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July 20, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-20

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TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1937

r*GE TWO TUES.DAY, JUT~Y 20, 1931

Offilial Publication of the Summer Session



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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and the Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to te
us for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
4eond class mail matter,
Sebscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by
>7 U 450.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
CITY EDITOR ......................JOSEPH S. MATTES
AssocIate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil-
more, Charlotte D. Rueger.
Ashtat Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry,
Joseph Gies, Clayton Heper.
Wpmens Business Managers . .Alice Bassett, Jean Drake
Army's Newest
T IS WITH great anticipation that
we yesterday saw that the Army
Air Corps had announced development of a new
plaything with which to kill a little more effi-
ciently and a little more quickly.
The new toy is a two-motored "pusher" type of
monoplane to carry a crew of five, six machine
guns, light bombs and which has an altitude
range from hedge tops to the sub-stratosphere,
30,000 feet. Of course some of the other advan-
tages of the plane, which will probably add to its
effectiveness in wiping out human life, remain
military secrets.
No doubt the company which has manufac-
tured the new plane, which claim for it the de-
structiveness of the big bomber, the speed of
pursuit ships, and the maneuverability of the
attack plane( making it the acme for wholesale
murder) will clear another million or so when
the war breaks out.
Oddly enough, the new plane will probably be
used solely for defense against other giant bomb-
ing planes being built by many nations.
Incidentally, the new plane is expected to have
a big influence on civil aviation development, ac-
cpxding to army authorities.
labor Poicy .. .
members of President Roosevelt's
cabinet-Secretaries Perkins and Roper-criti-
cizing sit-down strikes and declaring that the
American public would "not patiently forbear
unnecessary strife and disturbance" can hardly
be interpreted as the official administration atti-
What is the President's official attitude on the
question? No one seems to know. Undoubtedly
Mr. Roosevelt is sincerely endeavoring to bring
about better conditions for the American work-
ingman, he is aiding wisely the organization of
labor, the granting of collective bargaining rights,
and consequent progression in hours and wages.
Yes, undoubtedly Mr. Roosevelt is endeavoring
to bring all this about, but as yet the means
which he intends to employ have not been made
clear to us, for the simple reason, we think, that
Mr. Roosevelt has not decided uponathe precise
means as yet, but chooses to wait and feel his
way toward a long-time policy.
The sudden and effective protests of labor dur-
ing the last year and a half have created an
acute struggle with both belligerents taking
an unalterable stand. To rush in quickly with
an unbending policy toward the whole question
could easily plunge the country into catastrophe,
whereas to chide both sides with a "plague-on-

both-your-houses" attitude may postpone the
issue until an amicable settlement can be reached.
.In recent statements to congressional leaders
Mr. Roosevelt has indicated that an adequate
labor policy may take anywhere from three to ten
years to formulate. As immediate relief he sug-
gests temporary hours and wage legislation by
Congress that will anticipate a long-time policy.
While it is true that John L. Lewis and organized
labor do not look with particular favor upon the
present labor legislation pending in Congress
there seems to be no definite movement under
foot for a break between the administration and
At any rate, we believe there are few men who
could have maintained the well-balanced atti-
tude, the soft-spoken criticism of both sides and
withstood the repeated exhortations of an im-
patient and suddenly responsive Congress that
"-m+thinr h crne-"'

