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August 17, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-17

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__________________________________________________________________________________ U _______________________________________________________________________________

National AdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADisON AVE. 04EW YORK, N. Y.
Board of Editors
City Editor . . . . . . Robert I. Fltzhenry
Assistant Editors.. . . .... Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino,.
Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L.
Business Department
Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg
Circulation Manager . . J. Cameron Hall,
Asistan'ts . . Philip Buchen, W#lter Stelpenp




The editorials published in The Michigan
Ially are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writer
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on thlis belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander 0. Ruthven.
The Work Of
The Traffic Institute...
Traffic Safety Training began their.
meeting here a little over a week ago, and in
another three days will adjourn, without having
made a very noticeable splash in Ann Arbor's-
plactd pool of consciousness.
None of the typical fanfare and color that
usually accompanies conventions was present in
the meeting of the National Institute for Traffic
Safety Training, for the simple reason that this
was not a convention in the ordinary sense, of
the.term. This was a business meeting, and it
has been conducted as such. Better than 130
highway patrolmen, educators, traffic engineers,
city planners, and men in all fields connected
with safety have had an opportunity to meet
authorities in traffic safety work and to com-
pare ideas with their contemporaries. Business-
like, they have presented frank discussions of the
problems that confront safety workers in this
age of speed; they have learned 'how to give
drivers' license examinations and how to test
those mentally and physically unfit to drive;'they,
have learned, always through practice under
actual conditions, how to test cars so that only.
safe cars, as far as is possible, may be allowed on
the roads.
Work like this, training of men to help cut down
our tremendous traffic toll, is typical not of the.
conyention, but rather of the type of symposium
that has been conducted in Ann Arbor this
sunmer. Conferences in physical education, in.
international law, in almost every field have
been held with the sole puropse of improving
that field.
Not a very noticeable splash has been made,
but the ripples will be felt.
-Harry L. Sonneborn.

designed for the purpose of hiding the true issue
in Czechoslovakia, as far as Great Britain is
concerned. The British people most assuredly
have no interest in fighting a war over Czecho-
slovakia'sindependence any more than they had
m fighting a war over Serbia's in 1914. But just
as on that occasion Germany was brought to de-
clare war by a belief that Britain would remain
neutral, so Germany today may'be led into an
attack first on Czechoslovakia, then on France,
through anticipation of British neutrality or im-
potence. Britain, in the interest of her own peace
and. that of Europe, must tread carefully but
firmly between two dangers; first, that of bluff-
ing 'the dictators into general war through over-
truculence, and second, that of permitting them
to grow confident and powerful by easy conquests
of weak nations. The second possibility, under
the government of Mr. Chamberlain, has grown
to proportions which leave little room for the
first. Stanley Baldwin, whom Mr. Chamberlain
succeeded 'as Prime Minister, once declared that
Britain's frontier was on the Rhine. His succes-
sor might do well to cease being ruled by the
clamor of the Rothermeres and other wealthy
members of the British artisocracy, who have
their own reasons for wishing to lend aid to
Berlin, and.instead extend the Baldwin doctrine
to' the Danube.
- I
Joseph Giet
The Editor
Gets Told.
On Foreign Films "
To Whe Editor:
In 'answer .to the "Forum" letter writers anent
the,showing of foreign produced films at the
local theatres. Answering only for the Michigan
Theatre, but believing that the same facts are
true of other houses, gould like to clarify the
First of all; foreign films have been shown
commercially in Ann Arbor. With the exception
of the Russian-made "Road To Life" none of
them were successful. Local citizens were not
sufficiently interested to attend foreign language
films. _
Secpndly; Art Cinema came into the field for
the purpose of providing foreign language films
to Ann Arbor. We believe that they .completely
fill all requirements in this direction. And I am
sure that most of your readers would not thank
us at all, but intensely condemus if we entered
the field in competition with Art Cinema. Surely
we. should not be chastised and accused of
monopolistic tendencies merely because we play
fairly on such matters. I believe the writers of
the two previous letters anent this subject would
howl to high heaven if we suddenly tried to
take advantage of the results gained after years
of effort by Art Cinema in building up a foreign
language film trade.
As for the summer session. I am quite willing
to provide French, Russian, etc., films during
the summer months when Art Cinema does not
f~unction, provided that there is a real demand
for them. It is of course too late this year. But we
will give the idea a try-ou next summer, if the
same situation prevails.
Until then, we must affirm our honest belief
that a patron who shops in his entertainment
field in Ann Arbor can, during the course of a
year, get a pretty good bargain for his 35c spent
in seeing films made in Hollywood.
For the first time in their history the insurance
conpanies will soon undergo an examinatior of
t ,eir affairs by the Federal Government. In his,
anti-monopoly message of last April, lIr.
Roosevelt said:
The tremendous. investment funds con-
trolled by our great insurance companies have
a certain kinship to investment trusts, in that

