Court Of Moon, Tower Of Sun Feature San Francisco Fair
. i.. rrr irrr r rr Nrr
It May Be So. . .
In yesterday morning's Free Press,
Malcolm Bingay, who was known as
Iffy the Dopester on the sport page
in those glorious days when Cochrane
and the Tigers were winning pen-
nants, stated "All this talk about
managerial genius because of win-
ning pennants is eyewash. The Tig-
ers won pennants because of Mickey's
catching not his managing. Behind
him, always guiding and directing
him by remote control, was Navin.
Every player was selected by Navin.
The ,team was here, needing, only
the driving force of Cochrane to make
it mesh.
"The real manager died when
Navin, died; Mickey was his
valiant field captain."
Now this is very interesting. It is
very possible that Iffy is right; he
was very close to the Tigers during
the glorious days. But it is my guess
that he is still iffing, that Cochrane
had much on the ball as a manager
as. well as a catcher.I
It must be recalled that when,
Cochrane came to Tigers in 1934,
he found a fifth place team; not
a team that needed only a driving
force. In one year he transformed
the Tigers into a pennant win-
ner^. GrantedI that Cochrane was
a galvanizing force, it is not en-
tirely conceivable that his addi-
tion as a catcher would have pro-
vided a wrole division (first divi-
sion, at that) spark.
He worked with Schoolboy Rowe
and from a young prodigy he- made
a 20 game winner, a dependable
pitcher who won 16 games in a row
to :tie the American League record:.
He changed Tommy Bridges from an
in-and-outer to a steady hurler who
became one of the most feared in the
league. It was Cochrane who wipped
Elden Aulker.from just another throw-
er, with a screwball delivery to the
leading pitcher in the league in 1935.
It was under, Cochrane that
Greenberg rose to prominence.
He threw together a misfit out-
field of Goslin, White and Fox
and with two other hitless won-
ders, Rogell and Owen, in the in-
field he had a pennant winner.
The only players on the club
who were stars at the end of the
1933 season were Charley Gehr-
inger and Goose Goslin. And yetI
within the year they became
the best in the American League
arad since then have become, with
t'he Yankees, the most feared club
in the junior circuit.
* * *
But I Don't Know .. .
However baseball wise Mr. Navin
might have been he couldn't trans-
form a mediocre club like the Tigers
of '33 into the pennant winners of
'34. You can't run a ball club (and
especially a pennant winning ball
club) by "remote control" from the
front office.
In another paragraph, the
Dopester says "I have never
heard him-except at public ban-
quets-ever say a good word for
his players. Did any of you ever
see him pat one of them on the
back after a brilliant play, or,
by any gesture of any kind what-
ever, let the public know his ap-
preciation of their efforts? I
never did."
'In the first place, sugary words are
no criterion of the ability, of a man-
ager..Two pennants, one world cham-
pionship and two second places in
four years would be much better, I
would say. In the second place, 23
players wouldn't work like hell for
a manager whom they didn't respect,
admire and like. MickeysCochrane's
friends are myriad.. He is well liked
by sports writers, the people in De-
troit and ball players he has been
His old mates on the Athletics,
came to bat for him upon his dis-
missal. The other men in the
league like him. His true compe-
titive spirit, his ready smile, and
his will to win have won him fa-
vorable responses everywhere.
Cochrane wasn't smart enough to
fool everybody-he must have,
something on the ball.
Now that Cochrane is gone and Del
Baker has replaced him, it is foolish
to think that a simple change in
managers will cover up the inade-
quacy of the hurling corps. Enemy
batsmen have a peculiar ability to
disclose such plots. The question that
most of the fans are, asking is not
"wonder who's going to pitch for the
Tigers today?" but "I wonder what_
four pitchers are going to work to-
day?" After all, it was cheaper to
fire a manager than to buy two good
Poetry of name plus poetry of motion is combined in above fountain sprayer in Court of the Moon to be found
on Treasure Island, San Francisco Bay site of the 1939 Golden Gate International exposition. Beyond the
fountain looms 400-foot, Tower of the Sun.
Lightweights Weigh In For Title Bout
Drivers' Tests
Discussed Here
Administration Of Exams
Hit For Inefficiency
(Continued from Page 1)
work must have a competent back-
ground," Mr. Canty pointed out. "The
training of the average psychologist is
The demonstration was simply a
reproduction of a typical examination,
in skeleton form, with slides used to
depict the medical examination and
some of the motor tests. The patient,
who is sent to the clinic on the order
of the judge, is given a thorough re-
examination after six months have
elapsed, according to Mr. Canty.
Today's panel discussion will, be en-
titled "The Pedestrian," and will be
presided over by Leslie J. Sorenson,
City Traffic Engineer, of Chicago,
and chairman of the National Safety
Council Pedestrian Committee. Speak-
ers will include Burton W. Marsh of
the American Automobile Association;
Earl J. Reeder of the National Safety
Council; T. Elmer Transeau, assistant
director of public safety, Philadel-
phia; Miss Ethel Hedrick, principal of
the Bach High School, Ann Arbor;
Mrs. Lucy Slosson, of, Ann Arbor;
and R. A. Campbell, former mayor of
Ann Arbor.
