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June 28, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-16-28

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Announcement Of That High School Class's Candid Motto
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EcCave T Gradd ate12
Pln nd a WPAr Here We Corner'
PaUeraFor N McC A
This is a reproduction of the top of the front page of The Maverick, school paper of McClave High
School, MeClave, Colorado, with the class motto that made front pages everywhere.

Soc ety To Honor
Chapters At A Tea
The Michigan chapter of Pi Lamb-
da Theta, national honorary educa-
tional society, will honor other chap-
ters of the society at a tea .at 4:30
p.m. tomorrow in the library of the
University Elementary School.
Miss Frances Quigley, Grad., will
be in charge of the tea. She is also
president of the chapter.
Otheractivities of the group for
the summer include a rushing tea,
initiation and banquet at the League,
a joint meeting with the Women's
Education Club and business meet-

Dancing Classes
BeginAt League
Beginning and intermediate social
dancing classes will begin at the
League at 7:30 p.m. today, Miss
Ethel A. McCormick, social director
Df the Summer Session, announced.
Beginning dancing will be held
every Tuesday night, and the inter-
mediate classes will be conducted on
Wednesday nights. Bath classes will
begin at 7:30 p.m., and will be under
the direction of Miss McCormick.
A charge of $1.50 will be made for
Ax lessons.
The first tea dance, 'which will.
be given every Wednesday at the
League, will be July 13, Miss Mc-
Cormick said.

Wilmot Pratt To Present Ninth,
Carillon Concert On Thursday

At Least It's Novel

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all menbers of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
unil330 1:0a7.nSt urd y.

(Contin'ued from Page 2)

The ninth concert of the spimmerf
series on the Charles Baird Carillonl
will be presented Thursday night at
7 p.m., for the enjoyment of summer.
session students. Carillonneur Wil-
mot Pratt has arranged a program
that includes folk songs, hymns, a
rendition of "America," and a com-
position by Schubert.
The Carillon was donated by
Charles Baird, prominent alumnus
now living in Kansas City, Mo., and
is t he third largest in the world to-
day. It is housed in the Burton Me-
morial Tower. The Carillon itself
consists of 53 bells, weighing more
than 125,000 pounds, arranged in
chromatic sequence.
The largest of, these bells, the
Bourdon bell, weighs slightly over 12
toris and has the pitch of E-flat under
middle C. The smallest bell weighs 12
pounds and sounds the note of G-
sharp, four and one-half octaves
above the Bourdon bell.
The Burton Memorial Tower, built
by subscriptions of Ann Arbor citi-
zens and alumni of the University,
hbuses the Carillon in a chamber on
the 10th floor, 120 feet from the
ground. The bells are hung rigidly
on a steel frame more than 30 feet
high and 18 by 26 feet at the base.
According to experts, the Charles
Baird Carillon represents an advance
over previous installations, and each
bell has been tuned accurately, un-
like the bells of olden days, when it
was mere accident when the tones of
similar bells were'full, mellow, and
There is a great deal of discussion
concerning where the best place to
hear the Carillon is. When it was
first u n d e r construction, many
thought it could be heard from great
distances. However, this is impossi-
)le, because the volume of sound ema-
nating from rigidly-hung bells is con-
siderably less than that from swing-
ing bells.
The four largest bells are located in
the first tier at each of the corners of
the steel frame, the Bourdon bell
hanging at the southwest corner.
In a church bell, the clapper swings
from a central pivot in the head of

the bell and strikes eithr lip of the
bell with full force. In the carillon
bell, the clapper is held in a position
very close to the point of impact and
is brought into contact with the bell
by the pressure of the carillonneur's
hand or foot upon the keys or pedals
of the clavier, which transmit this+
stroke to the clapper by means of
wires. It is not possible or desirable
to create the volume of sound in a
carillon bell that can be produced by
an ordinary church bell.
However, the listener to the con-
cert should more or less determine
where he himself can hear the bells
most satisfactorily. In general, he
should not be too close to the bell, for
then the mechanical sounds and
"strike" tones will be too prominent
and unpleasing. On the other hand,
if the listener is too far away, the
rapidly dissolving sounds of the
smaller bells will be lost, and only
the "boom" of the larger bells will
be heard. The listening post should
also be chosen where both high and
low notes can be heard.
The public can probably best hear
the Carillon concert Thursday night
on the lawn of the Michigan League,
or in Felch Park.

inspection of the Cook Legal Re-
search Library, Law Quadrangle,
Michigan Union, General Library,
Clements Library, Aeronautical Lab-
oratory and Naval Tank. Trip ends
at 4:45 p.m. There is no charge for
this excursion.
Russian Literature, course (121s)
will be given on MTuWTh and not
on MTuWThF, as announced in the
catalog of the Institute of Far Eas-
tern Studies.
There will be an excursion to the
Toledo Institute of Arts on Friday,
July 1, under the auspices of the
Graduate Conference on Renaissance
Studies. The bus will leave from in
front of Angelfr Hall at about 12:30'
and will arrive back in Ann Arbor
at about 6 p.m. Reservation should'
be made in the Office of the Sum-
mer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall
before 4:30 on Thursday. Tickets

for the round trip will cost $1.50.
French ia, Textbook? Ford and
Hicks, The Reading Approach to
French, Henry Holt' and Co. Bring
this book to first meeting of the
Chinese Literature, course 187s, will
meet in Room 18 A.H. instead ,o
Room 21 A.H.
Graduate Students in all depart-
ments who wish to take the German
examination required for the doc-
torate during this summer session
and those in the exact and natural
sciences who will be ready to take
both the French and the German
examinations are requested to con-
sult with Professor A. 0. Lee as soon
as possible any day except Saturday
between 4 and 5 in room 120 Rackam
building. (Ground floor east).
C. S Yoakum
Le Foyer Francais. Men and wo-
(Continued on Page 4)




FOR RENT-Suite. First floor living
room with fireplace and bedroom;
also single room. In graduate house
for women opposite League, at 239
Twelfth St. Phone 8671. 14x
FOR RENT-Men Graduate students.
1 double front room, 1st floor; 1
single room, 2nd floor. 420 Thomp-
son. 14x
FOR RENT-Very desirable room for
graduate girl. Board furnished and
can take two other boarders. First
class home cooking. 728 Church
St. Phone 8347. 15x
FOR RENT-Suite, also room, cheery,



Call for and deliver. Phone 4863 for
other prices. 1x
Today! 2 -4 - 7-9 P. M.
Starting Wednesday


. n
Grantland Rice



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