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August 07, 1938 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-08-07

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Mel Fineberg
(Continued from Page 3)
forehand. But he started talking
to someone else and seemed to forget
all about me."
S-. * r *
High And Mighty .. .
This attitude is typical of the
solons who rule American ama-
teur tennis. It's the same reac-
tionary, or at least ultra-con-
servative attitude which made
them refuse Bill Tilden's offer to
help train potential Davis Cup
youngsters. It's the same attitude
which tried to make Don Budge
believe that it was his patriotic
duty to defend the Davis Cup for
the United States and to forego
the dollars that professional ten-
nis could give him.
It's the same philosophy which has
had them fight the professional ten-
nis groups when the men who were
in' it had been the ones who had
given the Association its bread and
butter a few years before. Men like
Tilden, Hunter, Vines and Stoefen.
It's the same conservatism which has
made them balk at open tennis tour-
naments, an attraction which would
give tennis fans the best competition
Their attitude has always been
"if there's any credit, to be taken
we'll take it. If there's any fault to
be found, find it' with the players."
And that's the outlook that has gov-
" rned tennis in this country, an out-
look which has done American tennis
little good.
Mr. McLemore promises us an-
other installment in what he calls
"the mystery of the Davis Cup
prospect."' Let's hope it cracksm
down on the formidable, auto-
cratic tennis hierarchy known of-
ficially as the United States Lawn
Tennis Association. Lord knows
it needs cracking down on.
(Continued from Page 3)
cannot come please telephone also.
Michigan Repertory Players Sup-
per: In celebration of the conclusion
of the 10th anniversary season of
the Michigan Reportory Players, there
will be a Sunday night supper served
in the Michigan League at 5:15 on
Sunday, Aug. 14. All of the partici-
pants in the plays of this summer will
be present on this occasion and an in-
formal entertainment is being ar-
ranged. Students, members of the
faculty, and Ann Arbor residents who
are interested in the work of the
Michigan Repertory Players are in-
vited to attend.
Tickets for the supper are 65 cents
each and may be obtained at the main
desk of the Michigan League or at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box of-
fice. Please secure your tickets as
early as possible.
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schols
of Education, Forestry and Music:
Each student who has changed his
address since June registration should
file a change of address in boom 4
U.H. so that the report of his sum-
mer work will not be misdirected.
Registrants of Bureau of Appoint-
ments: Persons registered in the Bu-
reau should leave a change of ad-

dress notification at 201 Mason Hall
before leaving campus. Hours: 9-12;
2-4 p.m. daily, 9-12 only on Saturday.
University. Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Students who expect to complete
the requirements for the master's de-
gree at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion must file diploma application by
Tuesday, Aug. 9 in the office of the
Graduate School.
Students in Literature, Science and
the Arts, Architecture, Education,
Music, Tentative lists of August grad-
uates are posted on the bulletin board
in Room 4, University Hall. Please
report any errors, omissions or cor-
rections to the Counter Clerk, Room
4, University Hall.

News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures

Worried by wildness of batting practice pitchers, Byron Moser (with bat
), St Louis banker, and A. F. Howe developed this robot hurler which
throws four balls a minute and can be adjusted so that speed and height
pitches are regulated.

Use Hard Cash
To Get Balkans
(Continued from Page 1)
as customers of the Danubian-Bal-
kan countries."
Instead he said it was intended to
improve natural trade and as a step
toward possibly rising international
trade generally.
But Stanhope's comments on the
workings of Nazi-Fascist controlled
economy showed how British policy
extended to other countries might
free them from the political grasp of
Germany and Italy.
In sending goods to Germany and
Italy, other countries are forced to
take credits which can be liquidated
only by taking Italian and German
goods in exchange. In trading with
Britain and France they can get cash
for their goods.
Unless British and French money
is poured in, the smaller countries,
one British commentator said, would
"be losing their economic freedom
and beginning to put a mortgage on
the political freedom likewise."
Such Anglo-French action promises
to resound throughout Central Eur-
ope and the Near East since Turkey
is linked with Greece, Yugoslavia and
Rumania in the Balkan Entente
which now has started a treaty of
* Rumania and Yugoslavia too are
linked with harassed Czechoslovakia
where Britain's most important mid-
European economic venture yet may
take place.
With Viscount Runciman sent by
the British to Praha as unofficial
mediator in Czechoslovakia's dispute
with her Sudeten German minority,
is smiling stocky F. T. A. Ashton-
Gwatkin an expert diplomatist and
head of the British Foreign Office's
economic section.
"He will be able to get an idea
just what the British can do to help
Czechoslovakia economically," said
a well-informed source.
Significance of Ashton-Gwatkin's
presence was enhanced by the fact
Germany can strangle land-locked
Czechoslovakia economically b y
blocking her normal tradeschannels
though post-war treaties g a v e
Czechoslovakia access to German

