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July 30, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-07-30

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The Weather
Local showers or thunderstorms
with no change in temperature.




:4 Iahtt

The NLRB And
Free Speech..


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Charge Steel
Made Church
Fight Unions,

9,000 Jam Ferry Field To Hear'
215 Musicians Present Concert

Youngstown Man
Gillies Before
Civil Liberties


Says Church Was
Dependent On Steel
WASHINGTON. July 29-(IP)-The
Senate Civil Liberties Committee was
told today that William B. Gillies,
Vice-President of Youngstown Sheet
and Tube, assembled the ministers of
Youngstown at dinner one evening in
1936, delvered a fiery speech against
the CIO, and "practically command-
ed" them to keep their church mem-
bers from joining the Union,
The committee's witness was the
Rev. Orville C. Jones, young clergy-
man. Seated nervously beside Gillies,
he asserted that "the subtle power
of the steel companies was such that
they (the ministers) wouldn't dare to
take an independent stand."
He himself did take such a stand,
he related, with the result that "pres-
sure" was brought to bear upon him
and in the end the "antagonism" of
the steel people was such that he felt
it would be better for the church if
he resigned. He did so, and is now
located in Cleveland.
Pressure Exerted
"It was a matter of subtle pressure
all the time," Jones said, "because the
steel workers are not paid enough to
support a church of their own and
the churches have to depend on the
officials of the steel mills for financial
support. It's perfectly natural and
simple and yet it amounts to such
effective coercion that the ministers
4f the city do not dare express an in-
dependent judgment."
Chairman La Follette (Prog-Wis)
turned to Gillies for his version of
the story. The steel man looked glar-
ingly at the minister and then said
his account of the speech made at the
banquet was substantially correct.
But, Gillies added:
"It would be far below me to exert
any pressure."
Threatened Strike
Throughout the C.I..organizing
period, he said, the "threat of a
strike was uppermost." His address to
the ministers, he added, emphasized
the need for peace. As to statements
by Jones that people resigned from
his church, among them Frank Pur-
nell, President of Sheet and Tube,
Gillies said:
"If they don't like the Reverend's
remarks, that was up to them, but
there was no company pressure."
Purnell said his father "dug the
cellar of that church with his -own
hands," and h' had a deep family at-
tachment for it.
"The church was used by this
gentleman," he said indicating Smith,
"as a meeting place for known Reds.
I never said anything to anyone. All
I did was tp resign from the church.
I resigned long before the time he is
talking about."
Fight On NLRB
By Ford Seen
To Contest Board's Charge
Of Anti-Unionism
WASHINGTON, July 29-(R)-The
Ford Motor Company is expected to
fight a decision by a Labor Board ex-
aminer that it was guilty of labor spy-
ing and other anti-union activity at
its Buffalo, N. Y., assembly plant.
Reporting, among other things,
that the company circulated. anti-
union literature and was responsible
for tearing down a union banner, the
examiner recommended today that the
Board require Ford to rehire 50 CIO
workers and cease "interfering" with
union organization.
Examiner Francis M. Shea, basing
his recommendations on a 12-day
public hearing in Buffalo last winter,
said the 50 men ordered reinstated
with back pay either were discharged

or refused employment after a layoff
- because of their membership in the
CIO Auto Workers Union.
Shea said the management dis-
tri juted to its workers literature at-
tempting to identify unionism with
"communism" and "rackets".
The examiner ruled that the circu-
lation of the pamphlets constituted "a
direct appeal to the working men to
avoid labor organizations and a threat
that the consequences of organization
will be that their wage level will de-

-By Daily Staff Photographer
This photograph of Professor Revelli and the Clinic Band is the first
turned out by the Daily's new photo-engraving apparatus, work on
which was begun shortly before the Summer Session began.
* * * (~

