Partly cloudy today, ossibly
showers in west; probably rain
Itoday; not 'mucht change in L71d' 5...hP
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
LinguistsNeed Implications of Undeclared War Reorganizing Sino-German Canp Tag Day An
Discussed By Professor Wilson l - For Campus Is
T C o eratew By Bill Will Loom, FeelingTne .:Ph
litics In The WPA
le Most Tragic Match .
ient China
Me ader Holds
Claims Study Of Related
Fields Of Physiology,
PsychologyWill Assist
Language Socialized
Regulation, He Says
Linguists should study speech, but
to do so they must engage in cooper-
ation with researchers in the allied
fields of physiology and psychology,
according to Prof. C. L. Meader, who
spoke yesterday noon on the Linguis-
tic Institute iconference topic, "Are
linguists studying speech?"
Pointing out that the question is
essentially without meaning because
of the different definitions of
"speech" and "language," Professor
Meader proceeded to define language
as "a means of integrating two or
more individuals by a transformation
of energy."
Such an integration, he explained,
occurd as a result of a complicated
process involving five considerations.
These are the electrochemical activi-
ties of the body, the subjective me-
chanism of speech, the motor pro-
cesses of speech, including the ac-
tivity of the sympathetic nervous sys-
tem, such physical processes in the
action of transmission as light and
sound, and, finally, the hearer of
"For example," he continued, "the
professor of general linguistics who
studies the phoneme without a knowl-
edge of psychology and physiology
never will find out very much about
the phoneme. And, of course, the
physiologist and the psychologist are
not equipped to study it, either, with
only a knowledge of physiology or
The great need in the field of lin-
guistic research, Professor Meader
presented emphatically, is for col-
laboration with workers in kindred
fields. "Even if we consider lan-
guage as a mental phenomenon, and
Such a view seMs absurd to me, we
trust recognize the growing body of
material showing the intimate rela-
tionship between mind and body. The
linguist of tomorrow must have a
much less highly specialized equip-
ment and a much broader knowledge
of all phases of linguistic science.
Otherwise he will be unable to par-
ticipate fully in the development of
linguistic research."
City Te1nis 1Tilt
To Start Jul 11
Contests Will Be Played'
On Palher Field
Play in the 18th annual Ann Ar-7
bor City Tennis Tournament will be
gin next Monday at Palmer Field and
entries are now being taken at both1
Moe Sport Shops, it was announced
yesterday by Mr. George Moe.
There will be play in men's singles
and doubles, women's singles, mixedc
doubles and a men's and women's no-
vice tournament. The winners of the
novice tourneys will be sent to com-
pete in the Detroit News' state-wide
novice tourney. The meet is open to
all Summer Session students and res-
idents of Ann Arbor.-
Present champion in the men's
singles, varsity tennis coach Leroy7
Weir, will not defend. Weir, who
teamed up with Chris Mack to winl
the doubles crown, will not play in
this tourney at all. Dorothy Maul'.
who won the women's championships
last year, will defend her title. Her,
most serious competition is expected
to come from Merida Hobart, winner
of two years ago.
All competitors will be able to use
the courts all this week at Palmer
Field upon presentation of their er4-
trance stub.
The permission to use the Palmer
Field courts was extended by Dr.
Margaret Bell, director of women's
physical education.-
Widespread Use Of Force
Has Followed Adoption
Of League's Covenant
Outlining the history of war from
the earliest Biblical records to the
present day, Prof. George Graf ton
Wilson of Harvard University last
night explained the international le-
gal implications of the use of force
without formal declaration of war to
approximately 100 persons, in the
first public lecture given by a mem-
ber of the faculty of the, Summer
Session in International Law.
Professor Wilson pointed out that
under the Covenant of the League of
Nations, it was expected that the pro-
visions for collective security would
make declaration unnecessary.
There has followed a period during
which the use of force without declar-
ation, but with the hope that some
collective measures would assure
peace, has become common," he said.
