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July 30, 1938 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-30

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Lingusts see
X-Ray Photos
Of Vocal Cords
Two Speakers Highlight
Meeting Of American
LinguisticSociety Here
(Continued from Page 1)
then explained in detail how the
two 'sharp' laryngeals 'ha' and 'Ain'
produced this change and how cer-
tain other environmental conditions
resulted in the remaining 'e' vowels
in Babylonian. "Umlaut," he con-
cluded, "operated in different ways
at different times in these different
Semitic dialects."
Further sessions today will occur at
9:15 a. m. and 2 p. m. in the Rack-
ham amphitheater, where a number
of papers will be read on various
linguistic topics. Both meetings are
open to the public.
Dr. Raven I. McDavid, jr., the first
speaker at the opening session yes-
terday afternoon, told of the tribula-
tions of trying to teach the Interna-
tional Phonetic Alphabet to cadets
in the military academy, The Citadel
of Charleston, S. C., where he is a
member of the faculty.
The audience next' jumped back-
ward several thousand years to fol-
low Prof. Edgar H. Sturtevant of
Yale University into "The Prehistory
of the Indo-European Stems in long
a '." Dr. Sturtevant posited two ini-
tial assumptions, first that the re-
cently-discovered ancient Hittite is
not an Indo-Europeanlanguage but
is cognate with it, both having de-
scended from a parent Indo-Hittite,
and second that the four hypotheti-
cal laryngeal consonants which schol-
ars have attributed to Indo-European
did not all exist in that tongue but
did exist in Indo-Hittite. He then
showed how Indo-European stems in
long 'a' resulted from one of the
Indo-Hittite laryngeals, the voiceless
velar fricative, which produced a
lengthening of the vowel in faculta-
tive verbs derived from adjectives.
A study of the French dialect spok-
en by a small Creole settlement in
Missouri was detailed by Prof. J. M.-
Carriere of Northwestern University.
These Creoles, he said, numbering
about 700, and descended from the
early Canadian "courieus des bois,"
live in the lead mining district near
Potosi and Ste. Genevieve, about
sixty-five miles south of St. Louis.
Unlike the French in Louisiana, these
people' did not borrow many words
fromSpanish or from Ameican In-
dian languages but have greatly af-
fected their native French tongue by
recent borrowings from English.
Dr. Carriere read a list of words
thus borrowed, including such nouns'
as "bommeur" and "traveleur" from
English "bum" or "bummer" and
"traveler," verbs like 'filer" and
"lender" from English "feel" and
"lend," and the phrase "bommer a
la tour" for "to bum around." But
the growing influence of English upon
this dialect, he said, points to its
speedy extinction.
Another experiment in language
teaching received attention in the
paper read by Prof. Hermann Meier
of Drew University, who related how
he has been using studies in etymol-
ogy to promote interest in language
among undergraduataes who, he'
charged, are ordinarily graduated
from American colleges illiterate with
respect to their own language.
The final paper of the afternoon
was that of the society's secretary,
Prof. R. G. Kent, who appeared in
place of the delayed Prof. Miles Han-
ley. Dr. Kent, professor of compara-
tive philology at the University of
Pennsylvania, discussed the problem
presented by the recent finding of a
small tile bearing on both sides in-
scriptions in old Persian. Although a

European scholar has published anj
article attempting to translate the
inscriptions, it is Dr. Kent's conten-
tion that certain characteristics of
the inscription which deviate from the
features normally found in old Per-
sian make it certain that the thing is
a forgery probably made about 1929.-
Police Claim
Confession In
Bank Robbery
Fountain, Mich. Hold-up{
Nets Operators $500j
During Lunch Hour
TRAVERSE CITY, July 29.-(P)-
Capt. Earl Hathaway of the State Po-'
lice said tonight that two Frankfort
men in custody here had confessed
robbing the Fountain State Bank, in
Mason County, of approximately $5007
this afternoon.
The men were apprehended in an
automobile between Beulah andt
Thomnpsonville by troopers Clarence
Bloomquist 'and Henry Noack and{
brought to the Traverse City State1
Police post.
Sheriff George Colyer of Masont
County was notified and started here
to question the suspects.
State police had ordered all officers
in Western Michigan to watch for a
1932 green (Chevrolet) coach with
hn fr .. -o- a a t- m rrl, _ _s~n n. .

