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July 23, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-23

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FRIDAY. JULY 23. 1937

FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1937

taurant conditions rests with the City Council,
and until the desired legislation is initiated
by this body, enforced sanitary measures will be
something to talk about and that's all.
According to Franklin Fisk, a sanitation offi-
cer who will be in charge of future health and
sanitation developments, plans for establishing
a definite criterion for the maintenance of a
high standard of cleanliness and sanitation of
restaurant premises in Ann Arbor are well on
the way. He said, however, that until the City
Council passes an ordinance giving the Health
Department some authority, it will be some time
before anything of a substantial nature can be
hoped for.
Legislation by the City Council will only come
about when the powers that be are reminded
of the fact that the students of Ann Arbor
are an integral part of the city eleven months
out of the year, and that with such a status
they are entitled to whatever advantages the au-
thorities can give them. The Health Depart-
ment is ready to go into action, but they still
await the go sign from the City Council.
As Others See It
Meeting The Machine
(From St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
THE MACHINE has already posed many prob-
lems. It is still in its infancy. Invention
has removed 1937 a millenium or more from
1837. It is proceeding at an ever accelerating
pace. It spreads unemployment. It thrusts on
capital the continuous burden of scrapping
plants and erecting new ones which in turn
are in the shadow of obsolescence at the first
turn of the wheels.
A survey of the situation has been completed
for the National Resources Committee, made up
mostly of high administration officials, by its
subcommittee on technology. The subcommit-
tee's personnel is distinguished. Its report, just
published under the title, "Technological Trends
and National Policy, Including the Social Im-
plications of New Invention," is a profoundly
important work. It is a sequel, in a way, to the
"Report on Social Trends" prepared five years
ago at the instance of President Hoover. It dif-
fers from that document, however, in that it is
"the first major attempt to show the kinds of
new inventions which may affect living and
working conditions in America in the next 10 to
25 years."
Into'this bewildering field of prophecy the sur-
vey marches with confident stride. The Patent
Office, for example, is issuing warrants for novel
contrivances at the rate of 35,000 a year, yet the
survey dares to single 13 recent inventions from
that multitude "that may soon be widely used
with resultant social influences of significance."
The layman has heard of some of them. The
mechanical cotton-picker has been publicized,
with economic consequences so far-reaching as
to alarm the inventors. Of comparable import
are the artificial cotton and woolen-like fibers
from cellulose, pre-fabricated houses, television
and what is called "tray agriculture."
This last process resembles necromancy more
than science. Given a tin pan, some water and
an electric current, and the farmer in the dell
vanishes from the immemorial picture. A city
back yard under glass will sumptuously provide
the family table with fruits and vegetables and
supply the neighbors for blocks around. Here is
chemistry running far beyond the wildest dreams
of the ancient alchemists. The stories of "tray
agriculture" might be dismissed as fairy tales
were it not for the fact that experiments have,
in a measure, substantiated the claims.
A banker is credited with coining the necessary
phrase: "Invention is the thing that makes se-
curities insecure." But the first victim of applied
science is the toiler. And it is as true now
as when John Morley said it that "a working-
man unable to find a job is a more tragic figure
than Hamlet or Oedipus." What is to be done
for the man discharged by a new device? The
theory is pleasingly set forth by people unaf-
fected that invention creates additional employ-
ment, that unemployment is but a temporary se-
quence. But unemployment does not have to

last long in order to destroy an individual and
wreck a home. The spectacle has grieved almost
every man of conscience.
This "more tragic figure than Hamlet or Oe-
dipus" is a client of the authors of the survey
under discussion. How are we to meet the press-5
ing social challenge of science? The word "plan-
ning" is in some disfavor, but only by the most
intelligent planning can the problem be solved.
In the solution, industry manifestly must join
with government. The enterprise, for all its
drudgery, is a great humanitarian adventure,
illumined with the inspiration of a crusade.
Mr. Davis' Cup
(From St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
WHEN Dwight F. Davis put up the Davis Cup,
he inaugurated one of the most satisfactory
of all athletic events. Seldom has this annual in-
ternational event failed to produce more than
its quota of thrills.
Yesterday Don Budge, playing the decisive
match of the inter-zone finals against Baron
Gottfried von Cramm, lost the first two sets
and was losing 1-4 in the final set, and again
4-5, and still again 5-6, yet arose to inspired
heights and won set, match and tournament.
Budge, America's latest tennis genius, a worthy
successor of McLaughlin, Johnston, Tilden and
Vines, caught the German at the height of Von
Cramm's game, and staved off defeat only by
an exhibition of great competitive spirit.
These shores haven't seen the Davis Cup
since theFrench took it away in 1927. It now