"This has led to uncertainties and
misunderstandings of a nature to
promote rather than to limit hostili-
ties," he explained.
Professor Wilson, who is an author-
ity upon such phases of interna-
tional law as aerial war, neutrality,
and the status of territorialwaters,
and conducts courses in these sub-
jects du ing the session, said that it
was a Iommon delusion that war
could be quickly abolished. "The
French have a saying," he said, "that
all good things come slowly. We must
learn that war must be got rid of by
slow, progressive measures."
He described the difficulties which
may be encountered in trade and in
legal proceedings when the exact
time of a declaration or an ending of
a state of war by treaty is not set.
Since the Italo-Turkish War, accord-
ing to Professor Wilson, treaties and
declarations of war have been ex-
ceedingly specificdas to exact dates
and times, in order that there may
be no misunderstandings. The declar-
ations of war that brought the var-
ious Allied nations into the World
War and the treaties that ended the
war nearly all specified the exact
minute that the state of war should
be geemed to begin and end, he
pointed out.
On Monday, July 11, Prof. Percy
E. Corbett of McGill University will
present the second lecture in the
series, entitled "Conflicting Doctrines
on the Foundations of International
Law." George A. Finch, managing
editor of the American Journal of
International Law, will speak on
"Justiciable and Non-Justiciable Dis-
putes" on Monday, July 18; and on
ths following Monday, July 25, Prof.
Jesse S. Reeves of the political science
department will speak on " Interna-
tion l Boundaries," in the last lecture
of the series.
All the public lectures are held at
8 p. m. in the small auditorium of the
Rackham building.
Fourth Religion
Meeting To Be
Held July 11-15
Bible Seminar And Panel
Series Included As Part
Of Conference Activity
The fourth annual University Sum-
mer Conference on Religion, includ-
ing a seminar on the Bible, a series
of panels on practical religion and
two informal social events, will be
held here July 11 through 15.
The seminar on the Bible, to be
presided over by Prof. Louis A. Hop-
kins, director of the Summer Session,
will deal with the manuscripts, ar-
chaeology and translations of the
Bible, and will be conducted by guest
lecturers from various divinity
schools and universities. Sessions
will be held each day of the confer-
ence at 12:15 p.m. in the Union.
The panels on practical religion will
be conducted by Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Ed-
ucation. They will be addressed by
educators and ministers each day of
the conference at 8 p.m. in the Union.
All seminars and discussions are open
to Summer Session students and oth-
ers interested. Persons wishing to
secure luncheon reservations for the
seminar are asked to call Kenneth
Morgan, director of the Student Re-
ligious Association; at Lane Hall.
An informal reception for those
taking part in the panels arid seminar
will be held Monday, Wednesday and
Thursday during the conference week
at 7:30 p.m. in Lane Hall. The School
of Music faculty will present a con-
cert at 830 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Au-
ditorium to which all taking part in
the conference are invited.
The program for the Bible Seminar
is as follows:
Monday, Prof. Luther B. Wiegel,
Dean of Yale Divinity School, ad-
dress and discussion; Tuesday, Prof.
Leroy Waterman, head of the de-
partment of oriental languages and
literatures, address and discussion;
Wednesday, Prof. William A. Irwin,
University of Chicago, address and
discussion; Thursday, Prof. Henry A.