News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures

Michigan Democrats turned their "happy family" face to the world when petitions qualifying Governor
Frank Murphy for re-nominaton were filed with tire Secretary of State at Lansing. Left to right: Murray D.
Van Wagoner, State Highway Commissioner; National Committeeman Edmund C. Shields, Governor Murphy;
State Chairman Edward J. Fry; Secretary of State Leon Case; and Fry's brother, State Treasurer Theodore 1.
Fry. Both .the highway commissioner and State Treasurer have been mentioned as possible rivals of the Gov-
ernor for the Democratic nomination.

Pausing to light a cigarette, Walter Maloney, of Cleveland, a former
Republic Steel Corporation policeman, is shown in Washington as he
testifed before the Senate Civil Liberties Committee hearng that he
lied his way into a job. as a C.IO. organizer, and then signed the names
of steel workers to membership cards without their knowledge.

New Bar Head
Asks Probe Of
Civil Liberties
F. J. Hogan Sees Need Of
Defense Committee To
Protect 'Rith Or Poor'
CLEVELAND, July 29.-UiP)-Frank
J. Hogan, 61-year-old Washington
trial lawyer,'took over the presidency
of the American Bar Association to-
day and immediately urged the crea-
tion of a committee to defend and
protect the civil liberties of American
citizens, "Rich or poor."
Unopposed for the highes. office of
the " Association. Hogan was elected
to succeed Arthur .T. Vanderbilt of
Newark, N.J., as the organization
closed its 61st annual meeting.
"It seems to me to be important,"
Hogan said at his induction into of-
fice, "that the American Bar Asso-
ciation shall take immediate and
practical steps to assure the American
citizen, be he poor or rich, that if
rights and immunities vouchsafed to
him by the Bill of Rights are any-
where denied to him or threatened
with denial, impartial and speedy in-
vestigation will be made, and, where
the facts warrant it, there will be
certainty of the assistance of compe-
tent lawyers, for defense and protec-
tion, in cases which otherwise might*
go undefended.
"It may come to be considered, as
it should be, that violations of the
Bill of Rights are intolerable, no
matter whom they affect and wheth-
er they be committed by the Mayor
of an American City, a Committee of
the United States Senate, an -Ad-
ministrative Tribunal, a Governmen-
tal department, or an official drunk
with temporary power, contemptuous
of constitutional limitations, and
reckless of the rights of others."
The House of Delegates went into
session immediately after Hogan
spoke and authorized him to appoint
a committee of nine men for the de-
fense of liberties vouchsafed by the
Bill of Rights.
A last-minute attempt to put the
bar on record in the Jersey City "free
speech" controversy failed when the
House of Delegates accepted a motion
by Sylvester C. Smith, Jr., of Newark,
N.J., to refer a resolution to the new
defense of liberties committee.
Hogan praised the- Association's
section for judicial administration for
its work on proposed procedural
changes in state courts and recom-
mended the study and support of
proposals for the appointment, rath-
er than direct election of judges.
The Association's Board of Gover-
nors approved in principle today an
Institute on the Legal Aspects of
Labor Disputes, which will be held at
San Francisco preceding the 1939
convention of the Association.

