The Weathe)r
Somewhat warmer with vary-
ing southwest winds.
i Z, .4 r
lflfr iga
Goodbye Pin Ball
Machines ...
Sanitation Rules
In Ann Arbor...
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Resignation Of
Haber As State
Relief Director
Is Accepted
Guardian Of Michigan's
'Little Social Scurities
Act' Quits Post
Resignation Takes
Effect On Aug. 1
Prof. William Haber of the econ-
omics department, state emergency
relief administrator and guardian of
Michigan's "Little Social Security
Act," yesterday was allowedabyrGov.
Frank Murphy to resign after his
second attempt to do so.
His resignation, which the Govern-
or said would not take effect until
Aug. 1, brought to a close a stormy
period since May, 1934, of vitriolic
attacks by state legislators and other
officials on the local faculty man
who has been at the head of the
State's welfare during two Demo-
cratic administrations with a Repub-
lican regime interposed.
Fathered Compensation Act
As such he fathered the state un-
employment compensation act, and1
will remain on the commission di-
recting it "at the express desire of
Governory Murphy."
Rep. Elton R. Eaton (Rep.) of
Plymouth uttered a vigorous attack
on Professor Haber May 4 in the
capitol building at Lansing in which
he charged that the administrator
not only enjoyed the salaries of mul-
tiple state positionsand the Federal
Relief directorship but was cashing
in heavily on expense accounts in his.
various capacities while receiving a
faculty salary here beside.
To these charges Haber replied
with a record of his salaries showing
that at no time since 1934 had they
totalled more than $8,100 a year, al-
so pointing out that his resignation,
unaccepted, had been in. the Govern-'
or's hands since last November, and'
that he had given up his Federal
position when he joined the faculty
here, while the books accounting for
expenses of administering for relief"
were open to the public.
Resignation Follows Act
At present Professor Haber's only ,
positions are on the faculty here and
on the state unemployment compen-
sation commission, from which the
senate sought to bar him last spring
by stipulating that its members could
hold only one state post.
It was pointed out that Haber's
resignation and its acceptance prob-
ably followed the recent passage of
the state welfare reorganization act
which will go into effect Jan, 1. Until
that time, according to Professor Ha-
ber's letter of resignation, the work
of the Emergency Relief Administra-
tion will be "chiefly a winding up
process" to make way for the new sys-
tem, which the retiring director char-i
acterized as "outstandingly progres-1
sive." Governor Murphy expressed a
desire to have Haber's successor take1
(Continued on Page 3)
Usage Principle
In Languaget
Etymology Not Essentialf
Principle, Yale Professor
Tells Group
"Usage, not etymology!"
To this fundamental principle of
language interpretation, first enun-
ciated 1500 years ago by the Hindus,
the attention of scholars was directed
anew yesterday noon by Prof. Frank-
lin Edgerton of Yale University in a
discussion at the regular luncheon
conference of the Linguistic Institute.
Professor Edgerton, visiting faculty
member in the Summer Session, de-
clared that he went back to the Hin-
dus for the formulation of the prin-
ciple because it has never been more
clearly stated than by them. It grew
out of the study and analysis of the
Vedic texts by the Purva-Mimansa
school of Hindu philosophy. The
members of this school were orthodox
Brahmans who sought to interpret
the Veda, written in a form of San-
skrit that was already a dead lan-
guage to them, in order to make it
significant in their acts of ritual.
Accepts Resignation
Michigan First
In Philippine
Ceramic Work
Roosevelt Court Change Collapses
As Senate's Judiciary Committee
University Archaeological
Expedition In 1922-25 Be i sTa,1
scia-S22 Begins Totall
Laid Base,_Guthe Says
Manila Has Worked
On Same Material Lini Fuhr, A Red Cross Nurse
y Revised Measure
175 Students
Will Present
Band Concert
Clinic Band And Session
Group To Combine For
More than 175 high school and
University students, members of the
regular Summer Session band and
the high school clinic band, will pre-
sent a concert at 8:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium under the direction
of Prof. William D. Revelli of the
music school and Dr. Harold Bach-
mann, director of the University of
Chicago band.