Sanders, chairman of the department
of speech and general linguistics, ad-
(Continued on Page 3)
Forger Caught
By Local Police
Blank Travellers Checks
StolenJuly 1
A state-wide trail or forged travel-
ler's checks came to an end here last
night when Ann Arbor police arrest-
ed James R. Moran, 35 years old, of
Moran was arrested while attempt-
ing to cash a check at a local bus
depot. The manager, learning that a
worthless check had been passed at
Jackson, checked the number of the
check with local officials and learned
Cook To Speak
On Compounds
Causing Cancer
British Doctor's Researcht
On Coal Tar ProductsE
Subject Of 2nd Lecture,
"Cancer - Producing Compounds
and their Chemical Relationships"
will be the subject of a talk to be
given by Dr. J. W. Cook of the Re-
search Institute of the Royal Cancer
Hospital of London, England at 4:15c
p.m. Friday in Room 165 in the
Chemistry Building. ,
Nine years ago the discovery was
made at the Research Institute that
cancer could be produced by pure
chemical compounds. It had been s
known for some time that workmenl
exposed to coal tar were prone to
develop cancer. By a series of bril-l
liant chemical investigations, Dr.
Cook and his associates isolated from
coal. tar the compound responsible
for the cancer-producing action and
subsequently synthesized in the lab-
oratory a host of compounds which
they tested on mice.
The results of these experiments
will be the subject of Dr. Cook's lec-
ture. This lecture will be the second
in a series of seven which are being
given in the Chemistry Building dur
ing the Summer Session. Dr. Cook
is at present giving a series of le-
tures at the Summer Session of the
University of Chicago,
U.S. Volunteersg
T o Spain Wacnt
Emybar go Lifted
in Spain, July 5.- UP)-American
volunteers fighting with the Lincoln-
Washington battalion for Govern-
ment Spain want President Roose-
velt to lift the embargo on arms and
munitions to Spain.
The volunteers concluder', a Fourth
of July celebration by sending the
President the following message:
"We are volunteers fighting for the
liberty of Spain as Lafayette and
Kosciusko fought to help our fore-
fathers win liberty for the thirteen
colonies, Spain struggles as Colonial
America struggled for freedom and
democracy. In the light of this we
urge the American government to
lift the atrocious embargo against
Spain, an embargo which actually
helps the enemies of democracies and
the enemies of the American people."
Polyrythmics Lecture '
Will Be Given Today
E. W. Wilson of Los Angeles will
present a lecture on polyrhythmics
at 10 a.m. today in the University
High School auditorium, the Intra-
Big '38Issue
Roosevelt Won't Abandon
His Attempt To Revamp
Executive, He Asserts
Predicts Ultimate
Enactment of Bill
WASHINGTON, June 5.-(P)-The
bitter issue of government reorgani-
zation appeared likely tonight to play
a major part in 1938 campaigning.
President Roosevelt made plain at
a press conference this afternoon that
he had not abandoned the idea of re-
vamping the executive branch of the
government, despite his defeat on the
issue at the last session of Congress.
The public wants a reorganization
bill, he said. He predicted that one
would be enacted, to put the govern-
ment on a businesslike basis.
Critics who charged that an at-
tempt was being made to clothe the
President with dictatorial powers
were successful in their fight against
administration reorganization pro-
posals in the 75th Congress. A bill
passed the Senate, but the subject
was pigeon-holed in the House.
Prior to the press conference, Mr.
Roosevelt's last before leaving Thurs-
day on a transcontinental tour de-;
voted jointly to politics and sight-
seeing, the Chief Executive discussed1
government reorganization w i t h
members of his special reorganization
committee. The group, which drafted
the original reorganization bill, is
composed of Louis Brownlow, Luther
Gulick and Charles Merriam. I
Mr. Roosevelt told reporters people1
do not want to wait another 40 years
to change the governmental machin-
ery in the interest of efficiency. i
He said most representatives who
voted to shelve the reorganization
measure favored 90 per cent of its
principles but opposed 10 per cent of
its details.
Somewhere between the House and1
Senate reorganization bills, he said,.
an extremely valuable law undoubt-
edly could be worked out.
