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July 24, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-24

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SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1938

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Writer Sees Need And Opportunities
For Movie Courses At The University




Edited and managed by studenbt of the University of
Mi igan under the authority of the Board in Control of
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Publishea every morning Xcept -Monday during the
University year and Summer Session-
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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ff mber, Associated Collegiate ?ress, 19'3738
- "< C leg, Publishers RereSen tative .
Board of Editors
Managing Editor Irving Silverman
City Editor... ... .. Robert I. Fitzhenry
AsIstant Editors ....... Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino,
Business eprtment
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The editorials -published in The Michigan
Dlaly are written, by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition, of youth to
reform the world. Only the school which
4ct on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
.Alexander G. Ruthven.,
The Second World
Youth Congress . .
T WO YEARS AGO the first World
Youth Congress met in the Assembly
gall of" the League 'of Nations at Geneva.
The meeting was the result of a resolu-.
ton of the International Federation of League
ofNations Societies at t h e ederatin's
meeting in 1933 at Montreaux, Switzerland. The
- cooperation of a number of major yoth move-
ments was secured in aiding the work of organ-
iing, and when the Congress convened repre-
sentatives from 35 nations were present. The
.ciief concern of the organizers had been '"to
secure the widest and most cordial participation
of youth from all countries; evry race and class,
and of every religious or political persuasion.
The objects of the Congress were three:
1.,"To provide an opportunity for youth in
countries to exchange ideas on international
affairs and to reach agreeient upon a common
plan of international cooperation for the pre-
vention of war and the organization of peace;,
2. "To discuss concrete possibilities of co-
9pe rtion of youth of all countries, based upon
mutual understanding and mutual respect for
opinion, to. attain those ends;
3. "To strengthen the links between the organi-
, ations of youth themselves and between youth
and League of Nat'ions Societies."
Germany, Italy and Japan alone among the
mportant nations of the world were not repre-
- sented. Fascist ideology did not take kindly to
Phe idea of a meeting of international youth for
exchange of ideas-and the preservation of peace.
The Second World Youth Congress is to be
held next month with American youth acting
as host at Vassar College, N. Y. The Congress will
last one week, from August 16 to August 24.
Many. of the leaders of American' thought, in-,
eluding President McCracken of Vassar; Dr.
James T. Shotwell, head of the history depart-
ment of Columbia; Dr. Raymond Leslie Buell,
head of the Foreign Policy Association; and
Senator Gerald P. Nye, are on the Sponsoring
Committee. More than 50 delegates, representing

41 countries, will participate. Youth from every
continent will be represented.
The work of the Congress will be divided into
four panels, or Commissions, as follows:
1. The Political and Economic Organization
for Peace.
2.,The Economic and Cultural Status of Youth
and ItsRelation to Peace.
3. The Religious and Philosophical Bases of
4. The International Role of Youth.,
Germany, Italy and Japan will once more be
absent from the Congress. Such , semi-fascist
small nations as Rumania, Bulgaria, Poland,
Jugoslavia and the Latin-American countries,
1however, will be represented. These small nations
;n spite of the reactionary, character of their
governments, still have a strong stake in world
peace .and consequently in the international
youth movement.;
This year's Congress, therefore, should have
a clear anti-fascist color. The cause of peace