these companies invest as trustees the sav-
itigs of millions of our people. The Securi-
ties and Exchange Commission should be
authorized to make an investigation of the
facts relating to these investments with par-
ticular relation to their use as an instrument
of economic power.
Some idea of the economic power of the in-
surance companies may be gained from a recent
article by Joseph Alsop and Robert Kintner of,
the.North American Newspaper Alliance. "If any
single group may be said to 'own America,'" wrote
Messrs. Alsop and Kintner, "it is the insurance
companies. Eighteen large. life companies are,
estimated to have 19 billions of dollars in assets;
the assets of, the American, insurance buginess
are now 32 billions of dollars, and the total is
increasing by $800,000,000 annually. Nowhere in
the American economy is there so vast or closely
controlled a pool of capital. No one exercises a
greater power than the insurance executives, in-
vesting literally millions of dollars every day., No
single business touches the lives of so many
In the, magazine Newsweek, whose contributing
editor is Raymond Moley, other illuminating
figures are published:
. . . The SEC is about to tackle one of the
biggest divisions of big business. Aggregate as-
sets of the insurance companies.approximate
30 billions of dollars, equal to about one-
tenth of the nation's tangible wealth. Be-
tween 1930 and 1936, the life companies--
about 85 per cent of the industry and there-

Heywood ron
People who believe that Americans should
commit themselves to a policy of complete Isola-
tion from the rest of the world deny indignantly
that they are callous to in-
justice and cruelty beyond
our borders.
The hatred of war is in
itself a humanitarian im-
pulse, and I have not the
slightest doubt of the sin-
cerity of those who contend
that a peace can be secured
only by stopping our ears
and mouths and pretending, like Robinson Cru-
soe and his good man Friday, we are cut off from
the rest of the world.
To be sure, I do not share this point of view.
No one nation is powerful enough to banish
war by its decision alone.
The fact that we can be self-supporting, even
though we build a wall against the world outside,
isnot enough, Already there are forces inside
our borders that are eager to swing us from
democracy to Fascism, which is in itself the
most pitiless kind of war.
Peace cannot be won without struggle. It is
necessary to organize for peace just as it is
necessary to organize for war.
It seems to me that of late the isolationists
are departing from their own program.
They began to choose their side. And, tragic-
ally enough, the men and measures which they
serve, by indirection at least, are hardly those
which should enlist the support of humanitarians.
Those who believe that peace can be secured
only by co-operation are severe in criticizing the
Fascist forces. In rebuttal the isolationists are
rapidly taking over the role of apologists for
Germany, Japan and Italy.
One of our leading isolationists only recently
prepared a speech in which he vigorously de-
fended Japan as against th United States. He
felt 'that to protest the Panay incident was in-
sulting the Emperor.
Other isolationists have been moved to say
that possibly Japan is not an aggressor nation.
They hold to the comforting thought that maybe
it was China which jumped the gun.
And only lately I was startled to read a touch-
ing tribute to Boake Carter from a lady liberal.
She admitted that possibly Mr. Carter was a
shade reationary in labor matters, but, to her
mind, that seemed inconsequential in the face of
his gallant fight to let the Nazis have .helium.
Out of conmplete isolation can come that kind
of superheated nationalism which is the very
breeding ground for. Fascism. Peace without
democracy is no peace at all. We cannot lock our
doors against those who are by every right our
but these form merely a superficial record of
the companies' operations.
Now and then a more intimate glimpse is
given in connection with court proceedings, in-
volving railroad reorganizations and the like, in
which insurance companies intervene because of
their stake in the outcome. Sometimes the public
is apprised in distressing fashion-as has hap-
pened in St. Louis during the past decade-of
insurance companies looted by speculators who
gain control of them with the people's policies
lost or impaired.
For the most part, the companies go quietly
along without scrutiny exemplifying perhap
the old adage: "No news is good news." They
enjoy the confidence of the public beyond nearly
any other quasi-public institution. To throw the
light of publicity upon the companies would
document and reinforce that confidence, if the
facts supported it, as no doubt they will. Since
error creeps into all human endeavor, an investi-
gation might result in great improvements, not
only in the management of the people's money,
but in extending new and greater benefits to
policyholders and in informing them of how
best they can spend the sums which they set
aside for insurance-and the last-named is a
subject on which much lack of general know-
ledge exists.