When press conference questioning
turned to politics, Mr. Roosevelt said
he had expressed no opinion to any-i
one on the Colorado Democratic pri-1
mary, in which Sen. Alva Adams isl
seeking renomination against Judge
Benjamin Hilliard of the Colorado
State Supreme Court, who announced
his candidacy after a call at the<
White House.1
Rota rianis Meet
At Noon Today
Ann Arbor Club Host To
Summer Students
Rotarians enrolled in the Summer
Session will join with members of the
Ann Arbor Rotary Club at noon to-
day in the Union to hear Dr. W. W.
Lockwood of the Institute of Pacific
Relations speak on, "The Economic
Stakes of Britain and America in the
Far East." The meeting will be in1
conjunction with the district confer-
ence on International Service Work,1
having its final session here today.
This evening all Rotarians and
their wives have been invited to the1
reception tendered the foreign stu-
dents of the Summer Session, the
students and faculty of the Institute
of Far Eastern Studies, and the dele-
gates to the Rotary Conference.
A program of music, dancing, and
pantomime will be presented by the
Chinese students of the University at
8 p.m. in the ballroom of the League
Report Claims
Japanese Anti-Communist
Pact With Germany And
Italy Seen Strengthened
European Situation
AffectingFar East
HONGKONG, July 5-WP)-Circles
in close touch with the Chinese Gov-
ernment declared today that Chinese-'
German relations have become "even
more serious than they appear."
Departure of German General Ba-
ron Alexandr von Falkenhausen and
28 of his assistant military advisers
to the Chinese Government from
Hankow today 'was judged only in-
cidental in development of the situ-
ation. It ended a nine-year period
of German military association with
the Chinese Central Government.
There was a general belief in dip-
lomatic circles that the Italian-Ger-
man-Japanese anti-Communism pact
would be tightened in the Far East,
that Germany soon would make fur-
ther moves to show her friendship for
Japan, and that France and Britain
would balance this by more obvious
support to China-possibly financial.
. It was predicted that Germany, in
any future gestures toward Japan,
would act on the theory that Nippon's1
position needs strengthening in the
Far East, particularly in regard to So-
viet Russia.
Diplomatic circles considered espe-
cially significant the fact that Ger-
many responded to Japan's year-old
plea for withdrawal of General vont
Falkenhausen and his staff only when
tension heightened between Ger-
many and Czechoslovakia-Russia's
military ally.
Japs Prepare New Drive
SHANGHAI, July 5.-UP)--Japan-t
ese commanders gathered their forces
today, following upon the capture of
Hukow, for an intensified drive to-
ward Hankow, China's provisional
capital 150 miles up the Yangtze Riv-
Planning to enlarge the gains made
in the last 24 hours, they declared
the Japanese onslaught aimed at1
Hankow, Wuchang and Hanyang, thet
"Wuhan cities," would be "ceaselessly1
maintained with the utmost vigor."
Naval commanders announced that
a squadron of warships reached Hu-t
kow, after a major breaching of the1
Matochen rock and timber booms,1
25 miles down river, where. Chinese
shore batteries and machine gun
units made a prolonged stand before
admitting withdrawal of their major
forces June 30.
Describing the action about Hukow,
a Japanese military communique to-.
day said 1,000 Chinese soldiers at-
tempting to escape into Poyang Lake
in junks were slaughtered.
Dynamic Vibration
To Be Lecture Topic
Prof. J. P. Van Den Hartog of Har-
vard University'will give a special lec-
ture on recent developments in dy-
namic vibration elimination devices
Friday afternoon in Room 311 in the
West Engineering Building, it was an-
nounced late yesterday by the de-
partment of engineering mechanics.
Prof. Van Den Hartog, who will al-
so speak at the symposium on the1
properties of metals which will hold
its second session Saturday, is ten-
tatively scheduled to illustrate his
talk with models. It will deal with
the vibration damping devices used
in airplane structure. The public is
Next Weekend
Approximately 150 young tag sales-
men will invade the campus Friday
and downtown Ann Aibor Saturday
July 15 and 16, to help raise $2,000
for the operation of the University of
Michigan Fresh Air Camp at Patter-
son Lake this summer. The dates
for the drive were officially set when
officials of the University of Michi-
gan and Mayor Walter C. Sadler
granted permission to conduct the
Tag Day.
