The Weather
Local Thundershowers and
Warmer Saturday
at t
Our Alien
Exclusion Laws
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Killing Marks
Opening Stage
Of Kentucky's
Primary Feud
Murder Warrant Drawn
In Death Of Chndler
Ally; New Deal Is Issue
Candidates Make
A Finaia Appeal
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Aug. 5.-()-A
"bloody Breathitt' County killing
marked today the height of bitterness
between Democratic factions support-
ing New Deal Senator Alben Barkley
and Gov. A. B. Chandler for the Sen-
atorial nominnation in tomorrow's pri-
Lewis Combs, County Chairman for
Governor Chandler and a former
Breathitt Sheriff, was shot to, death
last night at Jackson when he and
his brother, Lee Combs, started up
the stairway leading to Barkley head-
quarters. Lee and Sheriff Walter
Deaton 'lie in a Lexington hospital
with bullet wounds inflicted at the
same time.
Murder warrants were out' for W.
A. Combs, no relation to Lewis and
Lee, and the County Chairman for
Barkley Finished
Senator Barkley concluded his
campaign today with a "barnstorm-
ing" motorcade through the first Con-
gressional district. Governor Chand-
ler made two speeches today and twoi
Headquarters of Barkley and.
Chandler freely predicted victory for
both men. Barkley's leaders said he
would wrin by a majority of approxi-
mately 75,000. Chandler's men claim
his victory will be by about 30,000
votes. Approximately 445,000 l emo-..
crats are eligible to participate in
the primary.,
The chief issue is the New Deal.
-Barkley, the Roosevelt Majority Lead-
or in the Senate, has the personal
backing of the President, who came
to Kentucky and in three speeches
pointed to Barkley as the man he
wished nominated. The defeat of
the Senator would mean a new party
chief in the Senate.,
Chandler Friendly
Chandler, while claiming personal
friendship with the President,rhas
opposed some of the New Deal pol-
cies. He frequently has attacked
Barkley for "running on someone's
Whoever goes to the Senate, after
the Vovember general election-Bark-
ley or Chandler-might find a chal-
lenge because the Senate Campaign
Expenditures Committee is continu-
ing its investigation into the Ken-
tucky Primary situation.,
The committee already has issued
a statement charging Federal and
State funds have been used by candi-
dates in the Senatorial race but with-
out calling names.
Republicans also hold their pri-
mary tomorrow. John P. Haswell has
the State Republican organization be-
hind his candidacy for the Sena-
torial nomination. He had four op-
All of the State's representatives in
Congress-eight Democrats and one
Republican-also are up for re-nom-
T]ank-Given Here
Harvard Dean Discusses
Metal Stress Function
In a special talk given before the
engineering mechanics Symposium on;
the properties of metals yesterday
afternoon, Prof. H. M. Westergaard,
Dean of the Graduate School of En-
gineering at Harvard, discussed some
uses of complex stress functions,
Professor Westergaard presented a
'mathematical analysis of the irregu-
lar distibutions of stresses existing
around cracks formed under carious
circumstances. While usually it is
not desired that structures or ma-
chinery shall crack, nevertheless,
sometimes cracks are not detrimen-
tal, he pointed out. It is therefore
important to know the mechanism of
the developing and stopping of a
crack and whether it be in a rein-
Litvinoff Speeds Settlement
Of Soviet-Japan
Seen Smoothing Way For Japan To Withdraw Troops
From Far Eastern War Zone Without Loss
Of 'Prestige' On Either Side
MOSCOW, Aug. 5-(P)-Soviet circles tonight believed Foreign Com-
missar Maxim Litvinoff had smoothed the way for Japan to withdraw from
the Far Eastern border war zone without loss of prestige, thus easing Soviet-
Japanese tension.
Litvinoff referred to Japanese troops occupying the disputed Changku-
feng Heights, on the Siberia-Manchoukuo-Korea frontier, merely as "such
remnants of their troops as might still
remain on Soviet territory."
Thus it was considered the Japan-
ese quietly could withdraw without
losing face.
