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July 06, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-06

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2. i~
Edited and managed by students of the University of
-Mihigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
8tdet ubllcations.
Publishea every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session,
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
College Publiskers Relresenstative
420 MAoISON Avc. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Board of Editors
Managing Editor .,. . Irving Silverman
City Editor ... .... Robert I. Fitzhenry
Assistant Editors. . . . . Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino,
Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L.
Business Department
Business Manager,.. . . Ernest A. Jones
Credit Manager . . . Norman Steinberg
Circulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall
Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
. reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
Politics In
The WPA...
cism has been leveled at the activi-
ties of the Works Progress Administration in
recent weeks. Accusations of "politics in relief"
and "politics in WPA" have grown thicker as
primaries approach.
The premise advanced by the writers attacking
the WPA is that New Deal candidates draw votes
from those beneltting from the government's
work program. Aubrey Williams, Deputy Admin-
istrator of WPA, has drawn the criticism of the
Senate Campaign Funds Committee for urging
men on WPA to keep their "friends" in power.
The Committee officially termed the speech "un-
fortunate," while individual writers and speak-
ers have gone much farther in their comment.
All the noise, however, seems a little over-
vociferous. WPA money is badly needed in many
localities this year, and spending it cannot be put
off simply because there happen to be elections
during the summer and fall. And naturally, the
men working on WPA will be inclined to vote
New Deal, because the New Deal has given them
work. It would appear that the New Dealers
have as much right to urge the men on the WPA
rolls to vote for their "friends" as their oppon-
ents have to ask them to vote another way.
The recent poll of Fortune Magazine on Presi-
dent Roosevelt's popularity showed the Presi-
dent's support to start at the bottom of the eco-
nomic scale and grow thinner as it runs upwards.
Factory labor and farm labor were ,found to
be strongest in their adherence to the President,
with other labor, which would include WPA
workers, next, followed by farmers, lower middle
class people and so on. Thus, in general, work-
ers, including unemployed workers, form the
President's support. But the unemployed and
relief workers are not, the poll conclusively
prpves, more firmly faithful to the New Deal
than regularly employed farm and factory work-
ers. Therefore, it seems safe to say that the
political conventions of the WPA workers depend
not so much on the specific fact of a direct sub-

sidy from the government as on the general one
of benefits to the underprivileged from the New
Roosevelt critics will continue to fulminate
against the use of WPA money to "buy votes,"
but as long the the WPA and other New Deal acts
and agencies continue to help a majority of
Americans to live a little better, people will vote
to keep them.
-Joseph Gies
The Most
Tragic ,Mat . . .
h ,
inveterate rival on even terms for
eight tense games, Miss Helen Hull Jacobs in-
jured her ankle in her championship match with
Mrs. Helen Will Moody in the All-England tennis
tournament, and was defeated, 6-4, 6-0."'
So runs the story of perhaps the most tragic
match ever played on Wimbledon's famous cen-
ter court; tragic, not because it is Miss Jacobs'
fourth defeat at the hands of Mrs. Moody, but