Nine thousand Summer Session
students and townspeople jammed
the bleachers in Ferry Field last night
to watch the massing of 215 musi-
,ians, members of the Summer Ses-
wion and High School Clinic Bands,
who presented the largest open-air
concert in the history of Ann Arbor.
The concert marked the final ap-
pearance before the Ann Arbor au-
dience of the Clinic Band which con-
cluded its season of training under
Prof. William D. Revelli, Director of
the University Band. Prof. Gerald
Prescott, Director of Bands at the
University of Minnesota, was guest
conductor for the out-door show.
Under a high bank of clouds shot
through with the last rays of the sun,
and with cool breezes stirring through
the huge grandstand, the audience
listened as the gigantic bandplayed
the stirring notes of John Philip
Sousa's march, "The Stars and
Stripes Forever." In addition to the
Sousa march the massed bands
played, "Komm Susser Tod," by Bach;
"Varsity," by Moore; and .'Manitou
Heights," by Christiansen, as an en-
The massed band was comprised of
60 clairents, 20 trombones, 34 cornets,
16 flutes, 15 French horns, 14 Sousa-
phones and 12 percussion instru-

each band included, "Morning Pray-
er," by Tschaikoswky; "Selections of
Melodies," by Mozart; "Selection of
Waltz Excerpts," by Strauss; and
"Goliad March," by Berryman, all
played by the Clinic Band.
The Summer Session Directors
group offered, "Concert Overture," by
Hadley; "First Movement from the
Sonata for Organ," by Borowski; and
"Hungarian Rhapsody, No. 1(" by
The open-air concert also marked
the final appearance of Professor
Revelli in Ann Arbor. He leaves the
University at 6:30 p.m. today to spend
the rest of the summer as a guest
conductor and professor at the Col-
lege of the City of New York.
However, the Summer Session
Directors Band still has two appear-
ances left on its schedule of concerts
for the 193.8 season. Other guest con-
ductors who will' arrive in Ann Arbor
to conduct are Clifford P. Lillya and
Russel Howland.
Professor Revelli prophesied last
night after the concert that because
the tremendously successful season
experienced by the Summer Session
musical groups, and last night's con-
cert in particular, the affair will un-
doubtedly become annual and be
known as the University of Michigan

Regents Take
Gifts Totalling
Over $16,000
Sanction Move To Create
Undergraduate Studies
At Teachers Colleges
Meet At Rut hvei s
Home In Frankfort
More than $16,000 in gifts were ac-
cepted by the Board of Regents of
the University last night as the
Board also sanctioned the proaosal to
provide graduate study in State
teachers' colleges under the super-
vision of the University. which was
also approved yesterday by the State
Board of Education meeting at Mar-
The Board met at the home of
President Ruthven at Frankfort last
night at the Regents' annual dinner
It was also announced last night
that representatives of the Ann Ar-
bor Press, whose printing contract
with the university was broken early
this sumimer following an NLRB de-
cision against albor conditions at the
Press, would be heard at the next
meeting of the Regents in Ann Arbor
upon the resumption of University
printing at the Ann Arbor press.
The following ersignations from
the University were accepted by the
Regents: Prof. Barbara H. Bartlett
from the public health nursing de-
partment of the University; Mildred
A. Valentine of the sociology depart-
ment as assistant director of social
work in the University to accept a
position at the State College of Utah.
Horace J. Andrews was awarded
the Pack professorship in wildland
utilization. Mr. Andrews was re-
cently in charge of the forest 'survey
of the United States Forest Service in
the Northwest. Emerson W. Conlon
was appointed assistant professor of
aeronautical engineering upon the
resignation of Prof. :.Burdell L.
Springer of the. College of Engineer-
Leave of absence was granted to
Prof. Albert H. Marckwardt of the
English department for the second
semester of 1938-39, so that he may
accept th eposition of visiting lectur-
er in English at the University of
California at Los Angeles during that
time. Sabatical leave for the year
1938-39 was granted to Prof. J. E.
Thornton of the English department.
An appropriation of $500 was made
for repairs on the Frieze Memorial
Organ in Hill Auditorium.
The following gifts to the Univer-
sity were accepted by the Regents:
$5,000 toward the income account
of the new Sociological Research unit
set up by the Horace H. and Mary A.
Rackham Fund, given'by the Fund to
begin work on the unit; $1,812 to in-
itiate the Phi Kappa Phi trust fund
for educational purposes by the local
chapter of Phi Kappa Phi; $1,850 for
scholarships in the Institute of Far
Eastern Studies being held here this
summer, by the American Council of
Pacific Relations.
$1,500 to continue the Bissel schol-
arship in surgery by M. R. Bissel, Jr.,
of Grand Rapids; $1,400 for scholar-
ships in the Fresh Air Camp coun-
selor courses by the University Fresh
(Continued on Pale 4)

