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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Pubishe every morning except Monday during the
University year and summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
1 rember, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738
.NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
City Editor... . .. Robert I. litzhenry
Asistant Editors . . . . . . Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino,
Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L.
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Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg
Ciculation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
'act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander 0. Ruthven.
The Primaries In
Kentucky And Georgia...
T HE VICTORY of Senator Barkley
over the weekend was the highlight
of the summer primary season and the acid test
the Presidential pat-on-the-back technique.
Political commentators have freely asserted
that without the intervention of President
koosevelt, the Senator would have been unable
to carry the state against the tremendous cam-
epaign of the popular Governor Chandler. Even
the supposed Chandler stronghold of northern
Kentucky, the Covington district, gave his oppon-
ent a margin. Turner Catledge in the New York
campaign of the crumb of praise Mr. Roosevelt
east him during the trip through Kentucky.
The outcome of current primaries in Ohio,
Arkansas, and Idaho, particularly the latter, will
probably be a determining factor in the Presi-
dent's decision in Georgia. Unmistakable inter-
vention against Senator George would have as
much political significance as the sled-length en-
dorsement of Senator Barkley, especially because
of the prestige involved for William Green.
-Joseph Gies
As Others See It
Con stantin Stan islavs ky
If you witnessed the miracle achieved by the
Moscow Art Theater players when they visited
this country in 1923 you will surely not have for-
gotten it. Today that extraordinary revelation of
a great art at its purest springs undimmed to
mind with the news of Constantin Stanislavsky's
Glamorous individuals have held audiences in
rapt attention while acting in an alien tongue-
Duse and Bernhardt, for the chief examples. But
there were no individuals in "The Cherry Orch-
ard" or "The Lower Depths," as the Mosco
players brought these plays to life before one's
eyes. Or, perhaps, it would be more accurate to
say that every character was an individual. At
any rate, there were no leading men or women,
and the memory that one took from the experi-
ence was a totality, a fusion of endlessly varied
acting in a single stream that was the play.
Much has been said and written of the Stan-
islavsky methods of direction and presentation.
Fortunately, the stage possesses his own account
of them in "An Actor Prepares," surely one of
the most precious books in the whole history of
the art of acting. Their impingement upon the
stage the world around has been the most con-
spicuous fact in its modern development. Doubt-
less his technique has been unwisely used at
times; it certainly calls for no slavish application
to the American scene. But of its vitality and
essential truth there is hardly a remaining doubt.
One turns to a living master in another art
for an illuminating parallel. It has often been
remarked that there is nothing sensational or
striking in the directing of Arturo Toscanini. To
hear him conduct is to meet music face to face;
by dint of tireless rehearsing, by the inspiration
of his zeal and imagination, an orchestra plays
so well and with such singleness of mind that
one all but forgets its existence. The utmost of
art conceals itself.
So with Stanislavsky. The months of rehearsal,
the respect, the gravity with which he viewed
the :actor's art, the untold hours devoted to the
mastery of sheer technique ended in a perform-
ance that left only the play. Here was the exact
opposite of the type casting so familiar on the
Broadway stage. His stress over the years ran all
to the spiritual side of acting. Unless an actor
knew his'part psychically he could not express its
essence by any speech or gesture. The members
of his cast were all virtuosos, and they were
trained until all their virtuosity was forgotten
and they themselves vanished and only the play,
pulsing and speaking, was left.
A great figure upon the world scene, one of
the greatest men of the theater that ever lived,
Stanislavsky came to fame under the Czars and
suffered no diminution in glory under the Soviets.
His passing, ripe in years and rich in honors, is a
reminder of verities that stand all but forgotten
in the present welter of world confusion. But
they can and must return to power if the Wes-
tern World, as it has marched to triumph in the
names of Shakespeare and of Moliee, as of
Bach and Beethoven, is ever to resume its ad-
The Orchestra Speaks
Almost any one who enjoys so-called serious
music ought to enjoy "The Orchestra Speaks,"
by Bernard Shore, first viola of the B.B.C. Sym-
phony Orchestra. Mr. Shore writes informally of
various conductors under whom he has played
-Beecham, Mengelberg, Casals, Harty, Goossens,
Barbirolli, Harrison, Wood, Toscanini, Koussev-
itzky, Coates, Sargent, Boult and about a dozen
others. Some of the names will be unfamiliar to
American readers, but the comments are no
less interesting because of that. Mr. Shore writes
well and is never merely adulatory.
