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August 12, 1938 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-12

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Tigers Capture
2nd Pennant
On 10thVictory
Champs Score 104 Runs
While Opponents Garner
Only 10 Through Season
Well sir, they've done it again.
Those Terrible Tigers have mopped
up all, opposition, to capture their
second pennant in a row. The Tigers
yesterday downed a strong Faculty
team by a score of 5-2 to gather in
their 10th straight victory of the sea-
son, which, added to their record of
six straight wins, compiled by last
summer's pennant winners, makes 16
in a row, one of the longest winning
streaks ever recorded in I.M. compe-
tition. The champs, who have twice
defeated each of the other five teams
in their division, have piled up 104
runs, while holding their opponents to
a measly 10 tallies.
The Faculty, for the second year,
finished in the runner up spot, with
a season record of six wins and four
losses. Several errors, which we
would like to blame on the typesetter,
but which are really due to a slight
case of astigmatism on the part of
yodr reporter, have crept into the
standings. The corrected order of
teams in the National league follows.
In third place are the Chemists, with
five wins and five defeats, and in
fourth place, there is a tie between
the Physics and Pattocks, both teams
having won four gamnes, while drop-
ping six. The Analyts, who have been
beaten nine times, and have won
but once, are last in the standings.
The only changes. in the American
league finds the Parkerites tying for
second placerwith the Chumps, with
seven victories, three defeats apiece,
and the PKS team winding up in
third place, with five wins, and as
many defeats.
Wednesday's play in the Interna-
tional league resulted in another vic-
tory for the league leading Has Beens,
~when they 'downed the Mudhens by
a score of 8-2. The game between
the 500 Club andsthe Michigan Daily
was called off, as neither team had
the required number of men on the
The Has Beens, who have won
eight in a row, are first, while the
500 Club is second with a record of
four and two. The Mudhens have
won two, and have lost five, to 'take
third place, with the Daily in last
place, the victims of seven straight
Breakfast Fetes
450 Masters
Summer Session Director,

Farley Evades
Defining Role
In 1940 Race
11-(M)-Postmaster General James
A. Farley parried questions concern-
ing his own Presidential prospects for
1940 with the remark in a press con-
ference today that "anybody who in-
dicates his candidacy for the Presi-,
dency before Roosevelt makes up his
mind whether to run again ought to
have his head examined."
Farley told news men, here for a
testimonial dinner given in his honor
by Michigan Democrats, that Presi-
dent Roosevelt "would be the issue"
in the 1938 congressional campaign.
"And he's just as popular as he
ever was," said the Democratic na-
tional chairman, who is returning
from a cross-country swing. "It is
my belief the Administration will be
entirely satisfied with results of the
House and Senate races, which will
be very disappointing to our Republi-
can friends."
Parley said postal receipts already
indicated a "considerable pickup in
business before fall, which is bound to
reflect itself in the political situa-

France Courts On Her Own And American-Made Planes


Stratton's Pitching, Own Sloppy
Fielding Spell 13-1 Tiger Defeat

If war's in the air, France counts on air craft being built in this and other factories recently inspected
(above) by Air Minister Guy la Chambre. In May France ordered 100 American planes to augment powerful
aerial fleet being developed as defense measure.

Browns Wallop Cleveland
In Twin Bill; Reds Take;
One After 14 Innings
CHICAGO, Aug. 11--P-The com-
bination of Monty Stratton's four-hit
pitchingand their own sloppy field-
ing proved too much for the Detroit
Tigers today and they fell before the
Chicago White Sox, 13 to 1.
The Sox scored all their runs in
two big innings, tallying seven times
in the third and six in the eighth..
The only run the Tigers could make
was forced home when Hank Green-
berg walked with the bases loaded.
Roxie Lawson started on the mound
for the Tigers. He retired the first
Seven batters who faced him, but the
weak-hitting Tony Rensa, another
former Tiger, broke the charm with a
single to left and the Sox were off
to a seven run lead. Pitcher Stratton
walked. With one out, Berger hit back
,to Roxie, but Lawson threw wild to
Rogell and the bases were loaded.
Marvin Owen, next up, popped a
weak one back to Lawson, but Catcher
York and Lawson, scrambling after
the ball, collided and Rensa came
home. Then up stepped Gerald Walk-
er, singled, and scored Stratton and
Berger, putting Owen on third. Rad-
cliff kept up the parade with a single
that scored Owen and sent Walker
to third. Lawson retired Appling, but
Kreevich tripled, scoring Owen and
Walker and when Kuhel followed
with andouble Manager Baker yanked
Lawson ,and sent in Al Benton. Ben-
ton stopped the scoring with his first
The six-run splurge in the eighth
was featured by Gerald Walker's
double that drovehome three runs.
After Radcliff doubled Greenberg
saved Jake Wade, third Tiger pitch-
er, some humiliation by stabbing a
liner and throwing to Rogell to double
Radcliff off second.
Browns Take Two
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 11-(')-With
Buck Newsom and Les Tietie hurling
fine ball, the Browns took a double
header from the Cleveland Indians
today, 8 to 7 and 8 to 2.
Newsom achieved his twelfth vic-

