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June 29, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-16-29

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Fanny Kemble Biography Pictures
Cross Section Of Victorian Period



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Pun blisheaevery morning exceptMonday during the
University year and Summer Session-
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. Al
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National AdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420W AoION Ave. NW YORK. N. Y.
I Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . . Irving Silverman
City Editor... ..... .Robert I. Fitzhenry
Assistant Editors . . . . . . Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliott Maraniss, Carl Petersen,
Harry Sonneborn, Dorothea Staebler.
Business Department
business Manager' . . . . Ernest A. Jones
Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg
Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term:
-Alexander G. Ruthven.

"Fanny, why don't you pray to God to make
you better?" a friend asked Mrs. Siddon's' little
niece, sonewhat more than a century ago.
"So I do," Fanny Kemble answered, "and He
makes me worse and worse."
Fanny Kemble
"Fanny Kemble, a Passionate Victorian"
(Macmillan, $3), Margaret Armstrong calls her
book; it is the Book-of-the-Month Club's July
selection. It is not only the portrait of a high-
strung daughter of a family which, in its day, was
to England what the Barrymores have been to
our America; it is also a pageant of Victorian
England and America.
For Fanny Kemble grew up in days when it
was 'considered wise punishment to take a naugh-
ty little girl to see a criminal's head sliced off
by the guillotine; she became the first actress of
the London stage before she was twenty; she
toured America in the 1830's and married the
richest slaveholder in Georgia; she revolted at
slavery and broke with her husband; she did her
bit to convert England during our Civil War by
publishing her diary of Georgia plantation days,
and she lived, homesick in Italy, happy in Swit-
zerland, to be one of Henry James's major in-
spirations. She was born in 1809; she died in
The Kembles were for more than a century the
gods Qf the London stage; they defied conven-

The Middle
Of The Road.. .

An increasing number of Americans are tak-
ing the position advocated yesterday by Profes-
sor Roy W. Sellars in his lecture on social phi-
losophy-a middle-of-the-road position between
"individualistic liberalism and collectivist so-
cialism." They think that there is a great deal
wrong in our present set-up but feel that these
ills may be appreciably mitigated within the
confines of the present capitalist structure and
that if some measure of socialism is to be
achieved it may be reached through appeals to
conscience and intelligence and not through vio-
lence. The middle of the roaders feel that the
ends to be obtained are more equality, democra-
cy, opportunity, security and the like, but are
not agreed on or aware of the appropriate meth-
ods to obtain these ends.
The question of whether such a position is ten-
able is one easily and peremptorily avoided. The
adherents of this compromise position usually
admit that they do not continue their thinking
to the logical conclusion. In the consideration
of the tenability of the position these important
questions might be asked:
1. Does not the inertia of economic and 'historic
forces render the position nugatory?
The present administration has taken a long
number of legislative and administrative "steps
in the right direction." The whole host of alpha-
betical organizations are familiar to most every-
one. But each of these "steps in the right direc-
tion" does not grapple with the roots of the
problem. Our country has been the greatest
country in the world for reform because it never
has performed an effective surgical operation on
the roots of our economic problems. The Se-
curities and Exchange Commission cannot elimi-
nate the disasters accompanying wholesale mis-
calculation of risk by stock exchange operators.
The Civilian Conservation Corps will not elimi-
nate the problem of unemployed youth. Th'e
Wagner Act, by enforcing the right of collective
bargaining, cannot cope with causes of indus-
trial unrest. The multifarious unemployment
compensation acts make but weak attempts at
the cure of unemployment. The problem is one
of business cycle control, which demands some
sort of planning, and which is as yet alien to
the American business palate. The slum clear-
ance projects can, according to Administrator
Strauss, take care of only 10 per cent of those
at the very bottom of the economic ladder who
suffer from poor housing. Wielding a 1938 model
of the "Big Stick" cannot restore free compe-
tition, nor is free competition necessarily de-
sirable; the problem is not one of regulation but
of ownership and control. Similar statements can
be made about each of the Roosevelt reforms.
'At best they are mere palliatives in a scheme of
patchwork, but yet as patchwork they disturb
the "confidence" of the business man. They do
not deal with the root of the system, the price-
profits-competition mechanism, whose malad-
justments cannot be corrected without wholesale
changes which are questionable.
2. Can the given ends of more equality, de-
mocracy, security and opportunity be achieved.
with half-hearted gradualness?

