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August 14, 1938 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-14

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Continued cloudy and some-
what warmer; clear tomorrow.


lflfr tigan


Dormitories . .
The New Men's


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Tokyo Refuses
For 'Incident'
In Settlement
Japanese Insist 3 Taken
fly Marines For Violating
War Zone, Not Army Men
Japs Stimulating
Riots InShanghai
SHANGHAI, Aug. 13-(P)-The
chief of the Japanese army political
service in Shanghai insisted tonight
that three Japanese seized as trouble-
makers in a clash, with United States
karns were without military status.
However, two of the men admitted
they were army personnel. ,
Col. itoshi Hamada said the men
were "merely army employes" but he
added there would be an investiga-
tion and possible punishment for
The men were taken into custody
today in the American defense sec-
tor of the International Settlement
'after an encounter which occurred
during widespread disorders, involv-
ing also British and Italian sentries,
on the first anniversary of Chinese-
Japanese hostilities in Shanghai.
Linked' with their arrest was the
whole jurisdictional tangle of this
highly internationalized metropolis.
One of the three Japanese, in-
jured in the brush with the marine
patrol, was taken to a hopsital from
which he escaped to the Japanese
occupied area north of Soochow
The other two, taken before Ja-
panese consular police and settle-
ment authorities, admitted they were
Japanese army personnel. Thereup-
on Settlement authorities refused to
exercise jurisdiction and it was un-
derstood the Japanese consular po-
lice likewise refused to handle the
As the day drew to a close with
scattered outbreaks, Settlement au-
thorities and various defense forces
became more certain that Japanese
actions were part of a carefully
planned program.
Players Mark
Decade's Work
By A Banquet
In celebration of the tenth anni-
versary of the Repertory players and
to climax "absolutely our most suc-
cessful season from an attendance
standpoint" in the words of Valentine
B. Windt, director, about 175 mem-
bers and friends of the company will
gather for an informal banquet at
5:15 p.m. tomorrow in the League.
"We think that it is about time for
a celebration, now that we have com-
pleted 10 years of hard summer
theatre work in Ann Arbor," said Mr.
Windt, who has directed five of the
eight prodctions presented this
summer by the Players. "We will
have presented this summer after the
final showing Tuesday of the 'Vaga-
bond King' a total of 34 perform-
ances and are inclined to celebrate,"
" he said.
Plans for the banquet, of which
Prof. G. E. Densmore of the speech
department will be toastmaster, and
which will precede the special Sun-
day evening performance of "The
Vagabond King," include skits pre-

sented by members of the company,
several selections from past musicales
and impromptu speeches by those
Mr. Windt was reminiscing yester-
day afternoon in his little office next
to the Mendelssohn box office on the
rise of the Repertory Theatre and the
men who have contributed to its
growth and influence on campus.
The Repertory group began,, he
said,in 1929 when the professional
season was changed over to the
spring. At that time Prof. Chester
Wallace of the Carnegie Instiutte of
Technology Drama school gave Mr.
Windt much valuable advice in get-
ting the organization started.
"We started out," he said, "with
Mr. Wallace and myselfdand four
very poorly equipped students as the
staff." However, he pointed out, the
aid of several men prominent in the
field of university theatricals en-

Roosevelt Returns Home
To Lead New DealA ttack
Nationwide Trend To Name Liberal Candidates Seen
Strengthening President In Determination To Push
Forward His Fight For Progressive Nominees

WASHINGTON, Aug. 13-(P)--
President Roosevelt came back to
Washington for a fleeting visit this
week, sun-tanned by three weeks
afloat and more set than ever on
carrying his New Deal crusading in
Democratic senatorial primaries all
the way, regardless of any consequent
discord in the party.
For the few days'of his White House
stay, the hub of the 1938 political
wheel shifted back to Washington. It
goes with the President to his hot-
weather base of operations at Hyde
Park when he moves on.
The President left no room for
speculation as to his mood when he
lashed out in Georgia against renomi-
nation of Senator George and backed
Federal District Attorney Lawrence
Camp of Atlanta for the senatorial
post. That was his first direct and
aggressive effort to oust from the
senate a Democrat classified, by
Roosevelt standards, as non-liberal.
It put otherDemocratic senators
running for renomination on notice
of what to expect.
Other problems, both foreign and;
domestic, crowded on President
Roosevelt when he ended his vacation;
cruise; but it was to widening rather
than closing the rift in party ranks
and to his functions as Democratic

