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Official Publication of The Summer Session
,h Congres
WPA Institute
In Education
To Meet Here
200 Teachers From State
Will Commence A Four
Week Course Tomorrow
Edmonson To Head
Staff Of Instructors
A conference of 200 Michigan WPA
teachers, representing every field in
the state WPA adult education pro-
gram, will begin a four-week session
here tomorrow at 8 a.m.
Further training in the specialized
work of individual teachers and the
development of new units of study are
the objectives of the WPA institute
will be the first one of its kind. A
staff of 30, half of whom are mem-
bers of the University faculty, will
conduct the lectures, discussions, and
udy gproups scheduled on the "work-
Heading the staff is Dean James B.
Edmonson of the School of Educa-
tion, with Dr. Fred G. Stevenson, di-
rector of the University WPA corres-
pondence study department, in im-
mediate charge. Faculty members
participating in the institute include
- Prof. William Haber of the economics
department; Prof. Dwight L. Du-..
mond and Pro. Preston W. Slosson,
of the history department, and Prof.
George E. Carrothers, Prof. Thomas
Diamond, Prof. Howard Y. McClusky,
Prof. Louis W. Keeler and Prof. Ceo
Murtland, of the education depart-
ment. Also serving are Dr. C.' A. Fish-
er, director of the University exten-
sion service; Dr. T. Luther Purdom,
director of the University bureau ofs
appointments; and Dr. Warren E.
Forsythe, director of the University
Health Service.t
All meetings for the conference will
take place in the Dental building
where the first three floors have been
reserved for the "workshop." Credit
in the University is offered partici-
pants in. the session.
Metal Fatigue
Authority Talkst
At Symposium
Moore Summarizes Lab
Work; Nadai Reviews
Theories About Creep
A summary of the extensive work
carried out in the University of Il-
linois laboratories at Champaign,
Ill. on the Fissures in Railroads was
the subject of the talk given yester-
day morning by Prof. H. F. Moore
before the sixth weekly meeting of
the engineering mechanics sympo-
sium on the properties of metals in
the West Engineering Building.
. He pointed out that the fissures
are initiated beneath the surface of
the rails due principally to the con-
tinued rolling of flat and out-of-
round wheels over them. However,
the influence of bending stresses in
this study was found to be negligible.
Rolling causes cold working of the
rail surface and the failure is there-
fore deeper in the rail than might be
expected on the basis of theoretical
considerations of maximum shearing
stresses. "Shadow marks" in the rail
due to trapped and later expelled
hydrogen indicated the effect of a
"stress raiser," he explained. This
type of failure in rails cost the rail-
roads about $2,000,000 annually.
Dr. Moore was the first person in
the United States to do research on.
the fatigue of metals although there
was some previous work done in Ger-
many. One of the world authorities on,
the subject at present, he is in charge,
of several laboratories at the Univer-
sity of Illinois.
A review of the theories of "creep" ,
of metals furnishedthesubject of ;
the second talk of the morning, given;
by Dr. A. Nadal, a foremost authority
in plasticity, now vorking at the
Westinghouse Research Laboratones
in East Pittsburgh, Pa.
.xThe matter is largely dependent on
experimentation and rational inter-
pretation, he explained. Creep is a
function of stress, temperature and
time with the involved factor of ve-
locity of load application. He then
expressed this relationship mathe-
matically. An analysis of various
creep datd was one of his topics and
Chaco Truce Cannot Guarantee
1.-. .a
u ra~ a~CJLIce, 3a s r rori *ALLLo
Ratification Of Truce By
Both Warring States Is
Seen As Still Indefinite
"Thesigning of andagreement be-
tween Paraguay and Bolivia con-
cerning the disposition of the long
fought over territory of the Gran
Chaco last Monday is an important
but by no means the final step in the
settlement of the 50 year old bone of
contention between the two nations,"
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history
department declared yesterday.