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of 'he
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disreg3rded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Newspapers And Liberalism
To the Editor:
You write about newspapers. That's a fine
idea--and very timely. Do you know that news-
papers have become "big business in their own
right" and that consequently they, together
with other reactionary forces, are opposing the
New Deal just as they opposed, 80 per cent of
them, the re-election of Mr. Roosevelt, the great
American who wants to usher in a more genuine
democracy than we are having now? In this con-
nection I refer you to an editorial in "The New
Republic" for July 14, 1937: "The Cassandra
Racket." In said editorial references is made to
a number of daily newspapers commentators on
public affairs: Dorothy Thompson, Walter Lipp-
man, Mark Sullivan, David Lawrence, Frank
Kent and their imitators. I quote a few items
from the editorial regarding the commentators
"Nearly all of them are opposed, almost all
the time to Mr. Roosevelt's policies . . . Perhaps
the most striking single fact about the members
of this group is that all of them were once
markedly progressive in their views, and made
their reputations as spokesmen for the new
"I do not doubt that most of these individuals
consider themselves progressives, despite the
nearly unanimous opposite judgment of everyone
else whose opinion should carry weight.
"Though they talk as if they were arguing for
one policy against another, nearly always it turns
out in fact that what they really want-and
certainly, what the country would get if their
recommendations were prevailing-is the main-
tenance of the status quo. They remind me of
the group which might be called the "Free
Speech, But . . ." school, which on every issue
involving suppression of a minority invariably
begins by saying that they are in general the
warmest supporters of freedom of utterance, that
it is only in this particular case they feel there
is a Higher Good that takes preference..
"They believe in the will of the democratic
majority as the final authority; and they talk
about this in season and out until the time
when it becomes clear that the Supreme Cour
is determined to thwart the will of the majority
and a proposal is made to alter the number of
justices on the bench to break the deadlock. At
'that point, they suddenly go over to the other
side . . . They omit to mention that the principle
of collective bargaining is accepted almost
throughout British industry . . . they neglect to
say that a pian like Tom Girdler would be as
unthinkable in Great Britain as would be the
cold blooded massacre in South Chicago . . . It is
intellectual dishonesty for those who are in a
position to know better to compare Roosevelt's
aims and philosophy with the aims and philos-
ophy of a Hitler of a Mussolini."
President Roosevelt is not fighting God. He
is fighting the reactionary.
-M. Levi.
More Serious 'Mu'
To the Editor:
I read The Michigan Daily because I like to get
the adolescent point of view. I do think, how-
ever, that it was beneath the scope and dignity
of The Daily to print the preadolescent wailings
against the School of Education of one who ob-
viously failed to impress the members of the
department in several courses.
This is especially true when a recent discovery
indicates that there is much more serious and'
important "mud" which needs to be "slung" on
the campus.
Recent data, subjective in nature, obtained by
a dean, who modestly withholds his name lest
he be considered effusive, points dramatically
to the fact that all is not well with the entire
program of the University. The University offers
little or nothing, apparently, to meet the needs
and fulfill the hopes and desires of a large
and specific group of students. Tact prevents
me from naming the group to which reference
is made but the discerning will be able to dis-
cover it in completing this article.

The scientifically minded dean was trying by
theaquestionnaire methodto determine for what
great purpose women attended the University.
One response is indicative of far, far too many
of them: Quote: "I came to be went with, but I
ain't yet."
What has the University done to remedy this
miserable condition? Absolutely nothing.
-O.Watt Bliss.
This may not be the Marx Brothers' funniest
film, but it is at least in a dead heat with the
There is practically no deviation from the
tactics and formula which have proved successful
in previous Marxian hits. There is a rich society
woman, a blonde menace, a villain or two, a
pretty heroine, a handsome hero and the Marxes
doing their clowning on the side of young love.
The flimsy plot has to do with a sanitarium
owned by Maureen O'Sullivan and headed by
Groucho in the person of Dr. Hackenbush, a
horse doctor oosing as a leading physician. The

On The Level
JOHNNY SMITHERS is quickly learning to
walk again. The Michigan football star has
been over at the University Hospital for a long
time recuperating from a leg operation, but last
week the cast came off for the first time and
now he is reacquiring the knack of toddling.
By the looks of his cast, Johnny has been any-
thing but lonely during his confinement. His
many friends have autographed the cast in so
many places that there is hardly room for an-
other signature. There are all kinds of drawings
and sayings on the cast, but the one that stands
out in our mind is the one affixed by Marlowe
Shaw, an old high school teammate, of Johnny's.
Right at the- knee bend, Marlowe has written,
"Just hanging around another joint," and he
drew a little picture above it to go with the gag.
Everybody is pretty certain that Johnny's leg is
going to be in perfect shape by the time pig-skin
season rolls around, but just as many people got
a lump in their respective throats when they read
the article pertaining to him in The Daily the
other day. That Old Man Scholarship finally
tackled one of the very few Michigan footballers
who could keep going after the customary line
plunges, was a pretty hard blow. But we've all
got our fingers crossed in hopes that something
may turn up, and that his lkPped for eligibility
will not be a mere wish.
* * * *
Many times we have trudged across the mall
that runs between the Architect Building and
the University High School, and just as many