One good turn deserves another, the U. S. army seems to have decided, adding another blade to a Curtis
pursuit plane, being put through experimental tests at Wright Field in Dayton Ohio. The plane carries a dual
rotating propellor.

'Finders are Keepers' had areverse meaning at Vienna zoo where this monkey-probably tired of having
pictures taken-made a quick grab for the camera's wire finder and kept it; at least, long enough to spell that
particular shot.

Big moment for Ben McMillan, a tobacco farmer whose life is ordered
by two steadfast rules, long hours and hard work, came when he got a
check at Moultrie, Ga., for 1938 crop of the golden leaves.

I U ii



Like a greased pig, First Baseman Fletcher of the Boston Bees slid easily through legs of Cincinnati Catcher
Lombardi to score in a recent game at Boston. Umpire Stark is calling the runner safe.

worship at 10:45 o'clock. Rev. Earl
Phelps Sawyer will preach on the
theme: "The Power and the Glory."
The Choir will sing "Now the Powers
of' Heaven" by Arkhangelsky and
"Legend'" by Tschaikowsky. Achilles
Taliaferro will be at the organ.
Episcopal Student Group: Picnic
Sunday night at Loch Alpine.i Cars
will leave the church (306 N. Division)
at 5:30 p.m. Supper 35 cents. Swim-
ming and baseball.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy Communion, 11 a.m. Holy
Communion and address by the Rev.
Frederick W. Leech.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Avenue.
Dr. Nicholas S. Sichterman of Port
Huron, will be the guest preacher at
the morning worship service at 10:45.
He has chosen for his topic, "The
Treasures of Darkness." Dr. Healey
Willan at the console and directing
the choir. The musical numbers will
include: Organ Prelude, Chorale Pre-
lude, "Leave Us Not" by Karg-Elert;
Anthem, "How Blest Are They" 'by
Tschaikowsky; Solo, "Green Pastures"
by Sanderson, Donn Chown; Organ
Postlude, "Fugue in D Minor" by
The supper for summer school stu-
dents will be held as usual at 5:30
p.m. Immediately following the sup-
per Dr. Clarence D. Thorpe of the
English Department of the University
will speak on the topic, "Poetry and
Stalker Hall. Student class at 9:45-
a.m. under the leadership of Prof.
John Worley.
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
This will be an opportunity to learn

I' v


a 4




Some women Jet dollars run wild
till they find Kayser "Mir-O-Kleer"
hosiery. Then they stop wandering
andl pledge steady
allegiance to this
queen 'of hosiery-
Kayser's lovely, strong
"Mir-O-K leer."

Factory Closeout of Brand New
Remington Portables,
The Standard $54.50 Models
Plus Sales Tax


Limited Supply

*To Those Interested in qualifying
as applicants for the Ed. D. Degree:
Those who wish to qualify for the
Ed. D. degree in Education, and thus1
become an applicant for this degree,
will report to Room 4200 University
High School, for the qualifying ex-
amination at 1 o'clock, either on Sat-'
urday afternoon, Aug. 6, or on Mon-a
day afternoon, Aug. 8. This is not aj
subject-matter examination 'and no
special preparation will be expected.
First Baptist Church. 512 E. Huron.
Sunday, 10:45 a.m. Rev. Robert Morris
Theological Supervisor for the group
of ministerial students doing clinical
service at the University Hospital this

For sale in our
store regularly


The Typewriter Opportunity of a Life-Time



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