By Edward C. Jurist
Editor's Note: This is the last in a series of
three articles by Mr. Jurist on "The Movies and
the People."
Specific opportunities present themselves for
a. cinema course at the University of Michgan.
Ideally, we should proceed at once to institute an
introductory course in motion picture apprecia-
tion, teacher-training, courses for advanced
students, motionpictureccriticism; the possi-
bilities are endless.
However, what we need to do and what we
can ,.do, unfortunately do not always coincide.
Budget limitations and other barriers present
themselves. If the direct establishment of courses
is not immediately realiable, what other meas-
ures can we take to fill this yawning gap in our
I propose a two- or three-week course of in-
tensive study in which cinema problems, both
sociological and artistic, could be analysed.
This would be a kind of Spring Cinema Parley to
which authoritative and practical workers in
the field would be invited to lecture and lead
discussion. This parley, or institute, would ac-
complish several things. It would serve as an
indicator of campus interest in the study. It
would test the general workability of the pro-
posed courses. And, finally, it would be. a
definite step taken in the execution of this
educational program. The details, of such a
temporary expedient could easily be filled out,
were the proposal to be considered seriously. I
present it here briefly as an example of the
possibilities which might precede the courses'
themselves. Other proposals are an informal,
non-credit discussion group, attached to the Art
'Cinema League, the building of a cinema library
of, sociological an. technical works and articles,
and cinema appreciation as a unit of Freshman
In concluding, I should like to point out several
circumstances on the Michigan campus which
would facilitate the establishment of motion
picture courses:
1. The Art Cinema League is a camp:s organi-
zation whose work is devoted to bringing the
jbest in native and foreign films to students and
faculty. In the past fewyears, the following of
the, League has grown by leaps and bounds, so
that now their showings are attended by packed
houses. The films brought to the Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre. by the League are the very films
which would be necessary for a cinema course.
In addition to this, the League may procure films
from the distributors for private showings, and
for which no rental fee is required. Both of these
facilities, regular and private showings of the
League, would eliminate an important expense
item from the financial budget of the proposed
cinema course.
.The student manager of the Art Cinema League
informs me that a surplus in the treasury of the.
organization may very likely be used to begin
the building of a library of books on cinema.
Here again, another item may be checked from
the expeiise list.
2. The collection of the Museum of Modern
Artis at the disposal of any public organization,
rental-free. These important films are a unit
essential to any course in cinema, together with
the technical analyses of the films by Iris Barry,
which are distributed by the Museum.
3. According to reports, the new Graduate
school is equipped with the finest projection
and sound machines available. If this equipment
could be placed at the disposal 'ofthe cinema
courses, another major item can be checked from
the expense list.
4. Were the dream of a labdratory course for
the production of films to be realized, the forces
of a .well-equipped theatre (Play Production)
and radio station could cooperate most effect-
5. In the event that the proposed laboratory
theatre for Play Production were carried through,
the enlarged department of drama mig't very
well include cinema, as the Yale School of
Drama does at present.
Thus we see that the only expense which the
University would need to bear in establishing
cinema courses would be the salary of the in-
structor, or instructors. And this added burden
seems small, in the light of the urgent need for
guidance for university students and prospective
teachers. Many of us youths will eventually be-

New Deal Victory In Montana
Shortly before the primary Tuesday The Mon-
tana Stanford, published' at, Butte, Rep. Jerry
O'Connell's capital, filled us with gloom. Its heart
bled for the fate of the direct primary. Thisw
couldn't last if candidates were to keep on trying
to get office "by concentrated efforts-of deceit,
vilification, misrepresentation and downright
prevarication." Against this fear, however, we
set the friendly and fraternal air that breathes
from the list , of candidates for Constable in
Silver Bow Township:
George (Shorty) Crumby, John (Jack) Driscoll,
Thomas (Sax) Driscoll, Willis (Swede) Gerry,
Rpbert (Tubie) Johnson, Frank (Stubby) Lane,
Ed (Eddie) McCarthy, Thomas (Tity) Mulcahy,
incumbent; Edward (Eddie) Mulholland, Walter
(Spud) Murphy, Ernest (Bunny) Murray, John
(Sharkey) Powers, W. H. (Bill) Turner.
Besides, at least one candidate, Jerry O'Con-
nell, the Infant Phenomenon of the House, was
enough to lift the campaign to a plane which de-
ceit, vilification, misrepresentation and prevari-
cation could not, reach. Jerry has held office
since he was 21.. He will be of Senatorial age
in '39 and began last year his canvas to succeed