Last year the summer Tag Drive
was most successful when $900 was
collected in a two-day drive on the
campus and in the downtown district.
Other important sources of revenue
for the camp include donations from
alumni of the University of Michigan,
business and professional groups and
3rd Repertory
Season Drama'
'Brother Rat,' Comedy Of
Virginia Military School,I
To Run Through Week
"Brother Rat," John Monks, and
Ralph Finklehoffe's comedy success,k
will have its Ann Arbor premiere at
8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, when the Reper-
tory Players present it as the third
production of the current season.
Performances of "Brother Rat" willt
be given Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday, with "The Shoemaker'sr
Holiday," by Thomas Dekker openingt
July 13 for a four-day run.s
Action in "Brother Rat" centers]
around the escapades of a group of1
undergraduates at "VM," in reality,
Virginia Military Institute, the au-
thors' alma mater. The students, int
order to pass their exams, smuggle
a girl into their room. Other diffi-
culties harass the star pitcher whosef
secretly married wife is expecting a
blessed event.
Members of the cast for the pro-
duction are: '
Bing Edwards; Morlye Baer, Grad;
Billy Randolph, Charles Maxwell,
Grad.; Dan Crawford, Stephen Fili-
piak, '39; Joyce Winfree, Betty
Spooner, '40; Claire Ramm, Nancy
Schaefer, '39; Colonel Ramm, Ted;
Grace, '39; "Mistol" Bottime, Jim
Bop Stephenson, '42; "Lace Drawers"r
Rogers, Robert Cunningham, Grad.
2nd Tea Dance
A P.M. TodayI
Zwick Will Play For Affair
In League Ballroom
The second Wednesday tea dance
of the Summer Session will be given
from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today in the
ballroom of the League, Miss Ethel
McCormick, social director, an-
nounced yesterday.
Charlie Zwick's three-piece band
will play for the dancing, which willa
include several Paul Jones' circle
two-steps, and other dances of the
"mixer" type. Ginger ale will be,
Edward Wetter heads the commit-
tee in charge of the mixer dances
and his assistants will be Robert
Mitchell, Julian Frederick, Arnold
White, Edward Egle, Al Cornrath,
Pete Lewis, Philip Busche and Robert
More than 400 guests attended the
first dance of this series which was
held June 29, Miss McCormick said.
There is no admission charge for any
of these all-campus tea dances.
Officials Face Pay Cuts,
But Show No Enthusiasm
LANSING, July 5.-UP---Elective
state officials and other executives
whose salaries are fixed by law re-
ceived formal notice today that Gov-
ernor Murphy expects them to take
voluntary reductions in pay.
The officials-those of them who
had returned from protracted Fourth
of Julyuholidays-greeted thebulle-
tin from Budget Director Harold D.
Smith's office without enthusiasm.
Three Get Rabies
Frederick E. Cotton. 44. East Leroy
i Mi i V:A. VV 1 VrAL
By Der. Hu Shih
Famous Chinese Educator
And Scholar Inaugurates
Far Eastern Lectures
Lao-tse, Confucius
And Moti:described
Lao-tse, Confucius and Moti, the
philosophers of China's first period of
intellectual maturity, were character-
ized yesterday by Dr. Hu Shih as men
who reflected in their thinking and
action the turbulence, strife and 'in-
trigue attendant to the first attempt
to break down the bonds of feudalism
in that country.
Educator, philsopher and writer,
and generally acknowledged as one of
the modern world's greatest thinkers
Dr. Hu opened the special lecture ser-
ies being held here in conjunction
with the Institute of Far Eastern
Studies, by indicating the insepara-
bility of the theories of the philoso-
phers of the Chinese Golden Age
from their concrete political and so-
cial effects and consequences, Dr. Hu
also emphasized that this cultural
birth was not confined to China but
coincided with the cultural and phil-
osophical maturity of Greek, Persian
and Hebrew thought.
