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August 10, 1938 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-10

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Continued warm with no relief
in sight; possibly rains in south.





The Primaries In
Kentucky and Georgia

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Highway Planning
AccentedAt Parley

Relation Between Road's
Width And Accident Rate
Explained By Steinbaugh
County Man's Job
Told By Wehmeyer
Farsighted road and highway plan-
ning, as well as the judicious employ-
ment of safety accessories, were cited
yesterday by speakers in the after-
noon session of the National Institute
for Traffic Safety Training as being
major factors in the reduction of
accidents, and urged upon all for-
ward looking states.
Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the
College of Engineering, 'chairman of
the session on The Road," introduced
Vaahum B. Steinbaugh, deputy com-
missioner and chief engineer of the
Michigan State Highway Department,
and J. H. Wehmeyer, safety engineer
of the Wayne County Road Commis-
sion, Detroit, the speakers in the
Discusses Road Design
Mr. Steinbgaugh discussed the re-
lation of road design and highway
planning to accident proclivity. "From
the operation of a highway system
there is obtained both a useful end-
product, transportation, and a waste-
ful by-product, accidents," he said.
"The greater the volume of opera-
tions, in terms of traffic, the greater
too is this by-product. In the proper
design of highways for modern mo-
toring and for the motoring of the
future, there must be scientific effort
to correct this inefficiency in opera-
tion 'by eliminating the physical flaws
which produce accidents. It is pre-
dicted that Michigan traffic in 1960
will be double that of 1936. There
must be no such multiplication of
the by-product."
"Studies of accident records," Mr.
Steinbaugh pointed out, "reveal the
rural trunklines of Michigan have
produced an average of one-third the
annual fatal accident total for the
state. A planned and purposeful pro-
gram to head off this persistent in-
crease in fatal accidents on the rural
trunklines must be based on the lo-
cation of hazards as expressed by
'the location and number of mishaps,
and upon the types of hazards, as at-
tested by the types of mishaps. In
other words, the accident pattern
should serve as a guide in a planned
program of designing for safety."
Fatal Crashes Concentrated
There is a startling geographic con-
centration of fatal accidents in the
state, according to Mr. Steinbaugh.
Three cities, Flint, Grand Rapids and
Detroit, have 33 per cent of all fatal
accidents, he said, while rural trunk-
lines account for another third; and
the area within a three-mile radius of
large cities are responsible for 21 per
cent of the fatal accident total.
"These geographical studies of ac-
cident occurence, he said, point to
where concentration of effort must
be made to strike at the heart of the
accident problem in our moderniza-
tion program."
The speaker explained the signifi-
cance of the "between-intersections"
type of pedestrian accident and its re-
lation to ultimate road design. He
pointed out that the relationship be-
tween the two-lane highway, the
three-lane highway, the four-lane
highway, and the ideal four-lane di-
vided boulevard type highway was
graphically indicated by accident re-
ports and statistics.
The location and the nature of in-
efficient operating conditions on the
rural trunkline system have been de-
termined," Mr. Steinbaugh said. "The
main problem has been narrowed to
a small mileage of highways, particu-
larly at the limits of cities. It is here,
then, that modern and far-sighted
(Continued on Page 4

Arkansas' Dems
Put Caraway Ahead
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Aug. 9.-(')-
Sen. Hattie W. Caraway-old friend
to President Roosevelt-held a lead
of 1,400 votes tonight in returns from
526 of.2,002 precincts in today's Dem-
ocratic primary.
The woman Senator had 18,827
votes against 17,499 for Rep. John L.
McClellan of the sixth district, who
told the voters the Senate job was "a
man's job." World War Veteran J.
Rosser Venable was running far be-
hind these two, with 514 votes.
A nip and tuck battle had de-
veloped in the governor's race.

