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August 04, 1938 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-08-04

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Yanks Nose Out Tigers With 3-
Run Rally In Eleventh Inning

War's Destruction Portrayed In Cathedral Wreckage


Bucs Increase Lead With
Double Defeat Of Bees;
Giant Homers Take Cubs
DETROIT, Aug. 3-(P)-The New
York Yankees kicked away leads of
one to three runs three times today,
but finally beat the Tigers 10 to 7
with a three-run rally in the 11th
inning, featured by Joe Gordon's 14th
homer of the year.
After the Tigers ted the count
with two runs in the ninth, the Yanks
broke up the ball game at the ex-
pense of Harry Eisenstat in the second
extra frame, when singles by Joe
DiMaggio and Lou Gehrig -and Bill
Dickey's fly scored one run and Gor-
don's round-tripper brought two
more home.
The victory evened the current
series and boosted the Yankees' edge
in the American League to two full
games over the Cleveland Indians.
BOSTON, Aug. 3-(A)-Rappingout
a total of 28 hits, the Pittsburgh Pir-
ates overcame both the Boston Bees
and 95-degree heat in two contests
today, 9 to 4 and 5 to 3, to widen their
National League lead to 51/2 games.
Though the Bees couldn't get to
Cy Blanton with any success in the
opener, the heat finally did, and the
Pirates' ;ace hurler left the box at
the end of the seventh while leading,
7-4. However, he received credit for
the victory and became the first
Pirate hurler to win eight games in
a row, a figure neither Bob Klinger
nor Mace Brown could reach, al-
though each won seven straight earli-
er this year.
The heat also forced Lee Handley,
Pittsburgh third baseman, to quit in
the eighth inning of the nightcap,
Brubaker taking his place.
CLEVELAND, Aug. 3 - (') - The
Cleveland Indians divided a double
header with the Boston Red Sox
here today in blistering heat before
35,000 fans, leaving Cleveland two
games behind the first place New
York Yankees and Boston six games
Boston won the first game, 4 to 3,
as pitcher Jack Wilson maintained
his jinx over the Tribe. Cleveland
took the second, 8 to 6, with Earl
Whitehill and Bob Feller hurling
them to victory.
NEW YORK, Aug. 3-(IP)-The
Giants broke out their home run
bats today and walloped the Chicago
Cubs 8 to 3 on a 12-hit attack feat-
ured by four round-trip clouts.
The victory evened the current
series and dropped the Cubs 21/2
games behind the second place New
Yorkers in the National League race.
Bill Lee, who started for the Cubs,
gave up five runs in the first three
innings. Mel Ott accounted for the
first two with his 24th homer, 'in the
first frame. Dick Bartell belted his
eighth four-bagger in the second,
followed by Gus Mancuso who
whacked his seconi. With Jack Rus-
sell pitching, Bob Seeds hit his sixth
of the season in the sixth frame with
a mate aboad.
three-run tenth-inning rally that in-
cluded Goodman's 27th homer of the
seasoni with one on base, gave the
Cincinnati Reds a 6 to 3 victory over
the Phillies.today.
Whitey Moore, who entered the
Tighten Up' Is
Order To State
DETROIT, Aug. 3.-(M)-Correc-
tions Director Hlmer Gellein ordered
state prison wardens today to "tight-
en up" their supervision of trusty
prisoners after the escape of five con-
viets from state institutions.

Earl Glenn Sauters, a lifer at the
State Prison of Southern Michigan,
was recaptured Tuesday in a Pontiac
rooming house. He escaped with
Richard H. Champlain, another pris-
oner' under life sentence. The latter
was arrested in Monroe.
An all-night vigil around a corn
field at the east end of Little .Wolf
Lake, 14 miles southeast of Jackson
failed to bring about the capture of
Larry Redmond, who escaped from
the State Prison of Southern Michi-
gan. Redmond, serving a life sentence
for robbery of the Mt. Morris Bank
in 1929, fled the jail Monday night
with Natileno Folombo, who was
caught later by sheriff's deputies.
Redmond was seen entering the
corn field at dusk but 150 officers
who surrounded the field were unable
to find the escaped convict.
Gellein said "The wardens have
been directed to use extra-ordinary
care in the selection of lifers as trus-
ties." He pointed out that since Oct.
20, 1937, no inmate has been trans-
ferred from one type of employment
to another without a recommendation
of a classification committee.
"The procedure should be followed
in the cases of lifers and the more
serious offenders when they are given
nositionsas atrusties."

