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August 13, 1938 - Image 13

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-13

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rientation w eek Program Presents
Many Activities For W omen Students

'o Continue

Into Yeara

League Located

On East Side Of Mall

To Aid New Women
In Their Orientation
To better aid freshmen women to
adjust to university life, the Orien-
tation Week program for women will
be extended for several weeks into
the semester, to be under the direc-
tion of the League Orientation Ad-
visors Committee with Marcia Con-
nell, '39, as chairman.
Following a custom inaugurated
several years ago, all freshmen wom-
en will have banquet dinners with
their advisory groups in the League
Ballroom. The first of these will be
at 6 p.m. Tuesday of Orientation
Week when President Ruthven and
Dean Lloyd will give welcoming ad-
dresses In the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre afterwards.
Following the dinner Wednesday
night Miss Connell will give a talk on
''This World of Ours" and tell the
new students something of the cus-
toms and standards of the University.
The members of the Michigan League
Council will be introduced at this
Thursday night the upperclassmen
will be putting on a cabaret dinner
at 6 p.m. in the League Ballroom:
There will be dramatic skits, dancing
and singing in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre afterwards.
During their first month on cam-
pus freshmen are required to attend
a series of lectures conducted by un-
dergraduate women. These are de-
signed to acquaint new students with
/ the University and its traditions, cul-
ture, extra-curricular activities and
cultural opportunities offered such
as attendance at the Choral Union
Series of concerts, the Oratorical Lec-
ture Series, the Dramatic Season and
the May Festival in music.
Prominent faculty members and
leaders of the League will conduct
these lectures: '3ot obligatory, but
usually well attended are the "How to
Study" lectures.
Orientation Week has been care-
fully planned and organized with the
purpose of being helpful to the new
students and is designed to make the
first difficult weeks of school run as
smoothly as possible, Miss Connell
pointed out. There are 97 Orienta-
tion advisors and the groups which
they will direct are limited to 12
freshmen to facilitate acquaintence-
ship a xong the freshmen.
Plan Program
For Transfers
Advise Women Entering
On AdvancedStanding
An extensive and flexible advisory
and assisting program for women
transfers this fall has been planned
with Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd
in charge.
Fifteen outstanding campus women
have been selected to serve on the
Transfer Advisory Committee and
will be under the direction of Patricia
'Haff, '39,% general student chairman
In charge of transfers.TheLeague,
the center of women's extra-curricu-
lar and social activities, will be the
headquarters for the transfer ad-
visory groups. Transfers are urged
to meet the advisors in the Council
Room of the League between 9 a.m.
and 5 p~m. on Tuesday, Sept. 20 so
that they may be quickly assigned
to groups.
During the first month the under-
graduate women will conduct a series
of lectures designed to acquaint new
students with campus traditions and
extra-curricular activities..

League Is Center Of Women
Students' Campus Activities

The Michigan League is the focal
point on the campus for women, both
in offering facilities for extra-cur-
ricular activities and recreation, and
in being the headquarters of the gov-
ernment which serves the women of
the University.
Upon her enrollment in the Univer-
sity, every woman student automatic-
ally becomes a member of the League,
and at the completion of four years,
on campus, she receives with her di-
ploma the understanding that she is
to be a life member, her dues auto-
matically paid in full.
Most important of all, perhaps, is
its function as a place of recording
the merit system of the League. This
Women Guide '
Own' General
Activities Here
The Undergraduate Council of the
University, with its members repre-
senting groups from the entire wo-
men's student body on campus, is the
guiding hand in extra-curricular ac-
tivities, orientation programs and
class projects for the women of the
The Council is composed of 16
members, with the. President of the
League at its head. Other council
women are the three vice-presidents,
the secretary and the treasurer of
the League; the presidents of the
Judiciary Council; of the Women's
Athletic Association; of Pan-Hellen-
ic Society, the organization of soror-
ity women; of Assembly, the similar
organization for independent women:
the Women's Editor of the Daily and
the chairmen of the various League
standing committees, such as the
social, orientation, theatre arts, merit
system and publicity groups.
The Undergraduate Council ap-
proves all recommendations -given to
it by the Judiciary Council for the
major positions in all class projects
and for the important League offices
and is in charge of all extra-curricu-
lar work on the part of the women.
In its short three years of exis-
tence, the Council has made great
strides in establishing scholarships
and paying off its pledge to the
Building Fund of the League, which
amounted to $50,000. It established
the Alice Crocker Lloyd fellowship,
which amounts 'to $15,000 and the
$10,000 Ethel McCormick scholarship.
The organization is primarily con-
cerned with the undergraduates,
their government and their prob-
lems, although it also cooperates with
the business office and the alumnae
service. Business meetings are held
each Monday when the group meets
in the Council Room adjoining the
Undergraduate Offices of the League.

plan begins automatically when every
woman enrolled on the campus
reaches the beginning of her second
semester on campus, and continues
until she graduates. It offers com-
plete equality in the matter of par-
ticipation in college activities, and
the complete record of hours spent
and work accomplished in these ac-
tivities by each woman, provides the
basis for selection of candidates for
major League positions and member-
ship in the honorary societies for
Michigan women.
For every hour a woman spends in
working on an activity, and for the
efficiency with which she executes
her duties, points are awarded her
and kept as a permanent record by
the merit system committee. These
points, which may also be earned for
sports, debating, glee club .or news-
paper participation, are considered in
appointing' women to fill campus po-
The numerous facilities for recrea-
tion, rest and study offered by the
League building include such things
as the library, cafeteria, beauty shop
and the garden. The League Library,
which is located on 'the third floor,
was opened two years ago, and is
notable as the one library on campus
where women can study in deep easy
chairs with true informality. Any of
the approximately 1,300 books which
fill the shelves in the library may be
taken out for two weeks, or read in
the room. The Undergraduate Book
Fund added 300 books to the collec-
tion last year, Attendance during
the hours, from f2:30 to 9:30 p.m.
daily except Sunday, amounts an-
nually to more than 9,000.
The cafeteria and beauty shop
which are not exclusively for under-
graduate women are nevertheless well
patronized by them. Both the walled-
in garden on the east side, and the
chapel of the League are favorite
places for weddings of students and
alumni. The chapel, also used for
pledging and initiation ceremonies of
honor groups, was given in memory
of Charlotte Blagden, who died dur-
ing her term of office in 1925 as
president of the League, after ma-
terially aiding toward the completion
of the building itself. The garden is
used in the warm months for teas and
receptions given by campus groups.
The ballroom, which holds 800 per-
sons, on the second floor is the scene
of the Panhellenic and Assembly
Balls, the Sophomore Cabaret as well
as the usual Friday, and Saturday
night dances.
All plays given by the Michigan
Repertory Players, the Summer Ses-
sion stock company, or by the Play
Production group in the winter are
given in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. The Junior Girls Play and
a series of orientation lectures also
take place in the theatre.


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