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June 28, 1938 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1938-16-28

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The Weather
Warmer tomorrow, continued

L *

111 it i gait


Murphy's State
Planning Commiission
Arms Embargo
On Spain,..

Official Publication Of The Summer Session





Bill Gets OK
Of President
F.D.R. Gives 'Go-Ahead'
Signal To 'Floor-Ceiling'
200,000 Expected
To Receive Raises
WASHINGTON, June 27.-(A') -
Presdeht Roosevelt has signed the
wage-hour bill, thereby giving the
"go ahead" signal for a vast experi-
ment in putting a "floor" under pay
rates and a "ceiling" over hours.
The signing was done without fan-
fare Saturday, but was not an-
nounced by White House officials un-
til, today.
The act will go into operation Oct.
24. On that date, officials said, some
200,000 persons receiving less than
25 cents an hour are to have their
pay increased to 25 cents. Whether
any court fight over the act will de-
lay its operation has yet to be deter-
mined, however.
The act provides for the appoint-
ment of a wage-hour administrator,
and well-informed officials said they
expected the President to fill this
post before he starts on his trip to the
West July 7.
The act applies to industries in in-
terestate commerce, with some ex-
ceptions. They will be required to
pay a minimum wage of 25 cents an
hour during the first year after Oct.
During the second year and five
subsequent years the wage rate mini-
mum will be 30 cents, and at the end
of seven years after the act goes into
effect, the flat minimum will be 40.
-To place a ceiling over hours the
measure provides a maximum work
week of 44 hours the first year, 42
hours the second year, and 40 hours
The administrator is empowered to
set up industry committees to investi-
gate wage conditions in various i-
dustries and to recommend -the pay-
ment of the highest minimum rates
as .,son as economically justified.
Thus, the 40-cent minimum might
be reached In some industries in much
less than seven years.
Experts in the Labor Department,
where the newly-created wage and
hour division will be established,
pointed out that the administration
of the act and the recommendations
for payment of the highest minimum
wage will all revolve on the ques-
tion of "economic feasibility."
In determining the highest feasible
minimum the industry committees,
made up of representatives of the
public, employers and the employes,
will consider competitive conditions
affected by transportation and living
costs, comparable wages paid under
collective agreements, and voluntarily
maintained minima.
The measure also prohibits "op-
pressive child labor," exempts some
industries from wage and hour regu-
lation, and provides payment of time
and a half for overtime except in sea-
sonal industries, where the work
week may run to 56 hours.
Bureau experts said they had no
accurate information about the num-
ber of -persons whose work week
might be shortened by the act, but
estimated that last August 1,200,000
persons in manufacturing industries
were working longer than 44 hours a
Dr. Bell Will

Talk To NEA
Health And Recreation
Are Lecture Topics
NEW YORK, June 28 (Special to
The Daily)-The program of the
American Association for Health,
Physical Education and Recreation
will be the subject of the talk to be
given at a luncheon meeting today of
the annual convention of the Na-
tional Education Association by Dr.
Margaret Bell, director of physical
education for women and head medi-
cal adviser for women at the Uni-
versity Health Service.
Dr. Bell will speak for the Amer-
can Association as president-elect and
will represent Dr. Neils Neilson of
Stanford University who was unable
to attend the meeting. The speech
will be in honor of the first anniver-
sary of the union of the American As-
sociation with the N.E.A. Dr. Bell

