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July 27, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-07-27

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27, 1938 1



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'H illbilly' Campaigner Wins Texas Race in Primary

Flood Waters Undermine Rail Tracks

(Continued from Page 2)
Where will be a splash party at 8 p.m.
at the Intramural Building for those
who like to swim (10 cents). Meet at
7 p.m., The Tortilla, 732 Packard, one
block east of Ferry Field, for a Mexi-
can dinner (50 cents).
Tournaments for Women Students:
The second round in the tennis and
badminton tournaments are to be
completed by Wednesday evening,
July 27. Qualifying scores on 18
holes of the Michigan Golf are to
be turned in by Friday evening, July
Chemistry Lecture. The fifth in the
series of Chemistry lectures will be
given by Prof. F. E. Bartell on Wed-
nesday, July 27 at 4:15 p.m. in the
amphitheatre of the Horace H. Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies.
Subject: Recent developments in
synthetic plastics. All interested are

. and ..
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey M. Good-
rich of Windsor have announced the
,Marriage of their daughter Margaret
E. Goodrich to Dr. Frank H. Power
of Traverse City. The ceremony will
take place Saturday in the League
Chapel and will be witnessed by ap-
proximately 75 guests who will be en-
tertained at a reception to be held
afterwards in the League Garden.
Miss Goodrich graduated in 1936
and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa
while Dr. Power received his degree
from Northwestern Medical School
in 1933 and is now on the surgery
staff of . the University Hospital.
Dr. Orson Clark, '92M,
Dies Here After Illness
Dr. Orton H. Clark, '92M, a resi-
dent of Grass Lake, and captain of
the medical corps in charge of the
base hospital at Camp Custer during
the World War, died yesterday morn-
ing at the University Hospital follow-
Ing a week's illness.
Dr. Clark, who was 74 years old
June 22, practiced medicine in Kala-
mazoo for 15 years after being grad-
uated from the University. He was
a resident of Pasadena, Calif., be-
fore moving to Grass Lake.
NILES-{RP)-Burns received when
he came in contact with a power
line proved fatal Monday to Perry
Rider, 17-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. F. Rider. The accident oc-
cured on the abandoned Northern
Indiana Interurban Bridge across
Lake Chapin at Berrien Springs. The
youth was hurled from the- bridge
15 feet to the water.

The Michigan Dames will meet fo
bridge at 2 p.m. today in the Leagu
Grand Rapids room. All studen
wives and wivesrof internes are in
Vited. Both auction and contrac
bridge will be played.
Fellowship of Reconciliation: Stu-
tOents interested in the Fellowship o
teenciliation are welcome at th
meeting at Lane Hall, Wednesday
*Vening, 9 o'clock.
Education F213, Conferene in Physi-
MEal ducation. The program for Wed
cihl Education. The program for Wed-
nesday,"July 27 is as' follows:
10 a.m. "What Kind of Situations
Must We Expose Pupils to in Physical
andbHealth Education to Develop De-
sirable Attitudes?" Dr. S. A. Courtis
11 a.m. "What Recognition Should
the P ublic Schools Give to Mental
Hygiene?" Dr. Howard McClusky.
5 p.m. "State Program in Curricu-
lum Construction." Dr. Eugene B.
.Elliott, State Superintendent of Pub-
lic Instruction.
flValues of Mental Hygiene in Rec-
'eation." Dr. John M. Dorsey.
Morning meetings are held in
University High School auditorium
and evennig meetings at the Wom-
en's Athletic Building.
Graduation Recital. Myron S. My-
ers, pianist, of Milwaukee, Wis., will
give a recital in partialfulfillment of
the requirements for the Master of
Music degree, Thursday evening, July
28, at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of
Music Auditorium. The general pub-
lic is invited to attend without admis-
sion charge.
Luncheon of the Graduate Confer-
ence on Renaissance Studies, Thurs-
day, July 28, 12:15 p.m. at the Michi-
gan Union. Professor L. C. Karpinski
will speak on "The Place of Mathe-
matics in the Renaissance." Make
reservations at the English office,
3221 Angell Hall.
Physical Education Luncheon: The
regular weekly luncheon of all stu-
dents and faculty interested in health,
physical education, and recreation
will be held in Room 316, Michigan
Union, Thursday, July 28 at 12:10
p.m. Prof. Seward C. Staley, director
of The Department of Physical Edu-
cation at the University of Illinois,
has been invited -to address the
group. Luncheon tickets, 57 cents.
Call 21939 between 8:30 a.m. and 5
p.m. for reservations.
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the Club will take
place on Thursday, July 28, at 8 p.m.,
at "LeFoyer Francais," 1414 Washte-
There will be an gpen discussion on
the educational merits of the French
.ycee and the American High School.
Songs, games, refreshments.
Graduation Recital. Freda Op't
Holt, organist, Kalamazoo, Mich., will
give a recital in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree, Thursday evening, July
28, at 8:15 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium.
The general public is invited to at-
tend without admission charge.
Linguistic Society Dinner. Tickets
are available at the English office,
3221 AngellhHall,ifor the informal
dinner of the special summer meet-
ing of the Linguistic Society of Amer-
ica at 6 p.m. Friday. The price is
$110 including tax.
All members of the Physical Educa-
tion Department and their friends are
cordially invited to a picnic to be held
Friday, July 29, at Portage Lake from
3 o'clock on. This picnic is being
sponsored by the Community Recrea-
tion class and will provide entertain-
ment such as softball, swimming, dart
baseball and a first-class picnic lunch. '
Tickets are available at Barbourc