Foreign observers" believed, how-
ever, that any delay in Japanese ac-
tiop would raise the threat of vigor-
ous Soviet military action attempting
to oust the Japanese from Changku-
Soviet citizens awaited with stoic
calm the next development in the
Far Eastern crisis, a move up to Japan
after Litvinoff told the Japanese
Ambassador, Mamoru Shigemitsu,
yesterday that the Soviet Union
would agree to mutual troop with-
drawals provided Japan recognized
the Russo-Chinese treaty of 1886.
Maps of that treaty show the dis-
puted border region as part of Siberia.
No News Printed
Newspapers have printed no news
from the actual battle zone for three
Readers could deduce from the pub-
lished cdmmunique of the Litvinoff-
Shigemitsu meeting, however, that
Japanese soldiers still were occupying
some portion of the border region-
otherwise Litvinoff would not have
demanded troop withdrawals.
Opinion was divided on whether
Japan's reply, expected tomorrow,
would accept the Soviet condition. It
will be difficult for the Japanese to
recognize the 1886 treaty, as the basis
for determining the Siberia-Manchou-
kuo boundary.
Soviet Would Gain
Once .Japan gives such recognition
of the treaty maps as the determining
factor inthe Changkufeng region,
some foreign observers pointed out,
she would give Russia a trump card
exceedingly valuablein future dis-
putes over they frontier.
The Japanese contention is that
Tokyo never has seen the 1886 treaty
maps. But Litvmoff yesterday re-
torted that it was not the Soviet Un-
ion's fault if Japan failed to persuade
China to hand over her Manchurian
When the treaty was drawn 52
years ago, Manchoukuo was Man-
churia and a part of the Chinese Em-
Moors Capture
Strategic Town
In Ebro Sector
Government Forces Hold
Center Positions Around
Teruel Headquarters
HENDAYE, France (At the Span-
ish Frontier), Aug. 5.-(P)-A fresh
force of Moroccan troops, shielded by
an artillery barrage, today stormed
and recaptured the village of Villalba
De Los Arcos, a strategic point in the
Spanish Government's Ebro River
The village, five miles north north-
west of Gandesa, was the scene of a
terrific struggle during the early
morning. Defending troops of the
Barcelona "People's Army" were un-
able to hold their ground against.
wave after wave of Generalissimo
Francisco Franco's Moors. a
The assault opened with Insurgent
gunners laying a heavy curtain of
shellfire on a road leading into Vill-
alba-a road over which the Gov-
ernment- might have rushed rein-
Then came the first wave of white-
robed riflemen, followed by a line of
tanks and a few units of Navarrese
Other developments of another day
of war:
1. The Government's Central Front
forces clung fast to positions just
west of Albarracin, Franco's; Teruel
Province headquarters. They report-
ed fighting off counter-attacks and
widening their foothold by forcing
Insurgent evacuation of two villages.
2. Insurgent airmen unloaded 100
bombs on the harbor district of Va-
Russia Is Seen
As Leading In
World Science
Russia as a country of boundless'
resources, great possibilities for thej
future and one sure to play an in-'
creasingly important role, in the1
scientific development of the world,
was envisioned by Prof. Donald Chap-
man, University of New Hampshire
geologist, describing his journeys in,
the Soviet Union last summer in a
University lecture yesterday.
Professor Chapman, attending the
17th international Geological Con-
gress, was afforded ample opportunity
to study not only geological phenom-
ena in remote regions of the vast So-
viet nation, but the condition of the
people in rural and urban districts
Russia Changing
It must be borne in mind, Professor
Chapman prefaced his discussion,
that Russia is ~a country of exceed-
ingly rapid changes. What may have
been true of it at the time he attend-
ed the Geological Congress may be
entirely outmoded at the present date.
At the time of his visit, Professor
Chapman said, he noticed that no
where in the whole of the Soviet
Union did he see an undernourished
child. Most of the people, he said,
seemed to be satisfied with their
presenit status. Any dissatisfaction
expressed came from persons of more
than average intelligence.