come community leaders, and to many, the
education of the children of the nation will be
entrusted. All will enter into the struggle to
maintain the practises of democratic ideals in
the nation. For an important phase of this
struggle, the University must prepare us by
equippng us with proper artistic and cultural
standards of cinema; for as I have shown, the
movies are a mighty force for anti-Democracy.
To this benefit must be added the enormous
prestige which would accrue to the University of
Michigan, in being one of a small handfuf of
progressive institutions to offer cinema appreci-
ation courses, an one of three universities to
provide teacher-training in cinema!
Iifeemstio Me
Heywood Broun
A much travelled man once told me he thought
Copenhagen the gayest of all cities, because the
Danes were forever having a parade in honor of
somebody. It seems to me
that New York has a great
capacity for enthusiasm, and
I am in favor of having more
demonstrations and also of
broadening the entrance re-
The civic celebration for
Howard Hughes was a great
success, even if Grover
Whalen did call him "Ed-
ward" and add six minutes to his flying time.
The aviator himself did much to promote good
feeling by contributing just the proper touch
of modesty and diffidence.
A good rousing parade sort of sets up a city
and adds to its morale. Life looks better when
the papers bring us pictures of ticker tape show-
ers instead of "X's" marking the spot where the_
victim's body was found. I do not think it over-
optimistic to contend that if there were more
marching there might be less murder and may-
hem. There can be a contagion in fellowship.
Lots Of Hoopla
With the World's Fair just around the corner
we should go in for scrolls and speeches and lots
of hoopla. And it is the city's good fortune that
Mayor La Guardia is among the most felicitious
of executive greeters. To be sure, fiestas make
extra work for cops and street cleaners, and
some of the local merchants contend that too
much public jubilation is bad for business.
In this I believe they are mistaken. Box office
men in theaters insist that, the patron who is
turned away on a Tuesday will almost invariably
show up again on a Wednesday.
But in any case, some portion of a park might
be designated as the avenue of triumph. Objec-
tion may be made by such skillful prestidiga-
tors as Grover and Fiorello. But it is my notion
that as yet certain fields have not yet been suf-
ficiently explored. Aviators, visiting royalty, ath-
letes and Channel swimming have all had their
opportunity to receive the plaudits of New York.
But how about the poets and the painters and
the novelists? Pericles got away with such par-
ties. and let it not be said that the men of Ath-
ens possessed any greater passion for culture
than the citizens of Manhattan.
For instance, I think the great metropolis of"
American democracy should have put Thomas
Mann on the back seat of an automobile and
offered him the opportunity to receive the ac-
claim which is justly due to one of the great
spirits of the world. Perhaps it is not too late
even now, for such a civic tribute would afford
the public a chance to make itself articulate in
answering the philosophy of the Nazis. New
York has known a good many demonstrations
against this tyrant or the other, and to my mind
they serve a good purpose, but I still believe
that there is more kick in expressing the same
sentiment in terms of pointing with pride to
the heroes of the opposition. In other words,
I would have us mix the razzberries with laurel.
S* *
A Gentle Suggestion

None will deny Mr. Whalen's flair for publicity,
but just the same I want to make a timid sug-
gestion which should be in keeping with the spirit
of the World's Fair. How about a melting pot
parade? Our city is the very center of that caul-
dron, and New Yorkers could dedicate themselves
anew to a lively faith that here is haven for
the oppressed. Among the marchers could be
representatives of all the nationalities that have
made their mark in civic, affairs could march
side by side with refugees from terror who have
just landed. Such a demonstration could be
an eloquent citywide gesture against all and
every form of prejudice.
And to get back to my original nomination, I
think that Thomas Mann would be just the one
to lead the line of march.
Finland Accepts
Finland's decision to accept the Olympic- in-
vitation to play host in 1940 is good news indeed.
It means that no national jealousies will be
aroused, that there will be no ominous parade of
military force, that no contestant will have to
salute any persons or any symbols he does not
f'espect. It means that the games will be held
in an atmosphere of as much good-will as can
be mustered on our little sphere at the designated

'Kind Lady'
THE OLD STYLE "who-done it?"
mystery play practically died out
when the last mid-week stock com-
pany succumbed to the depression
and the talking pictures. One of
these plays turns up now and again
and lasts two or thi'ee days on Broad-
way. But the public isn't interested
any more (as someone said) in wait-
ing around until ;11 o'clock to find7
out who killed some actor.
Instead we have plays like Kind
Lady in which the audience is taken
into whatever secret there is. We see,
for example, the gracious woman of
our title victimized before our eyes.
The relationship is perhaps more
identical with melodrama but in a
very much more subtle way than
usual. Considerable emphasis is
placed on character and our interest
is in, what happens to these par-
ticular people rather than a tricky
plot with a rather abstract hero and
In this play which Edward Cho-
dorov fashioned out of Hugh Wal-
pole's short story, The Silver Mask,
he has deliberately played down all
surface tricks of horror. But the
suspense as expressed by the really
audible emotion of the audience is
there just the same.
It is a true theatre piece in that
the plot does not perhaps bear strong
analysis in the light of cold reason.
But while we are 'watching it we are
conscious only of a logical sequence
of events based on the characters Mr.
Chodorov has built.
Brooks Atkinson says "the measure
of the stage director is the measure
of the play" so this occasion will
give Mr. Frederic Crandall an op-
portunity to bring out the same abili-
ties he used so well two seasons ago
in Post Road.
If the play is lightweight, good
"summer entertainment" (whatever
that means), it will certainly be none
the less acceptable and to be rejected
only by intellectual snobs.
The Editor
Gets Told + + o.
Support From The South
To the Editor:
Will you let me support the "Daily"
on the editorial, "The Nation's No. 1
Problem"? Being a Southerner myself,
(Alabama) I think that it is high time
we, who have any economic security
and cultural background at all,
stopped peering through rosy tinted
spectacles that are colored with Mag-
nolia trees and "Darkies" singing
spirituals down the river banks, and
took a good look at what the South
is really like.
I shall use the concluding state-
ment of the editorial for an outline
for it is a superb but restrained epi-
tomation of the article. " . . . so
long as the southein portion of the
United States remains in economic
distress, cultural stagnation, and
social backwardness. "
1. Economic Distress: The South
is dominated by an economic system
with low wages. To quote from an
economist, "Low wages mean low
buying power, low buying power
means low standards of living, and
that means low taxable values, and'
therefore, a difficulty in maintaining
good schools, good highways, sanita-
tion and other public improvements."
Unquote. The average Southerner's
standard of living is low, compared
with other sections of the country,