game in the eighth was credited with
his third victory of the season
against no defeats. Passeau war the
losing pitcher.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 3-0P)-Big Buck
Newsom allowed the Washington
Senators only six hits today as the
St. Louis Browns evened their current
series with the Nats, 5 to 3. .
Wild in the early innings, "Umpire"
Buck settled down and allowed only
one man to reach base in the final
three frames. He struck out five
consecutive men in the eighth and
CHICAGO, Aug. 3-(P)-The Phila-
delphia Athletics blasted Chicago
White Sox pitchers for a total of 33
hits today to win both ends of a
doubleheader, 14 to 2, and 13 to 5.
Bob Johnson made his 19th 4nd 20th
home runs of the season in the first

The Will To Win ing that "the State
gan will not be respo
Joe Cronin and his Boston Red Sox any injury or loss of
really want to win this pennant. To ery to any fan." In ad
bolster up his pitching staff which is visitors will be searche
riddled with no pulses, sore arms and Police at the gates and
general incompetency, Cronin has convicts will be admit
gone down to the minors in the hopes nice friendly gatherin
of picking up some material. His * *'*
latest acquisitions were Joe Heving Here's a screwier accid
and Bill Harris. one about a boxer being
Heving and Harris both have head and spraining his
been up before. Heving with Slaughter of the Zion Hi
Washington and Harris with the g
Boston Bees and a few other leading 3 to 0 over theI
clubs. The surprising one is Har- ers in the sixth inning wh
rIS. up and broke his pitch
Harris played with the Buffalo Bi- banging it against his h
sons for so long that he is considered goes to shov how hards
as much of a fixture as the bases, heads are.
Year in and year out he has beenj
the mainstay of the Bison staff and It seems as tho the w
has hurled two no-hit, games for figuring that the Yank
them. But the funny part of it is much in as the pennant
that nobody knows Harris' age. Some Doyle, the betting comm
say he's past 40 and I wouldn't be at posted his latest odds an
all surprised if it were higher than world champions at 1-2
that. surprising Tigers are qu

of Miehi-
ensible for
any prop-
cddition, all
d by- State
no former
ted. Just a
dent than the
g hit on the
ankle. Jake
ill Billies was
Webb Farm-
hen he wound
hing arm by
head. It just
some peoples'
wise boys are
:s are pretty
winner. Jack
nissioner, has
nd quoted the
to cop. Our
uoted at 20-1

Mars intrudes on holy ground in this view of cathedral of Barcelona, Spain, thus shattered by bombings.
Beyond the outstretched arms of the statue in the backwround is the city.

Troop Threat Balked By Injunction

Passing Car Kills
Boy Driving Team
While walking behind a team of
horses he was driving home for his
grandfather, Richard Mayfield. 5, of
941 Newport Rd., was struck and
fatally injured by a passing automo-
bile. The 'accident occured about
6:30 p.m. Tuesday on Newport Rd.,
and according to the driver of the
car, James B. Pugsley, 513 'S. Division
St., was caused by the skidding of his
car when he suddenly applied his
brakes after topping a hill.
Walking beside Richard at the
time of the accident was his brother,
Robert, 7, and although Richard was
thrown against him by the impact.
the latter was uninjured. Robert
suffered a brain injury and was
knocked unconscious, and an autopsy
is planned to determine the exact
cause of the death.
Surviving the victim are his moth-
er, Mrs. Ethel V. Mayfield, his broth-
ers, Robert and Franklin, 2, all re-
siding at the home of the child's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Andres; and his father, Gilbert May-
field, 516 Eighth St.

Elementary School
To Be Built Here
With the official approval of a
$67,909 grant by PWA authorities
Tuesday and the decision of school
district voters a week ago to a raise
on an $82,500 bond issue to be used
in conjunction with the grant, con-
struction of a $150,000 northside ele-
mentary school is definitely assured
within the coming year.
Construction on the building which
will replace the present Donovan
School is expected to begin sometime
in October. The PWA grant marks
the second time within six weeks that
federal funds have been alloted for
local projects. A previous grant of
$64,751 was made for an addition
to the senior high school with work
scheduled to begin this month.
A two-story structure, the new
school will accommodate children
from kindergarten through the sixth
grade, and will include an auditor-
ium, gymnasium, and library. It will
be located near the present north city
limits, between Pontiac and Travers

Cronin probably felt that he
could come up with another of
those ancient rookies and at least
have the veteran come through
for him in this year. Cronin and
Boston are hungry after the years
of famine. Years in which they
were supposed to have the class
to win the pennant. He's prob-
ably pretty desperate now.
But Harris may not be the key to
pennant success. He went yester-
day and was plastered from the box.
You need more than mere age in the
big leagues.
That Adamick Business...
Over the AP wire the other day
came the notice that Jimmy Adamick
and Roscoe Toles would fight (not
each other) at Jackson Prison Sat-
urday. Adamick,' whom many claim
should be inside the gates permanent-
y rather than as a guest, will meet
Lee Parish, heavyweight titlist at the
State Reformatory at Ionia.
At any rate, on the back of
each ticket was printed the warn-

to win but are figured 2-1 to finish
third. There are seven teams in
both leagues on which you can't place
a bet for the show position. Following.
are Doyle's odds: One last word-
don't bet on them.

