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August 13, 1938 - Image 19

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-13

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AUG. 13, 1938



AUG. 13, 1938 PAGE ~4D~~ThE1~



Baird Carillon

Burton Tower

Bells Ring Out
Special Music
53 Bells In Tower Make Up
Third Largest Group In
World; Alumnus Gift
Replacing the traditional clock gong
on the Engineering Annex, the bells
of the Charles A. Baird Carillon in the
Burton Memorial Tower, now chime
the hours for the University students
and, played by the carilloneur, offer
special concerts.
Situated on the Mall, surrounded
by the League, Hill Auditorium and
the new Rackham building, the bells
in the tower number 53 and are the
third largest group of their kind in
existence. They were dedicated Dec. 4,
"1936, in a ceremony patterned after
the ancient English custom of dedi-
cating church bells.
Prof. Wilmot Pratt, who is resigning
his post as carilloneur this fall, has
been the first University carilloneur.
He has offered recitals during the
year on Sunday afternoons and on
Thursday evenings.,
The carillon was donated by Charles
A. Baird, a Kansas City attorney, and
formerly Michigan athletic director,
and is housed 10 stories above the
campus in a tower built by subscrip-
tions from students, faculty members
and townspeople. The tower is named
.after Marion L. Burton, president of
the University from 1920 to 1924, be-
cause it was a dream of his life, frus-
trateq by an untimely death.
'The largest of the carillon bells
weighs 12 tons exceeded only by the
carillon of the Riverside Church in
New York having a group of 72 bells,
the heaviest of which weighs 20 tons,
and the carillon of the University of
Chicago, which also has 72 bells, the
heaviest being 18 tons in weight. The
Baird Carillon has a range of four
and a half octaves. The largest bell
weighing 12 tons, has the pitch of
E flat, with the smallest bell having
G sharp pitch and weighing 12
The first carillon was brought to
America after' the World War and
since the building of the one in Tor-
onto, Canada, in 1922, at least 40
others have been erected on this con-
tinent. Carillons have long played an
intimate part in the civic and nation-
al life of countries in Europe. Almost
.every, town in Holland has a carillon
And Belgium has several that are
famous throughout the world.
At the impressive ceremonies dedi-
cating the BairdCarillon, President
Ruthven expressed the hope that
"each time the bells sound some soul
ill be cheered, encouraged and up-
May Festival Offers
Great Music, Artists
Closely following the brilliant Chor-
al Union Concert series, the May Fest-
ival is the grand finale to the year's
musical activities at the University,
and draws to Ann Arbor a list of
artists rarely equalled by any celebra-
-lion of its kind in the country.
Early in May four days are set aside
wherein matinee and evening concerts
are offered presenting the finest mu-
sical ability to be had in America and
Europe. Vocalists and symphony or-
chestras are featured in the May
Festival, held in Hill Auditorium.
Last year such famous artists as
Marion Anderson, great colored so-
prano; Kirsten Flagstad, Metropoli-
tan soprano; Richard Bonnelli, with
the Metropolitan Opera; the Phila-
delphia Symphony Orchestra, con-
ducted by Eugene Ormandy; and
Artur Rubenstein, pianist, were re-
turned to perform in the May Festi-

val. "Carmen," Bizet's colorful opera
was presented with the aid of the
Choral Union Chorus of 350 voices.

Lecture Series
Includes World
'Famous Names
Each season the Oratorical Associa-
tion brings to Ann Arbor noted world
*figures from many different walks of
life, to deliver special lectures in Hill
Auditorium. The list of lecturers for
the' coming school year will be an-
nounced in September.
The outstanding individual of last
year's group was Thomas Mann, con-
sidered the greatest novelist and writ-
er of contemporaryi German letters
and often called the greatest living
writer in the world. At present in
voluntary exile from his native land
because of his distaste for National
Socialism, Dr. Mann appeared here in
March to discuss the "Coming Vi~ctory
of Democracy." '
Capt. John Craig, famous camera-
man-adventurer made a return ap-
pearance here last year speaking and
Showing pictures he has taken all
over the world in a lecture entitled,
"Adventures of a Thrill Cameraman."
On Dec. 1 Julien Bryan, recognized
authority on Far Eastern politics
spoke on "Japan and Manchukuo,"
discussing significant aspects of the
Japanese invasion and conquest of
the former Chinese Province in 1932.
Dr. Victor Heise, whose recent book,
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Tibbett Opens
Choral Union
Series In Fall
Honored Instrumentalists
And Vocalists To Appear
Here During The Seasov
Arrrangements have been complet-
ed for the 1938-39 Choral Union Sea-
son, and the roster of musical artists
to be heard this coming year promises
to be among the finest yet invited to
appear before Ann Arbor audiences,
according to Prof. Earl V. Moore, di-
rector of the Choral Union.
The outstanding vocal and instru-
ment artists of the day and musical
organizations of wide renown are
brought to the University's Hill Audi-
torium for a series of evening concerts
throughout the school year. The
Choral Union concerts have gained a
prestige and acclaim throughout the
nation's musical circles that is hardly
rivaled by the great concert centers
of the world.
Lawrence Tibbett, famous Metro-
politan Opera baritone, is scheduled
to open this year's concert series on
Oct. 27. Mr. Tibbett is a familiar per-
former to Choral Union audiences,
having already appeared in four May
Festival programs, the four-day festi-
val of vocal and instrumental con-
certs which has become a nationally
famous concert season in its own*
The Cleveland Symphony orchestra,
under the baton of Artur Rodzinski,
will present the second concert on
November 7. Last year the orchestra
proved to be among the most popular
of the season's attractions.
Jose Iturbi, Spanish pianist and
conductor, will follow on Nov. 22, and
the Boston Symphony will appear un-
der the direction of Serge Kousse-
vitzky on Dec. 7.
The famous pianist Josef Hofmann
will present his recital on Jan. 10 and
the eleventh concert of the year will
be given by the Budapest University
Chorus, the group which is making so
great a success in its present tour of
foreign countries. It will sing Jan. 25.
Yehudi Menuhin, violinist, will play
here on Feb. 15 and Gregor Piatagor-
sky, violincellist, will perform on Feb.
27. The series will conclude with the
Roth String Quartet of Budapest
playing on Mar. 9.
A $3.00 credit stub is attached to,
the Choral Union Series season ticket
which is good for $3.00 on a pass to
the May Festival concert season.
Gold trimming is featured this sea-
son in countless ways. Found on
sequins on the new formals it is also
shown in tailored wools as accents
in trimming collars and cuffs. Gold
jewelry is being revived and worn on
"An American Doctor's Odyssey,"
proved last year's best seller in the
non-fiction field lectured here on
'More of a Doctor's Odyssey."