leader that he gave first attention
when he stepped ashore.'
A summing up of all Democratic
congressional primary results to date,
particularly of senatorial nomination
contests, affords a possible clue to
Mr. Roosevelt's decision to strike out
against George in Georgia or others
on New Deal black books. The nomi-
nating campaign is half over. The
score as that point seems strongly
in Roosevelt favor, by and large.
Nominations for eighteen of the 35
seats in the Senate to be filled this
year have been made. The bulk of
the successful Democrats campaigned
as supporters of President Roosevelt
and his broad policies. Only in Iowa,
in Missouri, in Indiana and in Idaho
have candidates standing on "Inde-
pendence" planks and presumably
rated at the White House as "yes-
but" followers have been picked by
party machinery.
Against that Mr. Roosevelt can
write down, first and most important
of all because majority leadership
in the Senate next session was in-
volved, Senator Barkley's victory in
Kentucky. To Barkley's name he can
add those of Thomas in Oklahoma,
Mrs. Caraway in Arkansas and Bulk-
ley in Ohio, on the ground that their
(Continued on Page 4)

w i i yis 1 i $c -s i

U.S. Athletes
Top Germans
In First Meet
BERLIN, Aug. 13-(P)-America's
well-balanced array of track and field
athletes established a clear lead to-
day over Germany's best, most of
them members of the 1936 Olympic
team, in the first of the two-day
competition in Olympic Stadium.
The United States, taking six firsts
and as many seconds in the ten events,
scored 58 points to the Germans' 49.
The invaders won five of the six
track events, finishing one-two in two
of them, and captured the two top
positions in the pole vault. As ex-
pected, the Germans showed their
strength in the field events.
A crowd of 60,000 saw the meet
open with a surprise victory by Ger-
many's Rudolf Harbig over the Ameri-
can pair of Charlie Beetham and
Howie Borck in the 800-meter run
and end with a record-smashing per-
formance by the United States quar-
tet in the 400-meter relay.
The American team of Wilbur
Greer, Mozel Ellerbe, Clyde Jeffrey
and Ben Johnson reeled off the 400
meters in 40 seconds flat, only three-
tenths of a second short of the world
record established by a U. S. four in
the last Olympics.
Earlier Johnson and Ellerbe had
run one-two respectively in the 100-
meter dash with the former Columbia
University ace flashing across the line
in 10.5 seconds.
Wisconsm's Chuck Fenske, winner
of the 1,500 meters, was one of the
heroes of the day with Germany's
younger athletes, who studied his
style as he stepped the distance in
The 110-meter hurdles was a walk-
away for Fred Wolcott of Rice Insti-
tute, who was clocked in 14.1 seconds.-
Allan Tolmich of Wayne University,
his nearest rival, was five-tenths of
a second slower. America's pole-vault-
ing pair of Cornelius Warmerdam of
San Francisco and George Varoff of
Oregon finished one, two. The former
cleared 13 ft. 113/4 in. and the latter,
13 ft. 78 in.
Ambers Hurt
By Fight Delay
Armstrong's Stock Soars
After Postponement
NEW YORK, Aug. 13.-()-Aided
by a week's postponement, Henry
Armstrong meets Lou Ambers in
Madison Square Garden Wednesday
night with a good chance of belting
Lou out from under his lightweight
crown and 'adding the title 'to his
featherweight and welterweight laur-
When the Negro and the Champion
appeared at the Polo Grounds last
Wednesday night, it was a more or
less open secret that Hammerin' Hen-
ry was far below his normal form.
At the same time Ambers had worked
himself into what Manager Al Weill
declared was the "absolutely finest"
shape of his career.
The rain poured down and forced
postponement and an inside arena
for the bout. It also swung the odds
back heavily to Armstrong's favor and
on Broadway today you could get 3
to 1 on Ambers.