Everybody Busy
"Everyone was busy doing some-
thing," he said "women worked side
by side with men from street clean-
ing and running taxis in Moscow to
working as section hands on the rail-
road near Archangel." Opportunity
for play was not lacking either, he
pointed out, for there were numerous
"Parks of Culture and Rest," where
on workers' days off they could relax
or enjoy sports from pageantry to
parachute jumping.
During his two months in the So-
viet Union, Professor Chapman cov-
ered more than 15,000 miles from
within a "stone's throw" of the North
Pole to the semi-tropical and almost
overpowering heat of Armenia.
At the different small towns where
(Continued on Page 4>
Bloody Ladies
Day OnPicket
Line Revealed
Civil Liberties Committee
Hears Conflicting Talks
On Youngstown Strike
Constabulary Denies
FiringAny Guns
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5-()-In-
dignant Youngstown police and irate
union men told the Senate . Civil
Liberties Committee today in vivid,
if often conflicting detail, how a
"ladies' day on the picket line" ended
in a bloody, night-long battle in which
two men were killed.
The fight occurred during last sum-
mer's "Little Steel" strike. The scene,
an area of several blocks adjacent to
a Republic Steel Corporation mill,
was one of horror, according to the
Bullets and rocks flew, the streets
were ankle deep in water from open
fire hydrants, tear gas eddied about
in the still air of a hot summer night,
street lights were broken, and the
area was inermittently illuminated
by the glaing lights of military
Vehemently, the police denied that
they fired any guns, other than those
used to propel tear gas bombs, and
they asserted the strikers fired upon
them with revolvers, rifles and shot
guns. Both of the slain men were in
the ranks of the strikers.
Union witnesses testified that when
the flares shot by the police glowed
over the scene, flashes were observed
from upper windows of the Republic
mill and reports of firing from them
were heard.-
Police Captain Charles Richmond
contended the incident began when
rocks were thrown at him by men
concealed in a . nearby streambed
while he was attempting to persuade
the women-pickets to keep moving.
Two of the women testified that
despite their starting to comply with
his instructions he hurled a tear gas
bomb into their midst. Richmond said
none of the gas grenades fired in the
fight landed within 25 feet of the
Morgan Announces
Vespers Service
The third Vespers Service of the
Summer Session will be held at 7 p.
m. tomorrow on the General Library
Terrace, Kenneth Morgan, Director'
of the Student Religious Associationl
announced yesterday.l
The music will be offered by the
Summer Session Chorus and the Sum-
mer Session Orchestra under the
direction of Prof. David Mattern, of
the School of Music.
In case of inclement weather, the
Vespers Service will be conducted in
Hill Auditorium at the same time.
Owosso Mystery Death Toll
Rises; Doctors Puzzle Remedy
Dr. Gudakunst Of State
Health Office Rushes To
Aid Stricken Victims
OWOSSO, Aug. 5.-()-Dr. Don
W. Gudakunst, State Health Commis-.
sioner, came to Owosso tonight from
Lansing to take personal charge of
the effort to locate the cause of the
mysterious disease which has claimed
six children's lives here within a week
and sent another victim to the hos-
pital today.
- Dr. Gudakunst summoned all Owos-
so doctors and representatives of his
department who have been working
on the case here to a conference.
Gilbert Vogelhohl, 18, of Owosso,
was rushed to a hospital today suf-
the same intestinal malady that
fering from what physicians said was
caused the deaths of the six. The
youth was unable to furnish a clue
as to where he acquired the bacterial
infection which the laboratories of
the State Department of Health,
University of Michigan and Michigan
State College have been unable to
identify. -
Health authorities here reported a
young woman resident of Owosso was
also under observation as a possible
victim of the disease but she was not
taken to a hospital.
Meanwhile, a warning was issued
to Owosso residents by Dr. Gudakunst
urging that they boil all water, milk
and food. He also advised that citi!
zens sterilize . their hands frequently
and that -all cases of diarrhea, no
matter how slight, be reported to' the
Department of Health at once.
The cases of Vogelhohl and five-
year-old Gerald Laza, who died yes-
terday, are the only ones that were
reported in the city. Four children
of the Llewellyn Bennett!family and
Helen Aldrich have died from the
same infection. The Bennett family
lives on the Aldrich farm seven miles'
from Owosso.