On The Level
WE HAD READ of how maybe-immortal Eu-
gene Fields once went into a restaurant and
asked the waitress for "two eggs and a few kind
words," so we thought we would try that ap-
proach out on one of Ann Arbor's waitresses the
other day. We believe the waitress told Fields "not
to eat dem eggs" in the way of her kind words,
but after our waitress had served us our order,
we said, "Well, here are the eggs but where are
your few kind words?"
Our un-Fieldian waitress merely looked blase
and replied, "Oh, you collitch boys!"
FRANKLY we are rather puzzled at the amount
and content of poetic contributions that have
come to us at The Daily office since the advent of
"Trudy Steinburg." Of the several that came
in this morning, we shall print the following pair:
Something circumscribed about syncopation
brings tremolo by lilting,
brings passion by swift titillation,
metamorphosis into blood-tilting ...
clings gustily, moves moodily,
glares red, gleams white,
jerking,. twitching, gliding lazily ...
transfixes with darting gemuchlichkeit . .
Let Stokowski weave harmonies of transfiguring
I prefer hot spots where sleek dames display
sexity. JWOOP
* * * *
And another:
The toenails that so coyly peep
From the sandals of the girls asleep,
Display varieties of hues
That Actor Fields for nose could use.
Those fingernails like old stained glass
Are worse than nauseating gas,
And from most men a dismal burp'll
Come forth at sight of toe-nails purple.
But on this point no more I'll blurt,
I guess it's done to hide the dirt!
THE NOTICE that appeared in The Daily yes-
terday asking for hostesses to handle the
stags at the League and Union
dances on Friday and Satur-
day night, turned out to be a
swell opportunity for practical
joking phone callers. Jean
Geyer, in charge of Friday
night dances, received a call
from a female impersonator
who talked in a falsetto voice
and asked her what the duties
of such a hostess were. Jean
bit and told the fellow just
what her hostesses had to do. Then the fellow
wondered just what a hostess was supposed to
do after the dance was over. Jean told the sup-
posed girl ("Ann Lynn") that it was up to her.
Then the high-voiced fellow asked, "Are the
hostesses obligated to do anything besides what
you told us?" "Oh, no!" replied Jean very ser-
"Ann Lynn" is expected to come to The League
at nine tonight, but he won't be there.
One of the best trios on the air today is that
of Tom, Dick and Harry. This popular threesome
has been on the ether for some time now, and
has recently taken a coast to coast hook up for
Fels Naphtha. If you want to hear some of the
best harmony ever yodeled, try WGN Thursday
night at 7.
* * * *
Those very popular Robin Hood Dell Concerts,
presenting a ninety piece symphony orchestra

under the direction of Vladmir Goldschmann, are
on Thursday nights at 7:30, and you'll find them
over CRCW and WXYZ.
We must congratulate the University on its
programs over WJR on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wed-
nesdays and Thursdays at 3 p.m. The script and
acting of these programs is handled by our own
Summer Session students, and for ingenues, they
are presented admirably.
* * * *
Orson Welles, Who played opposite Katharine
Cornell in "Romeo and Juliet" and directed the
all-negro "Macbeth," will present Friday night at,
9, Hugo's immortal "Les Miserables" over CKLW
and other stations of the MBS. This will be
a test case to determine the plausibility of pro-
ducing great works of literature over the air, and
this first of seven installments will attempt to
exhibit the character of the book itself, an
entirely new departure in radio drama.
Saturday afternoon at 12:15, WWJ will pre-
sent the second act of the opera, "Lohengrin,"
from the Wagner Festival at Bayreuth, Germany.
The cast for this afternoon's performance will
include Ludwig Hofmann, Franz Voeleker, Maria
Mueller, Jaro Prohaska, Margaret Klose and Her-
bert Jansen.
* * * *
Saturday, radio's problem child, is no longer
the day that you take on that roll-up-the-rugs-
get-out-the-gin attitude; it is rather-as you
might expect-the day on which the thing to say