Cabeza Falls,
But Loyalists
Hold Almaden
Rebels Strengthen Lines
By Capturing Strategic
Mountains To The North
Government Troops
Dominate Railway
HENDAYE, France. (at the Span-
ish frontier), Aug. 13.-W)-The
southwest city of Cabeza del Buey,
long considered the key to Almaden's
rich mercury mines, fell to the Insur-
gents today, but a reinforced Govern-;
ment army kept the door to Almaden
closed with new defenses in the
Heavy fighting still raged aroundI
the nearby little town of "Ox Head."
There Insurgent General Quiepo
de Llano's forces met General Jose
Miaja's Central Armies for the first
time of the war. Cabeza del Buey
and its ancient plastered houses,;
ruined by Insurgent artillery in the]
past two days, now were the target
of Government artillerymen.
Government reinforcements ar-
rived too late to save the town, but
they established new positions dom-
inating the Castuera-Almaden rail-
way line just west of Cabeza
Insurgents held the advantage,
however, for they took not only
Cabeza but the strategic mountains
dominating it to the north.
Government troops threatened the
Insurgent southern flank along the
railway near La Nava. Another In-
surgent column pounded up the
Guadiana river valley threatening
the important town of Puebla de Al-
cocer, the center of a web of rural1
roads some of which lead to Almaden.
Despite Insurgent progress in the
south, Generalissimo Francisco Fran-
co's northern troops appeared un-
able to recover ground taken by the
last two Government offensives in the;
hook of the Ebro river and between
the cities of Lerida and Balaguer.
A series of heavy attacks along the
Ebro, supported by bombing and
fighting planes and heavy artillery,'
captured a strategic ridge just south
of Gandesa last night, but by dawn'
the Government had recaptured it.
Figures released by the Insurgents
stated large quantities of foreign
arms, including mch of American
manufacture, had been captured from
the Government since the war be-
gan. American-made machine-guns
were placed at the head of the list.
2 Music Societies
Give Dance Monday
The Treble-Aires, society for, wom-
en in the School of Music, newly-
formed this summer, will combine
with the Kingfishers, group of men
music students, to give a supper-
dance from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. to-
morrow in the League Balloom.
Leah Lichtenwalter, Grad., heads
the group of three from the Treble-
Aires who have been planning the
affair. Dorothy Royt and Edith Ross
are her assistants. Ernest Hare is in
charge of a similar group from the

Claims Martin
Is Conspiring
With Coughlin
Frankensteen Says UAW
Chief Is Plotting Move
To Give Union To AFL
TOLEDO, O. Aug. 13-OP)-Rich-
ard T. Frankensteen, expelled vice-
president of the United Automobile
Workers, told a group of local presi-
dents today that Homer Martin, in-
ternational president, was plotting to
return the UAW to the American
Federation of Labor, and was treat-
ing with Father Charles E. Coughlin,
whom he described as an "American
Frankensteen said that Martin and
Father Coughlin, Detroit priest who
has been a frequent critic of the
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion, were in league to "organize Ford
Motor Co. employes on a .company
union basis."'
The meeting was called by four
expelled UAW officers, former vice-
>residents Frankensteen, Ed Hall,
Wyndham Mortimer, and former sec-
retary-treasurer George F. Addes, to
make prelimirlary arrangements for
a special convention of the UAW at
which Martin's ouster would be
sought. The leaders of the "rebel"
movement said that 85 UAW local
presidents were attending the meet-
As the "rebel" meeting was called
to order, a group of local presidents
supporting Martin was assembled at
another hotel. Loren Houser, sergeant
at-arms for the UAW executive
board, led that grjip which, he said,
numbered 73. He said that some of
the presidents in his group carried
proxies and that "100 locals" actually
were represented.
Frankensteen, opening the "rebel"
meeting, said that Martin had joined
with John P. Frey, head of the A.F.
of L. metal trades division, in a
purported plot to lead the UAW out
of the CIO and into the A.F.L.
He said that Martin and Frey con-
ferred in New York last week.
Martin. he said, also conferred with
Father Coughlin during the past week
on a revival of a plan he said Father
Coughlin launched last year for an
independent union of Ford employes.
Frey, testifying before a Congres-
sional committee at Washington, said
that Mortimer was elected to the
central committee of the Communist
Mortimer, denying that allegation,
said that Frey "got that misinforma-
tion from Homer Martin, who got
it from Jay Lovestone (head of a
Communist Party opposition group),
who got itin some back alley."
Profesional School
Awards Go To Three
University-sponsored scholarships

Churches Hold~
L a st Summer
Services Today
Dr. Ryder To Speak On
'Horizons Of Religion'
At First Baptist Church
Closing services of the Summer
Session will be held in the local
churches today although most of the
places of worship will remain open
throughout the summer.
In the First Baptist Church Dr.
Walter S. Ryder of Flint will speak
on "Horizons of Religion" at 10:45
a. m. Dr. Ryder is a graduate of
Colgate-Rochester and has held im-
portant pastorates in the northwest.
He was for a time professor of soci-
ology at Macalester College.
The Rev. A. G. Crooks of Ann Ar-
bor will be the guest speaker at the
10:45 a. m. services in the First
Presbyterian Church. His topic will
be "Capturing the World for Christ."
Dr. Healy Willan will be at the con-
sole and directing the choir.
Morning worship at the First
Methodist Church will find The Rev.
Earl Sawyer speaking on "The Sword
of the Spirit" at 10:40 a. m.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will
hold its morning services at 8 a. m,
and 11 a. m. with The Rev. Robert
Morris delivering the sermon. Holy
Communion will be distributed at
both the services.
The Student Class at Stalker Hall
under the direction of John Platt,
Grad., will hold its final meeting of
the Summer Session at 9:45 a. m.