Europe Turns
F r o m Spain
To Far East
(By Associated Press)
The irregular movement of the Eu-
ropean diplomatic pendulum swung
sharply. away from the troublesome
Mediterranean tonight, as dispatches
from continental capitals indicated
an increased interest in the Far East.
In London it was revealed that
Britain an France had warned Ja-
pan to keep hands off the strategic
island of Hainan, off the South
China coast, and had consummated
an agreement to act together in case
of any "complications."
Richard Austen Butler, undersec-
retary for foreign affairs, told the
House of Commons of the warning,
and a foreign office spokesman in1
Paris confirmed France's readiness
to stand with Britain.
The two governments told Japan
that if she persisted in a reported
intention to land troops on Hainan,
"undesirable" complications would
Hainan is directly opposite fdorth-E
ern French Indo-China, and lies close
to the route between Hongkong and
Singapore, Britain's Far Eastern
strongholds. Chinese officials re-
ported that Japanese troops tried to
land on the island Sunday but were
repulsed by machine-gun fire. ,
Europe, meanwhile, closely watched
Germany's movements in the Chi-
nese-Japanese war, following the re-
call of Oskar Trautmann, the Ger-
man ambassador to Hankow, who,
with the German military advisors
to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek,j
was scheduled to leave Hankow Tues-
While there was no official infor-
mation on Foreign Minister Joachim
Von Ribbentrop's motive in calling
back Trautmann for a report, ob'serv-
ers saw therein the beginning of a
parallel action in Spain.
After the outbreak of the Spanish
Civil War, Germany gradually with-
drew from Loylist Spain and then
followed with positive support of
General -Francisco Franco.
Germany, similarly, has given at
least ideological endorsement to the
Japanese cause in the Far Eastern
conflict, and certainly no one in Ber-
lin believes that Trautmann will re-
turn to China.
Tryouts Open'
To All Singers'
On Wednesday'
'Vagabond King' Listed ,
For Angust Presentation
By Repertory Players "
The first in a series of general try-I
outs for all, singers interested in ap-i
pearing in the Michigan Repertory
Players' production of "The Vaga-
bond King" will be held Wednesday
at 5 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn the-
atre. Because of the large number of,
men and women needed for the cho-
ruses, Valentine B. Windt, director
of the Players, has opened the try-
outs to all whether or not they are
enrolled in the university.
'The Vagabond King" will be pre-'
sented during August by the Michi-
gan Repertory Players in conjunction
with the School of Music and the Un-
iversity Symphony Orchestra. The
famous opera, which combines the
music of Rudolph Friml with the
original book by J. Huntley Mc-
Carthy, concerns the life of dashing
Francois Villon, Paris poet, vaga-

bond and king. Against the roman-
tic setting of fourteenth century
Prance, Villon insults King Louis,
fights slashing bouts with sword and
pistol, and barely escapes the execu-
tioner's axe.
Beside the leading roles there will
be a chorus of over fifty men and
women singers.
"The Vagabond King" will be the
Grand Finale to the Tenth Anni-
versary Season, and will lengthen the
long list of productions tnder the
combined auspices of the Players and
the School of Music,
Probation Granted
To Homicide Driver
Five years probation. was granted
yesterday by Circuit Judge George
W. Sample to Edward T. Rybacki,
20, of Detroit, the driver of a car in
which Louis Adamski, 22, also of De-
troit, was fatally injured on June 12
at N. Main and Summit streets. Ry-
backi pleaded guilty to a negligent

Sellars Asks
New Outlook
For America
Delivers First Lecture Of
Sunmei' Session Series
In New Graduate School
Sees New Deal Step
To SocialPhilosophy
A mid-point between "individualis-
tic liberalism and collectivist social-c
ism" was proposed yesterday by Prof.1
Roy W. Sellars of the philosophy de-t
partment as America's future "social
Professor Sellars, delivering the
first of a series of 30 Summer Ses-
sion lectures in the new Graduate
School, told his audience that the
"old liberal tradition has to become
qualified into a less individualist
plilosophy, with a little more gov-I
ernment correlation.
"I think America has been feeling
her way toward a social philosophy,"
he said. "The New Deal is an at-1
tempt to fumble toward one, not
something deliberately planned out.
"It is my hope that we may be able
to reach some middle-of-the-road
point between individualist liberalism
and collectivist socialism."
One of the most distinguished phi-
losophers in the country, Professor
Sellars is especially noted for his lu-
cid and enlightening accounts of the
various social philosophies that have
been propounded in the history of,
Western Civilization, from the time,
of Plato to the present.
Predict Record
In Enrollment
This S ummer
Statistics Show Increase
Over Last Year Of 12.1
Per Cent At Like Date
Possibility of a record summer en-
rollment, indicated in early regis-
tration figures, was strengthened last
night when later figures released by
Miss Marian Williams, University
statistician, showed a total enroll-
ment to datesof 4,767, a 12.1 per cent
increase over enrollment last year at
this time.
Last year's Summer Session had
enrolled, at the corresponding date,
4,252 students, with the final mark
of 5,110 hitting an all-time high for
summer enrollments. It is very prob-;
able, Miss Williams said, that the
total enrollment this year will shat-
ter the old mark.
The engineering college continued
to show the most marked gain in en-
rollments among the schools with a
total to date of 430, a 31.5 per cent
increase over last year. The Graduate
School, with 2,674 enrolled and the
literary college, with 682, also chalked
up substantial margins over last year.
University records show that en-
rollment figures for each summer
since 1928 have noted a substantial
increase over the previous year, and
with the 45th annual Summer Ses-
sion the steady ten-year climb will.
in all probability, be continued.
Figures indicate that in only one
school out of the 11 on campus do
the women outnumber the men. The
education school standings show that
of a total of 262 enrollees, 220 are
women. Decreases of six to thirty-