The optimism of the press, he
emphasized, in heralding the signing
of the treaty as the ending of a
struggle, which has nearly ruined two
countries, is not entirely justified as
there are still several factors that
may fan the sparks of the Chaco dis-
pute into a blazing issue.'
The most important factor is the
necessity of popular ratification of
the. treaties in both Paraguay and
Bolivia. Although the agreement has
been signed by representatives of
both "nations, Professor Aiton said,
ratification by a popularly-elected
assembly in Bolivia and a popular
plebiscite in Paraguay is also re-
It is quite possible that the treaty
may fail to secure ratification, especi-
ally in Paraguay. Two of the Para-
guayan representatives to the peace
conference in Buenos Aires flatly re-
fused to sign the document, including
the influential Liberal candidate for
the presidency, Zubiz Arreta. In fact,
to secure Paraguayan signature of
(Continued on Page 3)
- - - - - ........+.a ..v.s .+.w a wsa. v 1
Local Churches
Present Varied
Unitarians To Hear Wilson
Speak On Free Religion
As A Democratic Factor
Today's activities in Ann Arbor's
churches are featured by talks, ser-
mons and lectures on topics rangingi
from war to "springs of spiritual pow-N
The Rev. Edwin Wilson of Chicago
will speak at 11 a.m. in the Unitarian
Curch on the topic, "Free Religionst
Stand for Peace and Democracy."'
"God Thinks Aloud," will be the
subject of The Rev. P. W. Lemon oft
the First Presbyterian Church ofI
Ann Arbor at 10:45 a.m. Prof. Healy
Willan will lead the choir and play
the console organ. Dr. Leonard Parrt
will address his congregation in the
Congregational Church on the propo-
sition "Religion.: Decoration or Dy-I
namic?" at 10,45 a.m. This will be
the closing service of the Summer
Services of Worship will be held inr
the Trinity Lutheran Church at 10:30c
a.m. and The Rev. Henry 0. Yoder
will speak on "Are You Spiritually
Exhausted?" Kenneth W. Morgan of
the Student Religious Association will
talk to the Zion Lutheran Studentt
Group at 5:30 p.m. on "Life in a
Hindu Monastery.".3
"Springs of Spiritual Power" willI
be discussed by Dr. G. H. Enss from
the pulpit of the First Baptist Church
at 10:45 a.m.
In the First Church of Christ,
Scientist, at the 10:30 a.m service,
the sermon will be on "Truth,"rand
Sunday School will be at 9:30 a.m.
The Episcopal Student Group will
hear a discussion led by. The Rev.
Henry Lewis at 4 p.m. At 5:30 p.m.
cars will leave to convey the students
to the Barton Hills Residence of
Mrs. William Geifel for a swimming
Death Defying Heroine
Can't Defy Liver Ills
PARIS, July 23.-()-Pearl White
heroine of a thousand breath-taking
adventures in the blood-curdling
mystery serials of the silent movie
days, was reported in grave condition
tonight at the American hospital,
where she is being treated for a liver
Attendants said. her condition was
"alarming" and that she showed in-
creasing signs of weakness and fa-
tigue after taking a turn for the worse
during the night.
Miss White, a one-time bareback{
rider who thrilled millions all over
the world with "The Exploits of
Elaine," "The Perils of Pauline," and
a dozen serial pictures which followed,
was born in Greenwood, Mo., March
4, 1889.
She made her stage debut as "Little
Eva" with a touring company pre-
senting "Unle hTom's Cabin" just six
years later. She played the part for
a year, her parents receiving $5 a
week for her work.
Carillon Features
Ballads For Today
Comprised primarily of sacred and
old-time ballads, the program to be
presented by Prof. Wilmot Pratt,
University carillonneur, at 4:15 p.m.
today on the Charles Baird Carillon
will mark the 18th recital of the year.
