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August 16, 1938 - Image 1

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A Decade Of
Summer Theatre ..
Report On
The South ...


Official Publication Of The Summer Session

VOL. XLVII. No. 43





Frey Charges
Are Active In
Labor Trouble
Says CIO Organizers Are
Comiunists; Suggests
Departmental Inquiry
Says Charges Led
To Violence Threats
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 - (P) -
Charges that communist "agitators"
were active in labor disturbances in
Michigan and other industrial areas
were placed before the House Com-
mittee Investigationg Un-American
activities by John P. Frey, vice presi-
dent of the American Federation of
L rThe A. F. of L. official continued
his attack today against John L.
Lewis' Committee' for Industrial Or-
ganization after putting into the
Committee records the names of near-
ly 100 men he said were both CIO
organizers and members of the Com-
munist Party.
Frey's suggestion that the Commit-
tee turn its attention to Federal Gov-
ernment Departments led today to a
dispute among Committee members
as to whether it already had done
Makes,. Suggestions
Frey, head of the A. F. of L.'s Metal
Trades Department, made the sugges-
tion in the midst of testimony in-
tended to show that the Communist
Party had altered its policy in the
United States after the formation of
the CIO in order to "take advantage
of the division in the ranks of or-
ganized labor."
When the stocky, gray-haired wit-
Mess referred to Harry F. Ward as
chairman of the Civil Liberties Un-
ion, Representative Mason (R-Ill.), a
Committee member, interrupted to
"Is that the same man who is head
of the League For Peace and Demo-
' racy?"
"Yes," Frey replied.
"That's all very interesting," Ma-
son said, "in view of a meeting to be
held in Washington tonight at which
a radical young labor leader of Mexi-
co-Toledano-is to speak.
"The meeting has been sponsored
by Government officials, most of
whom admittedthey are members of
the League for Peace and Dem%, -
Suggests Investigation ,
Asserting the League was one of
the agencies through which the Com-
munist Party carried on propaganda
work, Frey added:
"I would like to suggest that the
Committee might start some of its
investigations in the Federal Depart-
ments in this city." ,
"That has been done," Mason re-
Neither Frey nor Mason amplified
their references to the Government
Agencies, nor did they name any offi-
Later, Chairman Dies (D-Tex.),
who was out of the Committee room
at the time of Mason's statement,
told reporters there had been "no
investigation of government officials
as such."
"Of course," the Texan added, "if
the committee is presented with evi-
dence that clearly indicates a gov-
ernment official is engaged in com-
munistic activities, we might be
forced to take action."
Senator George Says

He's Good Democrat
WAYCROSS, Ga., Aug. 15-(AP)-In
a cheer-punctuated speech, Senator
Walter F. George militantly declared
today he would repulse President
Roosevelt'st effort to drive him from
the Senate-and inferred the Presi-
dent was "misinformed" in condemn-
ing him as a foe of liberalism.
"The Democratic Party is not and
cannot become a one-man party," the
Senator said. "It must allow freedom
of opinion and speech if it is to re-
main a true Liberal party."
In his first address since Mr. Roose-
velt's Barnesville indorsement of Law-
rence S. Camp to succeed him, the
grey-haired lawmaker termed the al-
most unprecendented battle an "un-
even contest" because of the party
chief's power, but added firmly, "I
have no fear of the result."*
"I am a Georgian, bred and born,"
hesaid, "A full time Georgian, my
'IT nm ,.n T'Amnrra t T fli n-ht the~

Rang Sees Korea Mired
By Japanese Oppression

Koreans Will Never Give Up Their Struggle
Independence Until Freedom Has Been


Accomplished, He Declares
Penetration of Japanese influence into Korea, accomplished by the same
tactics which Adolf Hitler later used to annex Austria, today has reached a
point where "it is impossible for native Koreans to go on living," Prof.
Younghill Kang of New York University declared yesterday.
There exists in Korea today, Professor Kang said, holes of inquisition
from which loyal Koreans, arrested on the slightest shred of suspicion, come