measurements), $3,800 a year; ex-
tension service, office of Cooperative
extnsonwork, Department of Agri-
Publication inethe Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Field representative, $3,500 a year;
11University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Sesslon, Room 1213 dv~
A.- 1. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. division of savings bonds, Treasury
Dr. V. K. Zworykin, director of elec- approved by the instructors con- $Principal safety promotion adviser,
tronic research for the R.C.A. Mfg. cerned, should be addressed to the 5,600 a year; division of labor stan-
Co.. will describe the R.C.A. experi- Administrative Board of the College, dards, Depa tment, $5600 ad $4,600
mental telivision broadcast system and presented in Room 4, University a year and associate warden $5,600,
now operating in New York City, in Hall, before July 28. $4600 and $3,800 a year; U. S. Bu-
an electronics institute lecture to be.. eau of Prisons, Department of Jus-
given mn the WG'est Physics lecture Saturday, 2 p.m. visit to Saline ' rice.
room today at 1:15 p.m. All interest-jValley Farms. Instructive tour of For further information, please call
ed will be welcome. farm, recreation and picnic supper. at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
---- Cars leave Unitarian Church at 2 UnitesityBurauo Apo.
Michigan Dames family picnic this p.m. Telephone 3085 for transporta- mnts and Occupational In-
afternoon. Leaving League prompt- tion reservation. nformation.
iy at 5:15 p.m. Bring food for your rm-
own group. There will be swimming Excursion No. 8, Saturday, July 24: Students, School of Education:
and baseball. Those who have cars to the General Motors Proving Courses dropped after Saturday, July
bring them and expenses will be! Ground at Milford. Reservation must 24, will be recorded with the grade
shared by those who do not drive. be made in the office of the Summer of "E" except under extraordinary
-__ Session before 4:30 p.m. on Friday, circumstances. No course is con-
Summer Session Chorus: Import- July 23. The party leaves from in sidered officially dropped unless it has
ant rehearsal with orchestra for Sun- front of Angell Hall at 9 a.m. instead ierep offic e of the
day concert. Meet tonight, Friday, of 8 as originally scheduled and will Regstar oroed in4 the offri He oae
7 to 8 p.m. Morris Hall. return at about 3 p.m.
D. Mattern.
Schooil of Educalinn: t R trln wh


Linguistic Institute Lecture: In the
second of two lectures upon the pro-
nunciation of the Greek "Rough
Mutes" Prof. E. H. Sturtevant of
Yale University will discuss the ex-
ternal evidence for their pronuncia-
tion. The address will be at 7:30
p.m. today in Room 25, Angell Hall.
Badminton and Squash: The
Physical Education Faculty is spon-
soring an open night in badminton
and squash this evening from 8
to 9 p.m. at the Intramural Sports
Building for men and women students1
in the Summer Session. Equipment1
will be furnished and instruction will
be given if desired.
All Negro students are invited to
attend the bridge, whist and bingo
tournament today at the Dunbar,
420 S. 4th Ave. There will also be
dancing and prizes given. Refresh-
ments are free, admission is 25 cents.
Public Evenings at Angell Hall Ob-
servatory: the 10-inch refractor and
the 15-inch reflector, located on the
fifth floor of Angell Hall, will be
available for Summer Session stu-
dents from 8 to 10 p.m. this even-
ing, July 23.
Students: College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after Saturday, July 24, will
be recorded with a grade of E.
Students, College of Literature,
Science and Arts: Students whose
records carry reports of I or X eith-
er from last semester of (if they have
not been in residence since) from any
former session, will receive grades of
E unless the work is completed by
July 28.
Petitions for extensions of time, if

Cliristian Students Prayer Group
holds its weekly meeting, as usual, in
the Michigan League Bldg., Saturday,
7:30 p.m. All students are welcome.
Scripture reading, prayer and fel-
lowship. For room inquire at desk.
Phi Lambda Upsilon. There will
be a picnic for all members on Sat-
urday, July 24. Those attending please
meet outside Chemistry Bldg., at 1:30
G. W. Stroebe, Pres.
Biological Chemistry 120: The op-
ening lecture of this course will be
given on Saturday, July 24, at 7 a.m.
in the West Amphitheatre of the
West Medical Bldg.
The Bureau has received notice of'
the following civil service examina-
Senior educational analyst (tests
and measurements), $4,600 a year;I
educational analyst (tests a n d

ouluu ol ~ utut"11 0u ens wno
received marks of incomplete orX
at the close of their last term of at-
tendance, must complete work in such
courses by July 28. Petitions for
extension of time, with the approval
of the instructor concerned, shuld be
directed to the Administrative Com-
mittee of the School of Education
and presented at 1437 U.E.S. before
July 28. In cases where no supple-
mentary grade or petition for exten-
sion of time has been filed, these
marks shall be considered as having
lapsed into E grades.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 25 in
front of Lane Hall where cars will
take them to Silver Lake for swim-
ming, games and ' a picnic supper.
Those with cars are urged to bring
them. All graduate students are cor-
dially invited.

Women's Education Club
(Continued on Page 3)

and Pi

C sifeDietoyJ


Place advertisements with Classified
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The classified columns close at five
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Cash in advance only 11c per reading
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about jobs, be your own boss, make
$10.00 to $15 daily, work at home,
enjoy life. Write, Perfectway Ma-
terials, 281 Central Bldg., Fort
Wayne, Ind. 638
TYPING: Neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. Reasonable rates. 632
FOR RENT: Completely furnished
apartment with private bath and
shower. Continuous hot water. Also
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LOST: Small address book Thursday
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2155. Reward. 639



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