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July 02, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-07-02

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Airplane Safety:
An Improveent...
W IAT with the ever increasing auto-
mobile accident rate and the sensa-
tional publicity given to airplane crashes, it
is encouraging to note that the past year has
seen a great advance in aircraft passenger safe-
ty quietly parried on by the American air trans-
port system.
In recognition of the millions of passenger
miles flown without accidents during 1937, the
National Safety Council recently awarded cer-
tificates of commendation to four airline com-
panies. Records cited by the Safety Council
show a steady improvement by all domestic air-
lines. During 1936 air transport operators flew
435,740,253 passenger miles with but one pas-
senger fatality for each 9,903,188 miles; a total
of fourty-four passengers being killed. In 1937
476,603,165 passengers were flown, with a pas-
senger fatality rate of one passenger to 11,-
915,079 miles flown. The total passenger fa-
tality rate .was fourty. Since 1930, the rate of
fatal accidents per passenger mile has been re-
duced 84 per cent, the council reports.
For flying 249,912,932 passenger miles without
a passenger fatality in 1937, American Airlines
received the first certificate. Eastern Airlines,
which won first award in 1936, was credited with
180,082,419 passenger miles. Northwest Airlines
was credited with 67,485,872 passenger miles
without a fatality and Pennsylvania Central,
with 50,393,125.
Implying that full publicity for all accidents
was the best means of bringing shortcomings to
light and correcting them, chairman of the
awards committee, Harry F. Guggenheim re-
quested that "reporters be allowed on the scene
and that photographers be permitted to take as
many pictures as they please."
By handling airplane news in a sane and rea-
sonable manner, the press can do much to create
a favorable public relatios service both to the
airlines and to the air traveler. In the past,
sensational build-ups about air crashes have
retarded airline development and a self-sustain-
ing passenger service. That the confidence of
the airlines and the traveling public has not
been destroyed is evidenced by the fine perform-
ance of our air transport system in the past year.
-Monroe T. Schwartz.

Ji'fecin itoe
H-eywood, Broun,
It is surprising and somehow sad to learn that
George Bernard Shaw is at last in the hands of
the doctors.
I don't think the physicians will do the old
gentleman any harm. Indeed, Mrs. Shaw is
quoted as saying that the
injections which he has been
receiving for "serious ane-
mia" have been most bene-
ficial. But I trust that the
medical men in putting iron
S4into the veins of the sceptic
will refrain from pressing
iron into his soul.
One is justified in assum-
ing that the rules drawn up
by the consultants have the same percentage of
hyperbole as is to be found sometimes in the
polemics of the patient.
"Don't answer the telephone" should be wel-
come advice. Indeed, I know a newspaper man
who would like to get a copy of that prescrip-.
tion. But "Don't read controversial topics in
newspapers" must have been devised by some
medico wholly ignorant of the practices of An-
glo-American journalism. This rule, if literally
applied, would limit Mr. Shaw to a daily pe-
rusal of the rugger and the cricket scores. And
"Don't write articles" in the case of Shaw is
almost like tipping him the black spot. It is to
be hoped that, like more experienced patients, he
will swallow no pellet without first adding sev-
eral grains of salt to the mixture.
* * *
Fourscore And Two
The fact that the great man's blood begins to
run a little thin can hardly be used as an argu-
ment against his vegetarianism. His eighty-sec-
ond birthday falls in July, and he has spent a
full sixty of his years in fighting for causes which
were good or seemed to him good. I think that
posterity is likely to decide that most of his cam-
paigns came under the former head. It is inev-
itable that his circulatory system grows a little
And yet I am torn by conflicting emotions
in the face of the fact that the veteran doubter
has been compelled to surrender. And it is a
surrender when Shaw calls a doctor in or con-
sents to have one called. I hope that the
physician who answered the summons allowed
the old warrior to keep his side arms and retain
a team of mules. I must admit that rough jus-
tice is done in this particular Appomattox, for
Shaw's stubborn resistance to the advance of
medical research has been compounded out of
ignorance. He is not a scientist, and he is a
His plays and his prefaces have given a great
deal of comfort to those cults which would do
away with animal experimentation. These groups
generally call themselves anti-vivisectionists,
which misinterprets the issue right at the begin-
ning. The men and women who would cripple
the work of the great experimental laboratories
are utterly sincere, although that hurts rather
than helps.
One might think that recent discoveries and
advances in preventive medicine would lift the
research man beyond the reach of lay hecklers.
I have specifically in mind the almost miracu-
lous acceleration of the fight against venereal
disease. It is no longer fantastic to look to its'
eradication within a decade. And from Ehrlich
down to the development of fever therapy ani-
mal experimentation was absolutely essential.
* * * '
The Function Of The Guinea Pig
When the next great hospital is built I sug-
gest that a monument to the guinea pig be
placed in the courtyard. He certainly has done
his part to prolong the life of man. There is
no dissent at all among research workers in all
lands that animal experimentation is necessary
if scientific medicine is to progress.