High school principals and super-
intendents are especially invited to
attend the concert ,according to Pro-
fessor Revilli, in view of the fact that
a great part of the program will be
made up of selections played by high
school students from throughout the
The program has been divided into
four parts. The clinic band will open
the program by playing six numbers,
and the second part of the concert
will be presented by the Summer
Session band playing four selections.
The flute ensemble of the clinic
band will follow the Session band,
and it will be followed by the wood-
wind trio and the woodwind ensemble.
The two bands will be combined to
play the fourth and final part of the
The concert is open to the public,
Professor Revelli said yesterday.
8th Excursion
Will Visit GM
Proving Track
The General Motors Proving
Grounds at Milford will be visited
tomorrow by the eighth Summer Ses-
sion excursion. Reservations should
be made by 5 p.m. today.
Among points of interest will be
roads of varying grades up to 24 per
cent, difficult curves, several road-
bed surfaces, and the four-mile con-
crete loop where automobiles are sub-
ject to severe speed and endurance
The "bath-tub," a depressed piece
of concrete, built for testing the
effects of water on moving automo-
biles, and the shops and garages
equipped for measuring vibration,
brake efficiency, steering effort, and
the like, are to be inspected and are
all to be explained by engineer-guides.
The proving grounds, 30 miles from
Ann Arbor, have facilities for apply-
ing 165 different tests. All kinds of
road surfaces are included in the 1,-
268 acre laboratory-mud, brick, dirt,
gravel, tar-treated surfaces, and con-
The archaeological expedition of
the University of Michigan in the
Philippines in 1922-25 laid the foun-
dation for an extensive exploitation of
the wealth of ceramics of the islands,
Dr. Carl G. Guthe, director of Uni-
versity Museums and of the archae-
ological museum, told the audience
of yesterday's Summer Session lec-
"The University of Manila has un-
dertaken the work of searching out
the archaeological material of the
islands which we uncovered," Dr.
Guthe, who led the expedition, said.
"Our trip was more or less in the
nature of an introductory exploratory
survey, made with the intention of
finding out whether the locality was
a worthwhile field for research.
The area covered by the survey,
the southern half of the islands, is
about as extensive as the southeastern
United States, although most of it is
water, the land amounting to terri-
tory comparable in size to New Eng-
land and New York. The expedition
made use of a sailing yacht, manned
by an American skipper and a native
crew, in its travels to various parts of
the archipelago. Cruises of as long
as four and five weeks at a time were
often made in the vessel, according
to Dr. Guthe. A total of 15,000 miles
was covered, and 542 different sites
were visited. Of these 134 were burial
grounds 231 graves and 99 caves con-
taining material. A large number of
empty caves were also searched.
The superstitious natives, who re-
fused to enter the burial caves, which
they believed to be inhabited by evil
spirits, as. well as great natural dif-
ficulties presented by the rugged top-
ography of the country handicapped
the expedition, which succeeded, how-
ever, in gathering 4,500 catalogue
numbers of which about 80 per cent
were ceramic, for the University col-
The burial caves, which often con-
tained the most valuable specimens
found on trips, were usually rather.
hard to work in because of the dis-
order resulting from incursions of
birds, wild beasts and native medicine
men. Sometimes the cave floors were
(Continued on Page 3)
2nd Vesper Service
To Feature Chorus
The second Vespers service, to be
held on the Library terrace at 7:30
p.m. Sunday, will feature the Sum-
mer Session Chorus under direction
of Prof. David Mattern of the music
Dr.sE. W. Blakeman will give an
invocation, and the Rev. R. Edward
Sayles of the Baptist Church, will
present the evening message.
Hymns to be sung by the assembly
include "Eventides," "Laudes Do-
mini," "Serenity," and "Mile's Lane."
July Regents' Meeting
Is Today At Frankfort
President Ruthven will entertain
the Board of Regents tonight at a
dinner at his summer home at Frank-
fort before the regular July meeting,
which will also be held in the Ruthven
Included in the program for the
week-end entertainment of the Re-
gents is a rodeo to be staged for them
Saturday in Frankfort. According to
University officials, the subject of
replacing or repairing the Automo-
tive Laboratories, damaged by fire
here two weeks ago, may come up for
discussion during the Friday night
Left U.S. In January In
First Contingent Sent By
A story rivaling that of Florence
Nightingale at Scutari in 1854 is that
of Lini Fuhr, who returned a few
weeks ago from bleeding Spain,
where she served as nurse in Ameri-
can hospitals in and near Madrid.