Gymnasium and U. High School office
for 50 cents. A limited number arel
being prepared for so please buy yourJ
tickets early so that transportation
may be arranged. If you need a way
to go call Louise Singleton, 22143.1

W. Lee O'Daniel, Fort Worth flour broker, who made a spectacular platform campaignwith a "hillbilly"
band, was apparently given a clear majority in the democratic primary for the Texas gubernatorial nomina-
tion. Nomination is tantamount to election. O'Daniel is shown here with his family left to right: his daughter,
.Molly; O'Daniel; Mrs. O'Daniel; and a son, Mike. Seated in front is another son, Pat.

The force of flood waters along the eastern seaboard is graphically
shown by these undermined and twisted tracks of the New Haven rail-
road's branch line into Milford, Mass. Heavy property damage resulted:
from the unprecedented summer overflow caused by a week's rain.

Women Survive Badland Hardships


Even I Can't Tell Difference,'
Says Artist Over Fake Paintings

Suffering from hunger and exhaustion, three women were found in
the badlands of western New Mexico where they had wandered over the
lava wastes for four days without food and with little water or sleep.
Miss Laura Piedalue a New York welfare worker is shown here as she
was carried to safety by members of the posse that found them.

Old Masters Needed For
'Kind Lady' Scenery;
Fred James Performs
Fred James is no El Greco, but he's
doing his best. And for the "Kind
Lady" who needs a dozen old masters
to lighten up her parlor, James is,
turning out El Grecos, Whistlers, a
Picasso, and a Matisse at the rate of
one an hour.
"They're so good even I can't tell
the difference," James says. "Of
course, you, might be able to detect
the poor technique if you walked
around the stage," he explains, but
from the first row in the Mendel-
ssohn theatre, you'd think' the or-
iginals were there in the flesh."
"That's objective criticism," says
James, as he swings his brush back
to the large canvas on which he's
touching up a Matisse nude.
The occasion for what lo ;k; like an
extraordinary art exhibit is the pre-
sentation of "Kind Lady" by the
Michigan Repertoy Players from to-
day through Saturday evenings at the
Lydia Menidelssohn theatre.
For the El Greco which hangs in
the kind lady's dimly lighted parlor,
James has taken hints from a num-
ber of the famous Greek's works and
made a composite figure, which in
gaunt lines and dull colors is strange-
ly reminiscent of fiSt. Francis," now
is in the Chicago Institute of Arty
"I can't copy an actual single paint-
ing," Fred says, "because some wise
bug in the audience might get up in
the middle of the first act and say
that he just saw that on exhibit in a
Memphis Art Gallery, and that would
only detract from the mysterious real-
ism whichthe representative paint-
ings give to the show."
"An Abstract by Picasso, which was
found to be useful, is really an im-
aginative hode-podge by Jim Doll,"
Fred explains. "It was recently used
in 'Boy Meets Girl' in Detroit, but
we don't mind," he says. "And Jim
thought it was sacriligious at first
but he finally gave in." Jim Doll
was 'once on the Players' staff and is
now art director of the Detroit Fed-
eral Theatre and Daily theatre col-
Fred picked up prints of 12 old
Dutch masters for use in the hallway
of the old London home which is the
Last Day-
R 10

setting for the mystery drama, and I
he was dancing with glee because, heI
said, "it only saves me the trouble of
copying them."
"I hate to admit it," he says, "butk
I don't think much of them. Too dull."
To fill in the total group of paint-
ings, Fred had to get two of what he
now affectionately calls "foul balls."
"Even those we found in the dollar
store were too good," Fred says. "So
we bought them anyway, and doc-
tored them up. One originally was an
enlarged picture of Yosemite Valley.
It is now a shepherd playing a flute
to a herd of cows. The other is a
sunset on a Venetian Canal."
"After this show," Fred says, woe-
fully, "I'm going back to originals.
They're much easier."
ALPENA-WIP)-The third victim
of a fire that destroyed a farm
house Sunday, three year old Jean
La Fave died here Monday night.
She was the daughter of Mrs. Betty
Le Fave. Joan Le Fave, 1, and her
brother, Frank, 6, perished in the


