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July 27, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-27

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. --.yam/


The Editor
Gets T old .


Edited and managed by students of jhe University of
Michigan under the authorityof the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Publishes every morning except Monday during the
tY~iversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
ast for republication of all news dispatches credited to
W or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
bights of republicationrofdal other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second claws mail ;matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
4,00i; by mail. $4:50.
44mber, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738
.College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
,M naging Editor . . . . Irving Silverman
City Editor .. .... Robert I. Fitzhenry
eistant Editors . . . . . . Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino,
Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L.
Business Department AJ
usiness Manager . . . . Ernest A. Jones
Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg
Circulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall
,iM1tants . . Philip Buclien, Walter Stebens

Send Youth Congress
To The Editor:
Your editorial on the Second World Youth
Congress to be held at Vassar in August directs
attention to the need for American college stu-
dents to extend the heartiest welcome to the
youth representatives of sister nations and see
to it that they receive the fullest hospitality. This
is a project in which the University of Michigan
cannot allow itself to be outdone. It has a repu-
tation for international good-will, created by
former President Angell and Andrew Dickson
White which Michigan students should uphold.
For this reason petitions are beingcirculated
on the campus by which the signers can indicate
their greetings to the delegates to the Congress
and make a slight contribution towards making
their stay in the United States more pleasant.
These petitions should be filled out and the cam-
pus contribution should be handsome enough to
show that Michigan is still foremost in encour-
aging the international good-will so badly needed
The program of the World Youth Congress, as
was pointed out, includes:
J. To provide an opportunity for youth in all
countries to exchange ideas on international af-
fairs and to reach agreement upon a common
plan of international cooperation for the pre-
vention of war and the organization of peace;
2. To discuss concrete possibilitiesof cooper-
ation of youth of all countries, based upon mu-
tual understanding and mutual respect for opin-
ion, to attain those ends;
3. To strengthen the links between the organi-
zations of youth themselves and between youth
and League of Nations Societies.'
This is a program on-which all shades of opin-
ion on this campus can unite, and cooperate to-
wards getting a full support for the World Youth
Congress on our campus.
The signers of the petitions will have their
names recorded in the Book of International
Fellowship, which will be presented to the dele-
Let us make full use of this opportunity to
assert our voice for the promotion of interna-
tional good feeling and for the more effective
cooperation of the youth of the world towards
this end.
--H. Norman Baldwin, Grad.


The editorials published in.The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers


It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the .ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the ;term.
-=Alexander G. Ruthven.

Kipke Deserves
Another Chance . .

T WAS NO SURPRISE to hear that
Harry Kipke was desirous of getting
back into the togs of football coach. But it was
gratifying to see the petitions being circulated on
campus and throughout the Detroit are'a to urge
the selection of Kipke as head .coach of the Col-
legiate All Star Football Team which will play
the professional Washington Redskins on August
Despite his ouster as head coach from the Uni-
versity last fall, Kipke still remains one of the
top-notch coaches in the country. He did not lose
his value as a coach and respect as a great fellow,
when the lustful cry for everlasting victory and
internal complications seemed to combine to
force him out.,Here at the University his name
is still garbed with respect for that which he con-
tributed to the University as player and later as
football coach.
If Kipke were chosen as mentor for the col-
legiate stars, he would not have a cinch job, but
would be tackling what sportswriters consider to
be one of the country's toughest coaching assign-
ments. He certainly deserves this chance to prove
again his ability as football coach.
-Irving Silverman

A Third Term .
For Roosevelt..

lpolitical commentating sets in, the
press experts are discussing the possibilities of a
third term for President Roosevelt once again.
The talk on the subject has been considerably
enlivened by the success of the President's trip
through the west, which attested to his con-
tinued tremendous personal popularity. In Texas,
a group of 4,000 steel workers presented a peti-
tion asking. him to seek a third term in 1940.
The press is pretty generally agreed that a
-third term for Roosevelt would be prejudicial to,
the national welfare, just as it was agreed that
a second term would be. Perhaps it is right, and
perhaps it was right before, but the question is
once more one for the people to decide. And by
the people we do not mean either the Scripps-Ho-
ward newspapers or Jack Garner. We mean the
4,000 Texas steel workers and all the other wage
earners and property owners in the country.
President Roosevelt's own position on the mat-
ter of a third term is not yet clear. Ie is undoub-
tedly biding his time, with the intention of play-
ing his hand when the propitious moment ar-
rives. The conservative paragraphers express the
opinion that he will run "if he thinks he can
win." This is one of the typical semi-truths in
which these writers indulge; it is probably cor-
.rect as far as it goes, but there is an important
additional fact which is even more likely to be
true, namely, that Roosevelt will run if he can-
not make certain that a capable and thoroughly
honest liberal can be nominated at the Democra-
tic convention.
It is more than likely that any candidate run-
ning with President Roosevelt's support will be