tage again, she lost the ninth game, and the set
game at love, and was able to win only three
points in the next set.
When it became apparent to the huge gallery
that Miss Jacobs was deeply distressed by her
ankle injury, Mrs. Hazel Hotchkiss Wightman,
who captains the American Wightman Cup team,
was summoned by the tournament officials to
the court, where she begged Miss Jacobs to ask
for time to loosen the bandages on her injured
ankle. Miss Jacobs, however, refused, and re-
sumed her attempts to play, as though nothing
had happened. Mrs. Moody ended the match,
and Miss Jacobs' agony. when she won the last
game, the fourth of the set, at love.
Varied thoughts come to mind, when one con-
siders this pathetic match, and the now historic
one that saw Mrs. Moody default at Forest Hills
in 1933. Why didn't Miss Jacobs ask for time
out? Even more, why didn't she default, when
she knew that she would have to continue play
for at least seven mre games? Mrs. Moody had
done that very thing in the Forest Hills tenns
finals in 1933, when, trailing at 0-3 in the decid-
ing set she walked off the court, complaining
of a back injury.
Why didn't Mrs. Moody herself call time out
for her injured rival? Certainly, good sports-
manship calls for such an action on her part.
Miss Jacobs had displayed that sportsmanship,
when, at Forest Hills, she tearfully begged Mrs.
Moody not to default, asking her to take a rest,
and finish the match later. But "Poker-Face" re-
fused to finish out the last three games declaring
that her injury was too painful.
Why did the-victor relentlessly concentrate on
making her opponent run from one side of the
court to the other? All followers of tennis know
that such tactics are employed primarily for the
purpose of tiring one's adversary, and that there
are quicker, and consequently more humane
methods of winning a tennis match.
How badly did Mrs. Moody injure her back in
the Forest Hills match? Was she actually un-
able to finish out three games, as her family phy-
sician, strangely enough, her father, maintained?
At any rate, though these questions will prob-
ably never be answered, we will always remember
that pathetic picture, caught by the New York
Times camera, which shows Miss Jacobs, her in-
jured right foot resting on her left, her head
bowed in obvious fatigue, congratulating Mrs.
Moody on her victory.
Miss Jacobs might have been great in victory;
she is even greater in defeat.
-Ken Chernin
The Traffic Problem:
An Economic One ..*.
TOMOST AMERICANS the traffic ac-
cident problem is as inexorable as the
seasons. Accidents just seems to happen, and
since the American mind has to blame someone
and no forces or circumstances, the drunken and
reckless drivers are to blame. Life magazine harps
on this cause among others in its July 4 issue
when it straddles a generous compendium on the
traffic problem in an ambush of social gossip.
In the United States since 1924. the traffic
problem has been steadily becoming more acute.
Each year the 'country witnesses 40,000 killed
and 1,360,000 injured. In the last 15 years there
have been 500,000 fatalities. Inasmuch as the
Babbitry of the country reasons discounting hu-
man costs, it might penetrate their experience to
say that traffic accidents cost in comprehensible
terms of money a flat $1,700,000,000 per year.
Equally comprehensible, this cost is reflected in
the premiums paid to benevolent insurance in-
Practically no one will offer the traffic problem
as an economic indictment of present day Amer-
ica in the same sense that insecurity, ignorance
and inadequate medical care are offered as such.
No one will compare the mushroom growth of our
cities and the automobile problem to the larger
problem of the maladaptation of our economic
system to an age of science. No one will point
to the fact that "While potential speed of new
cars was constantly increasing, the average
speed of traffic in business districts was dropping
from 25 to 20 to 17.5 miles per hour" and say
that it was due to the unplanned ganglia-growth
character of untrammeled private and competi-

tive action. No one will rebel at the $16,500,000,-
,000 for highways paid by the taxpaper to shyster
politicians in,a half-dozen small governmental
units who solve traffic problems by antiquated
formulas and, because these units are small, they
cannot venture with the necessary alacrity to
sponsor large researches and to plan-traffic pro-
Much has been said by our deft politicos and
Chamber of Commerce billboards on "The Ameri-
can Way." Now let us see how "The American
Way" operates. It took us 43 years from 1870
to 1913 to pass an income tax law that was just
as necessary in 1870 as when it was passed. It
took us 23 years from 1912 to 1935 to pass a so-
cial security aft which was incorporated on the
Socialist Party platform in 1912 and needed just
as much then as when Franklin Roosevelt inno-
vated it. It is estimated that it would take from
20 to 25 years before real headway will be made
on the road to solving our traffic problem, yet
the solution is needed just as much now as 25
years hence.
And what is more, we have the solution. The
dirty windshield, glaring headlights, drinking,
daydreaming, sleeping, in short, the human prob-
lem, will still be with us but with diminished in-
tensity. The real foe is not man, but circum-
stance. That circumstance is the unsafe road.
The principle underlying the solution for this cir-
cumstance of unsafe roads belongs to Dr. Miller
McClintock, now No. 1 U. S. traffic expert.
The road, Dr. McClintock proposes, to quote
'Life,' "is the so-called 'limited way,' which elim-
inates traffic friction by use of (1) overheads at
Intersections, (2) a dividing island between traf-
fic moving in opposite directions, and (3) accel-
erating and decelerating lanes. A few much