Pi Lambda Theta And
Women's Club To Meet
Pi Lambda Theta in conjunction
with the Women's Education Club will
sponsor a social program at 7:15 p.m.
today in the library of the University
Elementary School. Mrs. Rone Firth
is to preside and the speaker, Noy
Jasper Dickerson will be introduced
by Miss Cleo Murtland.
Mr. Dickerson, from Bluefield, W.
Va., will read some of his native folk
lore poems.

15 feet to the water.




at $?.00 each

A group of STRAWS... at $1.00 each
22 - 23 and 24 head sizes
309 South State Street - At the Ddhon Shop




Cars will leave from the University
High School.
Attention: Faculty and Students,
Division of Hygiene and Public
Health. There will be an all-de-
partment supper in the garden of the
League on Monday, Aug. 1, at 6:30
p.m. Reservations may be made in
Room 2, Waterman Gymnasium, un-
til noon on Monday.
The Bureau has redeived notice of
the following Civil Service Examina-
United States:
Director of Unemployment Insur-
ance, $10,000 a year; Railroad Re-
tirement Board.
Assistant Home Economist, $2,600 a
year; Junior Home Economist, $2,000
a year; Junior in Home Economics
Information, $2,000; Bureau of Home
Economics, Department of Agricul-
ture; Application date extended to
Aug. 10.
Hospital Librarian, $1,800 a year;
Veterans' Administration; Applica-


9 a.m. Sat., 7-9 a.m.
10 a~m. Sat., 1-3 p.m.
11 a.m. Sat., 9-11 a.m.
1 p.m. Sat., 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
2 p.m. Fri., 2-4 p.m.
3 p.m. Sat., 3-5 p.m.
The examination schedule for 8-
week courses in printed on page 43 of
the Summer Session announcement.
C. O. Davis, Secretary, School
of Education.
Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con-
ference, 12:10 p.m., Thursday, at the
Michigan Union. The place has been.
changed to Room 316. Dr. J. Milton
Cowan of the University of Iowa will
discuss "Recent Experimental Lin-
guistic Results."
BRIGHTON-(A)-A bolt of light-
ning that struck the tent in which
she and her husband were sleeping
killed Mrs. Helen Riley, 22, of Detroit,
early Tuesday.

Begins Wednesday ..through Saturday
SAVE 1/4 to1/
COOL NEW CLOTHES WHEN YOU WANT THEM . . . at cool Summer Savings!
Look ahead to vacations . . to sudden week-end jaunts ... to scorching days in town!
These COOL, smart clothes face the sun with a smile. . . keep your spirits UP .. . the
BIG SAVINGS keep your budget DOWN !
DRESSES that "look more"! All utterly charming dresses to make you feel COOL!
Styles for everyone! Crisp dark sheers, lacy sheers, nets, prints, Bembergs, spun rayons,
cottons.. Dresses for sport, travel, afternoon and evening. Styles for luniors1 Misses and
women ... 1 1 to 17 --12 to 46- 161/ to 26/.



tion 'date extended
Associate Traffic
per year;
Assistant Traffic
fic Control); $3,600l
Assistant Traffic

to Aug. 15, 1938.



Engineer (Traf-
per year.
Engineer (Gra-


phics and Statistics); $3,600 per year.
For further information, please callI
at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Iror-
Final Examinations for the Six-
Week Courses in Education (as given
on page 175 of the Summer Session
announcement) are scheduled for
Friday and Saturday, Aug. 5 and 6, as
Time of regular Time of
Class meetings Examinations
8 a.m. Friday, 4-6 p.m.

Crepes, Sheers, Laces, Prints, Chiffons, Bem-
bergs, Washable Silks and Rayons.
Values to $14.95.

Cottons and Spun Rayons. Values to $10.95.




MY're Wac y?
by gUm...h'Yar h
tHeY cUmi




The continent's melody and
comedy queen!

Culottes, Slack-Sets. Values to $5.95.
Values from $1.95 to $5.95

Dark Crepes, Sheers, Marquisettes, and Prints.
Values $16.95 to $35.00.
$10.00 $15.00
$1.95 and '$2.95 Values

. 11











11 1

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