Nazi Airliner
Out To Break
Post's Mark
NEW YORK, Aug. 13.-(P)--Coast
Guard headquarters picked up a se-
ries of "all's well" messages from the
giant German airliner Brandenburg
today as it headed out over the ocean
toward rain squalls on the 13th trans-
Atlantic flight of the summer.
The all-metal plane, homeward
bound on a round trip flight between
Berlin and New York, wirelessed its
position at frequent intervals as it
droned past Cape Race, Newfound-
land, and swung out along the great
circle route.
Rain and low clouds were forecast
over the ocean, but Capt. Alfred
Henke said he planned to fly 2,000 to
3,000 feet higher than on the west-
ward passage in an attempt to beat
the record of 25 hours, 45 minutes,
established by the late Wiley Post on
the first leg of his 'round-the-world
flight in 1933.'
Members of the crew said they
were confident the big land. plane,
which would sink quickly if forced
down at sea, would set a new mark off
20 hours for the eastward flight to
First Concert
In New Band
Shell Is Today
4 Guest Conductors Plus
Speech By Mayor Sadler
Feature Day's Exercisesf
Four guest, conductors, directingI
the University Directors Band and
a speech by Mayor Walter C. Sadler
will augment the dedication of the
new Municipal Band Shell in West
Park at 4:15 p. m. today.
Plans for the shell were initiated
at the request of the west-side women
in the spring "of 1936. A committee
appointed by Mayor Sadler under the
chairmanship of Prof. Ralph Ham-
mett of the College of Architecture
recommended the construction of the
shell and the City Council approved
it. An appropriation of $7,844.25 was
granted for use in building. Federal :
approval was granted by President
Roosevelt in 1937 and a WPA grant
of $5,133.25 received. Construction
was actually begun in'spring of 1938
and the shell was completed this
Plans for the use of the shell in-
clude immediate use to present out-
door band and orchestra concerts
and eventually use for open air meet-
ings and addresses as well as dra-
matics and pageants.
The musical program which will
follow Mayor Sadler's dedicatory ad-
dress today is of special significance
for five nationally outstanding con-
ductors will be present. These include
Clifford Lillya, Russel Howland, Cleo
Fox, and William R. Champion. Prof.
Wiliam D. Revelli, director of the
University bands, who returned yes-
terday from New York University to
be present at the dedication will also
conduct a short selection. Professor
Revelli will be honored especially dur-
ing the concert by Mr. Lillya who is
dedicating to him a selection of Lill-
ya's own composition entitled, "Child-
hood Fantasie," commemorating the
accomplishment of Professor Revelli's
having won five out of six national
high school band contests while he
was leading the band at the high
school in Hobart, Indiana, before his
coming to Michigan.
Mr. Howland will conduct the 60
piece band in two selections, "Legend
of the Pines," and "Arnon Ove'ture,"

the first arranged by him and the
second his own composition.
U.S. Arm Calls
University Military Expert
Leaves For Aberdeen
Col' Henry W. Miller, head of the
department of engineeringdrawing
of the College of Engineering, has
been ordered to the Aberdeen Prov-
ing Ground, Aberdeen, Md., to in-
spect the newest designs of heavy
artillery for their manufacturing and
field maintenance qualities, it was
announced yesterday.
It will be his particular task to in-
spect the pilot units of the calibers
of artillery and suggest modifications