AsOthers See It
Mein Kampf!
Louis took the offensive and missed two short
lefts as Schmeling crouched cautiously.
"Biologically, Hitlerism divides mankind into
one superior race-the, Aryans-and the other
degraded slave-races."
-Stephen H. Roberts in "The House Hitler
Louis nailed Schmeling against the ropes and
smashed Max with rights and vicious lefts....
"The Germans are a superior race and it is or-
dained that this superior race shall conquer the
-Dorothy Thompson, paraphrasing Der
Fuehrer, in "I Saw Hitler."
Max shot over a short right that halted Louis'
whirlwind drive. Louis shot over a short hard
right that made Max grunt..-. .
"In the nearer centuries, Aryan stock dom-
inated the world to its everlasting good."
-Kurt G. W. Ludecke in "I Knew Hitler."
A hard right staggered Schmeling and Louis
piled in as Max leaned against the ropes. Louis
smashed Max at will and floored him for a count
of three....
"It is hardly imaginable that anyone should
think that a German could be made out of, say,
a Negro or a Chinaman, because he has learned
'German and is ready to talk it for the rest of his
life. . . . The process would mean a beginning of
bastardization of our race."
-Adolf Hitler in "Mein Kampf."
The stunned, amazed Teuton arose, stretched
against the ropes, only to be sent down almost
instantly with another hard left and right. But
he was up after a count of one, only to be
sprawled again with a terrific right to the
"Perhaps the pacifist-humane idea is quite a
good one in cases where the man at the top has
first thoroughly conquered and subdued the
world to the extent of making himself master
of it."
-Adolf Hitler in "Mein Kampf."
As he lay almost in the center of the ring, half
unconscious, with the count reaching eight,
Schmeling's handler threw the towel into the
ring and ended the fight.
Gott im Himmel!
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
of an American Labor Party. The really great
proposals of the Administration, the Tennessee
Valley Authority and the idea of government
ownership of the railroads have been presented
to the public in such a distasteful ligĀ±t that their
constructiveness has been obscured. Aside from
the open and flagrant opposition to the feeble
Roosevelt measures there is the great American
lethargy to combat. The lethargy may or may
not be compulsory, according to how much in-
fluence the business of getting a living impedes
progressive thinking, but this lethargy inhibits
the policy of gradualness at every turn.
3. May not the policy of evolution, or gradual-
ness, lead as well to fascism as to the desired
ends of increased democracy, security, equality
and opportunity?
In Germany the ideals of "a fair profit," "self-
government in business," and "the business man"
have been apotheosized. These ideals sound un-
comfortably similar to those echoed at the time
the Blue Eagle of the NRA winged America. The
National Recovery Act, as pointed out by Robert
Brady, professor of economic's at the University
of California in his Spirit and Structure of Ger-
man Fascism, was in philosophy and administra-
tion markedly similar to the German business
formula. The United States Chamber of Com-
merce heartily approved of the NRA and had,
in fact, drafted a plan of recovery closely re-
sembling the plan adopted even before the Roose-
velt inauguration.
Prof. Oskar Lange, in the book, On the Eco-
nomic Theory of Socialism, forcefully makes the
point that the problems of achieving a greater
degree of socialization in the United States is not
chiefly economic but political and sociological.