six per cent of last year's mark were
noted in the Music School, the School
of Education, the College of Phar-
macy and the School of Forestry and
Conservation. All others maintained
substantial margins over enrollments
last year at this time.
Miller Describes
Gun TI Rotarians
Colonel Henry W. Millei, head of
the department of mechanical and
engineering drawing in the College of
Engineering, spoke on the Paris Gun
last night before the annual meet-
ing of the Rotary Club of St. Joseph
and Benton Harbor. The meeting was
held in St. Joseph.
Col. Miller, who published a book
on the Paris Gun in 1930 secured
information about the gun when
serving in the ordnance department
of the U.S. Army during the Great

Hedges Cries
To Arm Ships
Says Awaiting Return Of
Agent With Conciliatory
Notes From Gen. Franco
British Anger Rises
After 59th Attack
LONDON, June 27.-(P)-With a
cautious refusal to promise anything,
Britain's hard-pressed Prime Minis-
ter, Neville Chamberlain, turned back
angry demands today that British
merchant ships be amed to beat off
attacking warplanes.
Both opposition and supporting
members of the House of Commons
harried the spare, bushy-browed
Chamberlain in a heated session af-
ter Spanish Insurgent planes blasted
two more ships flying the "Union
Chamberlain promised his critics
nothing and awaited the return of
the British commercial agent, Sir
Robert M. Hodgson, Britain's rep-]
resentative in Insurgent Spain, who
is expected to bring a conciliatory'
explanation of such attacks from
Generalissimo Franco.
It was possible that mounting Brit-
ish anger over repeated attacks on
British shipping-today's were the
58th and 59th since the war started'
-might force Chamberlain to keep
Sir Robert at home and sever the'
semi-diplomatic relations with Fran-
Some quarters admitted that even
Franco might be unable to curb the
operations of his German and Italian
pilots and planes-men and equip-
ment from two countries which
Chamberlain is doing his utmost to
Thus in the last analysis, Cham-
berlain might face the alternative
of angering Premier Mussolini and
Reichsfuehrer Hitler or of driving
his own supporter's in Parliament into
the opposition camp.
' When angry critics in Commnons
demanded today that British freight-
ers be mounted with anti-aircraft
guns, Chamberlain replied that "a
good many difficulties" stood in the
way, including the necessity of struc-
tural changes in the ships.
Spurred by the Barcelona govern-
ment's warning of possible far-reach-
ing reprisals for continued bombard-
ment of civilian centers by Insurgent
planes, the government sped plans
for operation of a neutral commis-
sion of inquiry.
London invited a fourth country-
understood to be the Netherlar.ds-
to participate, in addition to Brit-
ain, Sweden and Norway.
Bishop To Give
Second Lecture
In Series Today
Printed Book, Manuscript
Conflict Ii 18th Century
Subject Of Talk Today
Dr. William W. Bishop, librarian
of the University, will deliver the
second of 30 Summer Session lec-
tures at 4:30 p.m. today in the Main
Auditorium of the Horace H. Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies. The
subject of his illustrated lecture will
be "The Conflict Between Printed

Books and Manuscripts in The 15th
Dr. Bishop's lecture will be the first
of a series of 12 talks in conjunction
with the Graduate Conference on
Renaissance Studies. These lectures
will deal with the music, literature,
economics and religion of the Ren-
aissance period and will be delivered
by faculty members and prominent
outside authorities.
Dr. Hieber D. Curtis, director of the
University Observatory, will deliver
the third lecture of the Summer Ses-
sion series when he speaks at 4:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Graduate
School Auditorium on "Astronomy in
Motion Pictures."
The second lecture in the Renais-
sance Studies series, and fourth of
the Session will be given by Prof. J.
N. Douglas Bush of Harvard Univer-
sity at 4:30 p.m. Thursday in the
Graduate School Auditorium. His
subject will be "Modern Theories of
the Renaissance."