Players Cast
For 'Kind Lady'
Is Announeed
Clairbel Baird Has Lead
In Mystery; Direction
By Frederic 0. Crandall
"Kind Lady," adapted by Edward
Chodorov from Hugh Walpole's fa-
mous mystery, "The Silver Masque,"
will open the sixth week of playgoing
at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre,
Wednesday evening, July 27.
The large cast will be headed by
Claribel Baird, who is spending her
fourth summer season in Ann Arbor,
and is a member of the Players' fac-
ulty. The play will be directed by
Frederic 0. Crandall, with sets and
costumes by Alexander Wyckoff and
Evelyn Cohen, who had charge of
the art work of "Brother Rat" and
"Idiot's Delight."
"Kind Lady" concerns Mary Her-
ries, fashionable London dowager,
who takes a beggar into her home for
tea one afternoon to find that she has
discovered a rare art critic and con-
noisseur. Thevagrant's appreciation
of Miss Herries' famous art trea-
sures is finally questioned when num-
erous El Grecos disappear myster-
iously from the parlor.
S. J. Bernhard as Henry Abbott,
the crafty tea drinking beggar; Ruth
Le Roux and Ted Grace, as two
young Americans; Richard Orr, Lil-
lian Holmes, Katharine Johnson, Ray
Pederson, Nancy Schaefer, Margaret
Eccles, Kathryn Webster, Robert
Cunningham and Burdette Moeller
complete the cast.
"Kind Lady" will splay Wednesday
through Saturday evening at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
box office will remain open Monday
from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Co-op To Have Open
Meeting Thursday
An open house meeting which all
University students and others inter-
ested in the cooperative movement
are urged to attend will feature the
regular meeting of the Ann Arbor
Cooperative Society at 8 p. m. Thurs-
With an extensive organization al-
ready under way the local coopera-
tive deals in everything from grape
juice to ice box refrigerators and 100-
foot lots.
The society is most eager, accord-
ing to A. K. Stevens of the University
English department, ,to have a large
representation of guests on hand
Thursday at which time the move-
ment will be explained in detail,
questions will be solicited and those
present will have opportunity to
watch a typical meeting of a going
cooperative society.
Director Tries
ToClear Action
In TVAQuery
Efforts Since 1933 To Set
Basis For Allocation Of
Power Costs Revealed
Morgan Charges
Rates Inaccurate
KNOXVILLE, Tenn., July 23.-()-
Director David E. Lilienthal told a
joint congressional investigating com-
mittee today differences between en-
gineers and consultants over the basis
of the authority's yardstick power
rates had "serious consequences.
He added, however, the conflict
now appears to have been "wholly
innocent," asserting the friction re-
sulted from sharply varying theories
and methods of determining apprais-
als and valuations.
He did not elaborate on the "serious
consequences" but apparently re-r
ferred to delay which resulted in pre-
paring the report on allocations.
In bulky prepared statements, thet
witness described efforts since 1933
to establish a sound basis for alloca-
tions of costs as to power, flood con-
trol and navigation in the authority's
system of dams.
The report was partially delayed, he
said, by the disagreements betweenr
advisory committees composed largelyC
of university professors and TVA en- 1
gineers under Dr. Arthur E. Morgan,
recently ousted as chairman of the
Dr. Morgan, who precipitated thes
investigation by charges of misman-t
agement against directors Lilienthal1
and Harcourt A. Morgan, previouslyl
testified Lilienthal fixed the powerY
rates without his consent or knowl-
edge and referred to them once as
"little more than a guess."
Lilienthal denied the inference of
a question that possibly the alloca-
tions announced recently were shaped
to fit the power rates established in
He asserted "virtually all the steps"
taken in computing the rates were
taken with the knowledge and ap-
proval of the board "but probably
there is not a document that confirms:
Japs Report
Kiukiang Fire
Dispatch States Waterfront
Of Town Is Ablaze
SHANGHAI, July 23.-(jP)-Recon-;
noitering Japanese airmen reported
tonight that the waterfront of Kiu-
kiang, immediate barrier to the up-
the-Yangtze offensive against Han-7
kow, was in flames.