tions which ostracized stage folk from proper
society. Reynolds, Gainsborough and Lawrence
felt honored to paint Fanny's Aunt Sara Sid-
dons; her Uncle John smiled complacently when
Byron called him "supernatural"; wits said of
John that in his retirement in Switzerland he
was jealous only of Mont Blanc. Apollo might
have envied the looks of Fanny's father, Charles;
her grandfather had rescued a king; her mother
had been known as "the little French fairy," and
known by royalty, before she married the Olym-
pian Charles.
A Star At 19
Fanny grew up "poor." Her father had in-
herited the Covent Garden Theatre and its
eternal debts, and Covent Garden weighed on
the family for decades. It was partly in the
hope of rescuing it that Charles put Fanny Kem-
ble on as Juliet when she was only nineteen, and
for a time she did bring back the old Kemble
prosperity. It was typical of her that she could
hardly be heard through the first act; she won
all her plaudits in the last act. She never out-
grew stage fright, and more than once, when a
play ended in a scream, she could not stop
screaming, and was carried off in hysterics. But
she became the toast of England.
New York In 1832
Fanny and her father determined to try their
fortune in America. Their ship made a fast voy-
age-five weeks to New York. They put up at
New York's best hotel-the American, on Broad-
way. But the washbasins crawled with red ants,
one clothes closet was infested with moths, an-
other with bugs. Fanny did not like the drink-
ing water, brought to the hotel daily in big butts.
(Conservative New Yorkers thought it unsafe to
drink water that had run underground through
metal pipes.). Fanny was impressed with the
clean, comfortable hackney coaches; but thought
the private carriages shabby, and was amazed
that the mnen-servants were not in livery. The
pigs rooting in the streets appalled her; but she
thought American men exceptionally courteous,
and was surprised to see no poor around. And
she loved the trees on the Battery, and the fine
forests across the river and up the island, beyond
the Bowery.
Washington And Philadelphia
Dolly Madison and John Quincy Adams came
to see Fanny in Washington; Chief Justice Mar-
shall wept at her acting. She liked battered old
President Jackson, but thought the White House,
forlornly set in a withered-grass plot with palings
in front and at the back a stretch of untidy
waste land, "unfortunate." And wherever she
went-and she went almost everywhere, even
away out to Niagara Falls and up to Quebec-the
swankiest young men in America danced atten-
dance on her.
Pierce Butler, of Philadelphia and Georgia,
followed Fanny on tour, playing the flute in the
orchestra in order to be near her, and in June,
1834, Fanny married Pierce and was somewhat
dubiously admitted to Philadelphia society. She
shocked Philadelphia by her open distaste for
bores, even when of the best families; she spoke
of an Edinburgh fish-wife as her friend; she
invited actors to dine, which was a littl more
than Pierce could stand. He could marry an
actress, if she retired; he could not entertain
mere stage folk. Fanny tended to agree with Mr.
Emerson, who said that "If the world were all
Philadelphia, although the poultry and dairy
market would be admirable, I fear suicide would
be exceedingly prevalent."
Shipwrecked Marriage
So Fanny followed her husband to his rice
plantations on the Altamaha River, in Georgia,
close to those marshes of Glynn which Stephen
Lanier was one day to make immortal. Pierce
Butler considered himself a model slaveholder.
He had an infirmary; he flogged very little; he
seldom broke up families. But Fanny was shocked
by what she saw. The infirmary was filthy and
dark; the cabins were filthier; when she com-
plained to her husband that the women did not
have time to keep their babies clean, the in-
formers were flogged. The aristocracy of the
South seemed to her merely pitiable; she tired
of old men telling of the great days "before the
wa"-before the Revolution.
Pierce Butler told Fanny she was ruining his
slaves with her mistaken tenderness; with the

current price of cotton and rice he had enough
on his mind without this everlasting fuss about
sick babies and religion and flannel petticoats.
He forbade her to bring him any more tales;
when she said ,she would write books to earn
money for her charities, he reminded her that by
law a wife's earnings belonged to her husband.
He forbade her to correspond with her Abolition-
ist friends in the North.
The quarrel went deeper than slavery; soon the
couple had separated, Pierce forbidding the
children to see their mother. Fanny returned to
Europe; Pierce sued her for desertion. She re-
turned to America, determined to fight. The
court refused to admit her statements as evi-
dence, but they appeared in the newspapers. Fan-
' y had to wait seven years to see her daughters-
until they became of age.
Back in England, Fanny was amply able to
take care of herself. She was a Kemble. She
became Macready's leading lady; she gave
Shakespearean "readings," very popular in that
day, both in England and in America. The Long-
fellows and the Alcotts were her friends. But it
was not until 1863, when she was shocked to dis-
cover herEngland so friendly to the cause of the
slavocracy, that, she finally published that 1836