Linguists Find
Indian Survey
(Continued from Page 1)
guage and hence 'one of the tongues
belonging to the great Siouan stock,
were explained by Dr. Harris. One is
that stress differences are sometimes
sufficient to produce changes of
meaning. "GI-a-hah-guz," for in-,
stance, means "to be afraid all the
time"; but "gi-a-HAH-guW'* means "to
be around all the time."
Another characteristic of Hidatsa{
which aroused comment among the
audience was the comparative formal1
Structure of nouns and verbs. A noun,
said Dr. Harris, may for example be
composed of an instrumental prefix
plus a personal element plus a noun
base plus a number element plus a
syntactic classifier. But the only dif-
ference between this compounded
noun and the corresponding verb is in
the final syntactic modifier, since,
nouns as well as verbs have signs indi-
cating person. 4
Members of the Linguistic Institute
will meet for the final lecture of the
summer at 7:30 p. m. today in the
small amphitheater of the Rackham
building. This concluding address will
be by Professor Edgar H. Sturtevant
of Yale University, visiting member
of the Institute faculty and associate
director of the Institute, who will
have as his topic "The Indo-Hittite
Has Coming-Out Party
Lou, Ambers (left) took a sparring pose with Henry Armstrong when
they met at weigh-in ceremonies in New York before the battle for the'
lightweight boxing title. Armstrong was seeking a third championship
to go with his featherweight and welterweight titles.
Four German Fliers Complete
'Casual' Berlin - New York Hop
Landladies...remember the
Gilt-edge debutante, Lesley Hyde
Ripley will have a coming-out party
that-society reporters estimate--
will nick the Ripley patent medicine
fortune for close to $50,000. The,
supper dance is planned for swank
Newport, R.I.
NEW YORK, Aug. 11-(AP))-Four
German fliers, who had dinner last!
night in Berlin, dropped in on New
York this afternoon to complete in
25 hours aviation's first westward
flight between the two cities.
Over 3,942 miles of land and water
their 24-passenger Focke-Wulf trans-
port flew to demonstrate, it was ex-
plained, the feasibility of air ser-
vice between Germany and America.
But so unheralded and casual was
the flight that it had been under way
hours before it came to the public's
By one of aviation's pioneers, Al
Williams, the feat was described as
"one of the most significant develop-
ments in modern flying." He stressed
that Alfred Henke, the skipper, and
his crew of three had made the trip
in a land plane, not a seaplane or
flying boat.
A scheduled immediate return trip
was postponed because of minor
trouble with the cowling and hydraul-
ic propeller brake on the inboard
starboard motor. Oil poured from the
propeller mounting, and the top of
the cowling, loosened by vibration,
Henke said the motor trouble was
minor and that he hoped to get away
on the easier return trip, with tail
winds speeding his plane homeward,
in a couple of days.
Deutsche Lufthansa, the German
airline company, said Henke had
brought the 19-ton plane over merely
to demonstrate the ease with which
the flight could be made. The machine
carried extra fuel tanks and no pay-
load. It had three hours of fuel left.
Henke's crew consisted of Rudolf
von Moreau, co-pilot; Paul Dierberg,
flight engineer, and Fritz Kober,
radio operator. None of the four
looked tired when they stepped out
into the sunlight.
The transport is not unlike the
American-manufactured D o u g 1 a s
"DC-3" 21-passenger plane in ap-
pearance, except that it employs four
gasoline motors instead of two, sunk
in wing nacelles. It .might best be
described as a cross between the
Douglas and the Boeing four-motored
"Flying Fortress."
Classified Directory
~ ~ ~ .
SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no markings. All work guaranteed.
Phone 5594, 607E. Hoover. 3x
LAUNDRY---2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 5x
TYPING - Experienced. Reasonable
rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood
TYPING -Neatly and accurately
done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St.
Dial 5244. 2x
TYPING-Theses and reports typed
neatly and accurately. Near cam-
pus. Reasonable. Call 6192. 68x
one to sell. 40% disc6unt. Hudson
Sales, Ypsilanti, 100 E. Cross St.,
phone 3100.
LOST: A lady's yellow gold Elgin be-
tween Liberty and State and East
Medical Bldg. Please call 4121-Ex.
660. Reward. 70x
FOR RENT-Suite with private bath
and shower. Accomodates 3 or 4
men. Also, large double room with
adjoining lavatory. Steam heat.
Sower bath. Lewis, 422 E. Wash-
ington. Phone 8544. 75x
WANTED--Ride to Kansas City or
vicinity. Share expenses. About
Aug. 20. Lou Roberts. Ph. 4493.
WANTED-Ride to Georgia or vicin-
ity. Will share expenses. Arthur
Knybl. Call 9207. 76x
FOR RENT -Clean, comfortable
room available, for two quiet girls
(to share). Furnace heat. Reason-
Thundering action...excitement
and thrills...directed by the man
who gave you 'Zola. 'Pasteur.
Last Times Today
co starring
... it's "an advertising medium for your
Fall rooms to rent that can't be be aten!
It reaches all prospective freshmen!
I p~-jYLLI.' ~