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August 13, 1938 - Image 20

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-13

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SATURDAY, AUG. 13, 1938

recreational Athletics Made Available Through Facilities Of if


W.A.A. Accents
Women's And
Men's Games
Emphasis Is On Enjoyment
In Athletics; Awards
Discarded Last Year
So that all women on campus
might have an opportunity to par-
ticipate in both team and individual
sports the Women's Athletic Associa-
tion was formed. To accomplish this
end the W.A.A. organizes clubs for
skilled participants in individualj
sports such as riding and riflery and
in team sports like hockey and base-
ball. It also organizes games in
various sports between the women
living in different residential zones.
Emphasizing sport for enjoyment
W.A.A. last year abolished all indi-
vidual awards for skill and participa-
tion in sports except one, the W.A.A.
scarf. This scarf of yellow and blue
is awarded, for two seasons of play
in any sport.
W.A.A.-sponsored clubs promote
competition between men and women
on the campus, the women's golf team
playing the men's golf team, the
women's hockey team playing the
Lawyers' Club group, and the wo-
men's rifle team competing against
the R.O.T.C. rifle team.
On Wednesday of Orientation week
W.A.A. will sponsor a sports' exhibi-
tion at Palmer Field. Exhibitions of
hockey, tennis, archery, golf, riding,
and badminton are to be given. Mod-
eling of the proper costumes to wear
for the various sports will be featured.
Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the Wo-
men's Physical Education Depart-
ment, and Norma Curtis, '39, presi-
dent of W.A.A., will speak over a
public amplifying system to the
group. For further explanation about
the organization of W.A.A. and the
various sports under its jurisdiction,
managers of the various clubs willbe
situated at small tables around the
field to answer questions. Dorothy
Maul has charge of the sports ex-

What The Freshman Women Are In For!

Orientation Week Inaugurates
New Students' Social Activities

Orientation week opens the fresh-
man's social season with a week of
feverish activity to give the freshmen
a taste of the busy year that is to
follow. The freshmen are honored
with a series of trips and meetings,
dinners, and parties which give them
a chance to know each other before
they begin to mingle with the upper-
Rushing follows the first week, op-
ening with the Saturday and Sun-
day teas, informal dinners for two
weeks, and climaxed by the formal
dinners. Pledging over, the sorori-
ties combine for the Panhellenic Ball
in November, the only large women's
party before Christmas.
Many Informal Dances
Informal dances are held at the
Union and the League every Friday
and Saturday nights throughout the
school year, with excellent student
orchestras providing the music in the
with other golf groups has also been
planned. There will be open hockey
practices to those interested and in-
ter-club and outside matches in hock-
ey will be run off until Thanksgiving.
The tennis club will meet weekly
under the direction of Dorothy Maul,
'39, manager. An outing for fresh-
man women is being planned by the
outdoor sports group under the di-
rection of Betty Lou Winters, man-
May Find Cancer Cure
With Help Of Cyclotron
.A cure for cancer may be the re-
sult of the work now being carried
on by the physics department and the
University Hospital with the aid of
the cyclotron, the 95-ton atom-
smasher, it was recently indicated by
Prof. Fred Hodges, head of the de-
partment of roentgenology.
This cure, if successful, v;ould be'
effected by means of neutron bom-
bardment of cancerous growths, he

large ballrooms. The Union has its
Union Formal to open the winter
"formal season."
With the opening of the football
season, social activities really get un-
der way. Luncheons, teas and dances
are held' at the sororities and frater-
nities every week-end. Sororities are
planning on having exchange din-
ners, where the freshmen of one house
will entertain the juniors of another,
and so on. The fraternities will also
follow this plan.
Teas And Tea Dances
Teas and tea dances are popular
forms of entertainment on the Mich-
igan campus and the Women's
League gives a series of undergrad-
uate teas on the last Friday of each
month. Congress and Assembly, men's
and women's independent organiza-
tions, respectively, also offer mid-
week tea dances.
President and Mrs. Ruthven are
at home to students two Wednes-
days in each month, for tea in the
presidential house. Various zones and
social groups are invited specially at
each tea, although' any ,student can
attend when he wishes to. In May,
the Ruthvens have a special home-
coming tea for graduate students.
Sorority and fraternity dances con-
tinue throughout the ye'r, usually
holding their winter formals just be-
fore Christmas vacation.
The fraternities join for the Inter-
fraternity Ball in January, another
large formal. The Soph Prom comes
soon after vacation, with J-Hop, the
largest class dance, held between se-
mesters. As well as the big dance it-
self, held in the Intramural Build-
ing, with two professional orches-
tras, J-Hop means a week-end of fes-
tivities, with many fraternity house-
parties and dances.
Freshmen Not Overlooked,
The freshmen are not to be over-
looked in class dances, and their
Frosh Frolic usually comes in early
March. Sometime in the early spring,