To the Editor:
Just a line to bring to your at-
tention an error which has been
committed twice to my knowledge.
In two articles concerning visiting
Judge Phillips, it has been said he is
onc of ten similar ranking Federal
Circuit Court judges. There are in
fact from 3 to.5 such judges in each
of the 10 circuits.I
This is no aspersion on JudgeE
Phillips whom I enjoy very much in
class and who is a very able judge.
But I am sure he would be the last,
to disdain accuracy in reporting.
Yours for an ever better Daily,
Lynn H. Gressley
The Passing
Of A Poet,. .
James Weldon Johnson, who was
killed Sunday in a grade-crossing ac-
cident in Maine, was, by whatever
measure, an extraordinary man. It
probably is not too much to say that
he was the most distinguished Negro
in the United States. A man ofvgreat
personal dignity, he fought over the
long years-never extravagantly but
always with reasonableness-for the
just recognition of the black race.
He believed in the ability of the
American Negro to produce genuinely
original art and literature, and he
wrote and spoke persuasively of the
contributions of the black man, pa-
ticularly in the fields of poetry and
music. He was a shrewd politician,
and rebelled at the idea that the Ne-
gro should be used as the catspaw
of any one political party. Negroes
everywhere, as well as every white
American. have every reason to be
proud of this long and useful life.
To be sure, he had unusual talents.
He had many "firsts" to his credit-
the first Negro college student to
pitch a curve ball, the first Negro to
be admitted to the Florida bar, the
first Negro to gain a place on the
faculty of New York University, and
so on. He could write popular songs,
but he also could write moving poetry
and a clear and forceful prose, and
he was the author of that hymn
which has come to be known as the
Negro national anthem, "Lift Ev'ry
Voice." He and his highly gifted
brother, Rosamond Johnson, were
popular and familiar figures in Tin
Pan Alley almost forty years ago.
But Janies Weldon Johnson was
much more than that. He had been
editor, diplomatist, lecturer, educa-
tor, reformer. There was nothing
cringing or apologetic in his make-
up; likewise, there was nothing brash.
He was a scholarly gentleman whose
name will be remembered as long as
there are records of the romantic and
always poignant story of the black
man in America. He understood this
story, this struggle, in all its sadness
and all its bravery.
-New York Herald Tribune.
Sweden In America
Americans feel at home in Sweden,
and for more than three hundred
years the descendants of the little
band of Swedish pioneers, since mul-
tiplied by hundreds of thousands of
Swedish immigrants, have felt at
home in the United States. In a very
real sense they are bone and mar-
row of this country. A fellowship of
ideals, a genuine fusion of spirit and
purpose, underly the extraordinary
warmth with which we celebrate the
tercentenary of the landing of the
first Swedish settlers on these shores.
The Swedish Mayflower, Kalmar
Nyckel, or the Key of Kalmar, came
from Gothenburg to the rocks at the
mouth of the Delaware not long
after the English Mayflower landed
the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock. A
model of the little ship which bore the

pioneers from Sweden and Finland,
then a Swedish province, tops the
tall, black granite shaft which the
President accepted yesterday as a gift
symbolizing three centuries of un-
broken friendship between the two
More than most international sym-
bols, this monument expresses a sen-
timent as solid as the rocks on which
it stands. The President personified
the American people when he went
to Wilmington to welcome the
Kungsholm and the represen'tatives
of the old Kingdom of Sweden and
the new republic of Finland. His
presence signified more than a desire
to commemorate the tercentenary of
a colony which, like many of the
early settlements on this beckoning
bul inhospitable continent, was small
a'nd short-lived. It signified more
than a gesture of amity to Sweden
and Finland, nations we admire for
their sturdy political democracy,
their social enlightenment and the
emphasis they place on individual
liberty and equality.
We welcome this opportunity to do
honor to our own citizens of Swedish
and Finnish stock and to pay tribute
to the great contribution they have
made to the material and spiritual
upbuilding of America. The monu-
ment at Christiana Park reminds us
that we are New Sweden as well as
New England or New Amsterdam. We
have reason to congratulate ourselves
as much as the royal delegates from
Stockholm on the Northmen's vir-
tues-independence, courage, indus-
try, civic responsibility, love of free-