Hawaii Clipper Missing Over
Pacific Ocean Typhoon Cradle

Gigantic Search
Air Begun By
Forces; Radio

By Sea,
Is Silent

(Continued from Page 1)'
Clipper also did not affect the sched-
uled departure of his sister ship, the
China Clipper, from Alameda, Calif.,'
with the usual crew and a passenger
First aspects of the Hawaii Clip-
per hunt indicated it might approach
the proportions of the epic search for
Amelia Earhart and her pilot, Fred-
erick J. Noonan, who vanished July 2,
1937, while trying to fly 2,500 miles,
across the South Pacific.
The advance contingent of search-
ing ships today included two mine-
sweepers, six submarines, three de-
stroyers; an aircraft tender, a sub-
marine tender and a submarine res-
cue ship.
At least seven Army planes were
immediately assigned to scan the
sea east of Luzon, and Samar Island,
and to watch the coast line.
The flying fraternity generally
agreed there was a good chance of
rescue if the big plane did not crash.
Largest of the overseas planes now
in regular transoceanic passenger
service, the Hawaii Clipper and itss
two sisters were built to stand off
the sea, and equipped to care for
their occupants in emergencies. '
They have water-tight bulkheads,
making them relatively buoyant in
case of leaks in violent landings. In

the hold were collapsible lifeboats
and individual life belts.
There were rations aboard to last
several days. The plane also was
equipped with "breather cups," fitting
over the mouth of the wearer, to col-
lect moisture he ordinarily loses
through respiration. This moisture
condenses into water, which in an
emergency may be used again and
The Hawaii Clipper also carried a
kite type antenna to maintain wire-
less communication in the event of a
forced landing. She was fully
equipped to send and receive while a-
Her crew had three methods of
navigation-dead reckoning, celestial
observation and by adio direction
finder. There are no radio beams on
the eastern end of the transpacific
route, but the direction finder, oper-
ated from all Pan American inter-
mediate points, usually gves a plane
instant and accurate information on
Date For Bridge Opening
Depends Upon President
LANSING, July 29.-(;)-G. Don-
ald Kennedy, Deputy State Highway
Commissioner, said today the date for
dedication of the International Bridge'
linking Port Huron, and Sarnia, Ont.,
would be set when President Roose-
velt returns Aug. 12 to Washington.
The President plans to visit Michi-
gan next month to participate in the
dedication ceremonies.

Exploring And
Study, Work Of4
Museum Staff
Digging Dinosaurs, Desert1
Mapping, All In Day's
Work ForGeologists
Exploring in the summer, studying
in the winter-that is the round of
life for the museums experts of the
University of Michigan. At present
the University Museums have three
expeditions in the field, gathering
material and data which will be the
subject of careful research when the
members return to Ann Arbor.
One group is working at a dinosaur
bed approximately 25 miles from Fort
Peck, Mont., under the direction of
Prof. Ermine C. Case, of the Geology
and Paleontology Departments. In
a region of excessive rains, deep can-
yons and mosquitoes, the daily jour-
ney to the diggings from Fort Peck,
where the party is staying at a hotel
raised for workers on a nearby dam,
has proved both uncomfortable and
dangerous. At one time, the car in
which they travel was halted six
inches from the edge of a precipice.
In spite of these evils, a lecture
before the townspeople one Sunday
on the work of the expedition so
aroused local curiosity that a group
of them was conducted to the scene,
where they could actually see how
dinosaur bones are extracted from the
earth. An almost complete dinosaur
has been found. Professor Case is
assisted by William Bettner, prepara-
tor, and John Wilson.
Prof. George M. Ehlers, of the Geol-
ogy Department, is in charge of geolo-
gical field work at the State Bridge
camp near Bond, Colo., and at Camp
Davis in Jackson's Hole, Wyo. The
first half of the summer was spent at
State Bridge and the latter half is
being spent at Camp Davis, the
University's Rocky Mountains field
station. Advanced courses of instruc-
tion are being offered in geology, as
well as surveying for engineers.
Camp Davis was organized under
the supervision of the late Prof. J. B.
Davis in 1874, for instruction in sur-
veying. The camp occupied several
sites in Michigan until 1929, when
the University purchased lands in
Jackson's Hole.