Toscanini, he says, is the one living conductor
of whom all orchestra members seem to approve
-although some of them deplore his fondness
for second-rate Italian music. He works his play-
ers very hard and on occasion flies into fits of
rage, twisting scores in his hands and throwing
his baton to the ground, but he expects no more
than he himself is prepared to give.
During rehearsals, Toscanini is intense in
mood, rapt to the point that he will not even ap-
proach the platform if there is the slightest
sound of tuning. When complete silence has been
established he appears, glances quickly through
the score (the sheet held close to his nose, as he
is extremely near-sighted), gives such special di-
rections as may be necessary and then stands in
deep reflection for a moment or two, "in a char-
acteristic attitude-head slightly bent down, the
baton held upright close to his body, its tip just
touching his chin."
"Then," Mr. Shore contiues, "with his prepar-
atory words in three languages: 'Bien-bitte--al-
lora!' he taps his desk sharply with the baton
and immediately plays as far as possible, not
stopping for minor details, but paving them up
in his head for either an enforced stop or the end
of the exposition of the movement. Most of the
incorrect minor details are reflected by his ex-
pression, or by a click of his tongue. If all goes
well, to his thinking, he does not play it again-
Jfeemrslo Me
H-eywood Broun
In the first chapter of Genesis it is written:-
"And God said, Let us make man to our image
and likeness: and let him have dominion" but
in the third chapter it is set
down that the Lord God said
unto Adam:-"In the sweat
of thy face shalt thou eat
bread till thou return to the
earth out of which thou wast
taken: for dust thou art, and
into dust thou shalt return."
Man functions, therefore;
under divergent auspices. He
is buoyed by a blessing and
cast down by a curse. Sometimes he gets a bit
confused. But it is well for us to remember that
the blessing came first and that it is the better
part. Moreover, the words spoken to Adam are
possibly less an interdiction than a bit of prac-
tical advice. The sons of Adam may still attain
the likeness of God and win dominion over
"every creeping thing that creepeth upon the
earth." But they will have to work for it. The
days of Eden are no more. The earth is no ripe
plum to drop into the lap of the dreamer. And
before man comes into his inheritance he must
stand upon his feet. It is not his privilege to
lord it over creeping things as long as he him-
self crawls on his belly.
End And Beginning
And so I do not think that it is meant for man
to gaze with frightened face upon a troubled
world and lament that here is the beginning of
the end. Many Utopians have lost faith and cry
out, "Civilization as we have known it is being
destroyed." They seem to forget that once they
spoke of a new world and if the old order passes
they should be the last to regret it. But in their
dreams betterment was to be a gentle rain and
not a cloudburst. The lion, they felt, would lie
down with the lamb largely from his own volition.
And so some turn away from their visions and
disown them because it becomes apparent that
the lion will not lie down. He must be pushed or
beaten into submission. This was no part of the
And out of the ranks of an advancing army
some scurry home to wrap themselves in plati-
tudes and reap the rich awards which the'privil-
eged bestow upon prodigals. There are none so
reactionary as the tired radicals and the limp
liberals. And they assail their old comrades in
arms as cruel and wanton because they seek to
turn hopes into realities by grim and stern
But perhaps the true essence of cruelty lies
in the fundamental misconception of Utopia phil-
osophy. Jehovah made man after His likeness.
Out of the dust of the ground he formed him
and then He "breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life; and man became a living soul."
But traces of the mud of the garden still cling
to humankind. Even in life there is a tendency
for dust to return to dust. The soul goes marching
on, but it must force its way through ambuscades
and scale the walls of citadels.
* * *
The Great Days
It has been said that some of these days the
Lord's going to set this world on fire. Perhaps it
has happened. These are the great days. In fifty
years I have never known a time when there
was more to make one conscious of the heroic
determination of men and women to do away
with ancient evils. There is blood and there is
strife, but man marches on. He fights to win
dominion over creeping things. And he seeks to
take on the shape of the image in which he
was created. Not in a day or a week or a year,
but still within the vision of the living he strives
to regain the lost paradise of brotherhood and
And it will be a finer garden even than that
which was called Eden. It will not be a boon from
'heaven, but something man has made with his
own hands and out of his own image. God
breathed into his nostrils back at the dawn of
creation. Now man must give an accounting. He
must answer the query of his creator when the
question comes:-
"What have you done with the 'living soul
within you?"
flails his arms about, whoops with excitement.
