survey may have
had their eyes on other sections of
the country as well. Stress has been1
laid on the part Negro voters, switch-
ing from Republican to Democratic
banners, had in the New Deal victor-t
ies in 1932, '34 and '36. They areE
estimated to hold a virtual balance4
of power between the two major par-
ties in some of the key political states
of the North and Midwest.
Kentucky Primary t
What President Roosevelt will say1
and do about Kentucky's heated
Democratic Senatorial Contest onl
his visit Friday quickened political
Both Sen. Alben Barkley, the New
Deal's senator majority leader, and
Gov. A. B. Chandler, at times a critic
of administration policies but claim-
ing friendship with the President,
plan to welcome Mr. Roosevelt.
Chief interest centered in whether
the President will add to his letter
of last winter indorsing Barkley's1
congressional record and urging his
Barkley plans to join the Presi-
dent's special train in Ohio. Chan-
dler has announced he will "welcome"
Mr. Roosevelt when he rides across
the state line at Covington.
Commercial Students Meet'
Students interested in teaching
rnmmexrr i 1 thiFAwl ml hmv o a#-

Announcement of a $100,000 en--
dowment fund from the Horace H.t
and Mary A. Rackhtm Fund, which
will make possible eight $500 schol-
arships for undergraduate men, wast
made yesterday by Dr. Clarence S.t
Yoakum, vice-president of the Uni-t
Candidates for the scholarships,
from whom the first recipients will be
chosen in the next few weeks, must
be unmarried male citizens of the
United States, preferably residents off
Michigan and under 21 years of age.
The grants will go to students who
hold freshman and sophomore stand-
ing next fall. .
In establishing the endowment, the
trustees of the Rackham Fund ex-
pressed the desire to aid and encour-
age boys who have shown qualities
of leadership.
Candidates for the new scholar-
ships, Dr. Yoakum said, should ad-
dress their letters of application to
the Committee on Rackham Under-
graduate Scholarships at the Rack-
ham Graduate School. Examinations
and interviews will be announced
State Representative
Attacks New Deal
JACKSON, July 6.--(P)-Rep. Fred
Crawford, of Saginaw, charged th'.
New Deal with violating "the Ameri.
can System" and called tonight upo i
the Republican party to lead the dat
back 'tq an era of freetom for entei-
prise and a profitable return of ft -
vestments." J
The Michigan congressman ac-
dressed more than 250 Republicans
attending the 84th anniversary of
the controverted founding of tie
G.O.P. "under the oaks" in Jacksen.
Crawford attacked Federal expend-
tures intended to increase employ-
ment and for "pump priming"ffi said
this was responsible for a mounting
F r a -am rv eficeist "and con-



next objective of the University Ex-
Dr. Randolph G. Adams, Director of cursion party Saturday under the
the Clements Library of American leadership of Prof. Louis Rouse of the
History, will address a luncheon of Mathematics department.
the Graduate Conference on Renais- Located approximately 20 miles
sance Studies at 12:15 today in the north of downtown Detroit and about
Michigan Union, on "The Debt of 43 miles from Ann Arbor, the Cran-
Culture to the Book Collector." The brook Schools were built by a gift
luncheon will be followed by a visit to from Mr. and Mrs. George B. Booth
Clements Library under Dr. Adams' of Detroit. The oldest of the schools
direction. -the Cranbrook School for Boys-
The Conference will continue its enrolls about 210 boys in its six grades.
program tomorrow at 1 p.m. with an Kingsewood Schools for Girls, built
excursion to the Detroit Museum of eight years ago, enrolls 80 students.
Fine Arts. Emphasis will be placed Noted for the beauty of ,their sur-
on art works of the Renaissance and roundings the schools' beauty spots
the 17th century, which will be which the party will visit in particu-
studied and discussed under expert 'lar are the Cranbrook Academy of
direction. Reservations for the trip Arts, the Cranbrook Institute of Sci-
should be made at the Summer Ses- ence, the magnificient Christ Church
sion office today before 5 o'clock. and Brookside School. a
All-Star Game Is Nightmare
To Beaten American Leaguers

Sees Rights

Although much of the present ac-
tivity of the federal government is
significantly in the right direction
where public education is concerned,
there is a tendency present to en-
croach on certain rights of the indi-
vidual schools in the fields of voca-
tional guidance and adult education,
Prof. George E. Myers said in part
yesterday in the auditorium of
University High School.
Professor Myers traced the history1
of the role the Federal governmenti
has played in the progress of public
education from the date of the first
land grant college, through the suc-
cessive national legislation and sub-
sidies to the present United States
Education Office's activities in es-
tablishing a Federal-State Employ-;
ment Office.
He also mentioned the accomplish-
ments of such educational bodies as
the NYA, the Civilian Conservation
Corps, and the Office of Apprentice-
ship organized under the old NRA
and now continuing to function in
a slightly changed capacity.
Professor Myers praised the work
of the Federal-State Employment
Office in arranging a modern series
of vocational aptitude tests, for col-
lecting information concerning mod-
ern and past occupations, and for es-
tablishing a system whereby the
youths it employs are immediately
registered for employment compen-
However, he frowned on the fact
i'n+ I',m n oinvmn atfFiP enc rnach -

CINCINNATI, July 6.-(1P)-"Well,
the Minor Leaguers beat 'em," was
Bill Terry's one comment today as
his National League All-Stars troopedt
into the dressing room and proceeded
to take advantage of their second1
chance in six years to whoop it upf
after a victory over the American
League's gems:I
Over in the American clubhouse
words were few. Finishing on thei
short end of a 4 to 1 count turned the
annual "dream" contest into a night-;
mare for the junior leaguers.
Moses "Lefty" Grove, of Boston,1
who was hurling when Jimmie Foxx,
his teammate, and Joe DiMaggio,
slugging outfielder of the Yanks pre-
sented the Nationals with a brace of
runs on a couple of wild throws in the
seventh, summed up the Americans'
attitude with: "Let's forget it, I need
a cold beer."
Joe McCarthy, of the Yanks, skip-
per of the American star-studded
contingent, offered this pertinent an-
swer to the old question, "Do you
think a single game like this means
"Well, it means a lot to the old tim-
ers." (The game receipts go into a

ting you mad," Meany answered.
Foxx, who struck out in the second
frame as Johnny Vander Meer, Cin-
cinnati's sensational no-hit flinger,
whipped a fast one by him, admitted
that the Redleg was "getting better
all the time."
"We played a dozen spring games
against the Reds, and Vandy didn't
seem so tough then, but he really had
it today," Foxx said.
Vander Meer, getting rubbed down,
said his arm felt fine and that his
curve was working well, his conten-
tion being backed up by the fact the
Americans got but one blow, Joe
Cronin's single to left, in three in-
nings he toiled.
Mace Brown, Pittsburgh's reliel
star and fast baller, said the three
and two pitch with which he fannec
pinch-hitter Rudy York, of Detroit,
with the bases loaded and two out
in the seventh, would have been a ball
if Rudy hadn't swung and missed.
The ball was across the plate, but be-
low York's knees, Brown said.
Terry chimed in with: "It took a lot
of intestinal fortitude for Mace tc
throw that fast one in a spot like
that." (Terry, however, spelled the
"intestinal fortitude" in four letter,


The Summer Session Student
Directory goes on sale tomorrow
on campus.
The directory, containing both
the names of students and faculty,
will be offered on campus at the
earliest date in years, according to
John McFate, '41L, editor. Publi-
cation has been speeded up in the
face of the largest summer enroll-
ment in 45 years of Summer Ses-
sion history.
Directories may be bought on
campus, at designated bookstores

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