AUG 7, 1938
- - -
. ..
Mel Fineberg
O'f Frank Kovacs ...
HE CASE of Frank Kovacs vs.
George Hudson is one which is
typical of the U.S.L.T.A.
Frank Kovacs is an 18 year old
youngster whose chief claim to fame
is his ability to keep on going in ten-
nis tournaments until he meets Bobby
Riggs. But the story goes back five
years ago when Kovacs was a gawky
kid of 13.
George Hudson, tennis coach
of the Berkeley Tennis Club at
Oakland, Calif., and recognized
as one of the better instructors
in the game, saw possibilities in
the legs and arms that was Ko-
vacs and taught him the strok-
inj form that is a prerequisite to
top-notch tennis.
This year Kovacs decided to come
East for a try at big time tennis and
according to Henry McLemore who
broke the story, "he asked Hudson
to come with him; made Hudson
pledge that he would accompany him
every step of the way.
"Hudson, paying his own way,
left the coast with Kovacs early
in June . . . They roomed to-
gether, ate together, played to-
gether. Then they reached Sea
:right, a tournament important
ienough to bring out high U.S.-
L.T.A. officials on the lookout for
Davis Cup material. Kovacs
played magnificently.
"Came that afternoon when a pho-
tographer asked Kovacs and Hudson
to "pose for a picture. Out of a clear
skgy Kovacs refused."
Lated Hudson asked him what
the trouble could be. "All we
could get out of him was that
certain tennis officials had told1
him he positively must not be
seen with me, take any lessons
from me, or travel around with
me. I haven't seen him since."
IHudson inquired among the tennis
authorities "but I got little satisfac-
tion. I talked to Mr. Holcombe Ward
and he told me that Kovacs did not
need my services any longer-that he
was a completely equipped player+
now, and furthermore, if he should
need coaching, the Davis Cup com-
niittee would furnish it. I told him
this was absurd-that Kovacs did
Investigate Campaign Expenditures
Tigers Oast
'Bflack Mike'
As Manager
(Continued from Page 1)
made to Detroit and the Club when
he came here as manager and catcher
five years ago."
Thus came to an end, temporarily
at least, the metoric career of Coch-
rane, who was bought by the late
Frank J. Navin, president of the
Tigers, from the Philadelphia Ath-
letics in 1934 for a reputed price of
Briggs. automobile magnate, was
then a part owner of the club and it
wvas reported he had provided the
fuids with which to buy Cochrane.
Detroit had finished in fifth place
in 1933 uinder Stanley R. Harris, who
resigned to become owner Tom Yaw-
key's first manager of the Boston
Red Sox.
With Cochrane providing the spark
from behind the plate, the Tigers
won the American League pennant in
1934-their first since 1909. The club
lost to the St. Louis Cardinals in a
world series that went the full seven
games. The following year Detroit
repeated and this time Detroit won
the first world championship in the
Club's history by defeating the Chi-
cago Cubs.
ieky Fight
Gives Gift T o Father Divine
Campaigning for facts about expenditure of funds in various state
primaries, Sen. Morris Saeppard (Dem. Texas), chairman of Senate
campaign investigating committee, checks over details with Sen. William
White (Rep., Me.) at right
Shipshape gift for Father Divine, Negro evangelist, is finished by Helen
Williams whose uncle, Bill McCoy, has been renting boathouse on Father
Divine's newly purchased 500-acre Hudson river estate opposite that of Pr
esident Roosevelt.
Background Of The Kenti
.. tl
For Coveted Democratic Nomination
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the. Summer Session, until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Aug. 6.-(AP)-
Kentucky's hottest nseaotairlyselft
Kentucky's hottest senatorial cam-
paign in years, involving President
Roosevelt's party leadership in the
Senate, was decided today at the bal-
lot box.
Senate Majority Leader Alben
Barkley, personally backed by Mr.
Roosevelt, was opposed for re-nom-
ination by Governor A. B. "Happy"
Chandler, who claims personal friend-
ship with the President but who has
criticized some New Deal policies.