The anti-medical groups used to arg'ue that
the whole germ theory was a hoax invented by
the "medical trust" for private profit. But the
element of private profit has been eliminated in
the Soviets and the germ theory still remains,
and medical theories and practices are funda-
mentally the same as in the countries where
private initiative flourishes.
worldly character. Thep we may feel more like
allowing it to join the present distinguished
group of campus buildings.
-Don C. Cozad d, '39.

publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Last performance of ARMS AND
THE MAN, tonight at 8:30 in Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre. Last day to
buy season tickets at $3.75, $3.25,
$2.75. Box office open all day, phone
Candidates now registered in the
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information should call at
the office of the Bureau this week to
make out location blanks and bring
their records up to date. Office hours
9-12 and 2-4, 201 Mason Hall; Sat-
urday 9-12.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational In-
All out-of-town members of the
AmericaneFederationsof Teachers in
attendance at the summer session
are requested to send their name
address, and telephone number to
H. W. Matzke, 1422 Pontiac St. im-
Graduate Outing Club: There will
be a meeting of the Graduate Outing
Club at Lane Hall, Sunday, July 3
at 2:30. At this time an organization
will be set up for the summer. All
persons interested please come out.
Summer Session Chorus: Report at
7:15 p.m. Sunday, July 3, to Rack-
ham Building, left side section near
stage. ."for Vesper services.
Excursion No. 3 will be to Green-
field Village- instead of to the Ford
Plant, as originally scheduled for
Wednesday, July 6. The trip to the
Ford Plant has been postponed to
Wednesday. July 13.
The Intramural Sports Building
will be closed all day Monday, July
4, 1938.
Because of the Fourth of July holi-
day the extension classes in golf and
swimming will not meet on Monday.
The class in swimming will be held
on Tuesday evening, from 7 to 8; and
the class in golf will meet on Wednes-
day at 5 p.m.
Lectures in Protein Chemistry: Dr.
Max Bergmann,, Member of the
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Re-
search, will lecture at 2:00 p.m., July
5-8 inclusive, in Room 303 Chemistry
Building. The subjects of the four
lectures are as follows:
July 5-Synthesis and Degrada-
tion of Peptides. Chemical Analysis
of Proteins (Method).
July 6-Chemical Analysis of Pro-
teins (Results).

July 7-Enzymatic Proteolysis. The I
Specificity of Proteinases. t
July 8-Synthetic Action of Pro-
teolytic Enzymes. The Activation oft
Intracellular Proteinases.
Mr. George G. Wilson, professor ofP
Internationalv Law, of Harvard Uni-t
versity will speak on Tuesday at 8
o'clock p.m., July 5th, in the small]
lecture room, third floor of the Rack-}
ham Building. His subject will bel
War Declared and the Use of Force.
This lecture is open to the public.
Registration: A registration meet-;
ing for all students who wish to en-
roll with the Bureau for positions,1
will be held by Dr. Puroom in Natural1
Science Auditorium at 4:15 on Tues-;
day, July 5th. The Bureau has both
Teaching and General Placement
Divisions, and this meeting includes
people who wish to enroll in either
department. This applies to. new re-
gistrants only and notk to those who
.have been previously enrolled.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational In-
Rotarians in Summer Session: All
Rotarians enrolled in the Summer
Session are invited to meet the mem-
bers of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club
at a Get-Together and Smoker at the
Michigan Union Tuesday evening att

7 o'clock. They are also urged to join
the Ann Arbor Club in welcoming the
delegates to the Conference on In-
ternational Service at the noonday
luncheon in the Ball Room of the
Michigan Union, Wednesday at 12:15
their wives are also invited to come
and meet the wives of the Ann Arbor
Rotarians. The address will be given
by Prof. John B. Appleton of Pomona
University, Claremont, California, on
"Nationalism versus International-
ism." In the evening, with their
wives, they are cordially invited to
attend the reception tendered the
foreign students of the University,
the delegates to the Conference and
the students and faculty of the In-
stitute of Far Eastern Studies at the
Michigan League. At 8 o'clock, the
Chinese students will present a pro-
gram of music and pantomine in
the Ball Room of the League, to be
followed at 9:15 by an informal re-
ception in the Grr 'vi Rapids Room.
All Rotarians are urged to leave their
names and addresses in doom 9, Uni-
versity Hall.
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the Club will talze
place Thursday, July 7, at 8:00 p.m.
at "Le Foyer Francais", 1414 Wash-
Mr. James O'Neill of the Romance
(Continued on Page 3)


SClassified Directory

The Editor
Gsets Told.