In any case, in a democracy there should be
no secrets. The people are entitled to know all
about the insurance companies. They support,
them. In this spirit, the investigation should be
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Meet Mr. Day
Meet Luther Day. Mr. Iay Ls counsel for the
Republic Steel Corporation. Appearing in that
capacity yesterday at a hearing conducted by the
National Labor Relations Board in Washington,
Mr. Day attacked the constitutionality of the
Wagner Act. He did more than that, we gather
from the Associated Press report. He found the
Wagner Act invalid and null and void, not to
say immaterial, incompetent and irrelevant. And
he so found just as if there had been no April
12, 1937, with its sheaf of United States Supreme
Court decisions upholding the Wagner Act in
cases brought by five separate businesses, oper-
ating in different fields. In short, Luther Day has
reversed the Supreme Court with one sweep of
the hand. Either he is Mr. Audacity himself or the
humidity is worse than usual in Washington this
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Unique. Cooperation
Instead of giving the co-operation for which
Assistant Attorney-General Thurman Arnold had
hoped in launching the anti-trust action two
weeks ago against"'organized medicine," three .

Minnesota Youth Speaks
(Editor's Note: In the following
article the Minnesota Leader presents
one of the topics discussed at the recent
Minnesota Youth Assembly held in
St. Paul.)
"We will not accept war as inevit-
So Minnesota youth has decreed.
To this end they have drawn up
the following foreign policy which1
they propose the United States shouldl
adopt to promote world peace.
First, they would continue the plan
of reciprocal traderagreements as a
means to lower barriers to interna-
tional trade and to provide freer ac-
cess to markets and raw materials.
Second, they advocate internation-
al conferences, agreements, and ma-
chinery for peaceful change of econ-
omic, social and political situations
which are disadvantageous to the
peoples concerned and which have
within them the seeds of a possible
wain' They ask President Roosevelt to
take the lead in such action to con-
sider the needs of the various nations.
Third, they would have the United
States consult with other signatory
states should the Pact of Paris be
violated, and co-operate in moral,
economic and financial measures-
non-military-which give promise of
ending military aggression on the part
of any countrybreaking the pact.
As a "guide to peace action" they
adopted the following program:
They oppose peacetime legislationa
for war-time industrial mobilization
plans which would nullify democratic
procedures and policies and set up
dictatorial control over manpower,;
labor,' industry, and public services.
They oppose any participation -by
the United States in the internantion-
al armaments race, asking that in-
stead, funds earmarked for further
armaments be devoted to a construc-
tive national youth movement against
war, for low-cost housing, and for
They ask abolition of compulsory
military training in civil educational
-The Minnesota Leader
On The Roads
Several causes for encouragement
in the nation-wide warfare on high-
way accidents are to be found in the
National Institute for Traffic Safety
Training, which will conclude its two
weeks of sessions at Ann Arbor on
Saturday. In the first place, authori-
ties in the field-such as Paul G.
Hoffman of the Automotive Safety
Foundation, D. D. Fennell of the Na-
tional Safety Council and Dr. Miller
McClintock of the Yale Bureau fo'
Street Traffic Research-were able
to report to the institute a reduction
of 22 per cent in highway fatalities
for the first six months of 1938, as
compared with the like period of
1937. It is indeedheartening when
Mr. Hoffman can point out, as he
did, that the fatality rate per 100,-
000,000 vehicle miles thus far this
year has dropped to 12, while, if it
reiained at the 1936 rate of 18, the
full year's toll would have reached
45,000 deaths, as against the 32,000
which may now be expected.
Such progress is especially cheer-
ing in view of the enormity of the
problem in what Dr. McClintock de-
scribed as "the most enormous trans-
portation system in the world, with
3,000,000 pieces of rolling stock and
an average of 80,000,000 passengers
daily." Of more significance, how-
ever, than the good reports which
the heads of the many-sided safety
movements and their statisticians
were able to give to the institute has
been the very existence of the insti-
tute itself. Sponsored by a great
university, it was the first compre-