Fleas Are Starred
In New Scientific
Experiments Here
Fleas, just fleas of the familiar
plebian variety, have been dignified
here by the physics department, by
giving the little devils an important
role in a new demonstration tech-
The idea seems to be to use the
fleas to help make visible the famous
"zitterbewegung" of the electron, de-
veloped originally out of research car-
ried on at the University. The fleas,
apparently conscious of their scienti-
fic importance, seem to resent bitterly
the disdainful remarks which the ab-
stract mathematicians have beena
making about them, and in at least
one case, have retaliated in their own
inimitable way, converting that mem-
ber of the faculty to a more respect-
ful attitude, according to reports.
In spite of the pugnacious attitude+
developed by the fleas, results of ex-
periments have been highly encourag-+
ing. New light has been thrown on
the excitation of molecules and even+
living organisms, and a better picture
has been bbtained of living conditions
in the interior of hot stars. The7
results of these experiments will be
discussed by Prof. H. A. Kramers of7
the Physics Symposium, at 7:30 p.I
m. tomorrow in a public lecture to be
held in the amphitheater of the;
Rackham building, with the fleas1
playing in supporting roles.
1 , e1
Doctors Claim
Owosso Plague
Under Control
Wave Of Shiga Dysentery
Abating After Causing
Deaths Of Six People1
OWSSO, Aug. 9.-(G)-Physicians
expressed the belief today that an
outbreak of Shiga dysentery was
abating,kafter taking six lives, but a
relentless search was continued for
the source of the infection.
Nine cases have definitely been
diagnosed as "Shiga," most deadly
of the dysenteries, since the Oriental
malady was discovered here late in
July. Fourteen other cases are un-
der suspicion in addition to 41 cases
of "ordinary" dysentery.
Doctors working to combat the
disease were encouraged by the fact
that no deaths have occurred since
Thursday and that no new case has
been definitely diagnosed as "Shiga"
since Saturday.
Among 12 pateints under treatment
in Memorial Hospital were Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Laza, whose five-year-
old son was the fifth child to die of
the virulent disease. Thus far, how-
ever, the illness of the parents has
been diagnosed only as dysentery and
their conditions are not considered
Dr. Don W. Gudakunst, state health
commissioner, told Owosso physicians
that the Owosso city water had been
found to be pure. He recommended,
however, that all other water in the
vicinity and all milk be boiled before
Only two of the nine cases of
"Shiga" were Owosso residents, the
other seven being residents of a rural
area. That led physicians to believe
that the source of the infection lay
outside the city.
Dr. Gudakunst advocated immedi-
ate steps to clean up a colony in the
northwestern outskirts of the county
inhabited by 50 families of Mexican
beet field workers, although he said
the "Shiga" infection had not been

traced to that area.
FDR Sidesteps Politics
To Discuss Fishing Trip
PENSACOLA, Fla., Aug. 9-(P)-
President Roosevelt returned to the
United States today-full of conver-
sation about his fishing trip and not
very talkative about politics.
The chief executive, who left San
Diego, Cal.,in mid-July on a search
for fighting fish of both oceans, held
a press conference aboard the Cruis-
er Houston before disembarking for