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at: the ofmlie of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Phi Delta Kappa will hold its week-
ly luncheon today at 12:10 p.m. in the
Michigan Union. Members and their
guests are cordially invited.
At 4:05 p.m. today Dr. George A.
Rice, professor of education, Univer-
sity of California will speak on the
California Program of School Re-
forms, in the University High School
The 5 o'clock lecture today will bel
by Dr. Mortimer Graves of Harvard1
University. He will speak on "Far
Eastern Studies in America."
Summer Session Chorus: Import-
ant full rehearsal Tuesday, 7-8 p.m.,
Morris Hall in preparation for public
appearance this week. Full atten-
dance is imperative.
Faculty Concert: Joseph Brinkman,
pianist, and E. William Doty, or-!
ganist, will participate in the next'
Faculty Concert in the Summer Ses-
sion series, Tuesday evening, July 20,
at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Linguistic Luncheon Conference:
Following the regular linguistic lun-
cheon in the dining room of the new
Union Anex at 12:10 today, prof. Ed-
ward Sapir of Yale University will
speak at 12:50 p.m. on the question,
"Are Linguists Studying Speech?"
Christian Science Organization at
the University of Michigan will hold
its service Tuesday evening at 7:30 in
the Chapel of the Michigan League.
Students, alumni, and faculty mem-1
bers of the University are cordiallyl
invited to attend.
Attention, House President, Under
graduate Women: Sign-out slips
must be turned into the Undergrad-
ate Offices every Monday. This is
your responsibility.
August Seniors in the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts,
School of Education, and School of
Music : Those students expecting de-1
grees at the close of the present Sum-
mer Session who have not already
done so, must file degree applications
with the Registrar's Office, Room 4,
University Hall, at once. The blanks
for the applications may be obtained
at Room 4, University Hall.
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information has notice
of several positions. The Board of
National Missions of the Presbyterian
Church is seeking thoroughly trained
teachers for tht following positions in
their missions' schools beginning
Sept, 1, 193m. All these positions re-
quire church membership, preferably

Presbyterian, and a willingness to
participate in the religious activities
in the mission started. Beginning
salary for single men is $600 a year
and raintenance: for single women,
$500 a year and maintenance, and
for married men, $1,000 a year and
house with larger pieces of furni-I
ture, light and heat.
Sheldon Jackson School, Sitka, j
Alaska: Assistant Engineer. A manI
qualified to teach simple engineeringI
or machine shop work under a
trained naval engineer. A simple
knowledge of marine engineering will
be helpful, but not necessary. To
take charge of the machine shop, as-
sist in the repairs on the campus,]
working with a. group of native Alas-
kan boys as part of the educationall
Manual training teacher who is
a practical carpenter and can also
teach carpentry.
Domestic science teacher with some
experience teaching home economics
including domestic science and do-
mestic arts. To take charge of the
practice cottage on the campus.
Asheville Farm School, Swann-
anoa North Carolina: Agriculturist.
A man with practical experience in
farming and a college degree in ag-
riculture which will qualify him to

teach vocational agriculture in a high
Engineer: Capable of teaching
simple engineering, mechanical draw-
(Continued on Page 3)