Foreign naval advices from the rea
declared, however, that the situation
was unchanged from that of recent
days-calmness in a city which for
weeks had been within earshot of
duelling Chinese shore batteries and
Japanese naval guns.
Earlier, a Japanese communique,
announcing domination of the mouth
of Pyang Lake and fresh landing ex-
peditions at several points, had in-
dicated that the long-awaited assault
on Kiukiang was under way.
Kiukiang is 135 miles down the
Yangtze from Hankow, Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-Shek's general headquar-
Three weeks of terrific bombard-
ments by warships and aircraft pre-
ceded today's crossing of the lake
mouth on the southern side of the
mighty Yangtze.
Anglo-Berlin Relations Smoothed
By English Soft-Pedal Of Czechs
British Influence Pledged
Germany In Handling
Demands OfMinority x
LONDON, July 23.-(P)-Great
Britain strongly appealed today to
Czechoslovakia for liberal conces-
sions to her clamoring minorities tot
help the promising new Europeant
appeasement prospects.-
She thus fulfilled a pledge to a sud
denly more peacefully talking Ger-;
Basil Cochrane Newton, British1
minister to Praha, saw Premier Mi-
lan Hodza for the second time in 24
hours after the surprise Anglo-Ger-
man talks in London and Anglo-
French discussions in Paris on the
Central European problem.
He carried out what were described
authoritatively as "certain assur-
ances" given by Prime Minister Ne-
ville Chamberlain yesterday to Dr.
Herbert Von Dirksen, German am-
bassador to London, on the use of
British influence with Praha in the
handling of -minority autonomy de-
Whether these assurances en-
visaged greater concessions to the
Germanic minority than Czechoslo-
vakai felt herself able to make, and
still retain her sovereignty, was un-
But it was clear both here and in
Praha that the new British action,
backed by France, sought the fullest
measure of autonomy possible for
minorities within th? war-created re-
Prospects for an early resumption
of broadscale Anglo-German political
negotiations were heightened by reas-
surances of Germany's peaceful in-
tentions. These were conveyed to
Britain by Von Dirksen and Adolf
Hitler's adjutant, Capt. Fritz Wiede-
mann, just before and during the
Nedayr, Beats
Arlington Fieldf
Pays 14 To 1; Stagehand
Menow Left Behind C
CHICAGO, July 23.-(P)-Nedayr,
a 14 to 1 shot in the betting, tossed
the three year old championship oft
the American turf into a tangled
mess today by racing to a surprisek
victory in the $30,000 added Arling-t
ton classic. ,
The little brown colt, owned by
Willis Sharpe Kilmer, Binghamton,c
N.Y., publisher, won by a length vic-I
tory over Bull Lea, entry of WarrenI
Wright, of Chicago. Townsend B.
Martin's Cravat as third.
Stagehand, conqueror of Seabisuit
in the rich Santa Anita Handicap,
and Menow, which defeated War Ad-
miral in the $50,000 Massachusetts
handicap, were not in the money, al-
though they went to the post heavily
played favorites. Stagehand landed
fourth, with Menow fifth.-
National Boundaries
Lecture Tomorrow
"International Boundaries," will be
the subject of a lecture to be given
at 8 p. m. tomorrow in the small audi-
torium of the Graduate School by
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political
science department.
The lecture is the fourth and last
in a series of public lectures by mem-
bers of the faculty of the Summer
Session in International Law, spon-
sored by the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace. Other speak-
ers in the series included James
Brown Scott, director of the Division
of International Law' of the Carnegie
state visit of King George VI, and
Queen Elizabeth to France.
Germany's reassurances indicated a.
more conciliatory attitude on her part
toward the Czechoslovak minority
problem which now is the chief bar-
rier to Anglo-German friendship.