Reply To Mr. McDavid
To The Editor:,
As Mr. McDavid mentions in his letter to the
Daily, the race question usually enters discus-
sions of the South. A Southerner myself I felt
particularily malicious toward the typical South-
erner's racial prejudice, although my opinion is
that the South digers from the rest of the coun-
try in this and other so-called "southern" pro-
blems only in degree.
The Southerner usually defends his attitude
by proclaiming the existence of problems of great
significance which "outsiders ignornt of the
facts" can't conceive of, "unnumbered implica-
tions, most of which it is impossible to under-
stand without living in the South." Indeed the
complex and difficult problem is there, but I have
always wondered just what mystical circum-
stances there are beyond the intellectual facul-
ties of the outsider. Are sociological conditions
referred to? If so, these are understood by social
scientists and many other intereste'd in the ques-
tion. Or is it merely meant that only a Souther-
ner can be as prejudiced as a Southerner? Again
I* disagree; I know many born and bred in the
North who are fully as prejudiced. Perhaps Mr.
McDavid would be willing to add a bit of light
on the general subject.
Arguing the fiction of racial inferiority or
innate antipathy would, of course, not be accep-
table, so the typical argument of the learned
Southerner is concerned with the depraved social
and economic conditions of the Southern Negro.
The effects on the individual personalities of the
Negroes, it follows, make them definitely infer-
ior and they must be treated accordingly by the
But what kind of an agrument is this? Are awe
to justify prejudice by pointing to the.conditions
which is produce? Injustices inflicted by the rul-
ing whites bring about the low circumstances of
the mass of Negroes, and the, Negroes themselves
are blamed for it. Yet, I have never heard a
Southern race-theorist present a case free from
this rationalization: I am making an issue of one
of Mr. McDavid's minor points, but am interested
in whether he can acquaint us (including a lot
of Southerners) with the great mysteries he hints
-Ray Fink
gAsOthers See It
After the queerest campaign that even Texas
has ever had, W. Lee O'Daniel, a Fort Worth
flour merchant, has won the Democratic nomi-
nation for Governor by a clear majority. A
capetbagger from Ohio, he sold flour in Kansas
and Louisiana before settling in Texas. It was
which the conservatives will probably offer a
"compromise" candidate like Senator Wheeler,
there is a better-than-even chance that Roosevelt
will have to carry the ball himself again, Us Hey-
wood Broun picturesquely puts it.
The hue and cry over America tradition, well-