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previcus to day of insertion.
Box nmbilers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash i ndvance only l1c per reading
line for one or two insertions. loc per
reading line for three or more insertions.
(on basis of five average words to line).
Minimum three lines per insertion.
EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu-
dent laundry. Call for and deliver.
Phone 4863. 2x
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price. 1x
TYPING: Neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. Reasonable rates. 632
WANTED: Someone to share driving
expenses between here and Detroit
everyday. Call Detroit, Trinity 2-
1350 between 2 and 4. 636



times have been im-
pressed with the level-
ness of the walk. In
view of this, you can
imagine our feelings
when we were informed
by Surveyor George
Hanson of the fact that
there is a rise of some
5 feet and 8 inches
from the south to the

The former Laura Belle stock is going fast. We no longer
have a complete range of sizes so our prices are down sev-
eral more notches. Come in and see our spectacular
ALL FABRIC GLOVES in whites, pastels, and dark shades.
Such famous brands as Van Raalte, Globe, Hansen and
Fownes....................Now 39c, 3 for $1.00
GABARDINE SLACKS, in Navy, Brown and White, with the
adorable zippered pockets. These sold for $1 .95. Now 98c
LEATHER BELTS in White and dark colors that sold to $1.50.
Now. . 19c, or 3 for 50c

north end. We hope George was correct in his
surveying of the lay of the mall, because if this
measurement was a class problem and George
was wrong, we would all be embarrassed.
* * * *
SCENE: On the Diagonal. Characters: Two
southern boys, who are discussing the price
of gasoline in Louisiana and Mississippi.
First boy: Yeah, gasoline prices suah ah
high doawn theah. 25 cents a gallon on the
average. ,
Second: It's the ten-cent state tax that
keeps the price up.
First: Yeah. If gasoline had a purty smell,
I bet the govahment would begin puttin' a
perfume tax on it!
From the Daily Illini comes the following en-
lightening statistics:
Per cent of co-eds who kiss-84.
Per cent of co-eds who date--84.
Per cent of students with cars-12.
Per cent of students engaged-12.
Per cent of students who flunk out-12.
Per cent of exam days to regular days--5.
Per cent of study nights to regular nights-5.
Per cent of students who belong to fraternities
Per cent of students who exist on hash-40.
We might add:
Per cent of men who date-88.
Per cent of men who are always broke-88.
Per cent of people who read this column-.003.
* * * *
TED COOK has his T. S. Nekano, the half-
witted Chinese, who contributes what have
universally been called the world's worst poems.
Well we have our Trudy Steinburg. The follow-
ing poem was selected as being the best of the
three Miss Steinburg mailed to us:
**4 *
A dog house is a place for dogs (I thought)
But one fine day I found me there
My man he ain't done right by me
The dog house is right under a tree
The birds may sing but that's not all
By golly-why ain't it?
The other two poems are being sent back to
MissSteinburg by a special messenger-with a
gas mask on!
In a recent issue of The Daily, Mr. E. T. Erick-
son gave this department a very severe scolding
for not including some of the classical releases
of the past month. Really, we suppose, the fault
was ours because, after all, the heading of the
column was "Records," and the connotation of
Mr. Erickson was probably one of recordings in
general. Now if this were the case, our most
humble apologies are extended. We don't want
to have to get out our musical blades, and come
to swords points, nor do we want to have it out
with Mr. Erickson with Benny Goodman records
at fifty paces. All we want to do is to go on
enjoying swing, sweet and other jazz variations
just as Mr. Erickson, we hope, will go on enjoying
his symphonies. This argument over popular
jazz and classical music is fun, but then it is so
In the light of all that has happened, it would
probably be better if we said nothing at all
about the Mills Blue Rhythm Band and its re-
cordings of "Prelude To a Stomp" and Tommy

We're still running that special Rogers Runproof, Clobe and
American Maid PANTIES that sold to 89c. Better put in


a supply at.

..53c, or 4 for $2.00

Former Laura Belle Stock


i, i

Does a Summer Session student on
the Campus become a Michigan

Alumnus .

" . 4



He is entitled to avail himself of the
privileges of membership in The
Alumni Association if he so desires.
The initiative should come from


An interested Alumnus. reads
$4.00 per year

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