forth badly crippled or not at all.
"The Hell of Dante," he declared, "is
mild compared to conditions today in
Professor Kang, speaking in con-
junction with the Institute of Far
Eastern Studies, said that Japan
drove her entering wedge into Korea
in the treaty of 1876 following the
subversive activities of secret agents
throughout the country, activities
similar to those of Nazi agents in
Austria more than half a century
At the time of the Russo-Japanese
war, Japan, after many guarantees
of Korea's perpetual independence,
built military highways through the
country and established garrisons
within its boundaries. Those garri-
sons have never been withdrawn, Pro-
fessor Kang pointed out, and the
soldiers in them have acted through
the years like lawless criminals, tak-
ing advantages which the powerless
Koreans have been unable to resist.
Curiosity Is Crime
To have intellectual curiosity in
Korea today is a crime, he said. The
Japanese have embarkel upon a
program of breaking" down the mo-
rale of the people and where it is im-
possible to securesa charter for a
college or university,. it is a simple
matter to secure Japanese sanction
for a- house of prostitution. Farmers
are encouraged to take up the use of
opium sand other harmful drugs,
whereas their use in Japan is strict-
ly regulated.
Following the treaty of Portsmouth,
in which President Theodore Roose-
velt took a major part, the Koreans
waged a fruitless five-year fight to
stem the Japanese tide, and their
poorly-equipped army retired to the
mountains to carry on unavailing
guerilla ,warfare. ,
Settle Japanese
It is the policy of the Japanese in
Korea today to settle their own peo-
ple on the good land in Korea and
drive the natives to the bad lands of
the north, Professor Kang said. This
policy is reflected in the educational
system, essential principle, of which,
is that the Koreans are to be Ja-
panized and made loyal but inferior
In the present-day conflict between
Russia and Japan, Professor Kang in-
dicated, the 'struggle is really be-
tween Korea and Japan, because the
great part of the generals in com-
mand of the Russian armies along
the Siberian border are Korean. This
principle is true also in the Chinese-
Japanese conflict, he said, since large
numbers of loyal Koreans have gone
to the aid of the Chinese army to
repel the Japanese invaders..
Educators Ask
Aid Of Murphy
Rebel Against Reductions
In Funds For Schools
LANSING, Aug. 15.-(GP)-Four
hundred Michigan educators asked
today that Govrnor Murphy "con-
Sider the facts before making any
reductions" in state aid for public
In a formal resolution, they de-
1. An adequate system of public
education is essential "to the con-
tinuation of our democratic form of
2. Education is "one of the most
important functions of the state."
3. The state government "has rec-
ognized its responsibility through in-
creased appropriations."
4. The 1937 legislature voted an
appropriation of $28,000,000 in addi-
tion to the primary school interest
fund "as necessary for a minimum

program of education in Michigan"
during the current biennium.
5. An executive order lopped $2,-
800,000 from the appropriation of
1937-38, "thereby causing further re-

Young Daniel Dodge
Drowns' In Ontario
-(P)--Youthful Daniel G. Dodge, heir
to a/ Dodge automobile fortune of
$9,000,000, drowned in Georgian Bay
today as he was being taken to a
hospital for treatment for injuries
received in a dynamite explosion.
Dodge, honeymooning with his
bride of 13 days at Kagawong, Dodge
summer camp 20 miles west of here,
suffered a skull fracture and loss of
his left arm when a stick of dyna-
mite which he had picked up from
the beach exploded.
Mrs. Dodge, the former Laurine
MacDonald, a telephone operator at
Gore Bay when Dodge met her in a
north woods vacation rorance three
years ago, was injured seriously by
the explosion.
U.S. Defenses
Foster Peace,
Veterans Told
Machines In Place Of Men
Conserve -Human Life,
War Experts Declare
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Aug. 15-
(IP)-National defense as sound peace
insurance and as ameans of ,reduc-
ing the miseries of war should that
contingency arise was stressed tonight
by speakers at the "All-American
Night" rally of disable American Vet-
erans of World War. Climaxing first
full day of organization's eighteenth
annual National 6onvention at which
many phases of Veterans' affairs
were closely studied, tonight's pro-
gram brought together on speaking
platform Assistant Secretary of War
Louis Johnson; Assistant Secretary
of Commerce J. Monroe Johnson;
National Commander of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars, Scott P. Squyers, of
Oklahoma City, and high officers of
Assistant Secretary of War John-
son, who is past National Commander
of American Legion told veterans
that disabilities they suffered in
World War were not in vain and
pledged War Department's efforts
to "reduce the drudgery and fatigue
incident to battle," through improved
transport and organization.
Johnson said that "in keeping with
a program of less war and fewer
casulties the War Department is
substituting machines for men when-
ever possible."
"We have always been eager to
disarm," Johnson said, "but obvious-
ly we could never do it alone. So
long as some members of the family
of nations make force and the threat
of force their national policies we
must stand on guard."
In the United States, Johnson said,
humans are not "counted as cannon
fodder," but the "utmost respect is
held" for human life.
"Consequently in our national de-
fense program 'of today we have
placed great emphasis on equipment,
supply and transportation."
In outlining progress along techni-
cal lines Johnson said that whereas
the World War Infantry division
consisted of 22,000 men, a force of
13,000 is being substituted now.
"The decrease in men is taken up
by more guns, more trucks, more
tanks, more armored cars and
mechanical robots," Johnson said.
Corrigan To Visit
Detroit Thursday
DETROIT, Aug. 15 - P) - Mayor
Richard Reading and a group of civ-
ic leaders worked feverishly today on

