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August 06, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-06

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.75 Years OHenry Ford
A Daily Reader Compares The Pres s Felicitations Accorded 'The Fliver
King' With The Actual Record As Felicitations Accorded'The Flivver



I t

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of
Student Publications.
Publishea every morning except Monday during the
University year and Bummer Session.
Member of the Asociated Prss
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Enterei at the Post Off e at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as
second class kmail atte.
Subscriptions during egular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $.50.
iember, Associated Colegiate Press, 1937 38
'olege PublishersRepresentatip'
Board of Editors
City Editor . . . . . . Robert I. Ftzhenry
Assistant Editors....... Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino,
Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L.
Business Department
Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg
Circulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall
Assistants Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff ndrepresent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect. of adults, but, positively dangerous,
for. it to thwart the ambition of youth Wt
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.'
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
Our Alien
Exclusion Laws ...
which to combat labor organization,
various bills pretending to protect the country
from "foreign-born" elements have appeared
from time to time in Congress. Far too little at-
tention has been paid by progressive orgaiza-
tions in this field as is witnessed by the attempts
to deport Harry Bridges and Harold Pritchett,
Pacific coast labor leaders. Such attempts should
have the effect of bringing to labor groups a
consciousness of the importance of how perse-
cution of the foreign-born is nearly always used
as an anti-labor weapon.
A bill was introduced last year by Congressman
Dies, D., of Texas, chief alien baiter of the
House, which would have placed labor at the
mercy of local police, who through the power
to make deportation of every foreign-born striker
and labor leader mandatory via elementary
police- frame-ups; planting a gun in. a house,
car, etc., or framing them on any charge of moral
Another bill which was reported favorably by
the committee, provided that no person may be
naturalized who is a member of an organization
advocating a different form of government. An
applicant could be denied citizenship if he stated
that he believed in the child labor amendment
or 'in the President's Reorganization Plan, under
this law, as neither piece of legislation is in the
As a part of the process of naturalization, the
prospective citizen must, under oath, declare
that: "I am not a Communist, Bolshevik, polyg-
amist," etc. To the American way of life such
ideologies are certainly objectionable. But eualy
objectionable are certain other tenets, which,
although not expressed, are more menacing. With
the threat of Fascism and Naziism already ram-
pant, no effort is made to counteract a com-
monly recognized danger.
In accordance with the President's proposal
for an international committee for political
refugees, certain steps should be taken to revamp

the antiquated naturalization laws. The citizen-
ship oath should be broadened to also exclude
potential and actual fascists from entering. Ex-
orbitantly high fees for naturalization which re-
strains numerous workers from citizenship,
should be reduced. Much of the red-tape which
is connected with naturalization can be elimi-
In keeping with a time-honored liberal tradi-
tion, America can open her doors to those who
seek refuge from totalitarian oppressions and
pogroms. Awareness is needed to thwart the at-
tempts of those who would pervert such generos-
ity to a self-seeking opportunism.
Blunt Reminder
Girls, only 10 days left to hook a man.
-Daily Illini
Sixteen, counting exam week, of course.
As President Benes of Czechoslovakia says,
; , n nrkC Mr npa.i V +'r Yv ,Any If nn5tnnnAment