tory of the year in the opener, allow-
ing only five hits. His wildness nearly
cost him the game, however, the im-
portant part of his 30th birthday cele-
In the nightcap, Tietie held the In-
dians to three hits until the ninth
when three more safeties collected
Cleveland's only runs.
Homer Helps
CINCINNATI, Aug. 11--(P)-Ernie
Lombardi's home run gave the Cin-
cinnati Reds an 8-to-7 fourteen-in-
ning victory over the Cubs today, their
:nly one of the series, and kept Chi-
cago from a second-place tie with
the idle New York Giants.
Thirty hits cracked from the bats
of both teams during the game. Gabby
Harnett's crew used three hurlers,
and the Rhinelanders, five.
Yanks Take Another
NEW YORK, Aug. 11-P)--The
Yankees were handed another game
by the Washington Senators today.
Although they collected only five hits
to the Nats' 17, gehrig and Company
posted a 9 to 6 decision to boost their
American League lead over the five-
game mark.
Nine bases on balls by the three
Washington pitchers, a costly error
by Buddy Lewis and Joe DiMaggio's
21st homer of the year, with two
mates aboard in the third inning, en-
abled the Yanks to breeze in with the
Athletics Beat Boston
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 11 - (M) -
The Athletics made it two straight
over the Boston Red Sox today with
a 5 to 3 victory behind the six-hit
pitching of George Caster.
A four-run rally in the fifth, fea-
tured by Bob Johnson's 23rd homer
of the year with two aboard, put the
game on ice, but Lefty Grove, who
pitched only the first two innings,
was charged with the loss after giv-
mg up a run in the second from
which the Sox never recovered.
Joe Vosmik's homer in the eighth
brought in all the Sox runs. Grove
complained his arm felt "tired" and
"bothered" him.

Army Life Pleases Duce's "Vanguards"


Activities Planned
By Education Group
The Adult Education Group; which
is sponsored by the School of Educa-
tion, is finishing the last week of its
program with a swirl of social activi-
ties. The Workshop is directed by
Prof. Frederic Stephenson and has
been in session since July 25, ending
August 19.
The social life of the two hundred
members has been planned by Evelyn
Arnold, Grad., of Kingsford. Yester-
day the group had a picnic and this
afternoon they will be given a tea by
the Unitarian, church. Their last
event is to be a buffet supper Sunday
night at the League. Miss Arnold has
not as yet announced definite plans
for the affair, which will climax the
four weeks work and study.

Sees Use For State
'Little Wagner Act'
LANSING, Aug. 11-(P)-George A.
Krogstad, chairman of the State De-
partment of Labor and Industry, said
today the State's record of 75 per
cent success in attempting to settle
112 labor disputes in 1937 was evi-
dence a "little Wagner Act" would
be useful in Michigan:
He was commenting on reports the
Legislative Council will recommend
adoption of a labor relations law to
the 1939 legislature.
Fifty thousand employes in plants
employing from one to 2,000 workers
were involved in the controversie
the department entered, Krogstad
said, although there is no law giving
the State authority to intervene.





For II Duce's ears, boyish members of Italian "avanguardisti", or
Vanguards, sing enthusiastically '-to show their pleasure with Fascist

Is Host Sunday
The 450 persons who will
their master's degrees at the
the Summer Session are to
guests of the University at a
fast given in their honor at

military routine. They;train for
Fascist march on Rome.