Sir Adrian Boult, on the -contrary, stands almost
still on the rostrum. Willem Mengelberg spouts
an endless stream of instruction, sometimes
launching upon a long sermon with his arms
raised in the air at the "ready". His rehearsals
go on and on and on, as if clocks had never been
Mengelberg is meticulous about tuning and
has spent as much as two hours getting a pitch
that suits him. With him the A comes always
from the oboe, the player of which must obedi-
ently stand and pipe in one direction after the
other. Sir Henry Wood's ritual is but slightly
less elaborate; Sir Henry appears with a tuning
fork marked 439 and whacks it near the ear 'of
string player after string player, listening to
the resultant A and saying in nine cases out of
ten, "Too sharp!" He goes through a similar
ceremony with the wood-winds, using a flatter
tuning fork to allow for the cold instruments.
Mr. Shore's remarks on Sir Henry, who is now
in his fiftieth year as a conductor, are particu-
larly amusing. What he has to say about Bee-
cham and the works of Delius, about Kous-
sevitzky's "tyrannical" attitude, and about such
composer-conductors as Vaughan Williams, El-
gar, Kodaly and Prokofieff, will probably prove
of greatest interest to professionals. But his book
as a whole should please a host of professionals
and laymen alike.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to. all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
_ _ _
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10, 1938
The WPA teachers on campus are
specially invited to a tea given by the
American Federation of Teachers on
Wednesday, Aug. 10, from 4:30 to
6 the library oftthe Unitarian
Church, corner of State and Huron
Streets. Other persons interested
in the work of the Federation are
cordially invited.
Faculty. School of Education: An
important meeting of the regular
faculty of the School of Education
will be held Wednesday, Aug. 10, at
of Reconciliation Wednesday evening,
9 p.m., Lane Hall.
Extension Courses. Bulletins listing
the courses to be offered by the!
University Extension Service during
the first semester of 1938-1939 are
now available at' the Extension of-
fice, 107 Haven Hall.
Summer Session French Club: The
last meeting of the club will take
place on Thursday, Aug. 11. There
will be a banquet at 6:30 p.m. in
the "Second Floor Terrace Room"
of the Michigan Union.
The French Consul of Detroit will.
3 p.m. in 1430 U.E.S. be the guest of honor. Mme. Charles
-- E. Koella will sing some French songs
Chemistry Lecture. The seventh in and Dr. Didier Graeffe will play a
the series of Chemistry leciures will sonatine by Ravel.
be given by Professor F. F. Blicke on The members who have not yet
signed up for the banquet please do
Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 4:15 p.m. in so before noon Wednesday by teic-
the amphitheatre of the Horace H. phoning Mr. Koella, 3923 or Univ.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies. 405. Those who have signed up and
Subject: Developments in Synthetic cannot come please telephone also.
Drugs. All interested are invited.
for the summer contest must be in
the Hopwood -Room at 4:30 p.m. on
Friday afternoon, Aug. 12.
Students in Literature, Science and
the Arts, Architecture, Education,
Music, Tentative lists of August grad-
uates are posted on the bulletin board
in Room 4, University Hall. Please
report any errors, omissions or cor-
rections to the Counter Clerk, Room
4, University Hall.
Approved Houses for Women: Sign-
out slips for the second three weeks
of the Summer Session, July 17
through August 6, must be left in the
Undergraduate Office by Friday, Aug.
Candidates for Masters degree in
Psychology. The comprehensive ex-
amination v: ill be given Saturday,
Aug. 13, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Room.
4129, Natural ac. nee.
Engineering Seniors: .he diploma
application must be filled cut before
Aug. 17 for graduation after 2ummner
Notice to all School of Music mem-
bers, faculty, husbands and wives of
the same. There will be an informal
supper-dance at the Michigan League
Ballroom, Monday evening, Aug. 15 at
6 p.m. Tickets 50 cents on sale now
at Michigan League Information desk
or see Leah Lichtenwalter or Ernest
(Continued on Page 3)
Luncheon of the Graduate Confer-
ence on Renaissance Studies, Wednes-
day, Aug. 10, 12:15 p.m. at the Michi-
gan Union. Professor Hereward T.
Price will speak on "The Influence of
the Compositor on Grammar in Eng-
land during the 16th and 17th Cen-
turies." Make reservations at the
English office, 3221 Angell Hall.
Linguistic Institute Lecture, 7:30
p.m., Wednesday. Professors Willey
and Strong will discuss "The Thories
of the Lautverschiebung from an
Anatomical Point of View."