FOR RENT-Single or double room
for graduate women. 514 Monroe.
Phone 22737 24x
FOR RENT-Study and bedroom in
private home, suitable for two men.
707 Church St 23x
ROOM - Two large third-floor
rooms, single or double, with cross-
ventilation and skylights, large
closets, ample parking space -
graduate students or business peo-
ple. The Haunted Tavern. 417 E.
Huron. Phone 7781 22x
ROOMS-1003 E. Huron, $2.50 week.
Near campus and hospital. Show-
ers. Water in every room. Boys
and married couples preferred.
Phone 3201. 12x
LAUNDRY: 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 5x
SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no markings. All work guaranteed.
Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x
TYPING: Neatly and accurately

done. Mrs. Howarj, 613 Hill St.
Dial 5244. 2x
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist,
Reasonable rates. 706 Oakland,
Phone 6327. 17x.
Call for and deliver. Phone 4863 for
other prices. lx
FOR RENT-Completely furnished
apartment with private bath and
shower. Also large double room.
Phone 8544. 422 E. Washington.
LOST: White crocheted purse in Ann
*Arbor Savings and Commercial
Bank, University Branch. Tel.
6515. Reward. 27x
WANTED-ride to Boston or enroute
immediately. Call 2-3317. 26x
WANTED-Student to work for room
in private home. Phone 2-2891.
FOR RENT-Desirable suite and
bedroom. Light housekeeping privi-
lege. 3 blocks southeast campus.
928 Oakland. Phone 5740.


Gilt-Edged Education
To the Editor:
Yes, since when has the University of Michi-
gan slipped below its deserved dignity to allow
such a show-house as the Rackham building to
be erected on its campus? I have gradually dur-
ing the years come to feel a sincere pride in the
University, its name, what it stands for. I have
been proud of its old buildings and its new ones
-proudest of all of the Main Library because its
function, I believe, is the most important of any
building on thecampus. I have been proud of the
Yost field house, thelntramural sports building
-have boasted .to outsiders thatno better fa-
cilities for all sports exist in the United States.
The Law buildings, Angell Hall, are beautiful in
architectural design. THEY DON'T STRIKE A
BRASS NOTE. It is because they co not go be-
yond the bounds of propriety, of good taste. I
have never been in a more beautiful and im-
pressive interior than the main study hall of
the Main Library., It is beautiful because its de-
sign is founded on good taste.
I am ashamed of the Rackham building,
ashamed of this shoddy plebe, who arrayed like
some barbaric prince in costly glittering tinsel.
seems to have come a long way to a civilized
place, where he stands boldly, facing the quiet
and scholarly Library. (An English name was
even imported, ''Mall," for old Ingalls Street).
So don't gasp, you Summer Session people;
don't slobber, as I have already heard you, guides,
at the luxurious appointments of the show-baby,
the platinum-blonde chorus girl, the Rackham
building. Some of us Regular Session students
feel like proposing that a high board fence be
built from the Burton Memorial Tower extend-
ing to the Grad building, enclosing both-that
the Grad building, its luxurious appointments,
be left open to the transient freight-train travel-
ers, the Knights of the Road who come by Ann
Arbor, who may in a course of years wear off
and batter some of the cheap gold leaf and wear
thin the T-Bone thick carpets till the splendor is
ground off-till the building has developed a




Realism-Chamberlain Style


The British Conservatives still have a safe
majority, but the opposition steadily grows more
impressive. Now Viscount Cecil follovs the
Duchess of Atholl in refusing to serve as the
Government whip, or even to let himself be
considered a nominal supporter of a Ministry
whose Spanish policy he calls "inconsistent with
British honor and international morality."
These are harsh words, but Lord Cecil is an
idealist who has long been president of the
British League of Nations Union and has not lost
faith in the principles on which the League was
founded. Holding these views, a man of such
firm integrity was almost certain sooner or later'
to be forced into the opposition, and the Govern-
ment's toleration of the bombing of British ships
carrying cargoes to republican Spain seems to
have been the last straw.
Prime Minister Chamberlain, on the contrary,
is n r-m+An~r lafnrl i-, avlfir.n nie vn

ernment treated as idle rumor reports of in-
creased Italian aid for Gen. Franco, and when
even official eyes could no longer be blind to the
evidence, the new aid given was held not "materi-
ally" to affect the situation. Only a few days
ago, Sir Robert Hodgson, British agent at rebel
headquarters, said the British Government was
"inclined"to believe that the aviators taking part
in recent bombing outrages were all Spaniards,
adding the strange explanation that "it is ob-
viously not in the best interests either of Italy
or of Germany to allow their volunteer airmen to
attack shipping." That attitude enables the
British Government to shirk raising so ticklish
a question at Rome. But can it fairly be called
Just as Rome in due time boasted of the tri-
umphs of the Italian troops in Spain, whose
participation had been denied, so it, is now
boasting, according to a disnatch from Paris, of





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