Oct. 28, sixteenth anniversary of




end of
be the
9 a.m.

1 1,
- ,t,

Sunday at the Union. Louis A. Hop-
kins, Director of the Summer Session
has announced that these candidates
are privileged to buy tickets for any
friends whom they iay wish to have
attend the affair.
President Ruthven and Dean Ed-
monson of the School of Education
are to be the speakers for the occa-
sion, the President's message being in
the form of a parable.
Among the faculty guests present
will be President and Mrs. A. G.
Ruthven, Regent and Mrs. Julius
Beal, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Burs-
ley, Dean and Mrs. Hopkins, Dean
and Mrs. Samuel Dana and Miss
Harrington, Dean and Mrs. James B.
Edmonson, Prof. and Mrs. Edward L.
Erickson, Prof. and Mrs. Charles C.
Fries, Prof. and Mrs. Earl V. Moore,'
Prof. and Mrs. Peter Okelberg, Prof.
and Mrs.. Harrison M. Randall, Prof.
and Mrs. Warren G. Rice and Prof.
and Mrs. William C. Trow. Others
who will attend the breakfast are
Prof. and Mrs. Louis M. Eich, Prof.
and Mrs. Robert B. Hall, and Dr.
Frank E. Robbins.
LANSING, Aug. 11-V)-The State
Public Utilities Commission today
completed a hearing on the Con-
sumers Power Company's petition for
permission to "liberalize" its rural
electrification program.
The company entered no testimony
but rested on its petition and the
statements of C. A. Winder, Com-;
mission engineer, who testified he
could .see no objection to the pro-
posed new schedules
In The Majors

Name Hostesses
For Last Dance
The list of hostesses for the final
Summer Session dance of the season
Friday has been announced by Suz-
anne Gordon, '41, chairman of the
hostess committee for the Summer
Included in the list will be Betty
Judson, Jean Judson, Genevieve
Johnson, Hatwood Husband, Carol
Hauser, Anna Marie Monti, Kathryn
Zimmer, Marie McElroy, Eva Gold-
man, Grace Wilson, Rose Beyle, Clare
Kelderhouse, Elizabeth Waldon, Dru-
scilla Hoskins, Jenny Rosenthal, Ida
Mae Stitt, Betty Dickens, Kathleen
Wall, Olive Branch, Anna Virginia
LaRue and Mary Jean O'Donnell.
Included in the price of admission
will 'be dancing from 9 p. m. to 1 a.
m. in the Ballroom, and bridge, ping-
pong and bingo games on the second
floor. Prizes for the games will be
awarded. Paul Snyder and Clara
Magoon have been engaged as for-
tune tellers for the affair. Guests
may attend alone or with partners.
The Summer Session social com-
mittee under the direction of Miss
Ethel McCormick and Jean Holland,
'39, president of the League, has
planned the regular weekend dances
which have been given each Friday
and Saturday during summer school.
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Aug. 11.-(Y')
-Sale of automobile parts and as-
semblies, tools, dies and patterns from
the Cord Auburn plant to Norman
Davaus of Detroit for $45,000 was
approved today by Federal Judge
Thomas J. Slick. The Cord plant
went into receivership some time ago.

Year Of Plenty
Seen By Survey
Of State Crops
LANSING, Aug. 11-({A')-The State
Co-operative Crop Reporting Service
reported prospects for a year of
plenty today, with the city dweller
getting a break at the expense of the
Verne H. Church, senior statisti-
cian, said the harvest of 14 principal
field crops in Michigan would be the
largest in more than 10 years, al-
though depressed prices will hold' the
grower's total revenue below the total
for last year. Thus, he said, foodstuffs
will be plentiful and cheap, barring'
some unforeseen circumstance.
Church said the potato crop would
total 29,904,000 bushels, more than a
million bushels higher than last year's
crop. He told of early yields that were
far above average in both quality and
He said sugar beet fields were in
"excellen " condition, with prospects
for 4 tokal crop of 1,102,000 tons,
which would be about double the
1937 yield. The corn crop is far above
average, he said, with a harvest of
57,240,000 bushels indicated.
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