Field representatives of the De-
partment of Health reported today
they had been unable to find any in-
dication of contact between the Laza
boy, Vogelhohl and the previous vic-
A staff of specialists sent to Owosso
by Dr. Gudakunst worked through
the day in an attempt to trace the
source of the infection. Water and
milk used in Owosso homes were
A theory advanced several days
For Dorms
Submitted By University
As PWABuligProject
ago that the source of infection was
water used by the Bennett and Ald-
rich families appeared blasted by the
death of the Laza boy. The families
used water from a basin made by
damming up a spring-fed ditch run-
ning through a cow pasture.,
She Walked On British
Soil 10 Mins., Satisfied
LONDON, Aug. 5-(P)-Blinds
Hael Hurst, 22-year-old American
lecturer, sailed back to the United
States tonight after spending just
ten minutes on English soil from
which the Government barred her
faithful dog guide, "Babe."
The Ministry of Agriculture re..-
fused to allow Miss Hurst's dog to
enter the country without first
undergoing the usual six months'
quarantine. Miss Hurst, rather
than travel without her "eyes,"
abandoned plans to spend peveral
months here visiting relatives and
Shortly before her ship sailed
tonight, the Ministry of Agricul-..
ture relaxed its regulations enough I
to allow her a brief stroll with her
dog through the dingy ThamesI
docks of East London.1
"It's wonderful after being a-
board ship so long to go ashore1
with Babe," she said. "I have
breathed the air of England and
walked on English soil, and my
dog was allowed with me.
"This final gesture by the Brit-
ish Government will never be for-
gotten. Now I can go home with-
out feeling sore about things."
Earlier in the week Miss Hurst
had said she never again would
"stand up when they play 'God
Save the King'" on her visits to
Will Conclude
Band Concerts
McAllister And McIntire To
Be Guest Conductors
Concluding the series of Sunday
afternoon concerts given by various
ensemble organizations in the Sum-
mer Session of the School of Music,
the Band and Chorus will present a
program at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium. Two guest conduc-
tors for the occasion will be A. R.
McAllister of Joliet, Il., who will con-
duct the Band, and W. R. Mclntire
of Lansing, who will direct the Chor-
Mr. McAllister has attained nation-
al prominence in his field, his bands
having continuously won first place
in the national contests. He has
served as president of the National
Band Association. He has been in-
vited to be guest conductor at vari-
ous universities and for the first time
he is a member of the Summer Ses-
sion' School of Music Faculty.
Mr. Mclntire has received state-
wide acclaim with his choral organ-
zation at the Eastern High School
in Lansing. They have appeared un-
der his direction in a number of na-
tion-wide broadcasts, and were invit-
ed to sing in the Festival at St. Louis
last spring in connection with the
meeting of the Music Educators' Na-
tional Association.
200 To Portage Lake
On :Men's Ed 'Picnic
The Men's Education Club picnic
this week at Portage 'Lake was at-
tended by more than 200 members,
who entertained themselves with
swimming, horseshoes, baseball, and
volley ball.
Prof. Raleigh Schorling gave the
club an Artemus Ward account of
his recent European travels.
A picture suspiciously unlike Dean-
James B. Edmonson, was presented
2 Buildings Would House
1,000 Male Students;
Plan Goes To Architect
Program Now Up
To Works Agency
Plans for the construction during
the coming year of two dormitories
to house -1,000 men students at a
total cost of $2,100,000 were an-
nounced yesterday by University offi-
The construction of the dormi-
tories, it was said, is contingent upon
a PWA grant of $945,000 which was
applied for July 20.
One dormitory housing 850 stu-
dents will be contiguous to the pres-
ent Union Quadrangle, the other, a
medical dormitory, will house 150.
To expedite construction, providing
the, PWA grant is permitted, archi-
tects have been employed to draw
up preliminary plans. The Stewart
Kingscott Company of Kalamazoo
has been retained for the Union
building. Plans for the medical dormi-
tory are being drawn up by O'Dell
and Rowland of Detroit.