Bulkley Leads
Dems In Ohio
Primary Vote
Republicans Wage A Close
Fight With Robert Taft
LeadingArthur H. Day
Returns Forecast
Defeat For Davey
COLUMBUS, O., Aug. 9-(/P)-Rob-
ert Johns Bulkley, a Harvard class-
mate who became pne of Franklin
D. Roosevelt's staunchest supporters
in the Senate, headed for Demo-
cratic renomination tonight.
Bulkley, mild-mannered, 58-year-
old Clevelander who'has been in the
Senate since 1930, held a strong lead
over George White, former governor,
in scattered returns from today's pri-
Reports from 309 of the state's
8,601 precincts gave: Bulkley 12,162;
White, 6,276.
A tight race developed for the
Republican nomination, with 348 pre-
cincts giving Arthur H. Day, State
supreme court judge, 8,673 and Rob-
ert A. Taft, Cincinnati lawyer 10,736.
Returns from 639 precincts indi-
cated a defeat for Gov. Martin L.
Davey, outspoken foe of John L.
Lewis. Charles Sawyer, Cincinnati
lawyer and Democratic National
Committeeman, had 38,417 votes to
Davey's 25,221 for the Democratic
gubernatorial nomination and the
right to oppose John W. Bricker, un-
opposed for the Republican nomina-
Robert A. Taft, son of the late
President William Howard Taft, and
Supreme Court Judge Arthur H.
Day awaited in Cincinnati and Cleve-
land, respectively, the results of their
intensive battle for the senatorial
selection. Day charged that Taft tried
to "buy" the nomination, and Taft
accused Day of "mud-slinging."
Democrats turned out strong to de-
cide between Gov. Martin L. Davey,
seeking a third term, and Democratic
National Committeeman Charles
Sawyer, for the governorship nomina-
tion. Davey described Sawyer as a
"puppet" for John L. Lewis' Commit-
tee for Industrial Organization, while
Sawyer asserted that "graft and cor-
ruption" marked Davey's regime.
Davey cast his ballot at Kent, Saw-
yer at Cincinnati.
Twenty Executives
See Business Rise
NEW YORK, Aug. 9-1P)-Twenty
business executives in diversified lines
in various cities reported a general
feeling of business betterment now
and hope for further improvement
this fall, in a survey made public
today by George A. Sloan, chairman
of the Consumers Goods Industries
(This committee was organized in
1934, during NRAhdays, at the request
of Gen. Hugh Johnson as one of two
general committees representing the
5,000 code authority members. The
other committee, the Durable Goods
Committee, subsequently went out of
existence. The Consumers Goods In-
dustries Committee, at the passing of
NRA, urged consumers industries not
to lower wages or lengthen hours,
and, according to Mr. Sloan "met
with a fine response." The committee
members serve voluntarily at their
own expense.)

To' McMillin
Defeats Kipke
For Star Coach
CHICAGO, Aug. 9.-()-Alvin "Bo
McMillin of Indiana University, one
of football's most distinguished fig-
ures, is the people's choice to direct
the Collegiate All-Stars against the
Washington Redskins, champions of
the National Professional League, in
the Fifth Annual Charity Game at
Soldier Field the night of Aug. 31.
The game annually attracts an at-
tendance of more than 80,000.
'McMillin's assistants will be Harry
Kipke, former head coach at Michi-
gan; Raymond "Ducky" Pond of Yale,
Elmer Layden of Notre Dame, and A.
J. Robertson of Bradley Tech, who
finished in the order named.
These gridiron leaders won their
places in the greatest popularity con-
test in the history of the sport. A total
of 16,451,409 first place votes were
cast in the poll, conducted by the
Chicago Tribune andu150Associated
newspapers. McMillin drew 4,982,478.
Last year's contest polled 6,844,872
first place votes.
The huge total was attributed to
organized support for McMillin and
Kipke. Indiana students, alumni and
friends, as well as admirers in Ken-
tucky, Texas, Kansas, Louisiana, Il-
linois and Pennsylvania, where he
either played or coached, have been
campaigning for McMillin for months.
Displaced as head coach at the
University ofkMichigan, Kipke won
the solid backing of Michigan fol-
lowers throughout the country. These
included his successor, Fritz Crisler,
and his old chief, Fielding H. Yost.
His total was 4,343.119.
Layden's vote was a tribute to the
esteem in which he is held by the
fans. Robertson,-has the distinction of
being the first coach from a so-called
small school to land a place on the
All-Star staff.
The coaching staff and its squad of
67 players will report at Northwestern
University Friday for 19 days of train-
ing in preparation for Sammy Bough
and his Redskins.
Speaker Lands
Clear Thinking,
Sense Of Unity
Stephenson Claims Both
Are Main Objectives Of
Social Science Teachers
An increasing ability to think crit-
ically and independently andeanap-
preciation of the interdependence of
all human beings, were designated
yesterday by Prof. O. W. Stephenson
of the School of Education as cardinal
aims for teachers of social studies.
Declaring that boys and girls can-
not be divided into intelligence
groups in thesocial studies courses,
since it is quite likely that some dull-
nor l students are better citizens
which he believes can help teachers
develop desirable social attitudes in
all students.
Awareness of the social relation-
ships, problems and values of group
life is a trait that is especially de-
sirable to inculculcate in children
who live in a democracy, Professor
Stepuhenson said, adding that to-
gether with this should go an in-
crease in the teaching of cooperative
practices in solving group and com-
munity problems.