Her six months at the front of
Spanish civil war gave her a ringside1
seat to the struggle between the Loy-
alist government and the Fascists-
so close that falling bombs sometimes
shattered windows in the hospitals'
where she toiled, along with other
nurses and doctors in the American1
Red Cross Health Service, without
sleep for days at a stretch.1
She is one of a contingent of 100
doctors and nurses sent to Spain, andi
In Spain Kill
63, Wound 150
Heaviest Toll Is Recorded
In Cohenar Viejo; - Air
Attack Lasts 4 Hours
MADRID, July 22.-(P)--Sixty-
three persons were killed and more'
than 150 wounded-in intensive insur-
gent bombardments of Madrid and
two towns today.
The heaviest toll was in Colmenar
-Viejo, about 15 miles north of Ma-
drid, where an air bombardment
killed 50 and wounded about 100.
Several houses were wrecked, and
some burned.
In Madrid, eight -were killed and 20
wounded in the Central Cibeles
Square by a single missile which fell
near a street car during a severe
shelling. Madrid was not bombed.
The insurgents loosed about 400
bombs in their four-hour air attack
on the town of Quintanar De La Or-
den, taking a toll of five dead and 32
wounded. The bombers started at
11 p.m. last night and continued un-
til 3 a.m. today.
Along the twisting front west of
Madrid, government and insurgent
artillery subjected enemy lines to ter-
rific bombardments.
One body of Gen. Francisco Fran-
(Continued on Page 4)
Charge Mrs. Price
With Perjury In
Scot tsboro Case
DECATUR, Ala., July 22.-(P)-
Perjury charges were hurled by the
defense today at the testimony of
Mrs. Victoria Price, accuser of nine
Negro defendants, in the Scottsboro
case, and a witness testified the
young white woman once told him
she was not raped.
The defense surprise came during
the trial of Charlie Weems, one of
the Negroes accused of assaulting
k Mrs. Price and Ruby Bates.
After Samuel Leibowitz, defense
chief, had moved for exclusion of
testimony by Mrs. Price, the star
State witness, on the ground her
statements were "perjured," he
placed Lester Carter on the stand.
Carter said he was a hobo on the
freight train aboard which the State
contends Mrs. Price and Ruby Bates
were assaulted by a gang of Negroes
on March 25, 1931, near Scottsboro,
"There wasdno rape," Carter said
Mrs. Price told him in Scottsboro jail
after the train was stopped by a
posse at Paint Rock, Ala. Mrs. Price
asked him to support her attack story
to prevent "trouble over riding a
train," Carter testified.
In Spain Six Months, To Return
her experiences she will not forget
while she lives. One of the most in-
delible of them she mentioned last
night in a talk in the Methodist
Church, sponsored by the Committee
of Medical Aid to Spanish Democracy.
In the overflowing hospital set up
near Madrid in the bitter cold, a
Dutch volunteer was to be op-
erated on by Dr. Edward Barsky,
chief of the Medical Bureau hospitals
there. Peter was the wounded boy's
name, and he had been lying in the
cold for five days since the abdominal
After coffee made of burn peanuts
to sustain her after 22 hours without
a wink of sleep, Lini Fuhr went down
the rows of hundreds of groaning sol-
diers to the Dutch boy to talk to him
in his own tongue, and while she
should have been getting two hours
sleep before having to arise again at1
6 a.m., she stayed by him until he
was carried to the surgery room in the
school house improvised as a hospital.