Reports from scattered sections of
the state indicated a heavy vote was
cast under sunny skies. Polls closed
at 4 p.m., local time. The ballot
count started an hour after the polls
closed but must stop at midnight un-
til Monday morning under Kentucky
Republicans also held a primary
need further help, especially
(Continued on Page 4)
on his
(0 'f
to nominate candidates for the Sen-
ate and Congress. John P. Haswell,
backed by the state Republican or-
ganization, was opposed by four men
for the Senatorial nomination.
All of the state's nine congress-
men were up for reelection. Eight
of them are Democrats. Three of the
Democratic representatives, Noble J.
Gregory of the first district, Beverly
M. Vincent of the second and Ed-
ward W. Creal of the fourth are un-
opposed but will have Republican op-
position in the November general
election. John M. Robsion, the Re-
publican representative, has two op-
Bloodshed marked the bitter rivalry
between the Barkley and Chandler
factions inBreathitt County,where
in ,1921 four persons were killed and
17 wounded in an election shooting.
Former Sheriff Lee Combs was killed
on the stairway of a building hous-
ing Barkley headquarters. His broth-
er, Lewis Combs, county chairmanI
for Chandler and Sheriff Walter Dea-
ton were wounded. Five men, in-
cluding the Barkley county chairman,
are sought in the shooting. -
Lewis Combs, in an interview, said
he and his brother went to the build-
ing where precinct committeemen
were meeting, which had been called
to oust their father S. L. Combs as
county Democratic chairman.
President Roosevelt, early in July,
came into Kentucky for a one-day
speaking tour. He made three
speeches favoring Senator Barkley.
In the main talk of the day at La-
tonia Race Track, near Covington,
the President lauded Barkley but
tempered his words with praise for
Chandler. In other speeches at Louis-
ville and Bowling Green Mr. Roose-
velt praised Barkley but did not men-
tion Chandler.-
Senator Barkley has served Ken-
tucky in the national capital for a
quarter-century. As Senate Majority
Leader he has the whip hand in ush-
ering New Deal legislation through
the upper house of the national Con-
Governor Chandler came into the
nation's political spotlight, in 1936
when he carried the Roosevelt banner
and won the, governorship in a run-
off. Chandler, campaigning then
chiefly on a repeal of the state sales
tax, was credited with smashing an
old time political machine.
While Barkley campaign meetings
through the drive for votes have gen-
erally been serious, there has been a
jovial atmosphere around the Chand-
ler gatherings.
To enliven his meetings, the Gov-
ernor adopted "there's a gold mine
in the sky" as his theme song and
often led his listeners in the strains
of the ballad.
Charges that Federal and state
funds were being used in the cam-
paign was one of the many high-
lights. The Senate Campaign Expen-
ditures Committee took cognizance of
the reports and sent investigators in-
to the state.
This was followed by a public re-
port that the investigators had found
the existence of such a condition and
warning from the committee that a
hearing might be held before the suc-
cessful candidate for Senator took his
seat in the next Congress. The
committee returned its investigators
into the state to remain through the
Statements from two physicians
that Governor/ Chandler, who became
ill in a Louisville hotel after a speech,
was suffering from "poison" in drink-
ing water, created a campaign sensa-
tion. Major Joe Burman of the state
highway patrol, who traveled with
the Governor, said three other poison
attempts had been made on Chand-
ler's life.
The illness kept the Governor from
the stump for a week.
There was another sensation when
President Roosevelt in his Bowling
Green speech took cognizance of pre-
viously publicized reports of an at-
tempted "trade" by which Junior Sen.
M.' M. Logan would get a federal
judgeship clearing the way for Chand-
ler to go to the senate and leave Sen-
ator Barkley without opopsition
When Chandler charged in a speech
that Logan, openly advocating Bark-
ley's re-nominating, had "begged" for
a judgeship, the' Senator retorted:
"It's a damned lie."
Pianist Present
Recital Tomorrow
Olga Fuss, pianist of Omaha, Neb.,
will present a program of piano music
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Bachelor of Music de-
gree at 8:15 p. m. tomorrow in the
School of Music Auditorium.