Ii feems lo Me
Heywood B rou n
This column does not intend to deal with the
propriety or impropriety of James Roosevelt's
going into the insurance business. But I do want
to suggest that for the best
interests of journalism some
competent group should go
into the propriety or impro-
priety of the reporter meth-
ods of Alva Johnston.
I think that the society
s of American newspaper edit-
ors might quite properly
tackle the job. It is true
that "Jimmy's Got It" ap-
peared in the Satu day Eveneing Post, and it
may be that magazine standards are not the
same as those which obtain in city rooms. But
the article has now become a matter of news.
Moreover, Alva Johnston was recently\a re-
porter, and it is likely that his technique is serv-
ing as model for a very large number of news-
papermen. I suppose I have already betrayed
the fact that I think that some of Mr. Johnston's
devices should be considered and condemned by
a group competent to pass judgment. I would
like to cite one or two things which I think call
for critical comment.
Alva Johnston in relating the fact that James
Roosevelt left the study of law in 1930 to enter
the insurance business writes, "De Gerard said
to himself, 'Franklin Roosevelt will be elected
President in 1932 and his son, Jimmy, will be
a good man for me to have in the insurance busi-
ness with me.'
Miraculous Reporter
Alva Johnston says that other agents regard
James Roosevelt as the wonder boy of insurance,
but I must say that this particular paragraph
leads me to believe that Alva Johnston is the
miracle man of reportorial research and possess-
es a gift denied to all other journalists. It is dif-
ficult enough after a lapse of eight years to re-
port from memory the precise words which any
man has spoken. And so a new high is reached
when a fact finder sets down dogmatically what
a man has said to himself.
There is no evidence that De Gerard imparted
these thoughts of his to the truth seeker of the
Saturday Evening Post. But even if he had, so
long after the event, the competence of the testi-
mony might well be questioned. I believe that a
good copy reader on any newspaper would strike
out that paragraph. Even a most indulgent one
would make it read, "May have said to himself."
In telling how James Roosevelt got the in-
surance business of George Washington Hill,
Alva Johnston relates that Franklin D. Roosevelt
was in Warm Springs, Ga. This was in 1931,
more than six months before Mr. Roosevelt had
won the Democratic nomination for the Presi-
dency. Alva Johnston adds, "Jimmy called up
on the long distance telephone. The senior
Roosevelt was not available at the time, but a
member of his entourage took the message. 'Tell
father to be nice to Mr. Hill,' said Jimmy, 'I want
to get his insurance.'
This is stated as fact, and it may be that Alva
Johnston knows and has talked to a member of
the entourage who says he received such a mes-
sage. Even in that case I think it would have
been sound journalistic practice to permit James
Roosevelt an opportunity before the article was
published to affirm or deny the charges.
Vague On Earnings
The article does not indicate the basis on
which this episode is put forward as a fact. Was
it "Learned on reliable authority" or was it
merely "a good story in going the rounds." A
newspaper editor, would want to know. Alva
Johnston is pretty sure that James Roosevelt has
made a vast fortune, but he seems a little vague
on the figures. He prints the estimate of an in-
come of $200,000 a year, and the estimate of $2,-
000,000 a year. That is a little like saying a man

is five or six feet tall.
I know it has nothing to do with the present
story, but some-hold that Alva Johnston's repu-
tation as a profound and accurate observer was
hurt by the fact that he bet, and, incidentally,
lost his shirt backing Landon in the last election.
The source of my information is Mr. Johnston.
The time was 11:30 P. M., December 2, 1936, and
the place was Bleeck's bar. To quote Mr. John-
ston as closely as I can he said to Richard Watts
and myself, "I lost my shirt betting on Landor
I didn't give Roosevelt a chance."
As Others See It
New York Front, Center
If there had been any doubt as to the impor-
tance of the coming election in New York, Gov.
Lehman's decision to make himself available for
nomination for the Senate seat of the late Dr.
Royal S. Copeland removes it altogether. Two
Senate seats are now at stake, and for the six-
year-term, Senator Wagner will be a candidate
to succeed himself.
Iowa, Florida and New Mexico all elected two
Senators in 1936, but the occurrence is rare. In
the quarter-century since the popular election of
Senators, neither Missouri nor Illinois has chosen
two Senators in the same year. When it happens
in New York, and under circumstances which
open up a free-for-all for the governorship as
well, we have a political situation to delight the
election fan who likes races with big stakes

Students, College Of Literature
Science, And The Arts.
No course may be elected for credit
after the end of the second week.
Saturday, July 9th, is therefore the
last date on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of an
individual instructor to admit a stu-
dent later would not affect the oper-
ation of this rule.
School of Education, Changes of
Elections: (Undergraduate).
No course may be elected for credit
after Saturday, July 9; no course
may be dropped without penalty af-
ter Saturday, July 23. Any changes
of elections of students enrolled in
this school must be reported at the
Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer-
sity Hall.
Membership in class does not cease
nor begin until all changes have been
thus officially registered. Arrange-
ments made with instructors are not
official changes.
Applicants for the Doctorate in Ed-
ucation. Those who are planning to
mnake application for the Doctor of
Education Degree (Ed.D) in Educa-
tion will leave their names in Profes-
sor Woody's office, 4002 U.H.S. this
Teacher's Certificate Candidates
who expect to be recommended by
the Faculty of..the School of Educa-
tion at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion are requested to call immediately
at the office of the Recorder of the
School of Education, 1437 U.E.S., to
fill out application blanks for the
Certificate. (This notice does not
include School of Music students).
Public Health Nursing Certificate:
Students expecting to receive the Cer-
tificate in Public Health Nursing at
the close of the Summer Session must
make application at the office of the
School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Dr. John A. Lapp, chairman of thej
Bituminous Labor Board, will speak'
in Natural Science Auditorium at 4'
p.m. today, July 6, on the topic, "The
Relation of the Teacher to the Con-
temporary Social Scene." This is
the first of a series of lectures spon-
sored by the Michigan Federation of
Teachers and is open to the public.
Faculty and Students of the Insti
tute of Far Eastern Studies : The
faculty and students of the Institute
of Far Eastern Studies are invited
to meet the foreign students of the
University, and the delegates to the
Rotary Conference on International