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1938 +
Summer School Reception is to be
held in the Horace Rackham School
for Graduate Studies on July 1st at
8:30 p.m. The following rooms have
been assigned to the various depart-
Administrative Receiving Line, As-
sembly Room, 3rd floor, Professor
Biological Chemistry, Blue Room,
3rd floor, Professor Lewis.
Chemistry, Blue Room, 3rd floor,
Professor Schoepfle.
Hygiene and Public Health, Read-
ing Room, 2nd floor, Dr. Sundwall.
International Law, West Wing of5
Assembly Room, 3rd floor, Professor
Institute of Far Eastern Studies,
Men's Lounge. 2nd floor, Professor
Library Science, Women's Lounge.
2nd floor, Dr. Bishop.
Linguistic Institute, Men's Lounge,
2nd floor, Professor Friese.
Engineering Mechanics, East Coun-
cil Room, 2nd floor, Professor Erick-
Music, Women's Lounge, 2nd floor,
Professor Moore.
Physics, Blue Room, 3rd floor,
Professor Randall.
Renaissance Studies, East Confer-
ence Room, 3rd floor, Professor Rice.
School of Education, Reading
Room, 2nd floor, Dean Edmonson.
Speech and Play Production, Wom-
en's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor
English g211f, Proseminar in the
Romantic Period, will meet on Mon-
day and Wednesday instead of Tues-
day and Thursday in 2231 A.H.
Mathematics 327, Seminar in Sta-
tistics. Preliminary meeting to ar-
range hours, Wednesday, June 29, at
3 p.m., in Room 3020 Angell Hall.,
Economics 181: Will meet in Room
E, Haven Hall.
My writing course, English g297,
will meet on TWThF at 8 o'clock in
Room 3227 A.H. R. W. Cowden.
Professor William Clark Trow will
lecture today at 4 o'clock in the
Auditorium of the University High
School on Psychological Trends In-
fluencing Educational Theory.
High Tor opening tonight at 8:30.
Michigan Repertory Players at Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre. Box Office open
all day, phone 6300. Last week to
buy season tickets at $3.75, $3.25,

General tryout for all singers
Michigan Repertorygproduction
'The Vagabond King," 5 p.m.
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre,

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

ciliation are invited to meet at Lane
Hall, Thursday night, June 30th, at
9 p.m.
There will be an excursion to the
Toledo Institute of Arts on Friday.
July 1, under the auspices of the
Graduate Conference on Renaissance
Studies. The bus will leave from in
front of Angell Hall at aboutr12:30
and will arrive back in Ann Arbor
at about ' p.m. Reservation should
be made in the Office of the Sum-
mer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall
before 4:30 on Thursday. Tickets
for the round trip will cost $1.50.


The Intermediate Class in Social
Dancing will have their first meeting
Wednesday, June 29 at 7:30 p.m. in
the Michigan League Ballroom. Sign
up for lessons when you come to the
class. Six lessons for $1.50.
Mixed Group in Modern Dance.
A mixed group in methods of teach-
ing and practice in rhythmical ac-
tivity will meet in Barbour Gymna-
sium on Monday and Wednesday
evenings at 7:30.
Professor P. P. Ewald from the
Crystallographic Laboratory at Cam-
bridge, 'England, will give two lec-
tures. (1) Wednesday, June 29 at
4:15 p.m. in room 151 Chemistry
Building on "How to look at crystal
structure determinations." (2) On
Thursday, June 30 at 11:00 a.m. in
room 1041 Physics Building, "Mul-
tiple reflection of X-rays in Cry-
Graduate Conference on Renais-
sance Studies Luncheon, Thursday,
June 30, 12:15 p.m. at the Michigan
Union. Fifty-seven cents per person.
Professor Bush will speak. Make.
reservations at the English Off'ice..
3221 Angell Hall.
Seminar in Algebraic Geometry.
Preliminary meeting, Thursday, June
30, at 3 p.m., in Room 3001 Angell
Physical Education Luncheon: All
men and women students and mem-
bers of the faculty in physical edu-
cation, athletics and recreation are
most cordially invited and urged to
attend the first of a series of weekly
luncheons to be held in the Michigan
Union, Thursday, June 30, 1938, at
12:15 p.m. The exact room number
will be posted on the Union bulletin
board. Dean James B. Edmonson of
the School of Education will be the
speaker. The weekly luncheons will
start promptly at 12:15 p.m. and will
end at 1 p.m. Price of the luncheon,
57c. Please make your reservations
promptly by calling 21939..
Excursion Number 1. Thursday,
June 30, 2 p.m. Tour of the Campus.
The party meets in the lobby of
Angell Hall, facing on State Street,;'