New Mall Relieves Ann Arbor
Motorists' Parking Difficulties

Pacific Track
Squad Downs
Big Ten; Golf
Team Is Third

Barclay, Palbier Are
For Second After
Day's Competition


Congestion In State Street
Traffic Is Alleviated By
Spacious New Roadways
Gratified Ann Arbor motorists will
testify to the utilitarian as well as
esthetic purpose served by the north
end of the recently completed Cam-
pus Central Mall in providing park-
ing space for hundreds (not actual
count) of local automobiles.
What is now the spacious double
parkway, seen on the above model be-
tween the League and the Carillon
Tower, was, up to three months ago,
N. Ingalls Ave., a narrow street which
did little -either to beautify the cam-
pus or solve Ann Arbor's parking
The parkway provides parking fa-


Ottawa Artist
Here To Play
Carillon Bells
Following the departure from the
University of Prof. Wilmot F. Pratt
at the end of the summer session,
Frank Percival Price, Canadian mu-
sician, will serve as guest artist on
the Charles Baird carillon from
Sept. 20 to Nov. 30.
Mr. Price is acting Dominion caril-
loneur at the Peace Tower of the
Parliament buildings at Ottawa, and
is believed to have played more caril-
Ions than any other musician. As a
composer, Mr. Price won a Pulitzer
prize in 1934, and he is the author of
a widely accepted book on the tech-
nical features of the carillon.
During his sixteen years t of per-
forming on various carillons, Mr.
Price has been the only non-Euro-
pean carilloneur to tour Europe pro-
fessionally. Born in Toronto, Mr.
Price received his musical education
in Canada and abroad, and in 1927
was graduated from the Mechlin Car-
illon School as the only non-European
to win a diploma from that institu-
tion. In addition to his present post
Mr. Price has served as official caril-
loneur at the Massey Memorial caril-
Ion in Toronto and the Rockefeller
Memorial carillon in New York. No
permanent successor to Professor
Pratt has been named to serve follow-
ing Mr. Price's visit.
Prof, D umoud
Vi I 1Embark
Noted Civil War Authority
To Lecture Abroad
In recognition of his knowledge of
the American Civil War period, Prof.
Dwight L. Dumond of the history
department has been selected to de-
liver a series of eight lectures at the
University of London nextrFebruary
and March on "Anti-Slavery of the
Civil War in the United States."
The lectures, to be presented uin-
dei the auspices of the University of
London Commonwealth fund, will
necessitate a six-week leave of ab-
sence for Professor Dumond, during
which time he plans to further hi.
research into the origins of the Civil
War with the aid of British docu-,
Professor Dumond has taught in
the history department since 1929
and is widely known as an authority
both on contemporary American his-
tory and the history of the South.
His leave next spring will be from
Feb. 4 to March 18.
Directory Out Soon
The Summer Directory of the Uni-
,,-a, ci.-v p nescha muifshi1n

cilities on both sides of its two 28-
foot-wide roadways, helping N. State
Street to look more like a traffic thor-
oughfare than a catch-as-catch-can
parking lot, and showing off the new
$2,000,000 Graduate School to ad-
However, there is -more to the Mall
than the parkway, for included in the
area designated by the term is the
stretch of ground running from the
General Library to N. University Ave-
nue between the Natural Science and
Chemistry buildings. This area is due
for some new landscaping under the
direction of Mr. William Pitkin of
Rochester, N. Y., consulting landscape
architect for the Mall project, ac-
cording to Walter B. Roth, assistant
superintendent of the Buildings and
Grounds department, in charge of
the project. 1.
The Mall will be deemed finally
completed only after construction of
the new building for the School of
Music which can be seen on the model
behindwthe Carillon Tower and Hill
Auditorium. Land for this building
cannot be secured until funds have
been appropriated for purchase of
the privately owned property on the
western side of the parkway. Work
completed to date on the Mall has
been ca'rried on through a joint ap-I
propriation of $30,000 by the Re-
gents and the WPA.
Regents Accept
Gifts Totalling
Upjohn Pharmaceutical
Co. Donates $2,700 For
A Surgical Fellowship