(Editor's note: The following material was
sent to-the Daily by a reader.)
"In celebrating the seventy-fifth birthday of
Henry Ford today, this metropolitan community
is doing honor to one of its great men, who also
is one of the great men of his time. . . it is doubly
fortunate for Detroit and the World that having
built his car, Mr. Ford saw in his achievement
not simply an opportunity to make money but,
more importantly, an opportunity to serve the
world as a manufacturer and employer with
ideals, principles and conscience,
"Early in his experience, Mr. Ford took literally
the scriptural declaration that the laborer is
worthy of his hire. In consequence, he startled
the Country by the announcement of a $5 a day
wage at a time when such a standard of pay was
considered a piece of business rashness."
The editor of the Detroit Free Press who
penned the above (July 30) admits that per-
haps there was more than scriptural injunction
behind the wage increase: "Later," he continues,
"others saw that the practice of the square deal,
not through compulsion but as a matter of con-
sience, was good business as well as goo ethics."
Seven Dollars A Day
"President Hoover (after 1929 crash) called
a council of business leaders to discuss what
was to be done, and these big medicine men
assembled, and agreed that the country must
have confidence, and they told the country to
have it. Henry Ford attended, and when it was
over he showed them the way; handing to the
newspaper men a statement that the Ford Motor
Company had so much confidence in the future
of America that it was raising the minimum
wage in its plants to seven dollars a day.
"A grand gesture, which brought Henry more
of those rousing cheers which he had learned
to use in his business of selling cars. There were
only a. few soreheads to point out that since
Henry had established his five-dollar minimum,
sixteen years back, the cost of living in the
Detroit area had nearly doubled, so that the
new seven-dollar wage was far less than the
old one had been. Nor had Henry said how many
men were going to get the new wage; there
was nothing to keep him from turning off men,
and this he proceeded to do immediately. Before
the announcement he had been paying the six-
dollar minimum to two hundred thousand men;
right after it he was paying the seven-dollar
minimum to a hundred and forty-five thousand.
Multiply and subtract, and see how much Henry
was helping to increase the purchasing power
of the American workers. (Upton Sinclair's The
Flivver King, pp. 7-73).
(After the bank crash in Detroit, Henry has
to take banks over.) "But this did no good to
Henry's workers; their jobs had been cut to one
or two days a week, and now the minimum
wage was reduced to four dollars per day. Econ-
omic facts had proven stronger than Henry's
theories; but don't imagine that he would
change his theories! He still said that the way
to prosperity was to pay high wages-he who
couldn't pay any wages at all to three-quarters
of his men." (Ibid. p. 89)
He Helps Others
"Today his fellow citizens know Mr. Ford as
one who believes it is the first duty of a man
to aid others in 'helping themselves.
"He has no word of approval for the charity
which weakens or pauperizes." ((Free Press edi-
torial, July30).
".. . the people (of Detroit) . . . had recalled
Henry's mayor, and elected one of their own
choice, an Irish Catholic, judge by the name
of Murphy who was what Henry called a dema-
gog . . . The 'demagog' mayor appointed an
'unemployment committee', which made a state-
ment that the city was paying seven hundred
and twenty thousand dollars a year to keep
Henry Ford's unemployed alive. The city welfare
department charged that he had turned off the
fathers of five thousand families, with never a
move for their aid." (Flivver King, p. 82)
"Every child at the party . .. KNEW Henry

Ford. All 'summer long during their reading
hours at the playgrounds, they have -heard of
Henry Ford, his great love for children and the
things he has done and is doing so boys and
girls may live the more abundant. life." (News
item, Detroit News, July 31)
"Children, old-fashioned dances, and fiddlers.
playing tjig tunes, these things soothed the heart
of the unhappy old Flivver King. But the chil-
dren who came to his parties must be well-fed'
ind happy; let nobody mention the ten thous-
and starvelings who came every day to the chil-
dren's breadlines in the city of Detroit! Let
nobody bring up that sorest of all subjects, the
claim of the city administration that Henry ought
to share some of the burden of feeding these
children, since so many of their parents were
unemployed Ford workers. Since all Henry's
plants lay outside Detroit, he did not have to
pay it any taxes, and the city thought that wasn't
fai.r" (Flivver King, p. 82)
Loves Children
"And Henry Ford sees but two public groups.
One, the children that he loves with the protec-
tive vision of a father, and the other, citizens of
honest purpose." (Det. News, July 31).
" ... Henry Ford's army set up an intelligence
hbreau. with sies and nnntersnies .entini in

eloquent evidences of an exalted understanding
of brotherhood." (Free Press, July 30).
"The American people had been told, over a
period of many years, that the charitable Mr.
Ford made a specialty of giving ex-convicts a
chance to rehabilitate themselves; the American
people had thought that was a noble and worthy
work. But gradually the practices of the Ford
Motor Company had changed, until ex-criminals
were being hired, not to learn new ways of life,
but to go on practicing old ones." (Flivver King,
p. 4).
Eager Truth Seeker
he (Henry Ford) is still the eager, questful
seekerfor truth." (Malcom Bingay, Free Press
July 30.) "Philosopher and doer, mystic and
mechanic, industrialist and farmer, historian
and student, individualist and humanitarian,
your name will be forever inscribednupon the
monuments of man's rise." (From an advt. in
Free Press by a Detroit department store).
"Henry had said that 'History is bunk'; but
of course he hadn't meant history such as the
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." (Flivver
King, pp. 56-57)
"Henry Ford Saturday became the first Ameri-
can citizen to be decorated with the Grand Cross
of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle, the
I/ feciniloje
Heywood Broun--
Good conduct has been with me for so long that
Saratoga seems to be calling. And when I get to
the race track the first man to greet me will be
Frank Stevens, and he will say, "Remember, Hey-
wood, this isn't your racket."
At least, he always has for
the last ten years. And, next,
Max Gordon will remark,
"What are you doing here?
I thought you were a radi-