Tense Europe
Watches Nazi
War Games On
Czech Border
Hitler Seeks To Reassure
Foreign Offices; Recent
Speeches Cause Fear
Continent Prepared
For An Emergency
LONDON, Aug. 13.-(MP)-Ger-
many's preparation for nationwide
mliitary maneuvers have put other
European powers on an unusually
vigilant lookout to prevent anything
which might lead to a swift Nazi
stroke against Czechoslovakia.
Reassuring r e p o r ts, however,
reached European capitals from en-
voys in and around Germany. More-
over, Germany, in a Berlin press re-
lease today, sought to allay suspicion
over the military exercises which are
exepected to reach their peak be-,
tween Sept. 9 and 14.
The press release, made available
to all German newspapers by DNB,
German official news agency, accused
"interested foreign circles" of at-
tempting "to stir up uneasiness in
the European general public."
Nevertheless, the high government
and military officials of other nations
kept their staffs in a state of pre-
Their chief fear was that some in-
cident might topple the delicately
balanced peace structure of Europe.
Closely linked with the fear was the
fact that Germany's whole economic
life as well as military was on a war-
time basis.
The British war office warned all
Britons holding military rank that'
they must get special certificates in
order to avoid "trouble" if and hen
they travel in Germany. This re-
sulted from a. recent GermaLorder
to _guard the secrets of her fortified
All quarters recognized that EU-
rope faced a crucial period in the
next few weeks of summer with peace
possibly hinging upon Viscount Run-
ciman's efforts to work out a solu-
tion of the Czechoslovak-German.
minority quarrel.
The Viscount is Britain's unof-
ficial mediator in the long-standing
friction between the Praha govern-
ment and the 3,500,000 Sudeten Ger-
man minority-a minority among Eu-
rope's Germanic peoples whom
Reichfuehrer Adolf Hitler has vowed
to "protect from suffering."
The German maneuvers served as
an ominous reminder of what form
that "protectorate" might take if Vis-
count Ruciman fails.
Prime Minister Chamberlain who
had returned on Tuesday from a
Scotland vacation, ostensibly in need
of treatment for catarrh, remained
at his official residence, No. 10 Down-
ing Street, to spend the week-end
there in close touch with the contin-
ental situation.
In France, Premier Edouard Da-
ladier and other French officials were
equally alert.
During the day in Paris French
Foreign Minister Georges Bonnet
'conferred with R. I. Campbell,
Charge D' Affaires of the British
In London, importance was at-
tached to a recent manifesto by
Czechoslovak military officers which
declared there could be "no retreat"
on the question of preserving Czech-
oslovakian integrity.

Although government quarters in
lay fear it was apparent that some
both London and Paris sought to al-
of the optimism voiced by Chamber-
lain before Parliament went into its
summer recess had disappeared.
Germany's continued press and
radio campaign against Czechoslova-
kia, in addition to the forthcoming
military demonstration, have detract-
ed from Chamberlain's July 26 as-
Nineteen Students
Enter Hopwoods
Nineteen students submitted 25
manuscripts in the first summer Hop-
wood Contests in creative writing,
Prof. Roy W: Cowden, director of
Hopwood awards, disclosed yesterday
following the closing of the contests.
, The greatest number of manu-


Racket Smasher Dewey Prepares To
Drive On Gangland's Policy 'ame'

NEW YORK, Aug. 13.-VP)--Ameri-
ca's No. 1 racket-buster, District At-
torney Thomas E. Dewey, primed, his
guns tonight for an assault on crime's
biggest slush fund-the $100,000,-
000-a-year "policy empire" of the
late gang overlord, Dutch Schultz.
On Monday, in Supreme Court,
Dewey will open fire in what is ex-
pected to be the most sensational
graft expose trial in New York since
the vice crusades of William Travers
Jerome in the early 1900's.
And once more, as in many cases
of political corruption dating back
to hernotorious Tweed ringand Boss
Croker, the shot-torn hide of the
Tammany Tiger is in the target
James J. ("Jimmie") Hines, pow-
erful Tammany chieftain, a major
figure in New York politics for the
past quarter century, is the prime de-
fendant-accused of having "fixed"
the Goiconda racket by "intimidat-

fense Attorney Lloyd Paul Strikyer,
brilliant, canny, sharp-tongued, tried
in vain to force Dewey to show his
hand-to name others involved.
Dewey ignored the bait.
"I merely wish the record to be
perfectly clear," he retorted calmly,
"that I have not limited myself as
to other cases involving officers in-
fluenced by the defendant."
Bull-necked Jimmy Hines swal-
lowed and shifted his eyes, ill at
ease under the piercing gaze of the
young prosecutor.
It was a new role for Jimmy. The
60-year-old Tammany boss liked to
think of himself as a great-hearted
bonif ace, handing outmfree turkeys
and baskets -of food from the steps of
his Monongahela Democratic club-
house on Thanksgiving and Christ-
mas Eves.
The son of a blacksmith, the gris-

attorney's office," Dewey was saying.
*"Hines undertook the court-fixing
plan with a $1,000 retainer. His share
of the racket ran from $500 to $1,000
a week."
The prosecutor's voice was sharp,
Jimmy Hines glared across the
courtroom at a nervous, white-faced
figure-J. Richard ("Dixie") Davis,
known as the "Kid Mouthpiece" in
the days when he chased around the
courts handling policy case arrests
for a cut-rate fee of $15; later styled
''The Great Mouthpiece."
The latter soubriquet was bestowed
on Davis when he hooked up with
Schultz in handling all the Dutch-
man's frequent brushes with the law.
A small-town boy like Dewey, hail-
ing from the Catskill hamlet of Tan-
nerville, N.Y., where the Presbyter-
ian minister taught him to play the
violin, "Dixie" Davis strutted from

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