Rebel Counter-Attack Repelled
As Loyalists Cling To Gandesa
In'xs'zzrge hd overmeniT
ANMESAdieranean Sea:
Franco Attempts To Rebuild His Lines After Aerial
Attack And Land Thrusts In Catalonia Area
Meet Failure; Rebel Forces Lose Bridges


Soviet Troops
Repulse Japs
In Flare-up On
Siberia Border
Japs Attempt To Take Hill
Which Russians Claim
Is In Their Territory
Both Detachments
Report Casualties

HENDAYE, France (At the Spanish
Frontier), July 29-I'P)-The Spanish
Government "people's army" clung
close to Gandesa tonight despite
counterattacks by land and air and
a- man-made flood in the Ebro River
Valley designed to sever supply lines
and cut off retreat.
Government forces withstood severe
counter-thrusts and the pounding of
bombs to consolidate earlier gains in
their five-day counter-conquest in
South Catalonia.
Barcelona dispatche belittled the
trategy of the Inurgent in opening
all dam on the Noguera Pallaresa and
Segre Rivers, northern tributaries of
the Ebro, insisting that the flood hurt
Generalissimo Francisco Franco's
forces more than the Government's.
These reports said the Ebro rose
from three to five feet but that pon-
toon bridges carrying reinforcements
and supplies merely rose with the
On the other hand, Government1
aerial scouts reported the flood hadI
washed out many of the Insurgents'l
Greeks Have
A Word For
ATHENS, July 29.-0P)-Greece's
plump little Prussian-trained dicta-
tor, General John Metaxas, was re-
ported to have smashed with light-
ning speed today an anti-Fascist re-
volt on the fabled island of Crete.
Within four hours after announc-
ing the Insurgents had seized Crete's
capital city of Canea, the Fascist
Government in Athens said it was
all over.
The leaders of the uprising were
reported arrested, while Government
forces were pressing measures de-
signed to prevent a further outbreak.
The bespectacled Metaxas, known
as "Little John," had dispatched
army, naval, and air forces as soon
as word of the rebellion reached the

The individual programs offered by Band Festival.

X-Ray Photos
Of Vocal Cords
Two Speakers Highlight
Meeting Of American
LinguisticSociety Here
Contrasting extremes of linguistic
research appeared in the subjects of
the two invitation speakers who last
evening featured the guest program
ih Ann Arbor of the first summer
meeting of the Linguistic Society of
Representing the branch of philol-
ogy which deals with the 'study of
ancient languages was Dr. Albrecht
Goetze, Laffan professor of Assyri-
ology and Babylonian literature at
Yale University, who spoke on "Um-
laut in Babylonian." Representing
that newest branch of linguistics
which treats- of the results of ex-
perimental techniques in acoustic in-
vestigation was Dr. J. Milton Cowan,
assistant professor of German at
the State University of Iowa, who
presented and discussed stroboscopic
and X-ray, motion pictures of the
vocal cords in motion.
Ancient Assyrian in the north and
Babylonian in the south are really
dialects of the same language, their
mother tongue Akkadian, said Profes-
sor Goetze. A most important differ-
ence between them was that of um-
laut, or vowel raising through the
influence of phonetic environment.
Assyrian kept the older forms of the
vowel 'a'; in Babylonian 'a' before
'a' became 'e', and 'a' after (e' became
'e', as shown in the comparison of
Assyrian "belat" (mistress) and
Babylonian "belet."
These two situations, Dr. Goetze'
explained, account for most of the
"e" vowels, but the remainder pre-
sent a problem which can be solved
by the application of the laryngeal
theory. Primitive Semitic, he declared,
had four laryngeal consonants which
had disappeared or coalesced by the
time of Akkadian, but which left their
races in the language, as in this