Cliche Epert
Right on the heels of Glenn Frank
came John Hamilton. It happened in
Chicago. Addressing the Republican
Program Committee, Dr. Frank cau-
tioned them against "substituting slo-
gans for thoughts," and suggested
that they refrain from using such
shopworn words as "liberal, conserva-
tive, radical, reactionary, totalitarian,
alien, Communist, Fascist, regimenta-
tion and dictatorship."
National Chairman Hamilton'
stepped up to the plate, knocked the
dust off his spikes, rubbed his hands
in resin and rapped this original idea
over the fence : The committee's re-
port "will direct us along the right
steps toward the perpetuation of the
American form of government."
Bravo! Hear, Hear! Other ap-
plauding exclamations. John Hamil-
ton, with his glittering gift for the
hackneyed phrase, had beheaded
Glenn Frank's Index Expurgatorius
just like that.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
German Reich's highest decoration
bestowed on foreigners . .. the order
was founded by Hitler to honor dis-
tinguished foreigners . . . Mussolini
was decorated with the order recent-
ly." (News Item).
"They had begun upon him early,
when Hitler's movement was young;
they had got forty thousand dollars
from him to reprint the anti-Jewish
pamphlets in German translations,
the names of Hitler and Ford ap-
pearing jointly in the advertising ...
Henry had big factories in Germany,
and it was no utopian idealism for
him to have strikes prevented in that
country . . . A new anti-Semitic
campaign was started, and the Nazis
swarmed at Ford's . . . Now into the
ears of the aged Flivver King they
whispered:. . . 'Give us one percent
of your fortune, Mr. Ford, and we
will make America safe fordthe other
ninety-nine percent!'
"Henry listened and found this
good. For Henry remained whatthe
had been born; a supermechanic with
the mind of a stubborn peasant."
(Flivver King, pp. 109-110).
"Hitler decorates Henry Ford."
(New Item).
"Individualist and humanitarian."
(Commemorative advt.)
TULSA, Okla., Aug. 5.-(P)-A rare
type of blood was sought tonight for
transfusions for Mrs. W. L. Kistler,
wife of a prominent Tulsa Oil man,
as she lay critically ill in a hospital
here. Her physician said Mrs. Kistler
was a victim of pernicious leukopenia.
(Leukopenia is a deficiency of white
corpuscles in the blood).

SATIURDAY, AUG. 6, 1938 s
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre: Mich-
igan Repertory Players present
"Whiteheaded Boy" with Whitfordt
Kane tonight at 8:30. Tickets still
available at box office.
Comprehensive Examination in Ed-
ucation for Teacher's Certificate can-f
didates will be given this morning at
nine o'colck- in 2432 U,E,S,
Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
Any students in the School of Edu-
cation, College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, College of Architecture,
and Graduate School who wish to be
candidates for the teacher's certifi-
cate at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion and whose names do not appear
on the list posted in 1431 U.E.S.
should report to the Recorder-.of the
School of Education, 1437 ,U.E.S., at
Hillel Summer Session Group: Due
to the holiday of Tisha be-Ab the
informal dance originally planned for
Saturday, Aug. 6 will be held Tues-
day, Aug. 9 at 8:30 p.m. at the Foun-
dation, Oakland and East University.
All Jewish students are invited. Re-
freshments will be served.
To Those Interested in qualifying,
as applicants for the Ed. D. Degree:
Those who wish to qualify .for the
Ed. D. degree in Education, and thus
become an applicant for this degree,
will report to Room 4200 University
High School, 'for the qualifying ex-
amination at 1 o'clock, either on Sat-
urday afternoon, Aug. 6, or on Mon-
day afternoon, Aug. 8. This is not a
subject-matter examination and no1