the worst highways east of the Miss-
issippi River can be found in the
South; and as for sanitationno other
section of the United States is so
overrun with Tuberculosis. and Syph-
ilis for lack of it.
2. Cultural Stagnation: The South
is dominated by one of the largest
and most vociferous gangs of anti-
communist, anti-Catholic, and anti-
Jew organizations in the country.
Many labor fermentations in Ala-
bama, Mississippi, and Arkansas are
blamed unfounded on Communist
agitators, an election of a Catholic
president gives them .the dreaded
vision of a "Pope over the White
House." The famed Ku Klux Klan is
our shameful representation of all of
it. The majority of southern Whites
are members of it and don't let any-
one tell you different. These manifes-
tations of political, xeligious, and
racial prejudice as as good example
of "cultural stagnation" speak for
3. Social Backwardness: On the
point here_ M. Gray hinted upon a
separate social distinction. Whether
he was referring tp the class of un-
cultured "poor whites" or uncultured
Negroes, I can not determine. If it
was the former it just means that a
ridiculous 10th century serfdom is
predominate, and can only be eradi-
cated by an educational system that1
is not tangled with the political
parties. If it referred to the uncul-
ured Negroes, it is pathetic that the
two races can not get together.
Southerners, let us take off our

SUNDAY. JULY 24, 1938
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. morning service;
at 10:30.
Subject. "Truth." Golden Text:
Psalms 86:11. Sunday School at
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship 10:40. Dr. Brashares will
speak on "Choice."
Stalker Hall: 9:45. Student Class.
Professor Gale E. Densmore will lead
the discussion on "Religion in Busi-
ness Life."
Wesleyan Guikl meeting: 6 p.m. Mr.
John M. Trytten will speak on "A
Christian Chooses His Vocation."
This will be followed by group dis-
cussio-s and reports. 'Fellowship
hour following the meeting.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Edwin
H. Wilson of Chicago will speak on
"Free Religion's Stand for Peace and,
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
Services of. worship are : 8 a.m. Holy
Communion, 11 a.m. Morning Prayer
and address by Rev. Henry Lewis.
Episcopal Student Group: The Rev.
Henry Lewis will lead the discussion
Sunday night. Cars will leave the
church at 5:30 for swimming at the
Barton Hills residence of Mrs. Wm.
Giefel. The supper and discussion
will be held on the grounds of the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Reardon Peir-
sol on Oxford Rd. Supper 25 cents..
All students are cordially invited.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave. "God Thinks Aloud"
will be the subject of Dr. W. P.
Lemon's sermon at the morning wor-
ship service at 10:45. Dr. Healey
Willan at the console and directing
the choir. The Musical numbers will
include: Organ Prelude, "Puer Nobis
Mascitur" by Willan; Anthem, "Jesu,
Joy of Man's Desiring" by Bach; solo,
"O God of Light" by Sowerby, Bur-
nette Bradley Staebler; Organ Post-
lude, "Overture to Richard the First"
by Handel.
The supper for summer school stu-
dents will be held as usual at 5:30
p.m., Miss Esther Crooks is in charge
this week. Weather permitting the
program will be held in the open-air
theatre. A brief devotional service
will be held consisting of Biblical
readings with Louis Nicholas accom-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

