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August 04, 1938 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-04

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Wet Year Brings Water Over Lahontan Dam, Dry For 16 Years


There comes a time in every man's life . . . or in the life of every woman
or in the course of every conversation . . . when the weather is the
most appropriate topic for discussion. And . . due to some geographical
fct or other . . . which one certainly would not deign to dispute . . . Ann
Arbor lies in some latitudinal or longitudinal belt whereby this fair city has
weather just a little different from that found in neighboring
' communities . . . in other words . . . only one couple found
their way to the Palmer Field tennis courts yesterday afternoon
. . and the better half of that combination was Carolyn Coller,
a local girl who is thus used to this refreshing atmosphere.
But . . . things have been happening with a gusto in the
sporting world this past wekk . . . at least in the women's physi-
cal education department here. And prizes of one sort or another
have been awarded lavishly to the best . . . and also to the
least skilled . . . performers.
The W.A.A. tournaments are now finished . . . or practically
so . . . except for the golf contest . . . and that soon will be . . . and
congratulations and three cheers are now in order to the winners . . . and
just to be sociable . . . two cheers to the losers . . . if at first you don't
succeed, try and try again . . . or something to that effect. Beatrice Masse;
man may be the champion of the tennis contest and hence may receive a
little cup as an award . . . but then again she may not be . . . only time
will tell . . this afternoon to be specific . . . for Elsie Michalke . . .
the winner of the B tournament . . . the winner of the losers, since each
inidividual had a chance to play twice, the original winners
staying in the A contest and the original losers taking their
places in the B tourney . . . has decided that she will challenge
Bea and the match will be played this afternoon at Palmer Field.
Irene Lampkin and Frances Link have yet to play their match
in- the golf tournament . . . on a handicap basis . . '. and the
winner of the event is to receive a simply wonderful prize . . . a
playing privilege on the University's golf course for the rest of
the season . . . which is quite definitely worth doing some real
driving and careful putting for.
Both of the -badminton tournaments were played off last evening and
the awards . . . cups similar to that whicl) will be given in tennis . .
Wre awarded. Louise Paine defeated Jessie Miller, 11-3, 11-9, in the A
section of the contest for experienced players. Ellen Corby Foster . . . after
vinning the, B division of the tournament . . . like friend Elsie, the winner
of the losers . . . challenged Louise but . . . although she really did very
well . . . Louise proved to be able to hold her championship title. In the
second of the tournaments featuring skill in the racket and the shuttle-
cock . . . where the, beginners showed what they had or had not learned
. . . Mary Allshouse was the winner and she remains unchallenged accord-
ing to all reports.
The six week golf classes were brought to a fitting close a few days ago
when the members . . . most of whom had been beginners when they first
enrolled in the course . . . went out to a real golf course . . . and not to
an easy one either . . . but to the University's course. Several contests were
includled in the afternoon's program . . . and several prizes were awarded.
Fehr the lowest number of putts on the first hole . . . one to be exact . .
Nora Hall receved a wooden key to this fair city with a thermometer at-
tached. . . just to remind her. . . in case she could ever forget . . . most
appropriate it must be agreed. For the highest number of putts on the
s*egrid-hole, Wanda Field . . . with five to her credit . . . received a tin
duinking cup . . . she can put it on the ground, dig a hole, and practice
putting any time now. For the best score on four holes picked at random
Iy the instructor Vera Miller was presented with a golf ball . . . while Lora
Pusey ..who had the lowest total for both driving and
..putting on the third hole took home another souvenir of
Ann Arbor in the shape of a tiny green elephant. A good
time was had by all.
The members of the archery class are really learning to
shoot their way through most any spot and that feminine
William Tell which was hinted at previously has been
found . . . but the gentleman has a double for two very
proficient archers in the class could easily have hit the
proverbial 'apple. Maybelle Kahle received a Mickey Mouse
modeled in soap for her ability to hit the target the greatest
number of times at both a 20 and 30 yard distance . .
Maybelle may use Mickey as a point of aim from this day
on. For the highest score at clout shooting . . . wherein a
red triangular flag is placed on a stick about three feet
from the ground and is shot at by the archers at about a
100 yard range . . . Kathryn Howes was presented with
an eversharp pencil . .. to keep score with.

History was repeating itself when water in the Lahontan reservoir on the Carson river, Nevada. spilled over
The irrigation-control reservoir whch has 293,004 acre-feet capacity, last spilled over in 1922.