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

special preparation will be expected.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 7, at the
northwest entrance of the Rackham
Building to go to Saline Valley Farms
for swimming, baseball, and a picnic.
Come and bring your friends.
Sunday Evening Vesper Service: The
final Summer Session Vesper Service
will be held on the Library Terrace
Sunday, Aug. 7, at 7 o'clock. A serv-
ice of music will be given by the Sum-
mer Session Chorus and the Summer
Session Orchestra.
Band Concert. The University,
Summer Session Band, under the
direction of A. R. McAllister, guest
conductor, will present a program of
band music. in Hill Auditorium, Sun-
day afternoon, Aug. 7, at _4:15 p.m.
The general public is invited to at-
tend without admission charge.
The Christian Studcnt Prayer
Group will hold its regular meeting
at 5 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 7, in the
Michigan League. The room will be
announced upon the League bulletin
board. All Christian students wel-
Studenus who expect to complete
the requirements for the master's de-
gree at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion must file diploma application by
Tuesday, Aug. 9 in the .office of the
Graduate School.
German Table: Final banquet spon-
cored by the Deutscher Verein of thee
Summer Session will be held at the
Michigan League, Hussey Room on
Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 7 p.m. Price
(Continued on Page 3)

Classified Directory

SILVER LAtIyDRY-We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no, markings. All work guaranteed.

Naturally, by now, a for-
mula of reply has been de-
veloped. To Frank I answer,
"I've found that out," and
Max Gordon, "I hope to be when I grow

Phone 5594, 607 1. Hoover.


I tell

But Max won't let it go at that. He made a
'lot of money with a play called "The Women,"
and he's worried about the revolution. Just why
he should appeal to me for the exact date of its
advent I'll never know. Perhaps it's because of a
story I told him about the time I was running
for Congress in the Seventeenth, New York, on
the Socialist ticket. There was a Jewish holy day
during the campaign, and I asked the party
leaders whether it was customary to go out and
campaign as usual. They called a conference. We
had a lot of conferences.
Finally a Socialist veteran said, "In theory he
ought to speak just the same, but it may offend
some of the voters, and so'I think Comrade Broun
shouldn't campaign tomorrow. If he quits for the
night, what difference does it make? It means
that the revolution will be postponed for only
twenty-four hours."
Gone With The Wind
Max Gordon used to be my vaudeville agent. He
put me in vaudeville and snatched me out again
in a week. And so I am very grateful. But now
vaudeville has disappeared, and I'm beginning to
feel a little misty around the edges myself.
Still I have a warmth for the good gray impre-
sario, and I try to comfort him by saying, "At your
age I wouldn't worry about the revolution if I
were you. You'll be gone before it gets here."
But that doesn't seem to cheer him up as you
might expect. He tries to solace himself with
specious reasoning. "As long as I see radicals
making bets at horse races I know that the insti-
tutions established by our forefathers will en-
dure," is the way Max puts it.
Of course, he's got it all wrong. He thinks that
being a radical is something like joining the
Salvation Army or taking the pledge. He is under
the impression that going out for a good time is
an urge followed only by reactionaries.
Max himself is an arch conservative at the
track and backs odds-on choices to show. I hate
to knock any props out from under him, but,
according to my argument, all of us long-shot
players are essentially revolutionists. We want
to knock the favorites down. Any time a h ndred-
to-one shot comes home almost anything can
happen. There is such a thing as backing the
under horse as well as the under dog. Indeed, in
some races the difference is not very palpable,
* * *
The Russian Method
Max was surprised to hear that they have
horse racing and betting in Russia. That has
reconciled him somewhat to the possibility of a'
social upheaval. "Tell me, Heywood," he asked,
"if they laid you even money against a horse in
Moscow, about what price could you get for
Mr. Gordon is pretty credulous and actually
believes those stories about President Roosevelt
bursting into peals of laughter when the shocked
bankers tiptoe out of the conference room. Still
I hope he didn't take me literally in what I told
him about wagering under Snialism.

LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at lbw price. -5x
DRESS MAKING and Alterations
Mrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine.:
Phone 4726. 34x
TYPING - Experienced. Reasonable
rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood
TYPING - Neatly and accurately

done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St,
Dial 5244. 2x
Mimeographing. Margaret Carpen-
tar. Office, 400 Wolverine Bldg.
Phone 7181. 58x
WANTED-3 passengers to Mar-
quette or vicinity. Leaving Sunday
morning. Custer Homeier, 716
Church. Phone 4372. 59x
LOST: Man's gold ring, black stone
at Michigan League. Lost three
weeks ago. Reward. Call 5660.
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist.
Reasonable rates. 706 Oakland,
Phone 6327. 17x



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