Crickets Leave Hearth
For .Housewives' Hair
ROCHESTER, N.Y., July 29.-
(IP)-A plague of crickets ". . . . in
our beds, in ou-t pajamas, in our
flour bins, and in our hair . . ."
stirred a chorus of complaints
from sleepy-eyed nousewives to-
Health officials said it was the
greatest invasion of the chirping
bugs the city has known.
Twenty women voiced protest to-
the Health Bureau, with Mrs.
James Studley key-noting:
"We can't sleep. It's terrible."
Investig'ators located the head-
quarters of the inharmonious
hubbub in a dumping ground,

own wooden bridges for miles south
of the dams in the Pyrenees foothills.
Four divisions of Government troops
were reported to have turned Gan-
desa, Franco's South Catalonia Divi-
sional Headquarters, into a sort of
no-man's land. Government advices
said the attackers shoved so close to
Gandesa during last night-when
Franco's planes were grounded-that
they forced Insurgent troops to evac-
Legal Scholar
Lecture Topie
Of Professor
J S. Reeves Discusses
Hugo Grotius And The
RepublicOf Letters
"Hugo Grotius and the Republic of
Letters" was the subject of a lecture
given at 4:30 p. m. yesterday at the
Rackham School by Prof. Jese S.
Reeves, W. W. Cook Professor of
American Institutions.
The Republic of Letters, Professor
Reeves explained, consisted of the
learned men of Leyden, Paris, London,
Rome and other important cities dur-
ing the early part of the seventeenth
century, when Grotius was getting his
education and training and meeting
those of his contemporaries who
helped him to become the most noted
jurist of his era.
The lecture was illustrated through-
out with lantern slides. Portraits of
Grotius himself, various buildings in-
cluding the castle where he was once
confined as a prisoner, and portraits
of his contemporaries were included.
Professor Reeves delivered his lec-
ture in the form of an outline of the
life of Grotius, emphasizing particu-
larly the contacts this life made with
the so-called Republic of Letters. He
discussed Grotius' early training at
the University of Leyden, his fellow
students there, his work with the
French East India Company, and his
legal training, which was the result
of informal study rather than a regu-
lar university course.
A member of the faculty of the
Summer Session in International Law,
and a former member of the political
science department, Professor Reeves
was recently appointed W. W. Cook
Professor of American Institutions.
Adjourn \Trial
Of UAW Men
For One Week
DETROIT, July 29.-(P)-The Unit-
ed Automobile Workers' Executive
Board, irked at delay in the trial of
f o u r suspended vice - presidents,
abruptly adjourned the hearing to-
day for a week.
It adopted revised rules which
President Homer Martin said made it
"probable that no more witnesses
will appear."
Evidence will be submitted by af-
fidavit, the board decided, and oral
arguments will be heard when it re-
convenes Aug. 6.
"No one yet has discovered a way
of cross-examining an affidavit," was
the comment of Maurice Sugar, de-

MOSCOW, July 29--(P)-Japanese-
Manchoukuo detachments were re-
pulsed by Soviet\ troops today in a
new Siberian border incident which
prompted a Russian protest to Tokyo.
A communique describing the inci-
dent said there were dead and wound-
ed on both sides, but did not give the
extent of casualties.
The skirmish was said to have taken
place when Japanese-Manchoukuo
forces attempted to occupy a hill near
the junction of Siberia, Manchoukuo
and Korea.
The communique, which asserted
the hill in question -was in ,Soviet
territory, declared that as a result
of measures taken by Soviet frontier
guards the Japanese-Manchoukuo de-
tachments were "Decisively driven
from Soviet territory.'
"Immediately after the news was
received in Moscow," the communique
said,- "the (Soviet) Charge D'Affaires
at Tokyo was instructed to lodge a
vigorous protest with the Japanese
Government against these new pro-
vocations by Japanese-Manclioukuo
militarists, to demand exemplary pun-
ishment of the guilty, and to warn
the Japanese Government that the
Soviet Government is placing the en-
tire responsibility for consequences of
these actions on organs of the Jap-
anese government in Manchuria."
Chinese Defend Hankow
SHANGHAI, July 29-W)-A fierce
struggle between Chinese troops and
an overland Japanese force, at Su-
sung, was reported tonight as Han-
kow's defenders strove desperately to
check the right wing of the Yangtze
Valley offensive. g
Susung is in Anhwei province,
about 25 miles north northeast of
Kiukiang, the river port which fell
to Japanese marine assault on Tues-
day. It lies near the border of Hupeh
First Summer