Dr. Barsky had made the initial in-
cision, had found the kidney torn by
a dum-dum bullet, and was tying up
the arteries, when the lights flickered
three times. An airplane raid-
A match was hastily thrown into a
vessel of oil, candles were lit in the
cold, and the operation was not halt-
ed, as the omnious sound of Fascist
planes droned above in the early
morning dark. ,
All the time Peter knew the effort
was just that. How could he hope to
live after five days with a demolished
kidney? Using her precious last
hours of sleep, Lini Fuhr stayed by
(continued on Page 4)
Earthquake Hits
Alaska;, Endures
Over A Minute
Eart~h Cracked From Four
To Six Inches In Places
Along Main .Artery
FAIRBANKS, Alaska, July 22.-WI)
-Half-dressed men and women ran
from homes and hotels, frame build-
ings swayed and merchandise tum-
bled to floors as a strong earthquake
struck Fairbanks and the Alaskan
territory today.
The quake began about 7:09 a.m.,
Fairbanks time, and lasted more than
a minute. Termors were re-current
throughout the day.
Three Shocks
A second severe shock came at 7:55
a.m. The third, at 8:01, was so severe
it put the University of Alaska seis-
mograph out of commission.
There was no report of injuries and
estimates of damage were not avail-
Concern was felt for persons in the
Black Rapids glacier district near the
Big Delta river about 125 miles
southeast of here. Communications
lines were down and it was felt here
the area may have been "greatly dis-
It was recalled that tremors were
felt there within the last few months,
starting the glacier moving forward
rapidly again after it virtually had
ceased its advance, which had caused
apprehension for the nearby Rich-
ardson highway.
Damage Slight
A survey indicated most damage
consisted of broken windows and
damaged merchandise.
Motorists arriving late today from
the south reported the quake cracked
the earth from four to six inches in
places along the Richardson highway,
forcing up gushers of water and mud
from four to six feet high along cer-
tain stretches.
Suburban and long distance tele-
phone lines were out of service, but
Peaceful Ways
Of Settlement
Seen In East
TOKYO, July 22.--(/P -Both Japan
and China tonight appeared to have
decided to seek settlement of their
North China conflict by peaceful
means rather than war. /
Here and in Nanking government
measures pointed strongly in the di-
rection of peace.
Domei, the Japanese news agency,
reported from Peiping that the cen-
tral Chinese government had agreed
to local settlement of the clash of
Chinese and Japanese interests.
Officials said this would remove the
most dangerous source of friction be-
tWeen the two powers. They ex-
pressed belief it would dispel much of
the tension which has gripped the
Orient since the night of July 7, when
sniall Japanese and Chinese units
clashed near Marco Polo bridge 10
miles west of Peiping.
The Japanese war office issued or-
ders which indicated a halt in prep-
arations for large-scale war.
Chinese and Japanese troops alike
were reported evacuating the imme-
diate zone of conflict west of Peiping.
Provision For Increase Of
Court's Size Will Be
Stricken From Bill
Former Co-Ed Clouds
Detroit Seer's Crystal
When the girls on campus last yearj
told Maryanna Chockley, president
of Judiciary Council, that she was allR
wet, she usually had a comeback in{
drastic shape, and the habit sticks.
A Detroit horoscope caster, Mrs.
Ceola Kramer, chief of staff at the1
Temple of Light, told Maryanna that,
she had a "quick mind," and that1
teaching would be her only successful)
profession. She also threw in the in-
formation that Maryanna's mother#
would die in four months, that Mary-
anna lacked confidence in herself,
and for a bonus, that the United
States would never have a dictator-
Unfortunately for Mrs. Kramer,,
Maryanna's mother was not sick, as
the forecaster had been informed,
Maryanna did' not want to be a
teacher, and does not plan to be one.
To show confidence in herself, Mary-
inna revealed that she was a police-
woman, and signed a complaint
against Mrs. Kramer under a state
law making it a misdemeanor to take
money for revealing the future.
The dictatorship question will have
to work itself out, however.
Regular Dance
Tonight To Be
Held In Union
'Night Ride' Featured By
Zwick's Band; Cutting
To Be Allowed
A performance of the English hit,
"Night Ride" by five brasses, and an
interpretation of "Image of You" by
the Glee Club, will be featured by
Charlie Zwick's orchestra at the in-
formal dance to be held from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. tonight in the Union ball-
room, according to Jeanne Geyer, '39,
chairman of Friday dances.