- Friday, September 23

SERVICES of WORSHIP - Sunday, September




, : .

512 East Huron
Friday, 8:00 p.m. - Open House for Students at
Roger Williams Guild House, 503 East Huron.
Sunday, 10:45 a.m. - Morning Church Service.
Sunday, 6:30 p.m. - Meeting for Students at Guild
House. Richard Steding, '40E, Guild President,
"Religion and University Life."

William and Thompson
Friday , 8:00 p.m. -Open House in Chapel Audito-

-. - -- -, . . .- ... ... ....... - - . , ,-.

Sunday Masses - 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.

4 It.<.,n,.. .*,j..,,.:n.-.... . .. - . . . .. . . . . t.


C H U RC H OF C HRIST (Disciples)
Tappan and 'Hill
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard
Friday, 5:00 p.m. - Picnic Supper, meet at Guild
House, rain or shine.
Sunday, 10:45 a.m. - Morning Worship Service.
Sunday, 5:30 p.m. - Disciples Guild, at the Church.
Introducing the Guild to new students.

State and William
Friday, 9:00 p.m. - Informal party, games and
Sunday, 11:00 a.m. -Morning Worship Service.
Sunday, 4:00-6:00 p.m. -h- Informal Reception at

it ..

Catherine and Division

State and Washington

Harris Hall:

Episcopal Student Center

State and Huron
Friday, 8:00 p.m. - Informal Open House at Harris
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion.
Sunday, 11:00 a.m. - Morning Prayer and Sermon.
Sunday, 7:00 p.m. - Introducing the Episcopal Stu-
dent Center at Michigan - Harris Hall.

Friday, 6:15
Friday, 8:00

p.m. - Dinner at the Church.
p.m. - Party at Stalker Hall, next to

Sunday, 9:45 a.m. - Student Class at Stalker Hall.
Sunday, 10:45 a.m. - Morning Worship Service.
Sunday, 6:00 p.m. - Wesleyan Guild Meeting, in
Stalker Hall. Presentation of the Student Council.
Dr. Brashares will speak.
Sunday, 7:00 p.m. - Fellowship Hour and Supper.

_ ;,

N -~ - --- -~ Pi

Sure you'll want to start a
picture album of those fondest
memories-college days. With
a handy little Eastman parties,
football games, and campus
scenes may be yours forever.
Stop in and inspect the com-
plete stock of cameras and
kodaks at Francisco & Boyce.

N Ife w fo r F a il!
~5 up
oufff faces
Doll Hats
You'll marvel at the quality

TRINITY CHURCH, East William and Fifth
ZION CHURCH, East Washington and Fifth
PARISH HALL, 309 East Washington
Friday, 8:00 p.m. - Open House at Parish Hall.
Sunday, 10:30 a.m. - Worship Services in Zion and
Trinity Lutheran Churches.
Sunday, 5:30 p.m. - Lutheran Student Association
at Parish Hall. "Our Religious Opportunities at
Michigan," by officers of the Association.

1432 Washtenaw
Friday, 8:00 p.m. - Open House at the Church.
Sunday, 10:45 asm. - Morning Worship Service.
Sunday, 5:30 p.m. - Steak Roast and Guild Meeting,
at the Church.


j t Then when it comes to hav-
ing your pictures developed
and printed you'll find the best
workmanship at Francisco &
Boyce. We take pride in fine
action pictures, enlarging, and
clear, detailed printing.
Pictures of each football

East University and Oakland

State and Huron
Friday, 8:00 p.m. - Open House.
q1111A'v_ 1 1 .nAA 1 - A/trnrrazto \Yrsrb . rvice

September 20-24 - Open House from 8:00 am. to
10:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 p.m. - Services - "What Hillel Means
to You." Dr. Bernard Heller, Director. Mr.
Nathaniel Holtzman, Student President.





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