New York.........1-2
Cleveland.... . . 2-1
Detroit..... .....20-1
Boston.... . ....3-1
Chicago ....... ...30-1
St. Louis.. . ...100-1



1st 2d 3d
Pittsburgh ......... 7-10 1-3 Out
New York.........5-2 11-20 Out
Chicago . . ......5-2 11-20 Out
Cincinnati. ..........4-1 Even Out
Boston...........20-1 6-1 3-1
Brooklyn.........30-1 8-1 4-1
St. Louis... ....30-1 8-1 4-1
Philadelphia . ..100-1 40-1 20-1
Read Daily Classified Ads


United States Marshal Charles Miles is shown here at Memphis, Teen.,
serving a Federal writ on injunction on Gov. Gordon Browning, just
before the governor made a speech in the stronghold of his opposition.
The injunction enjoins him from sending state troops into Memphis
for the Democratic primary today.
Pubication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
VUiversty. Copy receied at the ofde of the Assistant to the President
until 3:.30: 11:00 a.M. on Saturday.

Here's Your


(Continued from Page 2) ;
from 7 p.m. to about 8:30 p.m. Punc-
tual and perfect attendance is re-'
Physical Education Luncheon: The
last of the series of luncheons for
students and faculty in health, physi-1
cal education and recreation will be,
held Thursday, Aug. 4 at 12:10 p.m.
in the Michigan Union. Dr. Margaret
Bell, Professor of Physical Educa-
tion, University of Michigan, and
President-elect of the American As-
sociation for Health, Physical Educa-
tion and Recreation, will discuss the
reorganization of ' the American
Physical Education Association and
its affiliation with the National Edu-
cation Association.
Luncheon tickets will be 57 cents.
Reservations may be made by calling
21939 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
Any students in the School of Edu-
cation, College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, College of Architecture,
and Graduate School who wish to be
candidates for the teacher's certifi-
cate at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion and whose names do not appear
on the list posted in 1431 U.E.S.
should report to the Recorder of the
School of Education, 1437 U.E.S., at
The American Federation of Teach-
ers invites local members, out of town
members, and persons interested in
the problems of teacher organization
to a tea Friday, Aug. 5 from 4 to 5:30
p.m. in the library of the Unitarian
Church, corner State and Huron Sts.
Linguistic Institute Lecture, 7:30
p.m., Friday, in the small amphi-
theatre of the Rackham building.
Prof. E. Adelaide Hahn of Hunter
College will speak on the topic, "Hit-
tite 'kwitman."'
Summer Session Chorus. Very im-
portant special rehearsal 7 to 8 p.m.,
Friday, Aug. 5, at Lane Hall. Chorus
sings Sunday for special Music Ves-
pers. Rehearsal with orchestra, Sun-
dav.v Ai. 7 at Tihrarv stens.

Staff members are
a picnic to be held
All those planning
call 4553 between 6
fore Saturday.

invited to attend
Saturday, Aug. 6.
to attend should
and 7:30 p.m. be-

Hillel Summer Session Group will z
hold its next informal dance at the
Foundation, Oakland and East
University on Saturday, Aug. 6, at 9
p.m. There will be a small charge of
10 or 15 cents per male to cover re-
freshment costs. All Jewish students
are invited.
Detroit Graduate Study Center Stu-
dents: Bulletins listing the courses
to be offered in Detroit during the
first semester of 1938-39 are now
available in the office of the Graduate
School. Students who plan to take
the Study Center work are urged to
make course selections and have them
approved by the proper departmental
advisers before the end,of the Sum-
mer Session.
To Those Interested in qualifying
as applicants for the Ed. D. Degree:
Those who wish to qualify for the
Ed. D. degree in Education, and thus
become an applicant for this degree,
will report to Room 4200 University
High School, for the qualifying ex-
amination at 1 o'clock, either on Sat-
urday afternoon, Aug. 6, or on Mon-
day-afternoon, Aug. 8. This is not a
subject-matter examination and no
special preparation will be expected.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 7, at the
northwest entrance of the Rackham
Building to go to Saline Valley Farms
for swimming, baseball, and a picnic.
Come and bring your friends.
Colleges of Literature, Science and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of
Education, Forestry and Music: Sum-
mer Session students wishing a tran-
script of this summer's work only
should file a request in Room 4, U.H.
several days before leaving Ann Ar-
hnr. FRA+lim-. t fil+ this rn Ct mwill

G r a t r
:daY Tbusda/
4t2an Sid4

*Ik V*~.~
V ~ne

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