B ill Watson Places
In Discus Throw
EVANSTON, Ill., June 27-()-In
shadowy twilight descending on
Northwestern University's stadium,
track and field stars from the Pa-
cific Coast Conference overwhelm-
ingly demonstrated their superiority
over a picked Western Conference
squad today by winning their second
annual dual meet, 101 to 35, before
10,000 spectators.
The Westerners won 12 of the 16
events, scoring clean sweeps in the
100 yard dash, the 120 yard high
hurdles, the 220 yard dash, the jave-
lin. and the broad jump, in addition to
capturing both relays. In their tri-
umph the invaders established four
of five new meet records hung up.
The Big Ten team, paced by Wis-
consin's remarkable runner, black-
haired Chuck Fenske, scored only
four victories, with Fenske account-
ing for two of them. The long strid-
ing Badger star, rated among the six
fastest milers in the world, won the
"revenge mile" from Louis Zamperini,
rambling Italian from Southern Cali-
fornia, by a decisive 12 yards to wipe
out the Southern Californian's vic-
tory scored in the National Collegiate
meet two weeks ago.
The only other Big Ten- winners
were Dave Albritton, the Ohio State
Negro star, who won the high jump
with a leap of 6 feet 6% inches, and
Walter Mehl of Wisconsin, who won
the two mile run in 9:13.5, a new
meet mark. Ralph Schwarzkopf of
Michigan was second.
Pete Zagar of Stanford won the
liscus throw with 158 feet, 5 inches.
Bill Watson of Michigan was second
with 150 feet.

Gifts totalling more than $14,200
were accepted by the Regents at thet
final meeting of the academic year,
June 17, one appointment to the
faculty was confirmed and one resig-
nation accepted.
The largest single donation was the
Upjohn Pharmaceutical Co. of Kala-
rmazoo grant of $2,700 to establish the
Upjohn Fellowship in surgical re-
search for the coming year. Don M.
Le Duc, Grad., was awarded the fel-
Dr. William Harris Winn, a mem-
ber of the research staff of the Can-
adian Royal Commission on Domin-
ion-Provincial Relations, was ap-
point to replace Dr. Charles F. Remer
of the Economics department, who
will take part in the economic confer-
ence at Geneva, Switzerland during
the academic year 1938-39.
The Regents also expressed their
appreciation to Radio Station WJR in
Detroit for radio equipment during
the past year valued at $7,500 and
facilitiies and time with commercial
value of $35,000.
The resignation of Prof. Carleton
Pierce of the Medical School to be-
come director of the department of
radiology of the Royal Hospital in
Montreal was accepted by the Re-,
9th District Alumni
Will Meet July 16
Members of the ninth district
alumni of the University, represent-
ing 10 University of Michigan clubs,
are scheduled to convene here for
their annual meeting as guests of the
Ann Arbor club on July 16.
Alumni of southeastern Michigan
who laid plans for the meeting in-
clude Harcourt Patterson, Pontiac,
president of the ninth district alum-
ni- Miln o iinhant. Ann Arbor. secre-

Barclay, Palmer Second
LOUISVILLE, Ky., June 27-tP)-
An unheralded Michigan State senior,
Edward J. Flowers, of Grand Rapids,
set the pace today for a record field
in the opening qualifying round of
the forty-first annual National In-
tercollegiate golf championship.
The tall, husky Michigan Stater,
like the 158 other collegians who
went to the post out of an entry list
of 174, failed to solve the puzzling par
of the Louisville Country Club, but
his one-over-par 72 gave him a stroke
lead at the halfway mark of the
qualifying test.
Two University of Michigan en-
tries, Robert Palmer, also of Grand
Rapids, and Bill Barclay, of Flint,
along with Sid Richardson; of North-
western, Robert E. Bingham, of Am-
herst, and Lew Oehmig, of Virginia,
were deadlocked with 738.
Palmer and Barclay ; had erratic
nines to blow chances of assuming the
first-round leadership. Palmer took
40 blows on the par 36 outgoing side
and then came home with a fine 33,
the best score of the day on the par
35 incoming nine. Barclay clipped a
stroke off the card for the first nine,
but 3-putted the short 15th and lost
two strokes with an out-of-bounds
at the 17th.
Students, Start
New Magazine
To Be Published Monthly
By Independent Group
There will be a summer session
magazine for the first time in his-
Iory when "Capus" comes from
Iie presses Wednesday .
The"venture, to be published week-
ly by an independent group of stu-
dents, will combine the ideas of the
regular semester publications---hu-
nor and cartoons from Gargoyle, in-
formative articles and fiction from
Perspectives, and pictures from Pan-
orama, now defunct.
"For the past several years there
have been enough students enrolled
in the summer session to justify the
existence of a magazine," claim the
editors. "As far as we know, Campus'
has no prototype in any university."
Fwanrh1-'eul of+"(amsmm" will m_


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