Describes Weapons In Strike Clash


Professor -Disappears

Using his hands, Police Chief Jesse Fisher of Monroe, Mich., illustrated
for the benefit of the Senate Civil Liberties Committee hearing in Wash-
ington the size of police sticks and "fungo" bats he said were carried
by vigilantes in a clash with union pickets during the steel strike at
Monroe. None of the vigilantes carried firearms, he said, but admitted
tear gas was used.

" ! r


Toe, tap, acrobatics.
Taught daily. Terrace
Garden Studio. Wuerth
e Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695
2nd Floor. Open eves.
All Comedy p W
r -

Is Anthropology Fettered{
By 19th Century Science?
(Continued from Page 2)
giving the facts as they are, facts
that anyone can see if he merely
looks around himself, our public
school textbooks, newspapers, maga-
ines, and even encyclopediae revert to
the asinine frothings of the pseudo-
scientists when giving the character-
istics of the Negro.
If I may be permitted to ask teach-
ers to do one thing, it is this: "Never
send students to the textbooks or
reference books when they are seek-
ing anthropological information on
the Negro. The only commonly found
book that I can recommend for such
purposes is Franz Boas' "The Mind
of Primitive Man". In lieu of this or
similar books by modern anthropolo-
.ists instruct them to get their in-
formation by observation."

~.and ..
Mr. Frank E. Lockwood of Milford
has issued the invitations for the
coming marriage of her daughter,
Olive, to Frederic 0. Crandall of Ann
Arbor. The ceremony is to take place
Aug. 20 in the West Highland Baptist
church with a reception at Ridge-
mere Farm, Milford afterwards.
Both Miss Lockwood and Mr. Cran-
dall are teaching fellows in the de-
partment of speech in the University
and will live here in Ann Arbor next
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Miller of Jef-
ferson Ave., have announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Ruth,
to Gordon Cook, also of Ann Arbor.
The date has been set for Oct. 22 and
will take place in the Ethel Fountain
Hussey room of the League.
Both Miss Miller and Mr. Cook
graduated from the University this
June. She was in the school of
music and affiliated with Mu Phi
Epsilon music sorority. Mr. Cook re-
ceived his degree from the engineer-
ing college and is employed by the
Kellogg Company in Battle Creek at
the present time.
NEW YORK, Aug. 3.-(P)-The Gi-
ants tonight announced the purchase
of John Wittig, 22-year-old right-
hand fastball pitcher, from the Bal-
timore Orioles of the International

Prof. Wilson Lectures
On Interatomic Forcest
Interatomic forces and molecular
spectra were the main subjects ofI
the talk given yesterday afternoono
in the Rackham Building by Prof.t
Bright E. Wilson of Harvard Univer-
Professor Wilson discussed the
principles of the theory of Infra-redp
and Raman spectra with reference 'oI
their interatomic forces. The lec-
ture is the sixth in a series of Chem-1
istry lectures being given every Wed-J
nesday this summer under the spon-
sorship of the Chemistry department.
Summer Session French
Club To Hear Graeffet
Mr. Didier Graeffe of the Lawrence
Institute of Technology at Highland
Park will address the meeting of thel
Sumer Session French Club at 8 p.m.
today at the French House, 1414
Washtenaw. Mr.(Graeffe, a native of
Belgium, will speak on "Un Voyage
en Nigerie."
French songs, games and refresh-
ments will followhthe program, ac-
cording to Mr. Charles E. Koella of
the romance languages department,
director of the club.'

Dr' Robert Moore Duncan (above),
35, assistant professor of politics at
Colgate University, disappeared
from the liner Normandie after,
Purser Henry Villar' said, an argu-
ment with his wife.
Odd Jobs Available
Before Fall Session
Students remaining in Ann Arbor
between the end of Summer Session
and the beginning of school in Sep-
tember were advised yesterday by
Miss Elizabeth Smith, assistant in
charge of the Student Employment
Bureau, that there will be odd jobs
available during that interval through
the Bureau.
A flat rate of 40 cents per hour
prevails for all manual labor, which
includes housecleaning and yard and
garden work. Forty to 50 cents per
hour is the wage level, depending on
type, which prevails for clerical work.
Birling Champion
To Risk World Title
ESCANABA, Mich., Aug. 3-(M)-
After several weeks of indecision, Joe
Connor, of Cloquet, Minn., sent word
today that he would defend his
world birling championship at the
Escanaba Roleo Aug. 12-14.
Connor said he would bring his
birling brothers, Tom and Reuben,
who have not competed here previous-
ly, and Jimmy Johnson, of Cloquet,
who won fourth place here last year.
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Come to the Party!
After the theatre the place to
go for a friendly gathering and
a refreshing glass of beer is
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He Loved and Learned... NOtUi

Polar Cub



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