Jfeemr loe
Heywood Broun
This column has contended several times that
we in America are less than experts in the matter
of knowing our own history. There is, of course,
a possibility that there will
be much talk of precedents
in 1940. Indeed, under cer-
tain circumstances the im-
pression may prevail that
George Washington has tak-
en the stump in opposition
to Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Before these emotional
questions arise I think it
might be an excellent idea
for every qualified voter to get himself some
standard work on Washington and his times
and read it from cover to cover. I will if you will.
At the moment this column is ready with no
more than a preliminary report. It will not be
enough, I think, for any one of us to rely on
such history as we learned in the primary grades
or high school. These textbooks skip too much.
It seemed to me several years ago that Rupert
Hughes did an interesting book upon our first
President, even though some of the reviewers
assailed Mr. Hughes as a radical and subversive
writer who sought to bring the Founding Fathers
into disrepute. Rupert Hughes seems to have
weathered that storm very nicely. In recent
years I have heard him called several things,
but neither "radical" nor "liberal" was among
the terms hurled in his direction.
Hit Ry His Own Destiny
But it is curious to find the talented Hollywood
historian using his own materials to support
generalizations which his hand-picked citations
seem to outlaw. The piece I have in mind is
wittily called "Third-Termites," and I found it
in Liberty. The issue may be identified as the
one in 'which the Princess Catherine Radziwill
(reading time eight minutes and thirty seconds)
undertakes to prove that there is a secret alliance
brewing between Stalin and Hitler.
I have often wondered whether the reading
schedules as computed by the experts of Liberty
include any allowance of time out while waiting
for the salt shaker.
"Third-Termites" is accompanied by an illus-
tration which shows a man in imperial ermine,
with crown and scepter, being halted by a citizen
clad in the garb of the Ragged Continentals. But
the truth, as pointed out by Mr. Hughes himself.
is that the Founding Fathers were not guilty of
any carelessness or oversight when they failed
to limit the Chief Executive to one term or two.
There was much discussion of the problem.
Many suggestions were made. -TĀ£hei-e was talk
of the single term, with the time of service vary-
ing all the way from eight to twenty years. But
George Washington himself, before his election,
declared against the single term philosophy, say-
ing. "When a people shall have become incapable
of governing themselves and fit for a master it
is of little consequence from what quarter he
comes." And so no action was taken.
I think that most of us came away from school
under the impression that at the end of George
Washington's second term there was great popu-
lar clamor for him to run' again and that, though
sorely tempted, he put aside a third term in
order to set an eternal precedent.
He Longed For The Farm
But the facts, as outlined by Mr. Hugnes, are
that Washington was sick to death of the job
before the end of his first term. He did accept
a second term against his will but it is accept
doubtful that he could have been elected for a
third term even if he had so desired. And he
was certainly eager to get away.
Washington's second administration was not
successful. The press of his day attacked him
bitterly, and much of the criticism was captious,
scurrilous, unfair and untrue. But there was
some ground for sound criticism. Washington
had aged and had not kept pace with the rapid
development of the country. His high character

and integrity made him the perfect and neces-
sary buffer in the beginning, but as his second
term neared a close Washington was a tired man,
without plan or definite political philosophy.
He knew his work was done and that no great
further contribution could come from him. And
so he made a wise decision for himself. It was
motivated by the special set of circumstances
which prevailed. The men of his own day did
not consider it as the setting of a precedent for
all time.
In a democracy decisions must be reached as
of today. Those who look to the future must
consider the past, but they should not use it as
the sole compass. And they will be even more illy
advised if they employ it as an anchor.
a good education for a shrewd observer. For
some ten years he has mingled entertainment
with instruction, hill-billy music with "sermon-
ettes" over the radio. Not til last Spring did he
turn to politics. He asked his listeners if they
would like to have him run for Governor. They
said yes, and he went in.
Incorporating the Ten Commandments and
the Golden Rule in his platform, he promised to
clean out the professional politicians. If elected
he would call a council of business men to draw
up a program, promote industrial expansion
and give every qualified person over 65 a pension
of $30 per month. How the pension money is
to be raised he didn't disclose. Attorney Gen-
eral McCraw and Railroad Commissioner
Thompson were the two leading -candidates
until Mr. O'Daniel witched "the everyday folks"
with his combination bill of music song, piety,

Home Rule
The other da-someone asked us:
"Why are the students given so little
consideration in the government of
the University?" "Why aren't their
desires and opinions given a little
The answer is simple. Everyone
knows that student opinions on the
Indiana campus carries very little
weight. However, why shouldn't the
student be heard? The main purpose1
of a university is to educate students.
The students are the university and
:heir wishes should be given the ut-
most consideration. Educational in-
stitutions everywhere have come to
realize this fact. The Self-Survey
committee which has been studying
the organization and government of
Indiana university has not been hesi-1
tant in expressing its opinion that
there is eptirely too much overhead;
too much overhead in the administra-
tion and too much dictation to the
students as to what they shall to and
not do in their pursuit of an educa-
It is evident that students' wishes
have not been given sufficient consi-
deration, and they have not been per-
mitted a really representative ahd
authoritative voice either in the cur-
riculum or government. The admin-
istration of Indiana university has,
as in the case of many other institu-
tions, until recently, been autocratic.
The machinery is lacking for full and
free expression of student opinion
and voice in government.
That has been all too evident this
summer. Recently a student majority
backed by The Daily Student pleaded
for a little consideration. They asked
the administration to open the Li-
brary on Sundays, a wish trival to be
carried out, but, in their belief, a most
essential necessity. What was done?
Nothing! absolutely nothing! The
University could not see any reason
why the Library should be opened.
Besides, it was said to be too expen-
sive to keep the building open an ad-
ditional eight hours a week.
Again the students were forced to
accede. They do not as yet run the
University !
-Indiana Daily Student
Brownrigg Asks Meeting
To Discuss Compensation
LANSING, July 26.-AP)-State Per-
sonnel Director William Brownrigg
asked the Civil Service Commission
today to meet with him Aug. 5 to cqon-
sider the proposed uniform compen-
sation ,plan by which the Commis-
sion hopes to provide "equal pay for
equal work" among State Employes.
Brownrigg said the completion of
the plan had been delayed by lack of
accurate information on maintenance
provided some institutional employes
in lieu of salaries. He said a ques-
tionaire had been sent to all institu-
tions to obtain this information.