Loyalists Carve
Deep Salient In
The Northeast
Government Troops Stage
Sharp Attack On 14-Mile
Franco-Catalan Border
Prisoners, Supplies
Taken In Advance
HENDAYE, France (At the Span-
ish Frontier, Aug. 9.-()-A Govern-
ment army began another unheralded
offensive on the Catalan front in
Northeastern Spain today when
troops crossed the Segre River be-
tween Lerida and Balaguer and ad-
vanced "deep" into Insurgent terri-
Dispatches reaching the border said
militiamen crossed the river by pon-
toon bridges about sundown, sur-
prising Insurgent General Franco's
forces north of Lerida and south of
the bridgehead which they held at
The drive apparently was over a
front of about 14 miles.
If able to hold the conquered ter-
ritory on the western side of the river
and establish strong defense lines,
the Government would duplicate its
feat of July 25 when militiamen be-
gan a surprise attack farther south,
crossed the Ebro River and ad-
vanced in a southwesterly direction
12 miles to the outskirts of Gandesa.
The Lerida-Balaguer front has seen
little activity since the Insurgent
spring offensive which resulted in
splitting Government Spain by a
drive to the sea.
At that time Government forces
halted the Insurgent offensive behind
the strong Ebro-Segre line.
Before the new advance was an-
nounced, a series of hard-fought at-
tacks by General Jose Miaja's cen-
tral forces against Insurgent de-
fenses from Albarracin to the Teruel-
Sagunto road had indicated a gen-
eral offensive was gaining momen-
tum in that sector.
The objective of the Segre Rier
offensive apparently was the rich
provincial capital of Lerida.
Dispatches from Barcelona said
Government forces captured many
prisoners and seized vast quantities
of war material of all sorts.
It was indicated stubborn resis-
tance was met, which was quickly
crushed, however, by the sheer power
of the attack.
Japs Planning
Pacif icAirline
Proposed Service To Meet
ClipperAt Guam
Japan is preparing plans for an air
service to connect with the Pan
American Clipper service at Guam,
the Department of Commerce office
here reported today.
Cabled reports from the American
commercial attache at Tokyo said an
appropriation of nearly $2,000,000
will be sought in next year's budget
for a line which would cross the
Clipper trans-Pacific route in mid-
Pacific, and continue over a long
route through the Mandated Islands.
The service would start at Tokyo,
and connect with Palau in the Caro-
line Islands, and Jaluit in the Mar-
shall Islands, nearly 3,000 miles east-
ward. Palau is a few hundred miles
east of Mindanao, southernmost of

the Philippines,.
Indicated plans call for inaugura-
tion of the new service next summer,
the attache's report said.
Slosson Offers
Danube Lecture
Austrian Annexation Topic
Of Today's Discussion
Prof. P. W. Slosson of the history
department will speak on the topic,
"The Very Blue Danube," at 4:30
p.m. today in the Rackham Auditori-
The annexation of Austria, the
jeopardy of Czechoslovakia, the Ger-
man drive to the east and south with
the possibility of garnering prestige
and power in Yugoslavia, Roumania,
and other Balkan countries will fur-
nish the material for Professor Slos-
son's evaluation of the present po-