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Service at an informal reception in
the Michigan League, Wednesday
.evening, from 8to10. At 8 o'clock the
Chinese students will present an in-
teresting and unusual program of
music and pantomine in the Ball
Room of the League to be followed
by a social hour at 9 o'clock in the
Grand Rapids Room.
Opening Wednesday: Brother Rat,
presented by the Michigan Repertory
Players at Mendelssohn theatre.
Tickets now available at box office,
open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. every
day. Phone 6300 for reservations.
Excursion No 3: This afternoon, trip
to Greenfield Village. Reservations
may still be made in the Summer Ses-
sion Office until noon today. Visit
to Ford's Village, museums of early
American life, Edison's Menlo. Park
Laboratory; the Dearborn Inn. Round
trip by special bus. Leaves Ann Ar-
bor at 1 p.m., returns at 5:45 p.m.
Dr. Hu Shih, Dean of Peking
University will speak this afternoon
at 4:30 p.m. on "Political and Social
Development in Medieval China," in
the Main Auditorium of the Rackham
"The Significance for Education of
Certain Recent Activities of the Fed-
eral Government" is the subject of
Prof. George E. Myers' lecture Wed-
nesday afternoon at 4:05 p.m. in the
University High School Auditorium.
Linguistic Institute lecture, Wed-
nesday, 7:30 p.m., in the amphithe-
atre of The Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies. Prof. R.
G. Kent of the University of Penn-
sylvania will discuss "Word-end and
phrase-end in Latin metrics."
Important notice to Chinese Stu-

dents: A meeting of the Chinese u-
dent Club in commemoration of the
First Anniversary of Chinese Resis-
tance will be held in Room 304 of the
Michigan Union at 7 p.m. Wednesday,
July 6. Dr. Hu-Shih will give a speech
and Mr. Kane w~ill show;, movies of
the Massacre of Nanking. All the
Chinese students of the University
iure invited to attend.
The luncheon for person, interested
in the Graduate Conference or- Ren-
aissance Studies will take place at
12:15 o'clock on Thursday at the
Union (not at 1:15, as previously un-
nounced in the D.O.B.) Dr. Randolph
G. Adams, Director of the Clements
Library of American History will
speak on The Debt of Culture to the
Book Collector. The luncheon will
be followed by a visit to the Clements
Library under Dr. Adams' direction.
Make reservations at the English
Office, 3221 Angell Hall.
Orientation Seminar in Mathema -
tics. Preliminary meeting for the ar-
rangement of hours, Thursday, July
7, at 4 o'clock, in Room 3201 Angell
Hall. Thi2 seminar is intended for
graduate students who are entering
on their work .r the doctor's degree
and would desire 2ome introduction
to the beginnings of research in
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the Club will take
place Thursday, July 7, at 8:00 p.m.
at "Le Foyer Francais", 1414 Wash-
Mr. James O'Neill of the Romance
Language Department will speak.
The subject of his talk will be "Le
theatre libte". Songs, games, refresh-
Membership in the Club is, still
open. Those interested please see
Mr. Charles E. Koella, Room 200,
Romance Language Building.
Physical Education Luncheon: The
second weekly luncheon of all persons
interested in physical a education,
health education and athletics will
(Continued on Page 3)


Classified Directory]

VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist,
Reasonable rates. ..706 Oakland,
Phone 6327. 17x.
TYPING: Neatty &rnd accurately
done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St.
Dial 5244. 2x
LAUNDRY: 2-1044. Sox , darned.
Careful work at low price. 5x
LOST: Brown, leather notebook, text-
book, "World Since 1914" and foun-
tain pen at bus station. Phone
7117. 29x
COMPLETELY furnished apartment
with private bath and shower. Al-
so large double room. Garage avail-
able. Phone 8544. 422 E Washington.

LOST: Woman's purse, black, in the
vicinity of the East Physics Bldg.
Contains driver's license, etc. Re-
ward. Sall 8985. 27x
FOR RENT: Southeast section. Com-
pletely furnished modest home for
rent during summer months. Phone
6152. 26x
) STUDENTS or family laundry.
Shirts 12 cents. Call for and de-
liver. Phone 4863 for other prices.
'SILVER LAUNDRY': We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no markings. All work guaranteed.
Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x

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