In a prepared statement yesterday
Regent John D. Lynch of Detroit, a
particularly enthusiastic supporter of
the dormitories, said:
"Our application for the $945,000
grant has already been approved by
the PWA regional office at Chicago
and the approval was forwarded
promptly to Washington. We have
high hopes that headquarters will
make the grant.
"The plan is to complete the Union
Quadrangle with the 850-student dor-
mitory. The first units o this, Allen
and Rumsey halls, were finished last
year. Should there be any serious
difficulty in securing the desired site,
which is unexpected, we might build
the 850-student dormitory in some
other locality.
"We already have the land for the
medical dormitory.
"We expect to go ahead with the
project as soon as word of the grant-
ing of the $945,000 comes from Wash-
,The University, in its petition to
the PWA, explained the situation as
"This project is part of a pro-
gram which the University had for
many years for more adequately
housing the men students. of the
University. The total iumber of
students currently in residence at the
University for the past college year
was about 12,000, 8,400 men and 3,600
women, or approximately one-half of
the population of the city of Ann
Arbor, in which the University is
located. All of these students are
required to live in dormitories, social
club houses or private homes ap-
proved by the University.
"Briefly, 429 men and 776 women
are now housed in University owned
dormitories, 1316 men and 400 wo-
men in social club houses, or a total
of 2,921, while the remaining 9,000
approximately live in private homes
or privately operated rooming houses.
Survey Shows Shortage
"Referring more particularly to the
situation as itnrelates to the men
students, a survey made by the Dean
of Men four years ago indicated that
the capacity= of approved rooming
houses for men was practically equal
to the enrollmentiof men students.
Since the date of that survey, the
number of men students currently in
residence has increased by over 1,300,
or approximately 20 per cent.
"Private home owners within .con-
venient distance of the campus have
co-operated splendidly with the U'Ii-
versity In its endeavor to meet this
housing shortage adequately, but, the
serious concern felt by the Univerity
with respect to the overcrowding of
large non-fireproof houses is war-
ranted by the fact that fatalities
have occurred during the past year
due to hazardous housing conditions.
Started in 1936
"In 1936 the University was able
to finance a start on a comprehen-
sive program for fireproof dormi-
tories for 1,000 to 1,500 men, and the
first unit; accommodating 120 was'
made; available in September, 1937.
.This application if approved will en-
able the University to proceed at
Over-Enthusiastic Crowd Swamps
Corrigan, Inflitcts Slight Chest injury
NEW YORK, Aug. .-(')-
Douglas Corrigan, transatlantic ^ x
"crate" flier, was put to bed for ff
a short while tonight suffering a. .,"'z ?j<'}
chest injury received, apparently,whncodstre
before his Broadway Parade erirtdy
4>His brother, H arry, said that .. 'cri a e a o n h l e '
carilae roud te lie'sbreast
bone hadl been broken and that., ;..::. ::".: ;:.::.::::::::;s:::.:":... ..:...::
he had been heavilytapedsb
phsiiasbut tt he would gu
through:..... with his schedule to-
night. }. }M
NEW YORK, Aug. 5.- (IP) Col
and brash, young Douglas Corrigan "::{:: ..«::".;:;.::.<..:: r::}::::;}.} :.::-;.:: :;
rode triumphantly .:;up::::; lower: :::Y'i:v::ij Broad- :i}r}{. ......^::' ~::
u lweBra-."::...:::..... : way tday, grinning infectiously as
the temperature rose and sweltering::.:.: :: ::::::. " : .::. :.:..... :::>:;>
thousands cheered his progress, in-
different to the oppressive heat
Allfo the enthusiasm fo his mad '
solo flight fromNe York to Dublin ...*;.........
was let loose in acniuu roar
tadindupon his ears from the :t*, }"
BteytCiyHall. r.,.....
Brokers and business men, bankers
and stenographers, ceksadother
ofic wokrs weren't slowed down a",:,
bi bthe dvitalizing humidity and r:.
the heat of the swarming sidewalks. .tp:;}, : r:. f::<:
Corrigan Grins