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August 13, 1938 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-13

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Men Students Find Michigan Union
Ideal Social And Recreational Center

* Today at Michigan, it's FOLLETT'S!

Men Use Pendleton Library To Study

Building Has Dining Hall,
Ballroom, Library, Pool
To Offer To Members
The Michigan Union, providing
ample facilities for the benefit of mieti
students, is the center of the Michigan
man's social activities from his first
day on campus.
The main dining room and, the caf-
eteria, which was enlarged last year,
will be operating throughout Orien-
tation Week and into the regular
school year to help solve the food
In addition to restaurant facilities,
the Union provides ample opportuni-
ties for use of leisure time, The seven
bowling alleys, all newly resurfaced,
the swimming pool, billiard room and
ping pong tables are open from 11
a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.



I nAnn Arbor we find Michigan Students


Asa means of beConing acquainted with YOU, won't
you please drop us a Post Card requesting your FREE
Official University of Michigan DECALCOMANIA.
(There is absolutely No Charge.) We'll gladly send it
along with any other information you desire.



Orientation Is
Arranged For
Men Transfers
Students applying for admission to
the University with advanced stand-
ing should, according to Miss H. J.
Corbin, in charge of transfers,con-
sider carefully his own educational
objectives and his reasons for desiring
to transfer from one college to an-
other. Further than this, she em-
phasized, he should appreciate the
disadvantages of possible loss of cred-'
it and difficulties of adjustment to a
new educational environment.
The University maintains an of-
fice, under the direction of Miss Cor-
bin, to assist students entering from"
other colleges and universities to
make this adjustment with as little
difficulty as possible. In this office
special advice is given on individual
academic problems and required cre-
dentials for admission with advanced
standing. All requests for admission
blanks and information should be
addressed to Miss orbin at 1210, An-
gell Hall.
The maximum number of hours of
credit which is accepted for one se-
mester's work in another institution
is 15. The hours of credit gained for
individual courses may not exceed
the amount of credit for correspond-
ing courses in the University.
A special Orientation Program for
men students transferring to Michi-
gan will be under the direction of the
Union. men's student organization.
Men should report at the Union be-
tween 1:30 and 4 p.m., Tuesday, Sept.
20. An inclusive program has been
arranged for them, according to
Harry Howell and Don Treadwell,
co-chairmen of the Union Orienta-
tion Committee.
Trained advisors will provide the
transfer students with general infor-
mation and direct them to their re-
spective departments and proper
faculty advisors, the service continu-
ing throughout the week.
A special feature of this years
Transfer Orientation will be the spe-
cial program for transfer students,
to be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept.
21 in the Union, at which men stu-
dents will have an opportunity to be-
come acquainted with various phases
of life at Michigan. Dr. T. Luther
Purdom, director of the Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, will explain the work of
the Bureau and how it may aid stu-
dents in securing employment.

Church Groups
Unite To Study
World's Faiths
Association Holds Weekly
Roundtable Discussions
Sundays For Freshmen
In order that Catholics, Jews, Prot-
estants and Oriental students may en-
joy and profit from a better under-
standing of their own faiths and the
religions represented on the Campus,
the University sponsors the Student
Religious Association.
By means of lectures, classes, dis-;
cussions, and social service, the Asso-
ciation provides an opportunity for
students to obtain a knowledge of the
theology and history of their re-
ligions, and the facts of the applica-
tion of religion in every-day life.
The Association cooperates actively
with the churches of Ann Arbor in
providing a full religious program for
students at. the University. During,
the year there will be popular lectures
on religion and more 'technical lec-
tures for those who want to study
some phase of religion more exten-
sively. A study of religious problems
will be made by classes organized for
that purpose. Opportunities for dis-
cussion are provided at the Fireside
Session each Thursday night, when
members of the faculty discuss in-
formally their own views on religion.
The Freshman Roundtable, which
meets at 4 p.m. Sundays brings to-
gether the freshmen to hear out-
standing faculty-members whose edu-
cational talks are followed by round-
table discussions under the direction
of upperclassmen.
The Association also sponsors the
Fellowship of Reconciliation, n or-
ganization of students which believes
that violence in any form should not
be condoned and is preparing a per-
sonal and social philosophy based on
reconciliation rather than violence.
Through the Social Service Com-
mittee, students are able to be of
service to people confined in the hos-
pital, to work in Ann Arbor welfare
agencies and to make trips to study
institutions and social problems in
the Ann Arbor vicinity. The Associa-

Leisure time may also be spent in
the Pendleton Library, which con-
tains a collection of current periodi-
cals, "best sellers," and classics. The
north lounge serves as a meeting place
between classes, an informal study
hall and meeting place for forum dis-
cussions. The south lounge is a game
room, provided with checker tables
and chess and checker sets.
A barber shop is located in the
basement for faculty members and
students, and meeting rooms are
available throughout the building for
the use of campus organizations and
local clubs.
On the third floor are offices of the
Interfraternity Council and Congress'
Executive and District Councils, and
on the ground floor are the headquar-
ters of the Executive Committee of
the Union.
During the year informal dances
are held on Friday and Saturday eve-
nings, with music furnished by a stu-
dent orchestra. The Union Formal,
usually held in November, is' a feature
of the Michigan social calendar.
Other Union-sponsored programs
include the Sunday Forums, at which
faculty members speak on subjects of
current interest. Buffet dinners, mak-
ing for 'closer relations among faculty
members and students, on. Sundays;
and Open House, held twice each year.
The Union Coffee Hour, sthdent
project initiated two years ago, helps
serve as a mixer and a freshener for
the tired student.

tion maintains a Book Group which
meets every second week for the di's-
cussion of the review of a recent book
expounding social or religious prob-
The headquarters of the Associa-
tion are in Lane Hall where Kenneth
Morgan, the .director, has 'his office.
The Board of Governors of the Asso-
ciation is appointed by the Regents
of the University and is headed by
Dr. Raphael Issacs, of the Simpson
Memorial Institute.
A student council works out the de-
tails of the Association's projects and
its cooperation with the churches.
The members are Richard Blanchard,
Constance Bryant, Charles Buck, Wil-
liam Clark, William Cope, Jean Fair-
fax, Martin Gurwin, Kresin, Clayton
Manry, Marie McCabe, Roberta
Moore, Guy Orcutt, Frances Orr,
Daniel Suits, Bernard Weissman,
Warrington Willis, Russel VanCleve,
Grace Volkman and Murloh Woo.
Campus churches and their loca-
tions are: First Methodist, State and
Washington; Church of Christ Dis-
ciples, Tappan and Hill; Hillel Foun-
dation, 1102 Oakland; St. Andrews
Episcopal, Division and Catherine;
First Presbyterian, 1432 Washtenaw;
Unitarian, Huron and State; Cgngre-
gational, . State and Williams; St.
Mary's Catholic Chapel, William and
Thompson; Zion Lutheran, Washing-
ton and Fifth; Trinity Lutheran,
Fifth and William; Christian Science,
409 S. Division; and Bethlehem Evan-
gelical, S. Fourth Ave,

managing editor of The Daily, will
speak on behalf of their respective
organizations. Representatives from
Congress, independent men's organ-
ization, and from the Interfraternity
Council will acquaint the transfer




Paul Brickley, '38, president of
Union and Robert D. Mitchell,

the students with
'38, two bodies.

the functions of these

c .

Where Michigan Students Serve





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