Miss Fuss is a graduate of the
Juilliard School of Music of New
York City where she studied piano
under James Friskin, She later took
further work with Marie Mikova of
Los Angeles and Herbert Schmidt of
the University of Nebraska. At the
University she has been a pupil of
Prof. John Iollen.
SUNDAY, AUG. 7, 1938
Summer Session Chorus report at
6 p.m. sharp today on steps of Gen-
eral Library for Vesper Service Re-
David Mattern.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
at 2:30 p.m. Surfday, Aug. 7, at the
northwest entrance of the -Rackham
Building to go to Saline Valley Farms
for swimming, baseball, and a picnic.
Come and bring your friends.
Sunday Evening Vesper Service: The
final Summer Session Vesper Service
will be held on the Library Terrace
Sunday, Aug. 7, at 7 o'clock. A serv-
ice of music will be given by the Sum-
mer Session Chorus and the Summer
Session Orchestra.
Band Concert. The University
Summer Session Band, under the
direction of A. R. McAllister, guest
conductor, will present a program of
band, music in Hill Auditorium, Sun-
day afternoon, Aug. 7, at 4:15 p.m.
The general public is invited to at-
tend without admission charge.
"The Literary Renaissance in
Spain." Lecture by Prof. Heyward
Keniston of the University of Chi-
cago in the Lecture Hall of the Rack-
ham Building at 4:30 Monday after-
Graduation Recital. Olga Fuss, pi-
anist, of Omaha, Neb., will present
a program in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree, Monday evening, Aug.
8, in the School of Music Auditorium.
The public is invited to attend with-
out admission charge.
Lecture by Prof. Francis D. Curtis
on "The Teaching of Science" at 4:05
p.m. Monday in the University High
School Auditorium.
Demonstration Debate: There will
be a debate held in the Lecture Hall
of the Horace H. Rackham Building
tomorrow night, Monday, Aug. 8, at
7:30. The subject will be: "Resolved,
that the United States and Great
Britain should form an alliance.
This is the Michigan High School
Debating League question for next
year as well as the National High
School question. All of the partici-
pants are debate coaches. The public
is cordially invited to attend. There
is no admission charge.
German Table: Final banquet spon-
sored by the Deutscher Verein of the
Summer Session will be held at the
Michigan League, Hussey Room on
Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 7 p.m. Price
one dollar, tax included. There will
be musical offerings, entertainment
and talks. Mr. Vernon B. Kellett will
be toastmaster. Reservations should I
be made through the departmental
office (204 U.H. Ext. 788) before
Tuesday noon.
Hillel Summer Session Group: Due
to the holiday of Tisha be-Ab the
informal dance originally planned for
Saturday, Aug. 6 will be held Tues-
day, Aug. 9 at 8:30 p.m. at the Foun-
dation, Oakland and East University.
All Jewish students are invited. Re-
freshments will be served.
Phi Delta Kappa: The regular week-
ly luncheon meeting will be held in
the Michigan Union at 12:15 p.m.
Tuesday. The report of the commit-
tee on drawing up an amendment
changing the method of exnellin
importance of this matter, it is
strongly urged that all Phi Delta
Kappans on the campus be present.
Mathematics Club will meet Tues-
day, Aug. 9, at 3:15' pm., in Room
3011 A.H. Dr. K. Friedrichs will speak
"On.. the Mathematical Theory of
Spectra" and Prof. E. W. Miller will
speak on the "Four-Color Problem:"
Faculty, School of Education: An
important meeting of the regular
faculty of the School of Education
will be held Wednesday, Aug. 10,.at
3 p.m. in 1430 U.E.S.
Chemistry Lecture. The seventh in
the series of Chemistry lecures will
be given by Professor F. F. Blicke on
Wednesday, Aug.. 10 at 4:15 p.m. in
the amphitheatre of the Horace H.
Rackham School of draduate Studies.
Subject: Developments in Synthetic
Drugs. All interested are invited.
Luncheon of the Graduate Confer-
enee on Renaissance Studies, Wednes-
day, Aug. 10, 12:15 p.m. at the Michi-
ga4 Union. Professor Hereward T.
Price will speak on "The Influence of
Continuous Today 1:00 -
3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 - 9:00
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