plans for a reception for Douglas
"Wrong Way" Corrigan, Trans-At-
lantic flier, who notified the city to-
day he would visit here Thursday.
Corrigan's accentance was wired to

AAA To Pay
Cash Subsidy
AgainIn '39
Fee To Wheat Farmers
Who Reduce Acreage Is
Increased Two-Fold
Other Crop Prices
Also To Be Jumped
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.-(P)-
The Agricultural Adjustment Ad-
ministration announced today that itj
would pay the nation's wheat farm-
ers a subsidy of from 26 to 30 cents
a bushel for compliance with a plant-r
ing program calling for a 31 per cent
reduction in acreage next fall.
The benefit payment rate com-
pares with 12 cents offered under this
year's program. Increased rates were1
promised for several other major
Funds totaling $712,000,000 are ex-
pected to be available for the pay-
ments, officials said.
At the same time, the AAA an-
nounced several other phases of nexta
year's crop programs, including a
proposal that cotton growers plant
for another small ,crop and approve,
in a referendum to be conducted
this fall, the use of marketing
quotas to restrict sale of their pro-
ducts. This year's crop will be sold
under quotas.
Plant Less Corn
The AAA hinted that it was pos-
sible corn growers of the commercial
belt, many of whom protested against
a 20 per cent acreage reduction this.
year, might be asked to plant less of
the feed grain next year.
Officials said problems arising
from increased crop surpluses made
further acreage reductions necessary
to prevent "demoralization of farm
prices and income."
Faced with prospects of the largest
wheat surplus on record, the AAA
asked growers recently to limit seed-,
ing for next year's crop to 55,000,000,
acres. The area'seeded to the crop
now being har ested w s aout 80,-
000,000 acres.
Last week the AAA received a mes-
sage from Gov. Walter Huxman,
Democrat, of Kansas, the leading
wheat state, asking that something
be done to brighten the outlook for
wheat growers.
Acreage Restricted
To" obtain maximum subsidies un-
der the Federal program, a grower
must not plant more than the acre-
age allotted him by the AAA. The
amount he may receive will be de-
termined by multiplying the amount
of wheat he normally produces on
his acreage allotment by the subsidy
For example, should the rate be
fixed finally at 30 cents, a grower
with a :0-acre wheat allotment would
receive $216 if his normal yield were
12 bushels to the acre.
The rate of benefit payments for
corn was announced as 13 to 16 cents
a bushel, compared with 10 cents
this year. For potatoes it was given
as 3 cents a bushel, compared with
from 3.6 to 5.4 cents this year.
On the basis of current production
estimates, the 1939 corn allotment for
the commercial .belt will not differ
greatly from the 42,000,000 acres al-
lotted this year, the AAA reported.
Windsor To Sell Cattle
CALGARY, Alta., Aug. 15-(Cana-
dian Press)-The Duke of Windsor

is going out of the cattle business onI
his 3,000 acre "E. P. Ranch," near
High River, Alberta.