hensive meeting of its kind, enabling
teachers and administrators of mo-
torvehicle safety from nearly half the
States and from foreign countries to
obtain, in the non-technical sessions
at Ann Arbor and at the General
Motors proving grounds at Milford, a
broad picture of the many fronts, ad-
ministrative, technological and legal,
on which the campaign for safer
roads is being fought, and to learn
the details of the intelligent efforts
now being made to coordinate preĀ§-
sure on the driver, the car and the
road so that the full force of the
three E's of safety-education, en-
gineering and enforcement-may be
brought to bear.
-gThe New York Times.
available to .low-paid workers at a
price they are able to pay, in this
instance by an insurance plan which
has no adverse effect on standards of
practice. This suit to put the Wash-
ington co-operative out of business
is an example of the tactics which
have aroused suspicion of organized
medicine. The action can be put down
only as a blunder by the conserva-
tive group which will tend to con-
firm those suspicions.
The medical society spokesmen in-'
sist their organization seeks "the co-
operation of all groups in an endeav-
or to meet public needs and de-3
mands." An action designed to wrecia

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 17, 1938 S
VOL. XLVIII. No. 44 s
Graduation Recital. David Milliken,
pianist. of New Orleans, La., will give
a recital in partial fulfillment of thef
requirements for the Bachelor oft
Music degree, Wednesday evening,
Aug. 17, at 8:15 o'clock. in the School
of Music Auditorium. The general p
public is invited to attend without ad-1
mission charge.
Mr. Younghill Kang of New York
University will speak on "KoreanF
Literature" in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building at 4:30 p.m. to-
Lecture: "What New in Teaching_
English?" by Prof. Clarence D.
Thorpe, in the University Highf
School Auditorium this afternoon at1
Michigan Dames. The final bridge
party of the summer series beingi
sponsored by the Michigane Dames
will be held at the League this af-
ternoon at 2 p.m. All members are
Registrants of Teacher Placement
Division of University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupations. Candi-
dates who enrolled with the teacher
placement division of the Bureau this
summer, who have not had their per-
sonal interview as yet, may arrange
to see Doctor Purdom or Mrs. Firth
between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., Thursday,
Aug. 18. Call extension 489 and leave
your name if you wish interview at
that time.
University Bureau of Appoint--
ments and Occupational In-
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: It is requested by
the Administrative Board that all
instructors who make reports of In-
complete or Absent from Examina-
tion on grade-report-sheets give also
information showing the character.
of the part of the work which has
been completed. This may be done
by the use of the symbols, I (A),
X (B), etc.
Extension Courses. Bulletins listing
the courses to be offered by the
University Extension Service during
the first semester of 1938-1939 are
now available at the Extension of-
fice, 107 Haven Hall.
Registrants of Bureau of Appoint-
ments: Persons registered in the Bu-
reau should leave a change of ad-
dress notification at 201 Mason Hall
before leaving campus. Hours: 9-12;
2-4 p.m. daily, 9-12 only on Saturday.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Colleges of Literature, Science and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of
Education, Forestry and Music: Sum-
mer Session students wishing a tran-
script of this summer's work only
should file a request in Room 4, U.H.
.several days before leaving Ann Ar-
bor. Failure to file this request will
result in a needless deay of several
Exhibition of Early Chinese Pottery,
at the School of Architecture, Mon-
roe Street, under the auspices of the
Institute of Fine Arts upon the occa-
sion of the Summer Institute of Far
Eastern Studies. The exhibition has
been extended by request throughout
the Summer Session.
To All Students Having Library
1. Students having in their posses-

The Bureau has received notice of
the following United States Civil
Service Examinations:
Principal Physicist (Any special-
iz-d, Branch), $5,600 a year;
Senior Physicist (Any specialized
Branch), $4,600 a year;
Physicist (Any specialized Branch)
$3,800 a year;
Associate Physicist, $2,600 a year-
Junior Physicist, $2,00 a year-
Optional Subjects: 1. Electricity. 2.
Heat. 3. Mechanics. 4. Optics.
Director of Personnel, $6,500 a
Director of Personnel, $5,600 ta
Director of Personnel, $4,600 a
Assistant Director of Personnel,
$5,600 a year;
Assistant Director of Personnel,
$4,600 a year;
Assistant Director of Personnel,
$3,800 a year.
For further information, please
call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
University of Michigan
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupati6nal Information.
Summer Session French Club: The
picture taken at the fourth annual
banquet in the Michigan Union,
Thursday, Aug. 11, can be obtained
from the Secretary of the Romance
Language Department, 11a Romance'
Language Building.
Charles E. Koella.
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry and Music:
Each student who has changed his
address since Junearegistration should'
file a change of address' in Room 4
U.H. so that the report of his sum-
mer work will not be misdirected.
Examination Schedule:
Hour of Recitation 8. Thursday,
8-10; Hour of recitation 9, Friday,
8-10; Hour of recitation 10, Thurs-
day 2-4; Hour of recitation 11, Fri-
day 2-4; Hour of recitation 1, Thurs-
day 4-6; Hour of recitation 2, Thurs-
day 10-12; Hour of recitation 3, Fri-
day 10-12;All other hours, Friday 4-6.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to ali members
of the .University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