(Continued from Page 2)
will hold its regular meeting at 5 p.m.
Sunday, July 31, in the Michigan
League. The room will be announced
on the League bulletin board. Chris-
tian students are cordially invited.
Services of worship will be held in
Zion Lutheran Church at 10:30 a.m.
with sermon by the pastor, Ernest C.
Trinity Lutheran Church services
will be held Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
The Rev. Henry O. Yoder will use as
the theme "Must I Listen?"f
The Lutheran Students will meet
for the regular Sunday evening meet-
ing in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall 'at
5:30. Mr. Rolfe Haatvedt who was
a member of the University of Michi-
gan group who excavated intensely in
Fayum, Egypt will speak on "Recent
Archaeological Discoveries an1 their
influence on the Bible."
Read Daily Classified Ads




Greenberg Paces Ruth's Record
As TigersTake Sixth Straight

DETROIT, July 29-(/P)-Hammer-
ing Hank Greenberg, Detroit's first
baseman, kept ahead of Babe Ruth's
record home run pace with two cir-
cuit blows, driving in four runs, as
the Tigers beat the Philadelphia Ath-
letics, 9 to 2, in the series opener here
It was the Tiger's sixth consecutive
victory as they extended their longest
winning streak of the season. Elden
Auker, submarine ball hurler, went
the routes for his eighth victory.
Greenberg hits his 34th homer off
Almon Williams with none on base to
tie the score at 2-all in . the fourth
inning. His 35th came in the eighth
off the delivery of relief pitcher Nel-
son Potter, with two mates aboard.
Charley Gehringer hit his 12th homer
for Detroit in the first inning.
In addition to his two homers,
Greenberg cracked out a double in the
seventh inning when the Tigers broke
a tie with a four-run rally to sew up
the ball game.
CHICAGO, July 29 --A')- The
White Sox's butter-fingers did a little
more damage than the Yankees' to-
day, and the New Yorkers came
through with a 4 to 3 victory to re-
main a game in front in the American
league race.
Each side committed three errors
to ruin an otherwise tight pitching
duel in which Lefty Gomez took the
second decision in a week over south-
paw Thornton Lee. Last Sunday, in
New York, Lee tossed a two-hitter at
the world champions but lost be-
cause of similar loose fielding.
Uncorking a three-run rally in the
ninth to tie the score. the Phillies

A well-dressed young woman who
said- she was Belle Verunion
(above), 24, of Irvington, N. J., was
coaxed back to safety fiom the top
of a 16-story building by New York
police. She was taken to a.hospital.
Announce Cast.
Of Floor Show
League Program Includes
Square Dance
Members of the cast of the floor
show which will be given as part of
the entertainment for the all-campus
cabaret supper-dance, scheduled to be
held from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Tues-
day in the. League Ballroom, have'
been announced by Louise Payne,
program chairman.
Members of Charles Zwick's or-
chestra, which will furnish the music
for the dancing, will give several
specialty numbers and Ivan Parker,
instructor of the Monday night coun-
try dancing classes, will lead a group
of eight students in an exhibition
square dance.
The program will be concluded by
the presentation of a half-hour play
entitled "A Jury Panel to End All'
Jury Panels." The play was written
by Dr. W. C. Trow, and will be en-.
acted by the Curriculum Workshop
Tickets for the second annual
dance sponsored by the Women's Edu-
cation Club, will be limited to 300,
and are priced at 75 cents. Guests
may reserve tables for private parties
or may attend alone and be placed
with a congenial group, Mary-Eliza
Shannon, general, chairman, has

Final, Clearance
Two Groups-
Formerly to $16.95


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went on to win, 5. to 4, over the Chica-
go Cubs in 12 innings today.
An error by Shortstop Jurges gave
the Phillies the winning run. With
two out Jurges missed Klein's hard
grounder and Jordan scored from
Two Cub pitchers, Lee and French,
were sent to the showers by the
Phillies' ninth-inning spree.
BROOKLYN, July 29-(P)-The
Pittsburgh Pirates scored five runs in
one inning today, kicked that lead
away, and then nipped the Dodgers,
7 to 6, for their third win in a row.
Vice-President of the
ms .. . t .




1/ Price


Formerly to $3.95

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