Soviet Heavy Guns
Pound 4-Mile Jap
Front To Shambles


20,000 Troops
Reinforce Japs
Yangtze Front
SHANGHAI, Aug. 10.-(Wednes-
day)--(P)----Twenty thosuand Ja-
panese reinforcements were ordered
today to the Yangtze River battle
front where sharp Chinese counter-
attacks had stalled the Japanese
drive on Hankow, China's provin-
cial capital.
The troops were on their way from
Hofei, Anhwei Province capital, to
Kiukiang, Yangtze River port and
Japanese advance base 150 miles to
the southwest of Anhwei and 135
miles downstream from Hankow.
Twenty-five miles north of Kiu-
kiang Chinese forces assaulting Ja-
panese at Hwangmei said 6,000 Ja-
panese were encircled but that Chi-
nese could not dislodge them because.
it was impossible to bring up artillery
in the flooded Yangtze Valley area.
Chinese also struck at Susung, 20
miles east of Hwangmei, and Taihu,
35 miles north of the encircled town.
With Yangtze waters receding and
reinforcements on the way, however,
Japanese were expected to intensify
their drive on Hankow in the near
future. Japanese planes yesterday
raided Chinese air bases at Kian and
Changshuchen in Kiangsi Province,
reporting "serious damage to military
Despite severe fighting the situa-
tion on the south bank of the stream
was virtually unchanged, with Chi-
nese holding fast just south of Sha-
hochen, 10 miles south of Kiukiang,
and at Shuichang, 12 miles west.
Martin Outlines_
Plans For Ford
Company Local
Claims Membership Totals
'Several Thousands';
ExpelledQuartet Surly
DETROIT, Aug. 9--(Pm)- Homer
Martin, international president of
the United Automobile Workers, an-
nounced today the chartering of a
new Ford Local with a claimed mem-
bership of "several thousand," and
deprecated threats of four expelled
officers to force him to call a special
He said that "Ford Local No. 600"
would include employes of the Ford
Motor Company's Rouge and Lincoln,
plants and Ford plants in several
Detroit suburbs. The claim of "sev-
eral thousand" members was some-
what in conflict with a recent state-
ment by a member of the UAW Ford
Organizing Committee that the
Committee had been disbanded.
Expelled Four Make Threat
Martin said that the efforts of four
expelled officers, Richard T. Frank-
ensteen, Wyndham Mortimer, George
F. Addes and Ed Hall, to call a "na-
tional conference" of UAW local
presidents at Toledo next Saturday
did not have the approval of the
The avowed purpose of the Toledo
conference was to launch a campaign
for a special UAW convention to elect
new officers.
No Petitions Filed
Martin said that "not a single peti-
tion for a legal special convention
has been accepted by the UAW." Un-
der the Union's constitution, five
locals in at least three different states
must file petitions for a referendum

on a special convention. The special
convention then would be called only
if approved in the referendum. There
is a further provision that 25 per
cent of the total membership as certi-
fied at the last general convention
must participate in such a referen-
dum. That would require the votes
of approximately 100,00 paid-up
The debate between six high
school debate coaches represent-
- _,-_ _ . -%- 4 f - - r_ T2 - - .