France called home her ambassador
to Berlin, Andre Francois-Poncet, in
the sudden spurt of diplomatic ac-
tivity over Czechoslovakia.
This gave rise to reports Germany
was seeking a four-power meeting
among Germany, Italy, Britain and
France to work out a solution of her
neighbor's problem.
Official quarters in London denied,
however, that "any new suggestion
was under discussion" in the conver-
sation Prime Minister Chamberlain
had witl' Von Dirksen.
French quarters also disclaimed
knowledge of such a proposal and
quickly voiced objections to any con-
ference on Czechoslovakia, which ex-
cluded the Czechoslovak government
and Soviet Russia.
France has rhiutual assistance pacts'
With bothCzechoslovakia and the
Soviet Union.
Band Concert
Today Is Led
By of.Revelli
Trials Climax
UAWSt rife
Four Suspended Officers
Will Face Accusations
Preferred By Martin
Defendants Expect
Expulsion Verdict
All High School Clinic And
Summer School Bands
Give Joint Performance!
Sharing the stage in Hill Auditor-
Lum the All High School Clinic Band'
and the University Summer Session.
Band will present their first com-
bined performance of the year at
4:15 p.m. today, according to Prof..
William D. Revelli, director.
Victor J. Grabel, nationally known
conductor and composer from Chi-
sago, will direct the first half of the
program, and Professor Revelli, the
second half. Mr. Grabel will be hol-
ored by conducting the band in a
selection of his own composition,
"Fair Chicago," and a piece of music1
which he arranged to be played in
this country for the first time, "Li-
bussa Overture," from the opera "Li-
bussa," by Smetana. "Libussa Over-
ture," being an intensely patriotic se-
lection, was forbidden to be played
anywhere outside the Prague in
Czechoslovakia. However, now it has
been arranged and will be heard wide-
ly, Mr. Grabel said, it having been
placed op the all high school na-
tional band contest repertoire as a
required number.
The program for today includes the
"Libussa Overture," by Smetana;
"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," by
Bach; "Elissa's Entrance Into the
Cathedral," by Wagner; "Moment
Musicale," by Schubert; and "Fair
Chicago," by Grabel, all played by
the Clinic Band with Mr. Grabel con-
Following a vocal solo by Mr. Ra-
gier, "Two Grenadiers,'" by Schu-
mann, Professor Revelli will conduct
the University Summer Session Band
in "Egmont Overture," by Beethoven;
"Slavonic Dance No. 1," by Dvorak;
"Rhapsody in Rhumba," by Bennet;
and "Perpetual Motion," by Strauss.
As a finale the "1812 Overture," by
Tsaichovsky will be given.
Barclay Places
In Semi-Finals
Defeats Palmer Three Up;
Meets Flowers Next
GULL LAKE Country Club, Kala-
mazoo, July 23.-(P)-Two Grand
Rapids -golfers, a Flint linksman and
a Battle Creek player today shot their
way into the semi-finals of the 32nd
annual state amateur tournament by
scoring third and fourth round vic-
tories over this picturesque course.
The semi-finalists were Melvinl
(Chick) Hurbert of Battle Creek, Ed'
Flowers and Harold Brink of Grand
Rapids and William Barclay, Univer-
sity of Michigan golfer from Flint. It
marked one of the few times that De-
troit has failed to place a golfer in
the State meet semi-finals, the met-
ropolitan area's last chance for the
title fading when Brink routed Frank
Connnolly . and 4.
DETROIT, "July 23.-(P)-The bit-
ter internal struggle stirred up by,
Homer Martin's "purge" of those op-
posing his automobile union leader-
shib moved tonight toward a porten-
tous climax.
Martin, the ex-minister who two
years ago led the first successful
unionization of a large portion of the
hitherto "open shop" automobile in-
dustry, has been promised a finish
fight by his opponents.
The battle well may have serious
effect on the future of the CIO Unit-
ed ' automobile.Workers, if Martin
foes who claim tacit support fromi
John L. Lewis succeed in their an-
nounced intent to obtain a decision
from the union's "rank and file."