panying. Dr. Lemon will speak on
S. N. Behrman's play "Rain From
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet in its room in the new Rack-
ham Building (enter in rear door at
the north-east corner, facing on Hu-
ron Street) on Sunday, July 24, at
2:30 p.m. The room will be open for
inspection until 3 p.m., when the
group will leave for Saline Valley
Farms for swimming, baseball and a
picnic. Plan to come, rain or shine.
Clinic and Summer Session Band
Concert. The High School Clinic
Band and the Summer Session Band
this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. under the
direction of William D. Revelli and
Victor Grabel, conductors. The gen-
eral public is invited to attend with-
out admission charge.
At 8 o'clock on A_7--day, July 25,
Professor J. S. Reeves w lecture on
International Boundaries it the Am-
phitheatre of the Rackham luilding.
Graduation Itecital. Miss Elizabeth
Adams, mezzo-soprano. Holliston,
Mass., will give a recital ,in partial
fulfillment ofthe requirements for
the Master of Music degree, Monday
evening, July 25, at 8:15 o'clock in
the School of Music Auditorium. She
will be accompanied at the piano by
Mrs. Ava Comin Case. The general
public is invited to attend
School of Music Women: Faculty,
Students and Wives are invited to
attend a formal meeting of the
"Treble-Aires," Monday evening, at
8:15. A very interesting progran has
been, arranged to be given in. the
Women's Lounge on the second floor
Df the Horace Rackham Graduate
Men's Education Club. There will
be a meeting on Monday, July 25 at
7:30 on the third floor of the Michi-
gan Union. The speaker of the even-
ing will be Fielding H. Yost, who will
announce his own subject.
The plans for the men's picnic,
which is scheduled for August 3, will
be discussed at this meeting. Also the
founder of the club will be appropri-
ately honored.
Life Saving and Water Safety in-
struction at the Intramural pool by
Bob Mowerson, Red Cross instructor,
July 25 through Aug. 6. Hours, 6 to
7 p.m., Monday and Thursday; 6to
--(Continued on Page 4)

A Professor Examines His Political Philosophy

(Editor's Note: Professor Friedrich,
of the faculty of St Cloud State
Teachers' College, wrote the following
article. for, the Minnesota Leader, as
part of arsymposium being conducted
by the Leader.)
Whether or not I am a liberal al-
ways confuses me. Liberalism and
conservatism are terms which have
been used so loosely and vaguely that
one cannot- speak of himself as a
"liberal" without defining the word
or at least listing those beliefs which
he feelswto be liberal. If a liberal
is one who works with energy and
intelligence to help evolve a demo-
cratic state that meets the best needs
of the greatest number of people of
the present and the future, then I
count myself as one.
"I do not use the term "democ-
racy" in its restricted sense of "the
majority rules" only but n its deeper
significance - social and individual
betterment also.
I believe firmly in the evolutionary
progress of humanity in contrast to
the revolutionary or satic state of
society, and that the progress can
best be achieved through adherence
to the principles enunciated in the
Declaration of Independence and the
Constiution of the United States.
I believe in.labor unions because
I can vision a much more stable and
enduring type of human happiness
for the future when rules satisfactory
to both labor and capital are adhered
to by both groups. I do not look
for this to occur today or tomorrow
as bth sides will require time and
experience for their proper educa-

I believe in good roads, healthful
surroundings, clean water, sewage
systems, education, relief to the less
fortunate, recreational facilities, in-
telligent use of our natural resources
and the scientific approach to our
state and national problems. These
can be had more cheaply and abun-
dantly, I believe, through taxation
than individual purchase.
I believe in co-operatives. The' co-
operative is a form of group capital-
ism carried on in a democratic man-
I believe in the rights of the minor-
ity but, on the other hand, I believe
that the minority should also recog-
nize the rights of the majority. Ath-
letics have taught this lesson well.
I believe that rugged individualism
had a proper place in the develop-
ment of this civiliation during the
pioneering period but now that we
are a relatively settled nation the
excessive acquisitiveness of the rug-
ged individualist must be definitely'
curbed lest the large majority of the
people ,,suffer unnecessarily,
I believe that some of the prin-
ciples of Christianity can at last be
substituted for ruthless competition
in. business and industry.
Again I wish to restate that wheth-
er or not I am a liberal always con-
fuses me. If adherence ito the ideol-
ogy of any form of totalitarianism
makes one a liberal, then I am not
one. If impatience and the will to
upset the existing state just to get
a thrill from the upset is being a
liberal, then I am not one. To me
the way of liberalism is the way of
happiness and purposefulness through
the democratic process.

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