Warfare In Dead Earnest
Begins; Russians Prove
Accuracy Of Artillery
Hundreds of Shells
Score Direct Hits
YUKI, Korea (Near the Siberian
Frontier), Aug. 9-)--Soviet heavy
artillery pounded the whole four-
mile Japanese front today.
The battle was the most intensive
smice the current border trouble
started July 11.
It was warfare in dead earnest. It
seemed unlikely that men could re-
main alive under such shelling. Six-
inch projectiles came over at the
rate of at least six a minute.
Today's cannonade removed all
doubt in the minds of observers as to
the accuracy of Soviet artillery. In-
variably one or two sighting shots
were followed by a sries of direct
hits which continued until the shell-
ing had shifted to another point.
Village Blazes Fiercely -
At the foot of Changkufeng Hill
a village blazed fiercely. Hundreds
of shells had scored direct hits. On
the Korean side of the Tumen river
only one spot was the target of
Soviet guns in the afternoon bom-
bardment, a hill which was struck by
probably 30 big shells.
Both Soviet and Japanese machine-
gun and rifle fire was heard early in
the afternoon. Then Soviet guns
started a bombardment of "Hill $2"
at the southern foot of Changkufeng.
Approximately 30 shells landed on
the height.
Japs Face Tank Charge
From "Hill 52," a half mile to the
south, a battery of Japanese moun-
tain guns began firing to the east,
apparently against a Soviet tank
Then the Russians laid down a blan-
ket of fire along this hillcrest. After
a half-hour's bombardment the for-
merly green rise was scarred and
smoking from the impact of at least
150 heavy shells.
Moscow Remains Tense
MOSCOW, Aug. 9.-(G)-The gov-
ernment of the Soviet Union tonight
kept a watchful eye on the Chang-
kufeng incident and continued prep-
arations for a vigorous defense of its
territory if the conflict should out-
grow its present vest pocket limita-
Inasmuch as there still was danger
that diplomatic conversations might
fail, there was no tendency to dis-
courage patriotic expressions of de-
fiance toward Japan in mass meet-
ings and resolutions,in all parts of the
Soviet Union.
Unnecessary stirring up of popular
indignation by frequent bulletins from
the 4,000-mile-distant zone of con-
flict, however, was avoided. The last
military communique came on Sun-
(Continued on Page 3)
German Club
Banquet Today
Event Concludes Summer
Session's Activities
Deutscher Verein concludes its
summer session at 7p. m. today in the
Hussey Room of the League with a
grand banquet open to allstudents of
German, members of the faculty and
others interested in the language.
Admission will be one dollar.
Included on the program"are Miss'
Ruth Nelson, Grad., who will present
the violin selections: "Liebelied,"by

Sammartini-Elman and "Spanish
Dance," by Burleigh; Melvin Geist,
Grad., who will render two groups of
modern German lieder and Mrs. Otto
Graf who will play the French Suite
in G major; by Johann Bach. Prof.
Henry W. Nordmeyer, head of the
German department, will address the
Assembly singing will be under the
direction of Vernon B. Kellet, Grad.,
social director of the Deutscher Ver-
Arrangements for the banquet have
been under the direction of M. M.

Meader Outlines Development
Of Child's LinguisticAbilities

Significance Of Earliest
Speech Activities Told
To Luncheon Meeting
In support of the position that the
customary study of speech by the
processes of analysis and synthesis
must be supplemented by close ob-
servation of the whole process of em-
ergence of speech in the individual,
Dr. Mary Helen Meader yesterday
outlined to members of the Linguis-
tic Institute luncheon conference the
significance of observed steps of lin-
guistic development in the infant. t
At the beginning of her discussion
Dr. Meader laid down the axioms that
speech is an activity of the whole
organism and that it is a result of
the emerging specificity of the or-
ganism. How closely speech is related
to the very beginnings of the life of
the organism was explained by the
speaker, whose own research has pro-

ual's speech are established, said Dr.
Meader, during the first three months
of gestation. The first linguistic units
are the cries that immediately follow
birth, of which twenty-four different
varietis have been observed before
the infant is onehour old.
The first speech sounds to develop
are those that grow out of sucking
movements and then those fromkthe
swallowing motions, it was explained.
All the vowels and some of the con-
sonants, with the voiceless conson-
ants appearing prior to the voiced,
make their appearance during the
first six months, although such a
consonant as "s", which requires
great muscular tension, can not or-
dinarily be produced until the child
is almost four years old.
Next, according to Dr. Meader,
comes the formation of simple words,
and then, with the moment of self-
awareness which the gestaltists call
"the moment of insight," follows
the emergence of meaning as a fac-
tor in communication.


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