Lao-Tse A Rebel
Contrary to the prevalent belief
that Lao-tse was a mere theorizer, a
"goody-goody philosopher,'1 Dr. Hu
maintained that he was a rebel "who
revolted against the decadent civili-
zation of his time and strove earnest-
ly to find a way out." Lao-tse was an
invererate opponent of language,
knowledge and other "artificial dis-
tinguishments." His remedy for the
artificiality of civilization, according
to Dr. Hu, was a return to the state
of hature, the only domain in which
there are no moral distingushments
The political-' outcomle of the teah-
ings of this ancient voicing the phil-
osophy of Rousseau and Tolstoy was
one of complete governmental inac-
tion. Dr. Hu said that Lao-tse be-
lieved that states cannot bearuledby
knowledge nor governed by death;
the best way is to let them alone.
Confucius A Humanist
Later in point of time, and in part
the disciple of Lao-tse, Confucius was
described by Dr. Hu as an educator,
reformer and humanist. Unlike the
destructive conceptions of Lao-tse,
the teachings of Confucius were
marked by a profound historical-
mindedness. He clearly saw the im-
possibility of returning to the blissful
natural state advocated by his pre-
decessor, and, according to Dr. Hu,
believed that government is primarily
an organ for moral rectification. Con-
fucius proclaimed the need for an
aristocratic ruling class, which would
practice economy and love the people.
But Confucius recognized, Dr.Hu
stated, that intellectual rectification
must be the basis for political and
moral rectification.
The great contribution of Confu-
cius, in the opinion of Dr. Hu, was
the application of this rectifying
principle to language and names. This
passion for realism, nominalism,
fought out in China long before it
was in Europe, became the basis for
Chinese philosophical and political
(Continued on Page 4)
Haynie, IKirar
Help Set Mark.
U.S. Team Breaks World's
200 Meter Record
Making up half of a relay team
which broke a world's record Monday,
Michigan swimmers figured promin-
ently in the National Aquatic Show
which held its last performance In-
dependence Day in the Olympic Sta-
dium in Los Angeles, Cal.
Tom Haynie, captain of Michi-
gan's 1938-39 team, and Ed Kirar,
captain of last' year's Varsity, were
both members of the team and prom-
inent performers in the meet. With
Charles Hutter of Harvard and Paul
Wolfe of the University of Southern.
California swimming the other two
positions, the United States team
churned its way to victory over a,
crack Hawaiian team in the 200-
meter race to set the new time of
The two Mirhigan simmer hoA
FDR Inti[mates" New Approach
To Economic Problem In South
WASHINGTON, July 5.--))-that "we may do something about
President Roosevelt intimated today it"-the southerners and government
that the Administration may make executives began drafting a report.
a new approach to the nation's ec- Sitting around a huge table in a
onomic problems by attempting to green and gold conference room, they
find first a solution for those of the discussed for inclusion in the docu-
south. ment such topics as economic re-
He wrote a conference of govern- sources, soil, water, housing, popula-
ment officials, businessmen and ec- tion, health, industries, labor and
onomists from 13 southern states: credit.
"It is my conviction that the south They used as a framework for the
,o treport a series of statements on the
presents right now the nation's No. 1 various subjects prepared by experts
economic problem-the nation's prob- in federal departments and agencies.
lem, not merely the south's, for we
have an economic unbalance in thGenerally critical in tone, they were
- . the submitted by Lowell Mellett, director'
Prof. Kent To Give
Linguistic Lecture
Prof. Roland 0. Kent of the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, visiting member
of the Linguistic Institute faculty,
will present the first evening lecture
of the Institute series at 7:30 p.m.
today in the third floor amphitheatre
nf the Graduate School. He will dis-