Tax Payments
'May Be Forced
On Litte Guy'

Action May Be Taken
Business Does Not
Show Pick Up

WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.-(P)-Un-
less business improves, Senator Har-
rison (Dem., Miss.) said today, Con-
gress may have to require more "lit-
tle fellows" to pay income taxes and
increase rates in the middle brackets.
Harrison, who is chairman of the
powerful Senate Finance Commit-
tee, declared, in an interview that he
hoped it would be unnecessary for
the next Congress to enact new taxes
or increase existing ones.
But unless business activity in-
creases so that present taxes will pro-
duce more revenue, he added, Con-
gress might be forced to lower income
tax exemptions and increase the
middle bracket rates.
Study Action
Senator LaFollette (P., Wis.), an-
other Finance Committee member,
has tried unsuccessfully for several
years to persuade Congress to broad-
en income levies along these lines,
and Treasury experts have been
studying the advisability of such ac-
tion this summer.
"If we feel impelled to get more
money, which I hope that we will not
have to do," Harrison asserted, "Con-
gress of course will consider broad-
ening the base of the income tax and
increasing the rates."
The Finance Committee Chairman
noted, however, that a business ;pick-
up had followed enactment of the
1938 tax law.
100 Per Cent
"It's my opinion," he said, "that
if there had been 100 per cent unan-
imity behind enactment of the bill,
it would have had much more force
in restoring business confidence."
President Roosevelt, criticizing
Congress for taking some of the teeth
out of the undistributed profits and
capital gains taxes, indicated when
he signed the bill that he might ask
the next Congress to restore some de-
leted provisions.
Harrison said he saw no reason
for disturbing the present form of
these taxes.
Prof. Fries Will
Lead Discussion


Social Security Act
Must Be Broadened,
Pres. RooseveltSays
National Program Should
Include All Who Need
Protection, He Declares
Labor Secured Act
Through Organizing

WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.- (k) -
President Roosevelt gave high praise
tonight to the "legislative fathers"
of the Social Security Act, among
them Rep. David J. Lewis of Mary-
land, who is campaigning as a "100
per cent New Dealer" to unseat Sen.
Millard Tydings.
Speaking to the nation by radio in
observance of the act's third anni-
versary, Mr. Roosevelt expressed hope
that the next Congress would broad-
en the statute. , At his request, he
said, federal officials had been study-
ing ways to extend to the people
"more adequate health and medical
services" and also "some protection
against the economic losses arising
out of ill health."
Then, in conclusion, he said he
wanted to thank publicly four legis-
lators who had steered the present
Social Security program through
The first one he mentioned was
Lewis, who is campaigning in the
Democratic Senatorial primary in
Maryland against Senator Tydings,
opponent of some major New Deal

Ruthven Ranks
Education As
Primary Need
Tells Teachers They Must
Call For Full Educational
Opportunities For Youth


Linguistic Institute


Have the Linguistic Institute lun-
cheon discussions and evening lec-
tures fulfilled their dual purpose of
appealing to both linguistic students
and lay visitors?
This is the question Prof. Charles
C. Fries, director of the Institute, will
ask at the concluding luncheon dis-
cussion at the Michigan Union to-
day, with the view of finding what
was not quite satisfactory in the
past summer's program and what im-
provements can be effected to make
! the 1939 Institute better.
In order to have the round-table
discussion as much of a "free-for-
all" as possible Dr. Fries yesterday
expressed the hope that not only the
regular members of the Institute
would attend the luncheon, but also
the many casual visitors who have
heard only a few lectures this sum-
mer. Their criticism, he said, would
be especially helpful in aiding the
Institute directors in planning next
year's program.