School of Education: Students (un-
dergraduate) who received marks of
Incomplete or X at the close of their
last term of attendance, must com-
plete work in such courses today. Pe-
titions for extension of time, with
the approval of the instructor con-
cerned, should be directed to the Ad-
ministrative Committee of the School
of Education and presented at 1437
U.E.S. today. In cases where no sup-
plementary grade or petition for ex-
tension of time hasrbeen filed, these
marks shall berconsidered as having
lapsed into E ,grades.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Open-
ing tonight at 8:30 p.m., Michigan
Repertory Players present "Kind
Lady." Tickets still available for all
performances. Box office open from
10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Phone 6300.
"Linguistic Science and the Prob-
lems of 'Correct' Language," is the
subject of Prof. Leonard Bloomfield's
lecture at 4:30 p.m. today in the Lec-
ture Hall of the Rackham Building.'
Mail is being held in the Office of
the Summer Session, 12,13 Angell Hall,
for the following persons:
Mr. Adriano Gamboa (or) Mr.
Adriano Oritz
Miss Jeannette Skidmore
Dr. Doris G. Yoakum
Dr. William S. Preston

Dr. John M. Collins.
Prof. E. D. Mitchell will
afternoon at 4:05 in the
High School Auditorium.
ject is "Present Trends

Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover.

LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 5x
DRESS MAKING and Alterations.
Mrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine.
Phone 4726. 34x
TYPING - Neatly and accurately
done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St.
Dial 5244. 2x
TYPING - Experienced. Reasonable
rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood
Regular $3.50 value. End perman-

VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist.
Reasonable rates. 706 Oakland,
Phone 6327. 17x
SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no markings. All work guaranteed.

-Classified Director

speak this
His sub-
in School

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.



_______Van Boven, Inc.-
Our Sale Of
Offers You Great Values .. .

ents $1.50. Shampoo and finger-
wave with rinse, 50c. Open eve. Ph.
2-2813. College Beauty Shop 48x
LOST-Eastern Star past matron's
pin between Packard and -State.
422 Packard. Boley. 49x
private bath and shower. Also, large
double room. Garage. Phone 8544
422 E. Washington 1x
LOST-black Parker vacuum-filler
fountain pen. Vicinity of W. Medical
Call F. T. Brown, Fletcher Hall.
Reward. 52x
LOST-Phi Chi fraternity pin. Initial
H. B. A. Reward. Tel. 4541 53x
LOST-Eversharp, adjustable point
pen. Brown and green. Last used in
Ann Arbor Savings and Commercial
Bank. Finder call 4747 54x
LOST - Waterman fountain pen,;
black barrel and orange cap. Phone
8841. Reward 55x

Band Clinic Concert. Featuring va-
rious woodwind and brass ensembles,
a program of interest will be present-
ed in Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor,
Wednesday afternoon, July 27, at
4:15 o'clock, in which members of the
High School Band Clinic will partici-
pate, under the direction of Charles
Gilbert. The concert is complimen-
tary to the general public.
Excursion to Greenfield Village, 1
p.m. Visit to Ford's Village, museum
of early American life, Edison's Men-
lo Park Laboratory, the Dearborn Inn.
Round trip by special bus. Reserva-
tions may be macTh in the Summer
Session office. Prix ate cars invited
to follow bus.
Graduation Recital. Virginia Flow-
ers Ritter, pianist, of Clarksville,
Tenn., will give a recital in partal
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree, Wednes-
day evening, July 27, at 8:15 o'clock,
in the School of Music Auditorium.
The general public is invited to at-
tend without admission charge.
Commercial Education Students:
(Continued on Page 3)


SUITS..*.* $27.50.. . values to $55

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A stock of Fine Shetlands, Camel Hair and Flannel Coats
Special Lot of SLACKS .95
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Shirts - Hosiery - Fouard Neckwear


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