sion books drawn from the Univer-
sity Library are notified that such
books are due Monday, Aug. 15, be-
fore the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need
for certain books after Aug. 15 may
retain such books ifrenewed at the
Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Thursday, Aug. 18, will be
sent to the Cashier's Office, where
their summer's credits will be with-
held until such time as these records
are cleared, in compliance with the
regulations of the Regents.
Library Service After Summer Ses-
sion. In the interim between the
close of the Summer Session and the
opening of the fall semester the Gen-
eral Library will be closed evenings,
but service will be maintained in the
Main Reading Room, the Periodical
Reading Rocm, the Medical Reading
Room, and the Circulation Depart-
ment from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m., with the
exception of the peri:od from Aug. 29
to Sept. 5, when the bu I ling i closed
completely while extensive :'epairs are
in progress. Graduate Reading Rooms
and Study Halls both within and out-
side of the main building will be closed
until the opening of the fall semester.
All departmental and collegiate li-
braries, with the exception of the
Transportation Library, are also
closed during this interval.

World Youth Congress
40,000,000 Represented At New York Conclave

Lord Rothermere
Aid, Czechoslovakia.-.-
SIOME LIGHT on the indecisive and
often openly pro-fascist course of the
British government in foreign affairs is thrown
by the publication of an exchange of correspond-
ence between Viscount Rothermore, influential
British newspaper publisher, and Wickham Steed,
former editor of the London Times. Nor. Steed
charged Lord Rothermere with encouraging Ger-
many to attack Czechoslovakia by basing an
article in his London paper, the.Daily Mail, on
"misleading inforuation (which) may help to
bring on a European war into which Great Brit-
ain would be drawn willy-nilly."
Lord Rothermere, who is often called "the
Hearst of England," replied, calling Czechoslo-
vakia a "monstrosity of a country," and declar-
ing that if Britain went to war "in pursuit of,
some aim or design in Central Europe, two or.
three of the most important dominions will de-
clare their neutrality and by doing so bring an
inediate end to the British Empire." Mr.
Steed had inferred that Britain had a stake in

(Editor's note: The following report
of the opening of' the World Youth
Congress in New York Monday is from
the New York Herald'Tribune.)
A. A. Berle jr., Assisitant Secretary
of State, and Mayor F. H. La Guardia,
speaking on behalf of the nation and
the city, welcomed" five hundred dele-
gates from fifty-fiveicountries to the
World Youth Congress last night at.
the opening rally of the congress in
the Municipal Stadium on Randall's
Islind. More than 20,000. persons
crowded into the stadium to witness
the parade of the flags of the na-
tions and the pageants and dances of
foreign lands and to hear speakers
representing six continents.i
The delegates, representing 40,0010,-
000 young persons in all sections of
the globe, today will go to Vassar
College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., to be-
gin a week's discussion of world peace
and international affairs as they af-
fect youth. The American group, con-
sisting of fifty delegates and fifty
observers, will leave by train from.
Grand Central Terminal at 8:15 a. m.
and arrive at Poughkeepsie at 10:15
a. m.
At 11 a. m. the host group of the
congress will hold an organization
session at Vassar, preceding the ar-
rival of their 400 foreign guests, who
will set sail up the Hudsdn River

welcome of the Federal government,
Mr. Berle said that it was the policy
of the government to foster the col-
laboration between nations as typi-
fie#l by the {congress. "It is the con-
.viction of this government that. so,
and not otherwise, can nations meet,
can misunderstandings be avoided,
can difficulties be resolved and can
peoples find the way of peace," he
Mayor LaGuardia, who was intro-
duced by Joseph Cadden, chairman
of the United States Organizing
Committee, as "one of our most
courageous citizens," urged the del-
egates' to' adopt as their slogan: "Let
thiere be peace.''s er gn
"They are determined and you are
determined," he said, referring to
the American and to the foreign dele-
gates, "to hand the world over to the
next generation in a better and more
happy state than we handed it over
to you. If the youth of the world
does not want war, there can be no
'Peace Stand Impresses Mayor
The Mayor recalled that he had
met a number of foreign delegates
to the conference yesterday at the
summer City Hall, on the 1939 World's
Fair site, in Flushing Meadows,
Queens, and had been impressed by

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