Charges Preferred By Martin
In a move without precedent in
American labor history, the Martin-
controlled executive board of the
UAW has summoned four interna-
tional vice - presidents, suspended
June 13, to trial tomorrow on charges
preferred by Martin.
Assertions, denied by the four, that
they conspired with Communists to
disrupt the union, will be prominent
at the trial. Martin called them
"stooges of the Communist Party";
they retorted that this was a "smoke
screen to divide, blind and confuse
the workers."
The suspended officers said; "The
members of our union will not be
deceived. Theirs will be the final
'Contend Expulsion Illegal
Richard T. Frankensteen, Wynd-
ham Mortimer, Ed Hall and Walter
Wells--all early associates of Mar-
tin in building. the young industrial
union-expect to be read out of of-
fice and out of the union, as hap-
pened two weeks ago to Secretary-
Treasurer George Addes.
Like-Addes, they, contend such ex-
pulsion is illegal. They have mapped
plans for an attempt to oust Martin
from the presidency.
Potentialities of the struggle al-
ready have'interfered with the Com-
mittee for Industrial Organization's
political plans in Michigan. A state
convention of Labor's Non-Partisan
League, set for today, was postponed
Lewis, CIO chairman whose inter-
vention was sought by the suspended
UAW officers, has remained thus far
on the sidelines, declining to confirm
the statements of those who claim to
represent his sentiments. Martin
made it clear he would consider in-
terference by Lewis a violation of the
autonomy of the union.
Russia Scouts
University Observatory Open House,
'Kind Lady', Headline Entertainment
Tokyo War
MOSCQW, July 23.-t#-)---Soviet
Russia through her newspapers pic-
tured Japan today as so entangled in
trying to conquer China that her
"diplomatic forces had to be called
in to rescue the militarists" from try-
ing to touch off a conflict with Rus-
Despite another Siberian - Man-
choukuoan frontier incident, in which
Japanese-Manchoukuon soldiers were
reported to have failed in an attempt
to occupy an island in the Ussuri
Rivei Soviet circles viewed the pos-
sibility of Russo-Japanese war as a
diminishing threat.
Dispatches from the Siberian. city,
Khabarovsk, said the second incident
this month occurred north of Chang-
kufeng where Japan had accused Red
soldiers of occupying a bit of Man-
choukuoan territory on July 11.
The dispatches said two launches
landed a detachment of Japanese-
Manchoukuoan troops on the Soviet
island of Faingov two days ago only
to be driven off shortly afterward.
The clash came the day following
a Japanese protest against occupa-
tion of, the Changfukeng district-a
protest rejected by Foreign Commis-
., r mov TAtivinnff with thetate...
With the flurry of mid-semesters
nearly over, Summer Session students
may turn their thoughts once more
to extra-curricular activities, which
will follow their usual schedule with
clock-like precision this week-and
will provide a variety of interests.
The University Observatory will
offer an opportunity to inspect its
equipment and activities when it
opens its doors for an official "at
"Kind Lady", by Edward Chodorov
will be offered at 8:30 p. m. Wednes-
day through Saturday by the Reper-
tory Players. This play, an adaptation
from Hugh Walpole's short story,
"The Silver Mask," is a comedy-
mystery which takes place in an
English drawing room. A wealthy
London lady with an over-dose of
kindness invites a beggar into her
home, feeds him, and offers him a
job-but hardly expects him to move
History of Languages". "Lapses and
Language Change" will be the topic
of Prof. E. H. Sturtevant of Yale
University in his speech Tuesday.
Prof. Leonard Bloomfield of the Uni-
versity of Chicago will talk Wednes-
day on "Linguistic Science and the
Problem of 'correct' Language".
Thursday's speaker will be Prof. C.
C. Fries, whose discussion will be
"The Changing Grammar of Modern
English". The final lecture on Friday