The informal dances this week-end
are being held in the Union as part
of the Summer Session League Coun-
cil's plan to acquaint students with
both the League and Union ballrooms.
ountain service will be available on
teterrace of the Union tonight. ,
"These dances provide a grand op-
portunity for meeting your fellow
Defeat Is Admitted
By Adiinistration
WASHINGTON, July 22.-(P)-The
Senatevhanded theRoosevelt Court
Bill over to its enemies in the Ju-
diciary Committee today to be strip-
ped of its furiously-disputed provision
for increasing the membership of the
Supreme Court.
For the first time, administration
leaders frankly admitted defeat, con-
ceded that their long fight for enact-
ment of a measure changing the
makeup of the nation's high tribunal
had reached an unsuccessful end.
To Reduce Measure
Under an agreement reached to-
day, the committee is now to reduce
the once robust and dispute-awaken-
ing measure to a thin shadow of its
former self, to a few non-controver-
sial clauses on the lower courts.
On the first roll call vote the Sen-
ate has had in nearly six months of
controversy, the administration lead-
ers voted,-with the jubilantly gleeful
opponents of the bill, that such pro-
cedure be followed.
'Freshmen' Decline To Follow
But, a younger group of Democratic
senators, adhering to the end to the
President's plan, declined to follow.
Indignantly in some cases, they voted
against recommitting the bill. The
result of the roll call was 70 for re-
committal, 20 against.
With the undisputed death of the
Supreme Court provision and other
disputed clauses, a suggestion for a
constitutional amendment, of un-
specified form, emerged from within
the Administration, regarded by some
as the beginning of a new Administra-
tion drive. Secretary Ickes was its
An unusual session of the Judiciary
Committee, attended by leaders of
both sides in the controversy, settled
the fate of the bill earlier in the day.
The opposition was in clear control.
It was decided that Senator Logan
(Dem., Ky.) should move recommit-
tal, and that the committee should
then draft a new bill including only
provision for intervention by the At-
torney General and direct appeal to
the Supreme Court when the consti-
(Continued on Pae 3)
U.S. Personnel
In Government
Trails Europe's
Professor Pollock Speaks
Over Radio, Comparing
Systems Of Both
Because America is not yet public-
administration minded its adminis-
trators are generally inferior to those
of Europe, Prof. James K. Pollock of
the political science department, said
Wednesday in a radio address entitled
"Public Administration in Europe and
America-A Comparison."
Professor Pollock attributed the su-
periority of European administrators
to the highly selective system of en-
trance into the service, to the salary
scales and to the honor and high
moral attached to positions of public
Public administration progress has
been the most important part of the
development of government in late
years, he said, yet Americans con-
tinue to condemn the public service
and sneer at its members.
In addition to selected personnel,
the speaker laid the superiority of the
European service to three causes: the
highly developed control of finances
and the treasury by the government,
the simpler structure of the adminis-
tration set-up with the greater em-
phasis on the executive branch, and
the methods of protecting citizens
from arbitrary acts of government by
special courts. He condemned the
negative approach to administrative
organization as employed in the
Experimental Naval Tank Here
Does Great Lakes Ship Testing
By BETSEY ANDERSON scale models of vessels to test in the
All types of ships are tested in the tank.
laboratory maintained by the Depart- With the exception of the govern-
ment of Naval Architecture and Ma- ment naval tank in Washington, D.C.,
rine Engineering in the basement of the flying boat hull testing tank at
the West Engineering Building, Prof. Langley Field, and two small flumes,
Louis A. Baier, associate professor in this tank is th only one of its kind
the department stated recently in an in the country, Professor Baier said.
interview. Holding about 500,000 gallons of
The majority of the Great Lakes water, the tank is connected with all
ship testing is done in the tank and I the fire plugs on campus and by
students," Miss
cially as there
Geyer stated, "espe-
is cutting after the
intermission." Unescorted men will
not be allowed into the ballroom be-
fore the intermission.
The following women have been
chosen to act as dance assistants:
Maryanna Condit, Mary Louise En-
ders, Eleanor Reed, Eliza Shannon,
Janet Collings, Cynthia Adams, Joan
Takken Rosamond Le. Florence
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