the unaffiliated women give the As-
sembly Ball, where all non-sorority
women can entertain their favorites.
Perhaps the best known of the
school dances are the Crease Dance,
given by the lawyers, and the Slide
Rule Dance, given by the engineers,
held on the same night and famous
for their spirit of rivalry. Another
popular school dance is the Archi-
tect's Ball, Michigan's biggest cos-
tume party.
Spring Is House Party Time
The spring brings fortha round of
sorority and fraternity spring form-
als, as well as the Key Dance, given
by the honor societies. Senior Ball,
following Commencement, is included
in the week of the June fraternity
houseparties, to wind up the year
with an exciting round of parties.
Some of the many banquets given
during the year are the Panhellenic
Banquet, $h'e Assembly Banquet, and
the Installation Banquet, where the
new officers of the League, the Wom-
en's Council and other groups are pre-
rented, and where Senior Society and
Mortarboard, women's honorary so-
cieties, tap their new members in the
time-honored ritual.
Foreign students are well taken
care of by an extensive program of
entertainment. The League provides
much of this,. and each sorority en-
tertains two foreign students each
month. During Christmas vacation,
rarties are arranged for those stu-
dents who cannot go home for the
Coupon Books Provide
Free Sport Admissions
Included in the tuition for each
full-time student of the University is
an athletic coupon book providing
free admission to all University ath-
letic events with the exception of
hockey games played at the Coliseum
and swimming meets.
Football tickets for the four home
games may be secured with the cou-
pon book in the registration line or
at the Athletic Administration Build-
ing. The book itself will admit to
other events.

American Student
Union Now Has A
Michigan's newly-oranized chnp-
ter of the American student Unlin
will begin its first full year on the
campus this fall.
Founded in May, 1937, as the Pro-
gressivehClub, the group officially en-
tered the A.S.U. one year later, In
accord with University regulations.
During its year on campus the club
brought numerous speakers here and
conducted several drives to raise funds
for medical aid for the Spanish Loy-
alists and the Chinese. Other activi-
ties of the club consisted of forums
and discussions on peace, security and
racial issues.
Among the speakers brought by the
club during the year were Joseph
Lash, president of the A.S.U.; Capt.
Steve Daduk and David Mackenzie of
the International Brigade of the
Spanish Loyalist army; RamonSend-
er, Spanish novelist; Celeste Strack,
and Ken Born of the A.S.U. national
executive committee,
This coming year the group plans
to center its work on campus prob-
lems, particularly the housing and
student labor questions. Its five-point
program, as an affiliate of the A.S.U.,
calls for peace, security, racial and
social equality, academic freedom and
progressive education.
Get Your
(See Calkins-Fletcher's ad p. 4)
Fill out this coupon (first, mid-
die, and last names necessary)
and mail it with 25c in stamp to'
Calkins-Fletcher Drug
324 South State St.


hibition. Those taking part in theE
badminton exhibition will be Mary
Rodgers, June Roberst, Betty Shaw,
and Florence Corkum. In the putting
exhibition will be Betty Bibber, Betty
Clement, Marjorie Merker, Lee
Hardy, and Jane Grove. Harriet
Sharkey is in charge of the fashion
show. The sports' managers will act

as models for their respective sports.
The outstanding project of the
present is the raising of money for
a women s 'swimming Pool. Many
plans have already been made for
Fall by W.A.A. There will be a tourn-
ament, approaching and putting con-
tests in golf. A comprehensive study
of golf etiquette as well as matches





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