June 28 to July 1 inclusive, Profes-
sor R. Keith Cannan of New York
University will lecture on "The
Physical Chemistry of the Proteins
and the Amino Acids." This lecture
will be at 2:90 o'clock p.m., in room
303 of the Chemistry Building. All
students of the Summer Session who
are interested are i: ted to attend.
Graduate Students in ,ll depart-
ments who wish to take the German
examination required for the dc-
torale during this summer session
and those in the exact and natural
sciences who will be ready to take
both the French and the German
examinations are requested to con-
sult with Professor A. O. Lee as soon
as possible any day except Saturday
between 4 and 5 in room 120 Rackam
building. (Ground floor east).
C. S. Yoakum
Summer Session Students are re-
minded of the following regulation:
At the beginning of each semester
and SUMMER SESSION every stu-
lent shall be conclusively presumed
to be ineligible for any public ac-
tivity until his eligibility is affirma-
tively established by obtaining from
the Chairman of the Committee on
Student Affairs, in the Office of the
Dean of Students, a written Certifi-
cate of Eligibility. A copy of last
semester's report is essential to ob-
tain such a Certificate.
Le Foyer Francais. Men and wo-
men students who wish to practise
daily the French language may do
so by taking their meals at Le Foyer
Francais, 1414 Washtenaw. As the
number of places at the tables is
limited those interested should apply
at once to Mlle. McMullan, manager
of the Foyer, telephone 2-2547.
Le Foyer Francais is under the
auspices of the French Department
of the University.
Summer Session French Club: The
first meeting of the Summer Session
French Club will take place Thurs-
day, June 30, at 8 p.m. at "Le Foyer
Francais" 1414 Washtenaw.
The Summer Session French Club
is open for membership to graduate
and undergraduate students of the
French Department; to any student
on the campus; too Faculty members
and Faculty women.
The only requirement asked of the
applicants for membership is that
they speak reasonably well the
French Language.
All those interested must see Mr.
Charles E. Koella, room 200, Ro-
mance Language Building, Tuesday,
Wednesday or Thursday from 10 to
11 and 2 to 3, to receive their mem-
bership card. The membership fee
for the summer is $2.
Editors, Managers and Chairmen
of student activities are reminded
that before permitting any students
to participate in a public activity the
chairman or manager of such activity
shall require each applicant to pre-
sent a certificate of eligibility.
Rotarians in the Summer Session:
The Ann Arbor Rotary Club is an-
xious to secure at once the names and
addresses of all Rotarians enrolled in
the Summer Session. The Club de-
sires to extend the usual courtesies to
visiting Rotarians and especially to
invite them to the Smoker, at the
Michigan Union, Tuesday, July 5, and
he Conference on International Serv-
ice, July 6. They are requested to
leave their names and addresses in
Room 9, University Hall, at their
earliest convenience.
Circulation Notice: Due to the fact
that several students made out their
registration cards improperly, sev-
eral subscriptions cannot be de-
livered until those entitled to them
call at The Daily offices. If you are
not receiving your Michigan Daily,
please present your University Trea-

surer's receipt for the SummerSes-
sion at Daily offices with your full
name and address.
The area in which The Michigan r
Daily is delivered by carrier service
comprises all streets between Main
St., east to the city limits. In case
you are living outside of this zone,
either west of Main St., or outside
of Ann Arbor, please call at the Daily,
officesand give an address within the
above zone at which your copy can
be delivered. In case this absolutely
cannot be arranged, a mailing charge
must be paid at the Daily offices be-

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