The paramount importance of edu-c
cational opportunity for youth wasf
the subject of President Ruthven'st
address Sunday morning at the break-.
fast of masters' degree candidates at1
the Michigan nion. '
Remindingnh3 listeneres-most of
whom are in the teaching profession
-of their duty in insisiting upon
full educational opportunities re-l
gardless of economic conditions, Dr.1
Ruthven declared; "A people whicht
can afford to spend millions onk
professional games, movies, cosmet-
ics and other diversions and vanities
is not justified in starving and other-
wise thwarting its teachers on thet
complaint of high taxes."
Is First NeedE
Referring to an old parable, Dr.
Ruthven continued, "You must wrest :
with wickedness in high places-with
those who would starve the young tot
provide asylums for decrepit oldstersI
and unnecessary roads for the sons
of Sam, or who would sacrifice the
young in wars.
"Malnutrition in youth is bound to]
produce an inferior adult generation.c
Education has always ranked and
always will rank as the first great
No teacher, he stated, is justified
in accepting retrenchment with the
plea, "Lord, I was helpless; there
was a depression-or a recession."
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of;
the Summer Session, dpresided at the
breakfast which served as a com-
mencement celebration for many of
the 400 persons attendjng, among;
whom were wives and friends of
graduate students and members of
the University faculty.
Edmonson Speaks
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education, another speaker
at the breakfast, appraised public
education in the United States (to-
day, pointing out both the good and
bad in the present system.
Failure to restore teachers' salaries,
political interference, "more active
pressure groups than at any previous
time in history," and "persistent ef-
forts of a few individuals and groups
to create the erroneous impression
that every teacher is a Red, Com-
munist or radical," were , cited by
Dean Edmonson as the gravest ills
in modern education.
But contrasted to these, the speak-
er illustrated among the chief vir-
tues the growing conviction of the3
teaching profession that education
can raise the level of our social, eco-
nomic and political life; experiments
in adult and pre-school education,
and increased emphasis on health and
8 Students To Attend
Religious Conference
Eight University students, repre-
senting the Lutheran Student Asso-

Lewis To Speak
Lewis, who has stressed in his
campaign that Tydings voted "pres-
ent" when the Social Security bill
was passed, arranged to speak by
radio to Maryland voters immediate-
ly after the President's talk.
Mr. Roosevelt's concluding words,
in the text given to newsmen, were
as follows:
"Finally, I thank publicly, as 'I
have so often thanked them private-
ly, four men whose long careers in
the public service have been marked
by continuing and successful efforts
to help their fellow man-Congress-
men David J. Lewis of Maryland and
Robert Doughton of North Carolina,
who fathered the bill through the
Hlouse of Representatives; and Sen-
ators Robert F. Wagner of New York
and Pat Harrison of Mississippi, who
carried the bill through the Senate.
"They deserve and have the grati-
tude of us all for this service to man-
Speaking from the oval diplomatic
room on the ground floor of tJ3e
White House, the President told his
listeners that while the present so-
cial security program was "good" it
was "not good enough."
"To .be truly national," he con-
tinued, "a social security program
must include all those who need its
Many Excluded
"Today many of our citizens are
still excluded from old age insurance
and unemployment compensation be-
cause of the nature of their employ-
ment. This must be set aright; and
it will be."
He spoke "one word of warning":
"In our efforts to provide security
for all of the American people (the
word 'all' was underlined in the
President's text), let us not allow
ourselves to be misled by those who
advocate short cuts to utopia or 'fan-
tastic financial schemes.
The Chief Executive devoted much
of his talk to an outline of the func-
tioning of the security program.
If the people in recent years, he
said, had chosen "a reactionary Ad-
ministration or a 'do nothing' Con-
gress, social security would still be in
the conversational stage."
He added that had it not been for
a demand for action from citizens,
social security now would be "a beau-
tiful dream which might come true
in the dim distant future."
Broadening his discussion into a
general outline of governmental his-
tory, Mr. Roosevelt said that the first
to receive protection from the gov-
ernment were "the rich and the
"I think it was not that govern-
ment deliberately ignored the work-
ing man," he continued, "but that
the working man was not sufficiently
articulate to make his needs and his
problems known.
"The powerful industry and com-
merce had powerful voices, both in-
dividually and as a group. And

Examination Schedule

Recitation Hour 8 9 f 10 11
Examination Time Thurs day Friday Thursday Friday
8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4
Rr1 2 3 All other
Recitation Hour 12hours
Examination Time Thursday Thursday I Friday Friday
4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6
Deviations from the above schedule are not permitted. All classes will
continue regularly until the examination period.
In the Graduate School, in the College of Literature, Science and the
Arts, College of Architecture, and in the Schools of Education, Business

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