Hawaii Clipper, With 15 Aboard, Lost
Over Pacific Ocean's Typhoon Cradle

Gigantkc Search By Sea, 1,580-mile jump to Manila, terminus
Air Begun By Military of her regular 8,200 mile route from
Forces; Radio Is Silent . Radio listeners spread the alarm
when four hours passed without a
Dr. Earle B. McKinley, one of routine report from the plane, which
the passengers on the lost Clipper usually gave its position and flying
is an alumnus of the University, conditions every thirty minutes.
having been graduated from the Fourteen warships sped out of
literary college in 1916 and from Manila Bay to join the hunt. Planesi
the medical school in 1919. He was made ready to leave the Philippine
active on campus, having been a East Coast to search the shore line on
member of Phi Rho Sigma, the possibility the big aircraft reach-
Delta Tau Delta, Griffins, Owls, ed insular waters.
Sphinx and Galens. The plane's radio silence carried
MANILA. July 30-(Saturday)- I forebodings to the searchers. She was
(A)-The 26-ton Hawaii Clipper, with equipped to send and receive mes-
15 persons aboard, was ominously sages from the ocean surface, and,
missing today in the typhoon cradle of barring the possibility of a high dive
the Pacific. into the Pacific, was considered as
United States Military and Naval seaworthy as any small yacht.
forces quickly launched a gigantic From her log to Pan American Air-
search by air and sea, hoping the huge ways, there was an inkling also that
transpacific flying boat alighted safe- the big clipper was heading into un-
ly on the water, but they listened favorable weather. The last message
fruitlessly for her radio. mentioned rain. For several hundred
They pinned their immediate hopes miles she had been speeding through
nn the A ,'v,- x, ,rv',Avnrn+ Dt. iaQ ,iwhiahI, -as-.tn' ,r m 1, ind-

Symphony Set
For Tomorrow.
Thor Johnston's Summer
Orchestra Opens Season
In Hill Ahiditorium
The Summer Session Symphony
Orchestra under the . direction of
Thor Johnson, Grad., will open its
summer concert season at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
For its first appearance, the Or-
chestra will offer as its two major se-
lections, the "D Major Symphony," by
Haydn, and a Suite by the French
composer, Debussy.
The orchestra is made up of stu-
dents in the School of Music and stu-
dents in other colleges interested in
the field. A full complement of in-
struments is available to the orches-
tra's use and the program ranges from
the early classics to the modern.
The Aria for Stringed Orchestra
which follows the Haydn Symphony
is an arrangement by Mr. Johnson
of the original score by the German
composer, Mattheson.
The program is to conclhde with
the overture to Weber's romantic
opera, "Die Freischutz."
Pope Deplores New
Italian 'Aryanisni'
ROME, July 29-(P)-A reply by
Pope Pius XI to the new doctrine of
Italian Fascism which holds that
Jews "do not belong to the Italian
race" was published today by the
Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Ro-
The Pope did not mention Jews by
name but he listed charity toward
others as an article of the Catholic
faith and said: "We do not want to
separate anything in the human fam-
His Holiness linked the new Ttalian



calm but rain was falling.
Despite the negative result from
the initial searching, Pan American
Airways officials remained optimis-
The Clipper was in charge of Leo
Terletzky,. ace Pan American pilot,
and K. A. Kennedy, a division traffic
manager of the company, was among
the passengers.
The other passengers were Major
Howard C. French of Portland, Ore.;
Dr. Earle B. McKinley, noted author-
ity on leprosy, and Dr. Fred C. Meier,
principal Pathologist of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, both of Wash-
ington, D. C.; E. E. Wyman, Curtiss-
Wright Aircraft official of New York
City, and Wah Sung Choy, Chinese
restaurateur of Jersey City, N. J.
In Terletzky's crew -were First Of-
ficer M. A. Walker, Second Officer
G. M. Davis, Third Officer J. M.
Sauceda, Fourth Officer J. W. Jewett,
Engineer H. L. Cox, Assistant Engi-
neer T. B. Tatum, Radio Officer W.
McCarty, and Steward I. Parker.

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