Lecture by Prof. T. Luther Purdom,
"The Demands and the Placement of
Teachers," this afternoon at 4:05 in
the University High School Audito-
Women Students: The Union Pool
will be open for recreational swim-
ming for women on Tuesday and
Wednesday from 7:30 to 8:30 in the
"The Very Blue Danube" will be the
subject of Prof. P. W. Slosson's lec-
ture this afternoon at 4:30 in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham Bldg.
The Michigan Dames will meet for
bridge in the Grand Rapids room
of the Michigan League Wednesday
at 2 p.m. Wives of students and in-
ternes are invited. Auction and con-
tract bridge will be played.
Fellowship of Reconciliation: There
will be a meeting of the Fellowship
Guidance Banquet: Thursday, Aug.
11 at 6 p.m. on the third floor of the
Michigan League, 75 cents. All those
interested in the results of some
research work in guidance and per-
sonnel problems are invited. Phone
reservations before noon on Thurs-
day to Miss Ingram, Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 4121.
Hopwood Contest. All manuscripts
Classified Directory
SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no markings. All work guaranteed.
LOST-Black Conklin fountain
Name, H. R. Lillie, on pen.
Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sex darned.
Careful work at low price. 5x
TYPING - Experienced. Reasonable
rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood
TYPING -,Neatly and accurately
done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St.
Dial 5244. 2x
LOST: Man's wallet, containing $5
and personal paper. Vicinity of Law
Library. J. Fred Colombo, 1912
Geddes Ave. Phone 23171.
WANTED-Passengers to Utah or in-
termediate points. Share expenses.
Leave Aug. 20. Route for passengers
convenience. Ph. 8900. Tom Broad-
FOR RENT by month or semester,
excellent Vagabond house trailer.
21 feet, equipped, sleeps four. Avail-
able Sept. 25. Write T. E. Dunlap,
1345 Wilmot St. . 65x
TYPING-Theses and reports typed
neatly and accurately. Near cam-.
pus. Reasonable. Call 6192. 68x
Church, N. Fourth Ave. Rudolph
Von Charlton, graduate student,
Thursday, August 11, 8:15. Assisted
by Geraldine Boland Watts. 67x
one to sell. 40% discount.rHudson
Sales, Ypsilanti, 100 E. Cross St,,
Ph. 413. 69x
FOR SALE: Corona Portable. Me-
chanically and in appearance it is
like new. $20 Phone 3917.
ILandla dies ... remember the
Times quotes a Chandler supporter as remark-
ing, "We oughta known we couldn't beat Roose-
velt.' Mr. Patledge asserts that "there was
no begging of the issue as Kentuckians on both
sides of the race sought to appraise its result.
It was a contest between . . . the personalities of
President Roosevelt apd 'Happy' Chandler .
The result naturally was interpreted as a smash-
ing victory for Mr. Roosevelt."
The term "personalities," however, scarcely
covers the issue involved. As the President told
the nation in his fireside talk before the primary
swing, his object in intervening in state elec-
tion contests was to draw the distinction be-
tween liberal and conservative candidates where,
as in Kentucky, a clear distinction existed. He
felt compelled to do this because of the back-
sliding of many Democratic leaders who have
paid only lip service to the liberal party plat-
form of the 1936 convention.
To date, only one candidate indorsed by Mr.
Roosevelt has suffered defeat. Rep. Maury May-
erick, a militant progressive, lost the nomination
in the Texas primary by a few hundred votes.
His defeat can be traced directly to the opposi-
tion of William Green, president of the Ameri-
can Federation of Labor, who said he considered
Maverick pro-CIO, and who actively opposed his
renomination in spite of Maverick's good labor
record in the House.
Mr. Green's position in the campaign is diffi-
cult to fathom. As far as can be ascertained from
his own utterances, he is intent on opposing
every candidate indorsed by Labor's Non-Parti-
san League, the CIO political organization, with-
out rega'd for the record of the candidate in-
volved. Inasmuch as pro-labor congressmen are
ordinarily also pro-New Deal, and anti-labor
congressmen anti-New Deal, it stands to reason
that Labor's Non-Partisan League and the
President will find themselves in agreement on
the merits of most candidates. Mr. Green, on the
other hand, by opposing all candidates sup-
ported by the League, 'must necessarily oppose
sone supported by the President.
It is not yet certain whether or not Mr. Roose-
velt will intervene in the Georgia primary, where
Senator George, a typical southern Tory of the
Carter Glass variety, has been given a "D" rating,
the lowest grade possible, by the Labor League,
and consequently endorsed "100 per cent" by
Mr. Green. Senator George is at present engaged
in casting apprehensive glances in the direction
of the Presidential party coming up through
Florida from the Gulf and trying rather shame-
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